unit a: chapter 2 vocabulary types of animals mrs. tweedie september 2006

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Unit A: Chapter 2 Vocabulary

Types of AnimalsTypes of Animals

Mrs. Tweedie

September 2006

Name four things animals need?Name four things animals need?

• Food• Water• Shelter• Air

How do animals that live on land get oxygen?

How do animals that live on land get oxygen?

Animals that live on land have lungs that get oxygen from the air.

How do animals that live in water get oxygen?

How do animals that live in water get oxygen?

Many water animals get their oxygen from water.

Other water animals… Other water animals…

Other water animals must come to the surface and breathe air to get oxygen.

What does inherit mean? What does inherit mean?

Inherit means “to receive from parents.”

What is a trait? What is a trait?

Traits are the body features that an animal inherits from its parents.

What is a mammal? What is a mammal?

Mammals:• have fur or hair• use lungs to

breathe• usually give birth

to live young• feed their young

with milk made by their mother’s body

What is a bird? What is a bird?

Birds:• have feathers• have two legs• have wings• have lungs for

breathing• bear young that hatch

from eggs.

What are amphibians? What are amphibians?

Amphibians:• lay eggs• begin life in water

and later move to land

• have moist skin

What are gills? What are gills?

Gills are body parts that take in oxygen from the water.

What are fish? What are fish?

Fish • live in water• breathe with gills.

What are scales? What are scales?

Scales are small, thin, flat plates that help protect the fish.

What are reptiles? What are reptiles?

Reptiles (land animals):• are covered with scales • lay eggs on land• breathe with lungs.

What are the three groups of reptiles?

What are the three groups of reptiles?

1. lizards and snakes2. alligators and crocodiles3. tortoises and turtles

What are instincts?What are instincts?

Instincts help animals defend themselves and find food and shelter.

What does hibernation mean?What does hibernation mean?

When animals hibernate, they go into a deep sleep.

What does migration mean?What does migration mean?

Migration is when animals travel from one place to another and back again.

What is camouflage?What is camouflage?

Camouflage helps animals blend in with their surroundings.

What is mimicry?What is mimicry?

Mimicry is when animals imitate something else to make their enemies stay away from them.

What does extinct mean?What does extinct mean?

When and animal becomes extinct, it is gone forever.

What does species mean?What does species mean?

A species is a living organism.

What does endangered mean?What does endangered mean?

An endangered animal is in danger of becoming extinct.

What does threatened mean?What does threatened mean?

A threatened species is on its way to becoming endangered or extinct.

What is a fossil?What is a fossil?

A fossil is evidence of an animal or plant that lived a long time ago on earth.

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