unit i: 1450 – 1600 renaissance, reformation, age of discovery, … · 2007-07-16 · unit i:...

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Unit I: 1450 – 1600 Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Discovery, Commercial Revolution

Day Lesson Homework

1 Rules, syllabus, expectations, summer work overview Worksheet 01 Concept - Europe

2 Presentations 1 - 8, review of 'Rise of Europe' Worksheet 02 Prelude to the Modern World

3 Presentations 9 - 15, review of 'Rise of Europe' Palmer Disasters of the Fourteenth Century (p. 46 - 53)


I. End of the Medieval WorldA. The Black DeathB. Hundred Years WarC. War of the Roses

Palmer The Renaissance in Italy (p. 53 – 62)The Renaissance outside Italy (p. 62 – 67)


II. The RenaissanceA. Italian Peninsula and Southern

EuropeB. The North

Palmer The New Monarchies (p. 67 – 75)Worksheet 03 The Renaissance – New Directions


III. New MonarchiesA. England, France, and SpainB. Holy Roman Empire and the

Habsburg Supremacy

Palmer The Protestant Reformation (p. 75 – 87)Worksheet 04 The Rise of National MonarchsIndicate the source where the answers were found.


IV. Protestant ReformationA. Roman Catholic Church in the

RenaissanceB. Martin Luther and the Beginnings of

the ReformationC. Reform Tradition in Central EuropeD. English Reformation

Palmer Catholicism Reformed and Reorganized (p. 87 – 93)Worksheet 06 The Protestant Revolt – A Move Towards the Unknown


V. The Counter ReformationA. Council of TrentB. Missionary Work to Convert and


Palmer The Opening of the Atlantic (p. 107 - 114)


Reading quiz #1: Renaissance and ReformationVI. Europe Rediscovers the World

A. Africa/Asia/Western HemisphereB. The “Exchange”

Palmer The Commercial Revolution (p. 114 – 120)Changing Social Structures (p. 120 – 126)Worksheet 05 The Age of Discovery – The Progress of Europe

Day Lesson Homework


VII. Commercial RevolutionA. Monetary ChangesB. Class StructureC. Changing Production Methods

Palmer The Crusade of Catholic Spain: The Dutch and the English (p. 126 – 134)Worksheet 09 The Commercial Revolution


VIII. Emergence of Nation-StatesA. The German QuestionB. The Italian QuestionC. Centralization of Power

Palmer The Disintegration and Reconstruction of France (p. 134 – 140)The Thirty Years War, 1618 – 1648: The Disintegration of Germany (p. 140 - 149)


IX. The Thirty Years WarA. BackgroundB. Four PhasesC. Treaty of WestphaliaD. Long-term Results

Worksheet 10 Thirty Years War – The European World at War (Parts A and C only)

13 Make-up time Worksheet 14 The Arts – Mirror of History

14 Make-up time Review

15 Unit I Exam

Palmer The Grand Monarque and the Balance of Power (p. 160 - 163)The Dutch Republic (p. 163 - 169)

Unit II: 1600 – 1763 Thirty Years War, Absolutism, Louis XIV, Eastern Europe, Colonialism, Peace of Paris, 1763

Day Lesson Homework

16 I. The Age of Absolutism and the Balance of PowerA. The Dutch Republic

Palmer Britain: The Puritan Revolution (p. 169 – 176)Britain: The Triumph of Parliament (p. 176 - 182)


B. England – Absolutism to Constitutionalism1. Domestic Policy

a. Civil Warb. Restorationc. Glorious Revolution

2. Foreign Policy3. Colonial Policy

Palmer The France of Louis XIV, 1643 – 1715: The Triumph of Absolutism (p. 182 – 190) The Wars of Louis XIV: The Peace of Utrecht, 1713 (p. 190 – 197)Worksheet 17 The Glorious Revolution

Day Lesson Homework


C. France – Triumph of Absolutism1. Domestic Policy2. Foreign Policy3. Colonial Policy

Palmer Three Aging Empires (p. 210 - 221)


Reading quiz #2: The Dutch, English, and FrenchII. Absolutism in Eastern Europe

A. Three Aging Empires: the Holy Roman Empire, Poland, the Ottoman Empire

Palmer The Formation of an Austrian Monarchy (p. 221 – 226)Worksheet 13 The Ottoman Empire – The Sick Man of Europe


