unit 3 – u. s. history disunion, civil war, and reunion jeopardy review

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Unit 3 – U. S. HistoryDisunion, Civil War, and


Jeopardy Review

1. Under this 1850 law, those helping escaped slaves could be

fined or imprisoned.

1. Under this 1850 law, those helping escaped slaves could be

fined or imprisoned.

1. Under this 1850 law, those helping escaped slaves could

be fined or imprisoned.

What is the Fugitive Slave Law?

2. Best-selling novel that raised awareness about the conditions of

Southern slaves

2. Best-selling novel that raised awareness about the conditions of

Southern slaves

2. Best-selling novel that raised awareness about the conditions of

Southern slaves

What is Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

3. 1854 law that repealed the Missouri Compromise, created

two new territories in the Louisiana Purchase area, and

allowed settlers in those territories to vote on slavery.

3. 1854 law that repealed the Missouri Compromise, created

two new territories in the Louisiana Purchase area, and

allowed settlers in those territories to vote on slavery.

3. 1854 law that repealed the Missouri Compromise, created

two new territories in the Louisiana Purchase area, and

allowed settlers in those territories to vote on slavery.

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act

4. Americans attached this nickname to Kansas after

violence broke out there between pro- and anti-slavery settlers.

4. Americans attached this nickname to Kansas after

violence broke out there between pro- and anti-slavery settlers.

4. Americans attached this nickname to Kansas after

violence broke out there between pro- and anti-slavery settlers.

What is Bleeding Kansas?

5. His speech in the Senate chambers attacking a pro-slavery Southern Senator earned him a


5. His speech in the Senate chambers attacking a pro-slavery Southern Senator earned him a


5. His speech in the Senate chambers attacking a pro-slavery Southern Senator earned him a


Who is Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner?

6. This Supreme Court decision ruled that a slave taken to free territory was still property, and

slaves had no right to sue in courts of law.

6. This Supreme Court decision ruled that a slave taken to free territory was still property, and

slaves had no right to sue in courts of law.

6. This Supreme Court decision ruled that a slave taken to free territory was still property, and

slaves had no right to sue in courts of law.

What is the Dred Scott decision?

7. This was Lincoln’s position on slavery.

7. This was Lincoln’s position on slavery.

7. This was Lincoln’s position on slavery.

What is he was a free-soiler: He opposed the expansion of


8. His plan was to seize the federal arsenal there, distribute

the weapons to neighboring slaves, and start an uprising

8. His plan was to seize the federal arsenal there, distribute

the weapons to neighboring slaves, and start an uprising

8. His plan was to seize the federal arsenal there, distribute

the weapons to neighboring slaves, and start an uprising

Who is John Brown at Harper’s Ferry, VA?

9. This event convinced many Southerners that the North was ready to use violence to stamp

out slavery.

9. This event convinced many Southerners that the North was ready to use violence to stamp

out slavery.

9. This event convinced many Southerners that the North was ready to use violence to stamp

out slavery.

What is John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry?

10. In this year, Lincoln was the first president elected from this


10. In this year, Lincoln was the first president elected from this


10. In this year, Lincoln was the first president elected from this


What is the Republican Party in 1860?

11. South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union in

this year.

11. South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union in

this year.

11. South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union in

this year.

What is December 1860, after the election of Lincoln?

12. Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,

Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee,


12. Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,

Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee,


12. Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,

Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee,


What are the 11 states that seceded from the United States

and formed the Confederate States of America?

13. Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware

13. Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware

13. Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware

What are slave states that remained faithful to the Union?

14. Fort Sumter, near the entrance to the harbor of

Charleston, South Carolina.

14. Fort Sumter, near the entrance to the harbor of

Charleston, South Carolina.

14. Fort Sumter, near the entrance to the harbor of

Charleston, South Carolina.

Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired?

15. Most of the battles of the Civil War were fought in this

region of the U.S.

