unit 6l.5 organs and systems - - get a free blog here

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Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Unit 6L.5 Organs and Systems

Major human systems; function of human organs.

Internal and external fertilisation.

Puberty and reproductive organs.

Organs of plants; structure of a flower.

By the end of this unit you should:

Know the names of the main organs of vertebrates that

are responsible for circulation, food processing, gas

exchange, locomotion, reproduction, sensitivity and waste


Locate, identify and compare size of the major internal

organs of humans.

Differentiate between internal and external fertilisation.

Understand that during puberty the body changes to

enable reproduction.

Know the different parts of flowering plants and the job

of each part.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Major human systems;

Respiratory and circulatory system

Excretory and digestive system

Skeletal and muscle system

Nervous system

Reproductive system

Organ system: different organs all working together.



Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

1a. Circulatory System:

Can you imagine a messenger making trillions of stops in less

than a minute? This is what blood does in your body.

In approximately thirty seconds, your blood moves (circulates)

through your entire body. It reaches out to every one of your

trillions of cells.

Organs responsible for


The heart is the most

important organ in your

body. It is mainly made of

muscles and is divided into

four chambers.

The other two parts of the

circulation system are blood

and blood vessels.

Blood moves through the

blood vessels called veins,

capillaries and arteries.

Circulation is the movement of the blood around the body


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Arteries: carry blood away from the heart, rich in oxygen

Veins: return the blood back to the heart, rich in carbon



Large arteries have more elastic tissue and less smooth muscle.

The elasticity allows them to stretch, filling with blood each

time the heart pumps. They then return to their original shape

ready for the next pump. They also help to push the rapid flow

of blood when the ventricles are relaxed and the heart is



The walls of the veins are thinner than the arteries, and have

less muscle and elastic tissue than the arteries. Some veins

have valves in them to ensure the flow of blood travels in one

direction to the heart, and not backwards.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems


Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in the body. Water

and other small-molecule substances can pass through the

capillary wall. They act as a link between arteries and veins.

The Human Double Circulation:

1. Blood flows to the

lungs carrying de-

oxygenated (carbon

dioxide rich) blood. It

passes the lungs and

collects oxygen to take

back to the heart.

2. The main artery of the

body, the aorta, pumps

the oxygenated blood to all the organs and tissues in the

body. The main vein of the body returns deoxygenated

blood from organs and tissues to the heart.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

1b. Respiratory System:

How long can you hold your breath for? After approx one

minute it becomes difficult and you have to breathe in more

air. All the cells in our body need oxygen to stay alive.

The organs responsible for respiration:

1. In humans:

The organ responsible for respiration in humans is the lung.

The lungs are like two large sponge bags that fill your chest.

The job of the lungs is to take oxygen from the air and give

it to the blood and at the same time remove carbon dioxide

from the blood.

Respiration is when we breathe in air to get oxygen.

Then we breathe air out to get rid of carbon dioxide.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

2. In fish and amphibians:

Fish and young amphibians take in the oxygen dissolved in

water. Gills are the organs responsible for the respiration or

gas exchange process for animals that live in water.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Activity 1: Testing for CO2

Do we actually breathe out carbon dioxide?

You will need: a glass, balloon, lime water,

straw and safety glasses.


1. Put on the safety glasses

2. Pour some lime water into a glass

3. Inflate the balloon then carefully insert

the straw into the balloon opening.

Hold it tight so no air escapes!

4. Place the other end of the straw into the lime water.

5. Slowly release the air from the balloon into the lime water.

Observe (O):




Explain (E):..........................................................




Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

2a. Excretory System:

Chemical reactions in our body’s cells produce waste. This

waste includes harmful chemicals and even carbon dioxide.

These chemical wastes have to be removed or they will make

our body ill, or poison us.

Our body removes waste in many stages;

First the blood collects waste

from the cells. The waste is

then transported to the kidneys

for processing. The kidneys

filter the waste from the blood

and pass it out of the body

through liquid waste called urine.

Removing waste made in our cells is called excretion.

The kidneys are part of the body’s excretory system


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Activity 2:

Use your fists, like the picture below to locate your kidneys.