B. The Austrian Habsburgs1. Origins2. Position in the Holy Roman Empire3. Role in European Affairs

Palmer The Formation of Prussia (p. 226 – 234)

21C. The Formation of Prussia

1. Territorial Gains2. The Prussian Military State

Palmer The “Westernizing” of Russia (p. 234 – 245) The Partitions of Poland (p. 245 - 249)


D. “Westernizing” Russia1. Rise of Peter the Great2. Glance Toward Both the West and

the EastE. The Partitions of Poland

Palmer Elite and Popular Cultures (p. 250 – 256)Worksheet 11 The Emergence of the Modern State


Reading quiz #3: Eastern EuropeIII. The Struggle for Wealth and Empire

A. Elite and Popular Cultures1. Life of the rich few2. Life of the poor masses

Palmer The Global Economy of the Eighteenth Century (p. 257 – 264)Worksheet 12 The Education of WomenWorksheet 19 Childhood – An Early Modern View


B. The Global Economy of the Eighteenth Century1. Commerce and Industry2. The Dutch, British, and French3. Asia, America, and Africa4. Social Consequences

Palmer Western Europe after Utrecht, 1713 – 1740 (p. 264 – 273)Worksheet 22 The Global Economy – The Marriage of Politics and Economy


C. Western Europe after Utrecht, 1713 – 17401. France and Britain2. The “Bubbles”3. Fleury and Walpole

Palmer The Great War of the Mid-Eighteenth Century: The Peace of Paris, 1763 (p. 273 - 285)


Renaissance Faire projects due.D. The Great War of the Mid-Eighteenth

Century: The Peace of Paris, 17631. Eighteenth Century Warfare2. The War of the Austrian Succession3. The Seven Years' War4. The Peace of Paris, 1763

ReviewWorksheet 18 The Aristocracy Plays at War (Parts A and C only)Prepare materials for Renaissance Faire

Day Lesson Homework

27 Renaissance Faire (October 3) Review

28 Make-up time Review

29 Make-up time Review

30 Unit II ExamProphets of a Scientific Civilization: Bacon and Descartes (p. 286 – 291)

Unit III: Science, Philosophy, and the Enlightenment Bacon, Descartes, Newton, Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Despotism, American Revolution

Day Lesson Homework


I. The Scientific View of the WorldA. Prophets of a Scientific Civilization

1. Bacon2. Descartes

Palmer The Road to Newton: The Law of Universal Gravitation (p. 292 – 300)Worksheet 20 The Scientific Revolution – The Search for Meaning


B. The Road to Newton: The Law of Universal Gravitation1. Copernicus to Galileo2. The Achievement of Newton

Palmer New Knowledge of Man and Society (p. 300 – 307)


C. New Knowledge of Man and Society1. Skepticism2. Evidence3. Historical Scholarship

Palmer Political Theory: The School of Natural Law (p. 307 – 313)

34D. Political Theory: The School of Natural Law

1. Natural Right and Natural Law2. Hobbes and Locke

Palmer The Philosophes – And Others (p. 314 – 326)


Reading quiz #4: The Scientific View of the WorldII. The Age of Enlightenment

A. The Philosophes – And Others1. The Spirit of Progress and

Improvement2. Adam Smith3. Main Currents of Enlightenment


Palmer Enlightened Despotism:France, Austria, Prussia (p. 326 – 336)Worksheet 21 The Enlightenment – The Best of All Possible Worlds


III. Enlightened DespotismA. France – Failure of Enlightened DespotismB. Austria – Reform under Maria Theresa and

Joseph IIC. Prussia – Frederick the Great

Palmer Enlightened Despotism: Russia (p. 336 – 342)

Day Lesson Homework


D. Russia – Catherine the Great1. Domestic2. Foreign3. Limitations of Enlightened


Palmer New Stirrings: The British Reform Movement (p. 342 – 351)


IV. The British Reform MovementA. “Democratic Revolution”B. Parliament and ReformC. Scotland, Ireland, India

Palmer The American Revolution (p. 351 - 360)


V. The American RevolutionA. BackgroundB. The War of American IndependenceC. Significance


40 Make-up time Review

41 Make-up time Review

42 Make-up time Review

43 Make-up time Review

44 Make-up time Review

45 Unit III Exam Palmer Backgrounds (p. 361 – 365)

Unit IV: The French Revolution and Napoleonic Europe The French Revolution and the Reign of Napoleon Bonaparte

