united israel · tribes” of israel. ... horowitz, from which our twelve tribes logo originates....

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A Special 61st Anniversary Issue



Exploring the Ancient Hebrew Faith in the New Millennium BulletinBulletin


UNITED Israel bulletin is published by the United Israel World Union

Founding Editor

David Horowitz (1944-2002)

Editor Dr. James D. Tabor

Associate Editors

Ralph E. Buntyn, Dennis Jones

Layout and Archives Timothy W. Thompson

Editorial Address:

For subscriptions, address corrections, and comments, write to:

United Israel World Union

P.O. Box 561476 Charlotte, NC 28256 Or, on the Internet

E-mail: unitedisrael@earthlink.net Web Site: www.unitedisrael.org

The United Israel Bulletin is published three times a year (Spring, Summer, Winter) by United Israel World Union, Inc. UIWU is a non-profit educational corporation founded in New York in 1944 by the late David Horowitz. Subscriptions to the United Is-rael Bulletin are provided without charge upon re-quest. The work of UIWU is supported solely by voluntary contributions. UIWU is a duly recognized 501(3)(c) non-profit organization and gifts are fully tax-deductible. The ideas expressed in the United Israel Bulletin are those of the writers. Individual writers may be contacted through our general edito-rial address above. Contributions from those in sym-pathy with our stated goals and purposes are wel-come and should also be sent to our editorial address above.

Copyright © 2004 All Rights Reserved

What is … United Israel World Union, Inc. ?

United Israel World Union, Inc. is an educational re-search organization founded in 1944 by David

Horowitz (1903-2002), who devoted his life to its goals and purposes. Its primary research focus is to provide academically-oriented historical, bibli-cal, and archaeological evidence rele-vant to the identity of the “Ten Lost Tribes” of Israel.

A central theme of the Hebrew Prophets is the union of Judah, the Jewish people, with their brothers and sisters of the “Ten Lost Tribes” of Israel. Accordingly, UIWU strives to put forth a call to all those around the world who might be part of the Lost Tribes, providing them with historical research related to their forgotten heritage; to awaken them to a consciousness of their true identity; and to encourage them to unite with Judah in following the ancient Hebrew faith as revealed in the Torah and the Prophets. We affirm the truths of the Hebrew Scriptures, and are committed to the vision of the Hebrew Prophets and the ideals of the Kingdom of God; namely that justice, righteousness, and the knowledge of God might fill the earth as the waters cover the seas. We seek to promote biblical values involving responsible stewardship of the creation and peace among humankind through the printed and spoken word and by example. As part of this mission UIWU seeks to establish places of study and spiritual guidance and to appoint the necessary leaders and teachers for the various units of UIWU worldwide. UIWU further proposes on the basis of the Biblical injunctions: “My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all peoples,” and “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of YHVH shall be delivered,” to be as universal in creed and outlook as is the Bible itself; wherefore UIWU will function as a non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit, educational organization. Ac-cordingly any person who recognizes and accepts the Hebrew Bible as the basis for his or her daily conduct of life, and supports these goals, may become a mem-ber of United Israel World Union.

About the Cover: This issue looks both to our past and our future, and the beginning of a new era for UIWU. We thought it appropriate to include a photograph of the original membership button created by founder David Horowitz, from which our twelve tribes logo originates.


Editorial United Israel World Union Alive and Well at 60!

The very first issue of the United Israel Bulletin was published in July, 1944 by the late founder of United Israel World Union, David Horowitz. We thought it appropriate, as we revive this publication, that this Volume 61, Number 1 is-sue come out in Summer, 2004, 60 years later. There was no publication like it at that time, and, as far as I know, nothing since. David had a unique vision for the Bulletin, tied to the biblical mission of UIWU itself. In this historic 61st anniversary is-sue we hope to capture some of that uniqueness and to give our readers a sense of its essence, look-ing back as well as forward, as we launch both UIWU and the Bulletin into the 21st century.

In the future we might make some facsimile copies of that first issue available. It was quite an impressive production for its time. David wanted it to truly be a magazine, not just a newsletter, so he had it profes-sionally typeset with a color cover. David began thinking about the founding of United Israel World Union in the last months of 1943 during some of the darkest days of World War II. The nightmare of the Holocaust was in full play. The whole world hung in the balance. David was 40 years old. Since his youth he had been an avid student of the Bible. He had become convinced that history was moving toward the grand climax, guided by our Creator and foreseen by the Hebrew Prophets. David was a great dreamer and a firm believer in the hand of Providence. On December 24, 1943 after much prayer and supplication he writes that he felt “inspirited” to raise a clarion call, to lift up a banner, in order to rally all those who would hear.

His message was as simple as it was biblical: “Return to Me and I will Return to you, says YHVH.” David was convinced that scattered among the nations of the world were countless thousands of people who were part of the legendary “lost tribes of Israel.” With Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and Amos, he believed they were destined to recover their identity, turn from paganism, unite with their brother Judah (the historical Jewish people), and together draw the whole world toward the Creator.

Truly David really had a broad and bold vision—what he called for was nothing less than a resto-ration of the ancient Hebrew faith for the modern world. The initial plans for forming United Israel World Union were made in Water-ville, N.Y. over the weekend of December 30 and 31, 1943 and January 1, 1944. The official founders’ meeting was held on February 5, 1944. By-laws and a simple statement of faith were drawn up. The motto of the movement was “My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer for All Peoples.” UIWU was officially and legally incor-porated on April 17, 1944 un-der the laws of the State of New York. A Fifth Avenue headquarters office opened in

New York on May 11, 1944. We now have the 60 year archive for UIWU stored at our new editorial headquarters offices in Charlotte, NC.