Activity 3:

Steps: Design an ‘A-Z Alpha Ladder’ for parts of the body and

its main function. Continue on until you have a body part for

each letter of the alphabet.



A ie. Aorta Main artery that carries blood away from heart





Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Food processing is

breaking down food into

small molecules.

2b. Digestive System:

Humans like all other living things need

food to survive. Food provides our

bodies with the nutrients and energy

to be happy and healthy.

Before our body can utilise the

food, it has to be broken down into

very small pieces called molecules.

The first stage of breaking down

the food is in our mouths when we

chew the food. Salivary glands produce saliva to help soften

the food to make it easier to digest. The food is assisted to

the stomach by the oesophagus. In the stomach acids help to

break the food into smaller particles. These particles then

travel through the large and small intestine where bile stored

in the gall bladder, from the liver

and enzymes from the pancreas help

to break down the particles further.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

The main organs

responsible for

food processing

are shown in the

picture to the


Activity 4:

Steps: Use the Decision Making Matrix to compare key

features of major organs in the body. Brainstorm a list of

main organs in the body. Choose 5 organs to research.


ie. heart A clenched fist 300 chest circulatory


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

3. Skeletal and Muscular System:

When our body is awake it is

constantly moving; walking, talking,

writing, chewing even blinking.

Bones and muscles work together

to produce movement or locomotion.

The bones of our skeleton protect

our organs but they also provide a

strong framework so it can move,

this is called the skeletal system.

Muscles and tendons attached to

the bones can stretch and

shorten to move the bones, this

is called the muscular system.

Locomotion is moving from

one place to another.

Muscles and tendons

stretch and shorten to

move the bones


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Movement in Birds:

In order to move from one place to another, birds usually fly.

The body parts responsible for locomotion in birds are the

wings. The wings have very light hollow bones to help them fly.

Movement in Fish:

Fish live in water. In order to move from one place to another

they need to swim. The body parts responsible for locomotion

in fish are the fins and tail.

Fins Tail


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

4. Nervous System:

The nervous system includes the

brain, the spinal cord and nerves.

Messages are sent from the brain

along the spinal cord to the nerve

cells in the body. Your nervous

system controls your body’s actions;

walking, talking, smiling, thinking.

What other every day actions depend on the nervous system?








Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

The brain controls all our actions

and thoughts. It collects information

from the surrounding environment to

send messages to our body on how

to respond and act.

The following picture shows the body parts responsible for

receiving information from the environment to send to the

brain. Label what sense each body part is responsible for.




-------- -------- -------- -------- --------


to Brain


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

5. Reproductive System:

All living organisms reproduce so

that the species continue to

exist. Some organisms reproduce

outside the body this is called

external fertilisation. Humans

reproduce inside the body this is known as internal fertilisation.

Sperms and eggs are specialised

cells responsible for reproduction.

In humans the egg and sperm

meet each other inside the

mother’s body.

Where do we find eggs and sperms?

Eggs are part of the female reproductive system, and are

located in the ovaries. Sperms are part of the male

reproductive system and are located in the testicles.

Reproduction involves the sperm from an adult male and

the egg from an adult female.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Female reproductive system:

Females have 2 ovaries; they are responsible for storing the

eggs and releasing them once every month. They also have a

uterus, an organ which the babies grow inside.

Male reproductive system:

Sperms are made in the testes. They are then transported

through the penis. Sperms are specialised cells responsible for

fertilisation. The tail helps them swim to meet the egg.

The ovaries are

the organs

responsible for

reproduction in


The testes are

the organs

responsible for

reproduction in




Eggs Fallopian





Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Key Words:

circulation, heart, blood vessels, artery, vein, capillary,

respiration, gas exchange, gills, food processing, stomach,

liver, pancreas, small and large intestine, kidneys, waste

removal, movement, legs, wings, fins, reproduction, ovaries,

testes, brain, nerves.

Key Ideas:

Organs belong to an organ system and have a specific


The main organ systems in vertebrates: respiratory and

circulatory system, excretory and digestive system,

skeletal and muscle system, nervous system and the

reproductive system.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Look at the pictures below to answer question 1:

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Q1- Write the name of each organ?