Day Lesson Homework


I. The French RevolutionA. Backgrounds

1. The Old Regime: The Three Estates2. The Agrarian System

Palmer The Revolution and the Reorganization of France (p. 365 – 370)


B. The Revolution and the Reorganization of France1. The Financial Crisis2. From Estates General to National

Assembly3. The Lower Classes in Action

Palmer The Revolution and the Reorganization of France (p. 370 – 378)


4. The Initial Reforms of the National Assembly

5. Constitutional Changes6. Economic Policies7. The Quarrel with the Church

Palmer The Revolution and Europe: The War and the “Second” Revolution, 1792 (p. 378 – 384 )Worksheet 26 The French Revolution – Changing Images of the King

Day Lesson Homework


C. The Revolution and Europe: The War and the “Second” Revolution1. The International Impact2. The “Second” Revolution

Palmer The Emergency Republic, 1792 – 1795: The Terror (p. 384 - 392)


D. The Emergency Republic: The Terror1. The National Convention2. Background to the Terror3. The Program of the Convention: The

Terror4. The Thermidorian Reaction

Palmer The Constitutional Republic: The Directory, 1795 – 1799 (p. 393 – 398)


E. The Constitutional Republic: The Directory1. The Weakness of the Directory2. The Political Crisis of 17973. The Coup d'État of 1799: Bonaparte

Palmer The Authoritarian Republic: The Consulate, 1799 – 1804 (p. 398 – 402)Worksheet 27 The French Revolution – Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity

52F. The Authoritarian Republic: The Consulate

1. The Settlement with the Church2. Other Reforms

Palmer The Formation of the French Imperial System (p. 417 – 422)


Reading quiz #5: The French RevolutionII. Napoleonic Europe

A. The Formation of the French Imperial System1. The Dissolution of the First and

Second Coalitions2. Peace Interim3. Formation of the Third Coalition4. The Third Coalition: The Peace of


Palmer The Formation of the French Imperial System (p. 422 – 425)


5. The Continental System and the War in Spain

6. The Austrian War of Liberation7. Napoleon at His Peak

Palmer The Grand Empire: Spread of the Revolution (p. 425 – 431)


B. The Grand Empire: Spread of the Revolution1. The Organization of the Napoleonic

Europe2. Napoleon and the Spread of the


Palmer The Continental System: Britain and Europe (p. 431 – 434)


C. The Continental System: Britain and Europe1. British Blockade and Napoleon's

Continental System2. The Failure of the Continental


Palmer The National Movements: Germany (p. 435 – 441)

Day Lesson Homework


D. The National Movements: Germany1. The Resistance to Napoleon:

Nationalism2. The Movement of Thought in

Napoleonic Germany3. Reforms in Prussia

Palmer The Overthrow of Napoleon: The Congress of Vienna (p. 441 – 452)Worksheet 28 Napoleon: Giant or Midget?


E. The Overthrow of Napoleon: The Congress of Vienna1. The Russian Campaign and the War

of Liberation2. The Restoration of the Bourbons3. The Settlement before the Vienna

Congress4. The Congress of Vienna5. The Polish-Saxon Question6. The Hundred Days and Their


ReviewWorksheet 31 The Art of Diplomacy

59 Make-up timeReviewWorksheet 30 A Look Back – The Renaissance through Napoleon

60 Mid-Term Exam Palmer The Industrial Revolution in Britain (p. 453 - 463)

Unit V: The 'Isms' – 1815 - 1870 Industrialism, Nationalism, Romanticism, Classical Liberalism, Constitutionalism, Communism

Day Lesson Homework


I. Reaction Versus Progress, 1815-1848A. The Industrial Revolution in Britain

1. The Agricultural Revolution in Britain

2. Industrialism in Britain: Incentives and Inventions

3. Some Social Consequences of Industrialism in Britain

4. Classical Economics: “Laissez Faire”

Palmer The Advent of the 'Isms'(p. 463 – 474)Worksheet 24 The Industrial Revolution – England's Advantage

Day Lesson Homework


B. The Advent of the 'Isms'1. Romanticism2. Classical Liberalism3. Radicalism, Republicanism,

Socialism4. Nationalism: Western Europe5. Nationalism: Eastern Europe6. Other 'Isms'

Palmer The Dike and the Flood: Domestic (p. 474 – 477)Worksheet 34 Romanticism and ChristianityWorksheet 35 Humanitarianism: Enlightened Christianity