15. Most of the battles of the Civil War were fought in this

region of the U.S.

15. Most of the battles of the Civil War were fought in this

region of the U.S.

What is the South?

16. This side in the Civil War could claim naval superiority.

16. This side in the Civil War could claim naval superiority.

16. This side in the Civil War could claim naval superiority.

What is the North?

17. This side in the Civil War produced more food and

manufactured goods and had a larger fighting-age population.

17. This side in the Civil War produced more food and

manufactured goods and had a larger fighting-age population.

17. This side in the Civil War produced more food and

manufactured goods and had a larger fighting-age population.

What is the North?

19. They planned to fight a defensive war until the other side

gave up.

19. They planned to fight a defensive war until the other side

gave up.

19. They planned to fight a defensive war until the other side

gave up.

What are the Southerners?

20. They planned to control the Mississippi, blockade ports, and

capture the capital to win the war.

20. They planned to control the Mississippi, blockade ports, and

capture the capital to win the war.

20. They planned to control the Mississippi, blockade ports, and

capture the capital to win the war.

What are the Northerners?

21. This former Mississippi Senator was elected president of

the Confederate States of America.

21. This former Mississippi Senator was elected president of

the Confederate States of America.

21. This former Mississippi Senator was elected president of

the Confederate States of America.

Who was Jefferson Davis?

22. This side won the first real battle of the Civil War at Bull

Run, VA

22. This side won the first real battle of the Civil War at Bull

Run, VA

22. This side won the first real battle of the Civil War at Bull

Run, VA

What is the South?

23. Richmond, VA

23. Richmond, VA

23. Richmond, VA

What was the capital of the Confederate States of America?

24. George McClellan

24. George McClellan

24. George McClellan

Who did Lincoln put in charge of the Union army and later remove for not being aggressive enough?

25. He refused Lincoln’s offer to command the Union army and instead took command of the

Southern army.

25. He refused Lincoln’s offer to command the Union army and instead took command of the

Southern army.

25. He refused Lincoln’s offer to command the Union army and instead took command of the

Southern army.

Who is Robert E. Lee?

26. The Income Tax Act of 1861.

26. The Income Tax Act of 1861.

26. The Income Tax Act of 1861.

What law did Congress pass to help finance the North’s war

expenses.? It taxed three percent of earnings over $800.

27. The Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862

27. The Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862

27. The Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862

What was the bloodiest single-day battle of the Civil War and

the first major battle on Northern soil.

28. The Emancipation Proclamation.

28. The Emancipation Proclamation.

28. The Emancipation Proclamation.

What did Lincoln do in January 1863 to turn the Civil War into a crusade against slavery, making

it morally more difficult for England to support the South?

29. Bloodiest battle and turning point of the Civil War?

29. Bloodiest battle and turning point of the Civil War?

29. Bloodiest battle and turning point of the Civil War?

What is Gettysburg?

30. After his capture of Atlanta in Sept. 1864, William Tecumseh Sherman left this mark on the


30. After his capture of Atlanta in Sept. 1864, William Tecumseh Sherman left this mark on the


30. After his capture of Atlanta in Sept. 1864, William Tecumseh Sherman left this mark on the


What is his army destroyed everything in its path on its march to Savannah, GA?

31. The dedication of a cemetery at Gettysburg was the occasion of

this memorable oration.

31. The dedication of a cemetery at Gettysburg was the occasion of

this memorable oration.

31. The dedication of a cemetery at Gettysburg was the occasion of

this memorable oration.

What is Lincoln’s Gettysburg address?

32. This widely publicized assault demonstrated that African Americans could fight with skill

and courage.

32. This widely publicized assault demonstrated that African Americans could fight with skill

and courage.

32. This widely publicized assault demonstrated that African Americans could fight with skill

and courage.

What is the unsuccessful attack of the 54th Massachusetts

regiment on Fort Wagner, SC?