Q2- Reorder the organs from the smallest to largest:





Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Q3- Complete the following table

Body Part Sense Sensitive to:


Smell Chemicals in the air (smells)



Skin Temperature and pressure


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems



Internal and external fertilisation

Every day millions of living things die.

Organisms do not live forever so how

is there still life on Earth?

Many organisms before they die

reproduce new organisms like


In many animals a new life begins

when the nucleus of a sperm, a

specialised cell from the father,

combines with the nucleus of an

egg, a specialized cell from the

mother. This is called fertilisation.

Reproduction is producing young so that species continue to


Fertilisation is the fusion of an egg with a sperm to form a




Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Different animals fertilise their eggs in different ways;

Fertilisation in Vertebrates

External fertilisation

Fish and Amphibians Birds and Reptiles

Fish and female frogs lay thousands of eggs in water. Males

will wait for the females to lay the eggs then they will release

the sperm into the water. Fertilisation happens when a sperm

and an egg meet by chance. This is called external

fertilisation. The mothers do not take care of their young as

they grow.

Internal fertilisation


Young develop

in water

Young develop

inside uterus

Young develop

on land


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Mammals, reptiles and birds have a different, more efficient

form of reproduction. The sperm and egg meet and fuse, or

combine, inside the mother’s body. Birds and reptiles lay their

eggs on land. The eggs are covered by hard shells, and contain

lots of stored food to provide young with enough nutrients to

last until they are ready to hatch.

Internal Fertilisation: fertilisation happens inside

the mother’s body.

External Fertilisation: fertilisation takes place

outside the body


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

The mothers take care of their young until they can live on

their own. Most mammals are different as their young grow

inside a special organ inside the mother’s body called a uterus.

The mother takes care of the young, feeds them milk after

they are born.

Key words:

Reproduction, zygote, sperm, egg, uterus, external and

internal fertilisation

Key ideas:

All living things reproduce

Fertilisation is the fusion, joining of the sperm and

egg to form a zygote.

There are two types of fertilisation; outside the

mother's body is called external fertilisation and

internal fertilisation happens inside the mother’s


The mammals have a special organ called the uterus

to keep the young inside the mother’s body.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Key Questions:

Q1- Answer the following questions:

1-Define reproduction:


2-Label the diagram of

The fertilisation process:

3-What is the function of the uterus in a mother’s body?


Q2-Read each sentence below carefully. Mark whether the

statement is describing (I)nternal or (E)xternal fertilisation.

A. This happens for most animals that live on land………………….

B. This happens for most animals that live in water…………………

C. The egg and sperm come together inside the female…………

D. The egg and sperm come together outside the female……..

E. Sperm swim through water to reach the eggs………………………

F. Many eggs are produced and many do not survive……………….

G. A few eggs are produced and more survive…………………………………..


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems


The development from infants, to

adults takes many years. It involves

physical, mental and emotional changes.

Puberty is when the body develops and changes. It can happen

anywhere between ages 9 to 18. Each person is unique, which

means that your body will go through puberty according to its

own time table. Girls usually develop earlier than boys.

Some changes can be embarrassing and some changes are quite


The development from child to adult is called puberty.



Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

What are some of these changes?


Hair starts to grow on the body

Two sexual characteristics;

Breasts develop

Ovaries start to release egg cells

once a month. When the egg is not

fertilised, the body gets rid of the

egg and the lining of the uterus. This is

called menstruation.

Muslim girls cannot pray when they are


After the period has finished they will take

a full body bath before praying again.


Hair starts to grow on the face and body

The voice changes and deepens.

Sexual characteristic;

Testes start producing sperms

Why do these changes happen in our bodies?

During adolescence, the body is undergoing sexual maturation.

These changes will result in the body being able to reproduce.


Life Science

Grade 6, Unit 6L.5

Organs and Systems

Key words:








Key questions:

Answer the following questions:

1-Define puberty.


2-List two sexual characteristics that develop in girls

during puberty;

1- ………………………………………………………………………………………

2- ……………………………………………………………………………………..

3- List one characteristic that changes both in boys and

in girls?


Key ideas:

The development from child to adult

is called puberty.

Puberty is the process of sexual

maturation so the body is able to


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