unit 5 all you need is love. 1.leading-in 2. language points 3. guided writing 4. presentation and...

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Unit 5All you need is


1. Leading-in2. Language Points3. Guided Writing4. Presentation and Exercises

Active reading 1 Wuthering Height

Lead-inBackground Information

1. Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë’s

only novel. It was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, and a posthumous second edition was edited by her sister Charlotte.

The name of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors on which the story centres (as an adjective, “wuthering” is a Yorkshire word referring to turbulent weather).

The narrative tells the tale of the all-encompassing and passionate, yet thwarted, love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them and many around them.

2. The Brontë sisters Emily Brontë (1818–1848) was one of three

famous sisters who wrote novels and poetry. She wrote only Wuthering Heights.

Charlotte Brontë (1816–1855), her elder sister, wrote Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, and The Professor.

Ann Brontë (1820–1849), her younger sister, wrote Agnes Grey, and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.

3. The naming system Cathy refers to Edgar Linton as “Edgar” and to

Heathcliff as “Heathcliff” because they are social equals. Nelly addresses Edgar as “Mr Edgar”, Cathy as “Miss Cathy” and Heathcliff as “Mr Heathcliff” because she is a servant who has known them for many years (title plus first name).

If a stranger addresses them, they would be known as “Mr Linton” or “Mr Edgar Linton”, “Miss Earnshaw” or “Miss Catherine Earnshaw” (title plus last name or title plus full name).

The naming system is non-reciprocal: Cathy and Heathcliff, and probably Edgar, call Nelly “Nelly” (first name, no title). In the novel, naming shows status but the uses of different names reveals changing identities—a very contemporary cultural theme.

Language points

• Sentence Study

• Word Study

Sentence Study

That will be a novelty, but she may come to the point as she will – I shan’t help her. (Para 10)

Why didn’t Nelly want to help Cathy? Nelly wondered whether Cathy was sorry for her

recent behavior---she is not normally sorry so this would be surprising --- but Nelly left Cathy free to express herself as she wished. So Nelly would not help, for example by showing sympathy or asking what is wrong. Will here is a formal way to say “want” or “like”, eg Call it what you will, it is still a problem.

No, she felt small trouble regarding any subject, save her own concerns. (Para 11)

What does save mean here? Save here is a formal word which means

“except”. What did Nelly think of Cathy here? Nelly thought Cathy was selfish, she didn't think

much or trouble herself about anything except her own affairs.

“Nelly, will you keep a secret for me?” she pursued, kneeling down by me, and lifting her winsome eyes to my face. (Para 14)

What does winsome mean here? The word winsome means “with an attractive

appearance or manner”. This word is formed with the suffix –some. Other words like this include troublesome, tiresome, awesome etc.

I’ve no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven. (Para 24)

What does the expression have no business to do something mean here? What is the whole sentence mean?

The expression have no business to do something means to do something that you should not do because it dosen’t affect or involve you at all. Cathy’s dream shows that she would not be happy in heaven, and from this she understood that she would not be happy if she married Edgar Linton.

Word Study

asunderad. (of two or more things) apart 分开的Her heart was torn asunder.

她为之柔肠寸断。 We are whole world asunder.

我们天南地北各自一方。战争把父母子女拆散了。The war forced the parents and children asunder.

contradict vt.1. to say the opposite of what someone has said is true 反驳;否认 He didn’t want to contradict his parents.

2. if one statement, piece of evidence, story etc contradicts another,

they disagree and cannot both be true 与 ······相矛盾 Her account of the accident contradicts that of the other driver.

Pursue vt. 1. to try to reach a solution or decision 追究;追查 I feel I have been treated wrongly and I intend to pursue

the matter.

我觉得我受到了不公正的对待并打算对此追究到底。2. to try to achieve something 追求;致力于 We are working together to pursue a common goal.


temper n. 1. [sing, U] a particular emotional state or mood 情绪 ;

心情When Mark turned up he was in a bad temper.

马克到达时心情很坏。2. [C/U] a tendency to get angry very quickly 暴躁脾气;

坏脾气 That temper of yours is going to get you into trouble.


consentn. [U] permission to do something 同意;准许 age of consent: age at which the law recognizes a

person’s right to consent to marry (婚姻自主等)的法定年龄 with one consent unanimously 大家一致地vi. to give approval for something 同意;赞同 The child’s parents would not consent to the treatment.


denialn. [C/U] a statement that something is not true or did not

happen 否认 The company has issued a strong denial of responsibility.

公司坚决否认对这一错误负有责任。 The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him.


fling vt. 1. throw; eject 乱掷;乱丢;猛扔

1) He flung his hat up in the air at the good news.

2) Fling the doors and windows open to let the fresh air in.

2. move violently 急伸,猛动(身体或部分身体) Nick flung himself down on his bed.

degrade vt. to treat someone so badly that they feel ashamed or

people stop respecting them 使丢脸、使降级 The major was degraded for being drunk.

It degraded her to say hello to the social outcast.

“de-” as a prefix means losing qualities which are

considered normal: decompose, degenerate,

dehumanise, dehydrate

Guided WritingAnalysing the Japanese custom of Mi-Ai

Look at the paragraph about the Japanese tradition of Mi-Ai and answer the questions.

1. In Sentence 1, which phrase refers back to the previous paragraph?

“Another Asian culture” at the beginning of the paragraph refers back to the second paragraph by making a link with India (in Asia).

2. In Sentence 2, what is the function of “would”?

“Would” refers to a habitual action in the past, indicating a custom (used to).

3. What detail about the tradition is given in Sentence 3?

That after the interview the man would leave behind a fan if he was interested.

4. What outcome is referred to in Sentence 4?

A wedding would be the outcome if the man left behind a fan.

5. In Sentence 5, what is the function of “today”? And “but”?

“Today” contrasts with in the old days to bring the reader up to date; “but” shows a contrast, suggesting that nowadays both the people have a choice to see each other (not just the man, as before).


Write a passage about Chinese traditions of romance. Make a connection between the past and the present.

Presentation and Exercises

Thank you!

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