33. Appomattox Court House

33. Appomattox Court House

33. Appomattox Court House

In what oddly named Virginia town did Robert E Lee surrender

to Ullysses S. Grant in April 1865, ending the Civil War?

34. John Wilkes Booth

34. John Wilkes Booth

34. John Wilkes Booth

Who is a famous American actor and the assassin of Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 at Ford Theater in Washington,


35. Restore the South to the Union and protect the rights of

former slaves.

35. Restore the South to the Union and protect the rights of

former slaves.

35. Restore the South to the Union and protect the rights of

former slaves.

What were the goals of the Reconstruction plans hatched by the North at the end of the Civil


36. His plan required 10 percent of voters to swear allegiance to the Union before a state could

rejoin the Union.

36. His plan required 10 percent of voters to swear allegiance to the Union before a state could

rejoin the Union.

36. His plan required 10 percent of voters to swear allegiance to the Union before a state could

rejoin the Union.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?

Their Reconstruction plan was harsh and punitive

Their Reconstruction plan was harsh and punitive

37. Their Reconstruction plan was harsh and punitive

What is Congress?

38. A deal in 1877 to resolve a disputed presidential election ended this phase of Southern


38. A deal in 1877 to resolve a disputed presidential election ended this phase of Southern


38. A deal in 1877 to resolve a disputed presidential election ended this phase of Southern


What is Reconstruction?

39. The 13th Amendment

39. The 13th Amendment

39. The 13th Amendment

What is the Constitutional amendment that ended slavery

and involuntary servitude in the United States.

40. The 14th Amendment

40. The 14th Amendment

40. The 14th Amendment

What is the Constitutional amendment that recognized everyone born in the U.S. or

naturalized as a U.S. citizen and guaranteed them equal


41. The 15th Amendment

41. The 15th Amendment

41. The 15th Amendment

What is the Constitutional amendment that prohibited

voting discrimination based on color, race, or previous


42. Congress took this action after Andrew Johnson fired his Secretary of War in violation of

the Tenure of Office Act.

42. Congress took this action after Andrew Johnson fired his Secretary of War in violation of

the Tenure of Office Act.

42. Congress took this action after Andrew Johnson fired his Secretary of War in violation of

the Tenure of Office Act.

They impeached him.

43. Only the commander of the Andersonville Prison Camp was hanged and Jefferson Davis was imprisoned for two years, then

released on bail.

43. Only the commander of the Andersonville Prison Camp was hanged and Jefferson Davis was imprisoned for two years, then

released on bail.

43. Only the commander of the Andersonville Prison Camp was hanged and Jefferson Davis was imprisoned for two years, then

released on bail.

What actions did the North take against Southern rebel leaders

after the Civil War?

44. The Freedmen’s Bureau

44. The Freedmen’s Bureau

44. The Freedmen’s Bureau

What was an agency created by Congress in 1865 to provide

food, clothing, medical supplies and schooling to former slaves and poor whites after the Civil


45. Forty acres and a mule

45. Forty acres and a mule

45. Forty acres and a mule.

What were Black families initially promised in the South after the Civil War, but it never


46. Carpetbaggers

46. Carpetbaggers

46. Carpetbaggers

What contemptuous name was applied to Northerners who came

moved to the South after the Civil War to supposedly take

advantage of the South?

47. Black Codes

47. Black Codes

47. Black Codes

These laws replaced the former slave codes in the South and restricted the mobility and

freedom of African Americans.

48. Sharecropping

48. Sharecropping

48. Sharecropping

What is a cashless work arrangement between landowners and tenants that became widely

used after the Civil War and returned many Blacks to a state

of virtual slavery?

Final Jeopardy

Category: Reconstruction

The best known group of white racists that organized after the Civil War to intimidate Black Americans to keep them away from the voting booth and “in

their place.”

The best known group of white racists that organized after the Civil War to intimidate Black Americans to keep them away from the voting booth and “in

their place.”

Who are the Ku Klux Klan?

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