C. The Dike and the Flood: Domestic Political Events1. Reaction after 1815: France, Poland2. Reaction after 1815: The German

States, Britain

Palmer The Dike and the Flood: Domestic (p. 477 – 484)Worksheet 29 Art: From Religious to Imperial Grandeur


D. The Dike and the Flood: International Political Events1. The Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle2. Revolution in Southern Europe: The

Congress of Troppau, 18203. Spain and the Near East: The

Congress of Verona4. Latin American Independence5. The End of the Congress System6. Russia: The Decembrist Revolt

Palmer The Breakthrough of Liberalism in the West: Revolutions of 1830-1832 (p. 484 - 495)


E. The Breakthrough of Liberalism. 1. France: The July Revolution

2. Revolutions of 1830: Belgium, Poland, and Elsewhere

3. Reform in Great Britain4. Britain after 1832

Palmer Triumph of the West-European Bourgeoisie (p. 495 – 499)Worksheet 33 The Emerging Political Spectrum


F. Triumph of the West-European Bourgeoisie1. The Frustration and Challenge of

Labor2. Socialism and Chartism

Palmer Paris: The Specter of Social Revolution in the West(p. 500 - 507)


Reading quiz #6: Reaction Versus ProgressII. Revolution and the Reimposition of Order

A. Paris: The Specter of Social Revolutions1. The “February” Revolution in France2. The “June Days” of 18483. The Emergence of Louis Napoleon


Palmer Vienna: The Nationalist Revolution in Central Europe and Italy(p. 507 – 514)Worksheet 32 The Metternich System

Day Lesson Homework


B. Vienna: The Nationalist Revolution in Central Europe and Italy1. The Austrian Empire in 18482. The March Days3. The Turning of the Tide after June4. Victories of the Counterrevolution5. Final Outbursts and Repression

Palmer Frankfurt and Berlin: The Question of a Liberal Germany(p. 514 – 519)Worksheet 36 The Revolutions of 1848: A Case Study in Nationalism


C. Frankfurt and Berlin: The Question of a Liberal Germany1. The German States2. Berlin: Failure of the Revolution in

Prussia3. The Frankfurt Assembly4. The Failure of the Frankfurt

Assembly5. The Prussian Constitution of 1850

Palmer The New Toughness of Mind: Realism, Positivism, Marxism(p. 519 - 527)


D. The New Toughness of Mind: Realism, Positivism, Marxism1. Materialism, Realism, Positivism2. Early Marxism3. Sources and Content of Marxism4. The Appeal of Marxism: Its Strengths

and Weaknesses

Palmer Bonapartism: The Second French Empire, 1852 – 1870(p. 527 – 531)Worksheet 37 In Search of an Economic View of the World: Smith to Marx


E. Bonapartism: The Second French Empire1. Political Institutions of the Second

Empire2. Economic Developments under the

Empire3. Internal Difficulties and War

ReviewWorksheet 38 Neo-Classicism and Romanticism: An Evaluation

72Make-up Time Review

Worksheet 39 Architecture: The Enduring Legacy

73 Make-up TimeReviewWorksheet 40 The Individual in Modern European History

74 Make-up Time ReviewWorksheet 23 The Elbe-Trieste Line

75 Unit V Exam

Palmer Backgrounds: The Idea of the Nation-State (p. 542 – 546)Italian Nationalism: The Program of Cavour (p. 546 - 551)

Unit VI: The European Nation-State, Civilization and Supremacy German and Italian unification, the advance of democracy, imperialism

Day Lesson Homework


I. The Consolidation of Large Nationan-StatesA. Background

1. The Idea of the Nation-State2. The Crimean War

B. The Unification of Italy1. Italian Nationalism: The Program of

Cavour2. The Completion of Italian Unity3. Persistent Problems after Unification

Palmer Bismarck: The Founding of a German Empire (p. 551 - 559)


C. Bismark: The Founding of a German Empire1. The German States after 18482. Prussia in the 1860s: Bismarck3. Bismark's Wars: The North German

Confederation4. The Franco-Prussian War5. The German Empire

Palmer The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary (p. 559 – 564)Liberalization in Russia: Alexander II(p. 564 - 569)


D. The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary1. The Habsburg Empire after 18482. The Compromise of 1867

E. Liberalization in Russia: Alexander II1. Tsarist Russia after 18562. The Emancipation Act of 1861 and

Other Reforms3. Revolutionism in Russia

Palmer The United States: The American Civil War (p. 569 – 574)The Dominion of Canada (p. 574 - 577)


