unit 3 where do you work. unit goals unit goals part 1 practical listening & speaking part 1...

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Unit 3 Where do you work

Unit Goals

Part 1 Practical Listening & Speaking

Part 2 Business Speaking

Part 3 Listening Practice

Part 4 Fun Listening

Unit Goals

When the students finish learning this unit, they should be abl

e to

know how to describe a company

know how to talk about types of business

understand the dress code in the workplace

Lesson 5Part 1 Practical Listening & Speaking

A. Word Study

B. Functional Listening

C. Language Check

D. Controlled Practice

E. Business Culture

A. Word Study

huge multinational 大型跨国公司 client 客户

office 办公室;办事处 turnover 营业额

branch 分公司 base 立基于;以 ... 为基础

subsidiary 子公司 employ 雇佣

found 成立、建立 pre-tax profit 税前利润

specialize in 专营 export 出口

office furniture 办公室家具 headquarters 总部

manufacturer 制造商、生产商

B. Functional ListeningTask: Describing a company: listen to the recording and fill in the blanks.

Sally: Where do you work, John?

John: I work for HDF.

Sally: Is that a German company?

John: No, (1) ___________________________.

Sally: Where is the head office of your company?

John: Our head office is in Boston.

Sally: How many people are there in your company?

John: There are(2) ____________________________________.

Sally: Wow, that's a big company.

John: Yes, it's a multinational.

Sally: How many branches do you have?

John: We have a subsidiary in India, and 20 branches all over the world. (3) _________________________________ in Shanghai.

Sally: When was your company founded?

it's an American company

30,000 employees in our company

We are now opening a sales office

John: Our company was founded in 1971.

Sally: And what's the main activity of your company?

John: (4) ______________________________.We specialize in office furniture

How to talk about your company?the head office and branches

the number of employees and company’s history

types of business

markets and clients

turnover and profits

talk about

C. Language Check

Task One: Talking about the head office and branches

A: ________ is the headquarters of your company?

B: Our headquarters is in Boston.

A: _________branches do you have?

B: We have a subsidiary in Hong Kong, and we have 30 branches

all over the world.

Task Two: Talking about the number of employees and company’s history

A: __________ people are there in your company?

B: There are 30,000 employees in our company.

A:________ was your company founded ?

B: Our company was founded in 1971.


How many

How many


Task Three: Talking about types of business

A: And what's the ____________ of your company?

B: We _____________ in office furniture.

A: Do you ___________ office furniture?

B: Yes, we are a ______________of office furniture.

Task Four: Talking about markets and clients

A: ___________ are your main markets?

B: Our main markets are in Europe.

We are now expanding in Asia, especially in China.

A: Do you have any ____________ in China now?

B: Not at the moment.

main activity






Task Five: Talking about turnover and profits

A: Could you tell me your ___________of last year?

B: Sure. It was about $ 20 billion.

A: And would you mind telling me your pre-tax __________ of last year?

B: Sorry. i'm afraid I don't know that.



D. Controlled Practice

Work with your partner to make a dialogue on the following chart.


Where do you work?



Main activity?

Main market?


Turnover of last year?


An office in China


I work for J&Q.

in Oxford

in 1985

deal in office furniture

the UK and the U.S.A


just over $11.5 million

10 branches in the world

one in Shanghai

E. Business Culture---Dress Code

Listen to a passage and discuss the following questions with your partner.

(1) How should you dress in the workplace? Formal or informal?

(2) Which workplace is more formal, the American one or the Chinese one?

(3) Do you think people can wear casual clothes in the office on Friday?

Pair WorkPair WorkA

Role PlayRole PlayB

Part 2 Business Speaking

A. Pair work

Task: Work with your partner to match the sentences on the left with the similar sentences on the right.

1) Our company was founded in 1986.

2) Where are you based?

3) How many people are there in your company?

4) There are 30,000 employees in out company.

5) what’s the main activity of your company?

6) We deal in office furniture.

7) We specialize in office furniture.

8) We manufacture office furniture.

9) How much money did your company make last year?

A. How many people work for your company?

B. We employ 30,000 people.

C. Where is your company?

D. Our company was established (set up) in 1986.

E. We are a manufacturer of office furniture.

F. We are in the office furniture business.

G. What were your company’s profits of last year?

H. What does your company do?

I. We are only in the office furniture business.

B. Role play

Task: You work in one of the following companies. Describe your company to your partner with the help of the information provided, and then change roles.

Company Nationality Headquarters Products

Japan Tokyo Consumer electronics

Germany Stuttgart Motor vehicles

America Oak Brook Catering

America Atlanta Soft drinks

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