F. The United States: The American Civil War1. Growth of the United States2. The Estrangment of North and South3. After the Civil War: Reconstruction;

Industrial GrowthG. The Dominion of Canada

1. Lord Durham's Report2. Founding of the Dominion of Canada

Palmer Japan and the West (p. 577 – 582)Worksheet II 01 Changing Threads of Unity


H. Japan and the West1. Background: Two Centuries of

Isolation, 1640-18542. The Opening of Japan3. The Meiji Era: The Westernization of


Palmer The “Civilized World” (p. 583 – 587)Basic Demography: The Increase of the Europeans (p. 587 – 595)Worksheet II 02 Shapters of Nationalism

Day Lesson Homework


Reading quiz #7: Consolidation of Nation-StatesII. European Civilization: 1871 – 1914

A. The 'Civilized' World1. Materialistic and Nonmaterialistic

Ideals2. The 'Zones' of Civilization

B. Basic Demography: The Increase of the Europeans1. European and World Population

Growth since 16502. Stabilization of European Population3. Growth of Cities and Urban Life4. Migration from Europe, 1850 – 1914

Palmer The World Economy of the Nineteenth Century (p. 595 – 605)


C. The World Economy of the 19th Century1. The 'New Industrial Revolution'2. Free Trade and the European

'Balance of Payments'3. The Export of European Capital4. An International Money System:

The Gold Standard5. A World Market: Unity, Competition

– and Insecurity6. Changes in Organization: Big


Palmer The Advance of Democracy: Third French Republic, United Kingdom, German Empire (p. 605 – 618)The Advance of Democracy: Socialism and Labor Union (p. 618 – 625)Worksheet II The Second Industrial Revolution


D. The Advance of Democracy:France, Great Britain, and Germany1. France: The Establishment of the

Third Republic2. Troubles of the Third French

Republic3. The Strength and Weakness of the

Republic4. The British Constitutional Monarchy5. British Political Changes after 19006. The Irish Question7. Bismarck and the German Empire8. Developments Elsewhere: General

ObservationsE. The Advance of Democracy:

Socialism and Labor Unions1. The Trade Union Movement and Rise

of British Labor2. European Socialism after 18503. Revisionist and Revolutionary


Palmer Science, Philosophy, the Arts, and Religion (p. 625 – 637)The Waning of Classical Liberalism(p. 637 – 641)Worksheet II 06 Revisionist Socialism – Roots and Fruits

Day Lesson Homework


F. Science, Philosophy, the Arts, and Religion1. The Impact of Evolution2. Genetics, Anthropology, and

Psychology3. The New Physics4. Trends in Philospohy and the Arts5. The Churches and the Modern Age

G. The Waning of Classical Liberalism1. The Decline of Nineteenth-Century

Liberalism: Economic Trends2. Intellectual and Other Currents

Palmer Imperialism: Its Nature and Causes (p. 642 – 650)The Americas (p. 650 – 654)Worksheet II 07 Britain: A Case Study in the Evolution of Democracy


Reading Quiz #8: European Civilization 1871-1914III. Europe's World Supremacy

A. Imperialism: Its Nature and Causes1. The New Imperialism2. Incentives and Motives3. Imperialism as Crusade

B. The Americas1. The United States and Mexico2. United States Imperialism in the


Palmer The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire (p. 654 – 662)The Partition of Africa (p. 662 – 669)Worksheet II 09 Art: The Classes to the Masses and Beyond


C. The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire1. The Ottoman Empire in the 1850s2. Attempts at Reform and Revival3. Repression after 18764. The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-

1878: The Congress of Berlin5. Egypt and North Africa

D. The Partition of Africa1. The Opening of Africa2. Friction and Rivalry between the


Palmer Imperialism in Asia: The Dutch, the British, and the Russians(p. 669 – 674)Imperialism in Asia: China and the West(p. 674 – 681)The Russo-Japanese War and Its Consequences (p. 681 – 682)Worksheet II 10 1848-1914 Can You Name that Age?


E. Imperialism in Asia: The Dutch, the British, and the Russians1. The Dutch East Indies and British

India2. Conflict of Russian and British

InterestsF. Imperialism in Asia: China and the West

1. China before Western Penetration2. The Opening of China to the West3. Annexations and Concessions

G. The Russo-Japanese War and Its Consequences

ReviewWorksheet II 05 Imperialism: Taking up the White Man's Burden

88 Make-up time Review

Day Lesson Homework

89 Make-up time Review

90 Unit VI ExamPalmer The International Anarchy(p. 695 – 706)The Armed Stalemate (p. 706 – 712)

Unit VII: The World Wars World War I, The Russian Revolution, The World between Wars, World War II

Day Lesson Homework


I. The First World WarA. The International Anarchy

1. Rival Alliances: Triple Alliance versus Triple Entente

2. The Crises in Morocco and the Balkans

3. The Sarajevo Crisis and the Outbreak of War

B. The Armed Stalemate1. The War on Land, 1914-19162. The War at Sea3. Diplomatic Maneuvers and Secret


Palmer The Collapse of Russia and the Intervention of the United States(p. 712 – 717)The Collapse of the Austrian and German Empires (p. 717 – 718)Worksheet II 08 The Alliance System: A Search for Security


C. The Collapse of Russia and the Intervention of the United States1. The Withdrawal of Russia:

Revolution and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

2. The United States and the WarThe Final Phase of the War

D. The Collapse of the Austrian and German Empire

Palmer The Economic and Social Impact of the War (P. 718 – 722)The Peace of Paris, 1919 (722 – 731)Worksheet II 11 The Great War – The Sidney Bradshaw Fay Thesis


E. The Economic and Social Impact of the War1. Effects on Capitalism: Government-

Regulated Economies2. Inflation, Industrial Changes, Control

of IdeasF. The Peace of Paris, 1919

1. The Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles

2. Significance of the Paris Peace Settlement

Palmer Backgrounds (p. 732 – 741)The Revolution of 1905 (p. 741 – 746)The Revolution of 1917 (p. 746 – 754)Worksheet II 12 The Treaty of Versailles: An Outside Perspective

Day Lesson Homework


Reading Quiz #9: The First World WarII. The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union

A. Backgrounds1. Russia after 1881: Reaction and

Progress2. The Emergence of Revolutionary

Parties3. Split in the Democrats: Bolsheviks

and MensheviksB. The Revolution of 1905

1. Background and Revolutionary Events

2. The Results of 1905: The Duma3. The Stolypin Reforms

C. The Revolution of 19171. End of the Tzardom: The Revolution

of March 19172. The Bolshevik Revolution:

November 19173. The New Regime: The Civil War,


Palmer The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (p. 754 – 762)Stalin: The Five-Year Plans and the Purges (p. 762 – 772)The International Impact of Communism, 1919 – 1939 (p. 772 – 776)Worksheet II 13 The Russian Revolution: The More Things Change...


D. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics1. Government: The Nationalities and

Federalism2. Govnernment: State and the Party3. The New Economic Policy,

1921-19274. Stalin and Trotsky

E. Stalin: The Five-Year Plans and the Purges1. Economic Planning2. The Collectivization of Agriculture3. The Growth of Industry4. Social Costs and Social Effects of the

Plans5. The Purge Trials of the 1930s

F. The International Impact of Communism1. Socialism and the First World War2. The Founding of the Third


Palmer The Advance of Democracy (p. 777 – 783)The German Republic and the Spirit of Locarno (p. 783 - 788)

Day Lesson Homework


Reading Quiz #10: The Russian Revolution/USSRIII. The Apparent Victory of Democracy

A. The Advance of Democracy after 19191. Gains of Democracy and Social

Democracy2. The New States of Central and East-

Central Europe3. Economic Problems of Easter

Europe; Land ReformB. The German Republic and the Spirit of

Locarno1. The German Democracy and

Versailles2. Reparations, the Great Inflation of 1923, Recovery3. The Spirit of Locarno

Palmer The Revolt of Asia (p. 788 – 799)The Great Depression: Collapse of the World Economy (p. 799 - 804)


C. The Revolt of Asia1. Resentments in Asia2. First World War and Russian

Revoluion3. The Turkish Revolution: Kemal

Atatürk4. The National Movement in India:

Gandhi and Nehru5. The Chinese Revolution: The Three

People's Principles6. China: Nationalists and Communists

D. The Great Depression: Collapse of the World Economy1. The Prosperity of the 1920s and Its

Weaknesses2. The Crash of 1929 and the Spread of

Economic Crisis3. Reactions to the Crisis

Palmer The United States: Depression and New Deal (p. 805 – 810)Trials and Adjustments of Democracy in Britain and France (p. 810 - 818)

Day Lesson Homework


Reading Quiz #11: The Apparent Victory of DemocracyIV. Democracy and Dictatorship

A. The United States: Depression and New Deal

B. Trials and Adjustments of Democracy in Britain and France1. British Politics: The 1920s and the

Depression2. Britain and the Commonwealth:

Imperial Relations3. France: The 1920s and the Coming of

the Depression4. Depression Ferment and the Popular

Front5. The Popular Front and After6. Western Europe and the Depression

Palmer Italian Fascism (p. 818 – 822)Totalitarianism: Germany's Third Reich(p. 822 – 833)Worksheet II 15 The French Search for Security: An Elusive Goal


C. Italian FascismD. Totalitarianism: Germany's Third Reich

1. The Rise of Adolf Hitler2. The Nazi State3. Totalitarianism: Some Origins and

Consequences4. The Spread of Dictatorship

Palmer The Weakness of the Democracies: Again to War (p. 834 – 843)Worksheet II 18 The Mind of the Nazis


Reading Quiz #12: Democracy and DictatorshipV. The Second World War

A. The Weakness of the Democracies: Again to War1. The Pacifism and Disunity of the

West2. The March of Nazi and Fascist

Aggression3. The Spanish Civil War, 1936-19394. The Munich Crisis: Climax of

Appeasement5. End of Appeasement

Palmer The Years of Axis Triumph(p. 843 – 849)Worksheet II 17 The State of the Nations: 1933-39


B. The Years of Axis Triumph1. Nazi Europe, 1939-1940: Poland and

the Fall of France2. The Battle of Britain and

American Aid3. The Nazi Invasion of Russia: The

Russian Front, 1941-19424. 1942, the Year of Dismay: Russia,

North Africa, the Pacific

Palmer The Western-Soviet Society(p. 852 - 860)

Day Lesson Homework


C. The Western-Soviet Victory1. Plans and Preparations, 1942-19432. The Turning Point of the Tide,

1942-1943: Stalingrad, North Africa, Sicily

3. The Allied Offensive, 1944-1945:Europe and the Pacific

Palmer The Foundation of Peace(p. 860 – 866)Worksheet II 16 Soviet Suspicions and the Search for Security

103 D. The Foundation of the PeaceReviewWorksheet II 20 World War II: From Guernica to Nagasaki

104 Make-up TimeReviewWorksheet II 19 Potpourri: A Look at the Twenties and Thirties

105 Unit VII Exam Palmer The Cold War: The Opening Decade, 1945-1955 (p. 867 - 883)

Unit VIII: The Cold War The Cold War: 1945-55, The Developing World, The Cold War: 1955-75, Collapse of the USSR

Day Lesson Homework


I. The Cold War: The Opening Decade, 1945-1955A. The Cold War: Origins and Nature

1. Germany: The Berlin Blockade and the Airlift of 1948-1949

2. The Atlantic Alliance3. The Revival of Japan4. Containment in Asia:

The Korean War

Palmer Western Europe: Economic Reconstruction (p. 883 – 886)Western Europe: Political Reconstruction (p. 886 - 897)


B. Western Europe: Economic Reconstruction1. The Marshall Plan and European

Recovery2. Economic Growth in Western Europe

C. Western Europe: Political Reconstruction1. Great Britain: Labour and

Conservative2. The French Republic:

Fourth and Fifth3. The Federal Republic of Germany4. The Italian Republic

Palmer Reshaping the Global Economy(p. 897 - 903)

Day Lesson Homework


D. Reshaping the Global Economy1. Currency Stability: Toward the

“Gold-Dollar” Standard2. European Integration: The Common

Market and the European Community

3. End of the Gold-Dollar Standard, 1971

Palmer The Communist World: The U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe(p. 903 – 914)The Communist World: The People's Republic of China (p. 914 - 918)


E. The Communist World: The U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe1. Stalinism in the Postwar Years2. Khrushchev: The Abortive Effort at

Reform3. The Bruzhnev Era4. A Troubled Economy and Society5. Brezhnev's Successors: Andropov

and Chernenko6. Eastern Europe: The Decades of

Dictatorship7. Comsolidation of Communist Control8. Ferment and Repression in East

Germany, Poland, and Hungary, 1953-1956

9. The 1960s: The “Prague Spring”10. In the Era of Détente

F. The Communist World: The People's Republic of China1. The Civil War2. The New Regime3. Foreign Affairs

Palmer End of the European Empires in Asia (p. 919 - 940)


Reading Quiz #13: The Cold War: Opening DecadeII. Empires into Nations: The Developing World

A. End of the European Empires in Asia1. End of the British Empire2. The Dutch Empire: Indonesia3. End of the French Colonial Empire:

Indochina4. The Americans and the Phillipines

Palmer Ferment in the Middle East(p. 940 – 952)

Day Lesson Homework


B. The African Revolution. 1. French North Africa: The French-

Algerian War2. End of British Rule: West Africa3. End of British Rule: East Africa4. Southern Africa5. The French Sub-Saharan Empire6. The Belgian Congo: Zaire7. End of the Portuguese Colonial

Empire8. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and Sudan9. Liberia: Civil War10. The African Revolution

Palmer Ferment in the Middle East(p. 940 - 952)


C. Ferment in the Middle East1. The Emergence of Israel2. The Arab-Israeli Wars after

Independence3. Turmoil in Lebanon4. Israel, the Occupied Territories, and

Peace Negotiations5. Libya6. Revolution in Iran7. The War between Iran and Iraq

Palmer Changing Latin America(p. 952 – 959)The Developing World (p. 959 - 963)


D. Changing Latin America1. The Colonial Experience and the

Wars for Independence2. The Colossus to the North3. Economic Growth and Its Problems4. End of Yankee Imperialism?5. The Political Record

E. The Developing World1. The End of Empire2. The Third World: The Developing

Countries3. Changing Worlds and Continuing


Palmer Confrontation and Détente(p. 978 - 992)


Reading Quiz #14: Empire into NationsIII. A World Endangered: The Cold War

A. Confrontation and Détente, 1955-19751. The Kennedy Years, 1961-19632. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 19623. The United States and the

Vietnam War4. Brezhnev in the 1970s: Détente, the

Hilsinki Conference of 1975

Palmer The Global Economy(p. 992 - 1001)

Day Lesson Homework


B. The Global Economy1. The Recession: Stagnation and

Inflation2. Economic and Political Change in

Western Europe3. The American Economy4. The Financial World5. The Enlarged European Community:

Problems and Opportunities6. Toward a “Single Europe”: the

European Union

Palmer The Cold War Rekindled(p. 1002 – 1006)China after Mao (p. 1006 - 1010)


C. The Cold War Rekindled1. The Reagan Years: From Revived

Cold War to New Détente2. Nuclear Arms Control

D. China after Mao1. Deng's Reforms2. The “Democracy Movement”3. Population Growth

Palmer The Crisis in the Soviet Union(p. 1011 – 1018)The Collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe (p. 1018 - 1025)


Reading Quiz #15: A World EndangeredIV. A World Transformed

A. The Crisis in the Soviet Union, Gorbachev and the West

B. The Collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe1. Poland: The Solidarity Movement2. Hungary: Reform into Revolution3. The German Democratic Republic:

A “Gentle” Revolution4. Czechoslovakia: “'89 Is '68 Upside

Down”5. Bulgaria and Romania6. The Revolutions of 1989 in Central

and Eastern Europe

Palmer The Collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union (p. 1025 – 1029)After Communism (p. 1029 - 1041)

Day Lesson Homework


C. The Collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe1. The “Creeping Coup d'État”2. The Bungled August Coup

D. After Communism1. Russia after 19912. The Resurgence of Nationalism: the

Breakup of Yugoslavia3. Western Europe and Japan after the

Cold War: Economic and Political Uncertainties

4. Western Europe: Political Crises and Discontents

5. Europe's Immigrants and Refugees6. Japan in the 1990s

Palmer Intellectual and Social Currents(p. 1042 - 1057)


E. Intellectual and Social Currents1. The Advance of Science and

Technology2. Nuclear Physics3. Implications of Science and

Technology4. Space Exploration5. Philosophy: Existentialism in the

Postwar Years6. Philosophy: Logic and Language;

Literary Criticism; History7. The Creative Arts8. Religion in the Modern World9. Activism: The Youth Rebellion of the

1960s10. The Women's Liberation Movement

Palmer A New Era (p. 1057 - 1065)


F. A New Era1. The International Scene2. The Population Explosion,

Environment, the Future of Humanity


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