Over the past few months I have been going through those early files and have been endlessly fascinated at what I have found. We have original minutes of the first meeting, an initial handwritten membership list totaling 67, counting David, and many other historic documents, including David’s


hand-drawn sketch of the stationery for the organiza-tion. I think one of the most exciting things I have found was a yellowed, typewritten, one-page outline, clearly the original, that listed out the main “creed” of UIWU under five headings. We have reproduced

it here for all of you to see. The content is as amaz-ing as it is simple and elegant. Sixty years later, as I write this editorial, I am deeply moved by David’s biblical and prophetic vision. I mention these details, not as an exercise in historical trivia, but as a vital and fascinating part of the story. Some years ago I decided to look up the dates of these meetings on the Jewish calendar. As most of our readers know, each week a specific por-tion from the Torah and the Prophets is read in syna-gogues all around the world. I was just curious as to what might have been the readings during some of these founding meetings. I had noticed over the years that many important historical events, especially in-volving the affairs of the Jewish people, seemed to correlate with the themes and emphases of these weekly readings. I was amazed at what I found and want to share it with our readers. On the very weekend of that initial founding meeting, held over New Year’s weekend (1943/44),

the Torah reading is called “Vayiggash” and is taken from Gen 44:18-47:27. The Hebrew word “Vayiggash” literally means “And he drew near,” and is the opening phrase of the reading for that Sab-bath. It is the moving account of how Judah, one of the twelve sons of Jacob, drew near to his lost brother Joseph who had been sold into slavery as a teenager. In these very chapters Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers. There is a hidden metaphorical meaning here that is quite profound. Apparently the ancient Rabbis understood it, judging by the text from the Prophets that they paired with this particular Torah reading. The brother named Judah becomes the ancestor of the Jewish people. Joseph, in contrast, is the father of Ephraim and Manasseh, the largest and most repre-sentative of the “lost tribes” that were carried into captivity by the Assyrians in the 8th century B.C.E. and totally lost their identity. In the Genesis story Jo-seph is completely forgotten. It is just as if he did not exist. His father Jacob gives him up for dead.

This is precisely what the Hebrew Prophets predict will happen to the northern tribes of Israel. They are to completely lose their identity as Hebrews or Israelites and after a few centuries are mixed among the nations of the world so that everyone as-sumes they are Gentiles. In effect, as Israelites, like Joseph of old, they are “given up for dead.” As the prophet Hosea puts it, they will become “not my people.” However, just as Joseph rose to great heights and finally made himself known to his broth-ers, the Prophets predict that the “lost tribes” will re-gain their identity as Israelites and join with their brother Judah (the Jewish people) in a spiritual ren-aissance that will bring redemption to the entire world. This is surely the most dominant theme of the Hebrew Prophets.

The reading from the Prophets that is at-tached to this particular weekly Torah portion is Eze-kiel 37:15-28. There the prophet Ezekiel is told to take in his hands “two sticks,” one for “Judah and his companions,” and the other for “Joseph and his com-panions.” Historians refer to these as the “two houses of Israel.” In other words, not all Israelites are Jews, but all Jews are Israelites. The Jewish people mainly represent one tribe—that of Judah, with some addi-tions. The “lost tribes” are primarily Joseph with some elements of the other tribes associated with him.

On that historic first weekend of January,


1944 it is surely significant that as David and his small band of dedicated associates gathered to actu-ally “found” UIWU, Jews around the world were reading in their synagogues these meaningful pas-sages from Genesis and Ezekiel that deal with Joseph and the return of the “lost tribes.” David had no idea of this correspondence at the time and when I pointed it out to him some years ago he was as-tounded at the association. Many times in history it seems that significant events occur in close thematic association with these Torah readings. I suppose one could conclude that these are matters of chance or strained interpretation, but in so many cases the cor-respondence is so striking and impressive that it seems to witness to an “unseen Hand” at work in his-tory. This is particularly the case when it comes to key events in the history of the people of Israel. One cannot help but wonder if that weekend in January, 1944 was such a case. Zechariah warns us not to de-spise the “day of small things.” Often, as redemptive events unfold, it is not so much the size or public no-toriety that counts, as whether the ideas involved are those “whose time has come.” We believe the found-ing of UIWU with its unique principles 60 years ago represents one of those pioneering efforts whose full results are yet to be seen.

The United Israel Bulletin has not been published since 2001, so this 61th anniversary issue represents a kind of “revival.” Although UIWU remains a non-profit corporation in the State of New York, our editorial offices and the newly formed David Horowitz Memorial Library have now been set up in Charlotte, NC. Not only do we have the 60 year archives of UIWU but also all of David Horowitz’s papers and materials from his 60 year career as a United Nations correspondent. It is truly a treasure trove of material, and we are in the process of sorting, copying, archiving, and preserving the precious documents. Our Board of Directors is active, talented, and dedicated. We have some exciting plans and ideas and fully expect this publication to grow and to play an important role in presenting a unique biblical vision of things to our contemporary world. Like David in 1944, we have great dreams. You will not want to miss a single issue of the United Israel Bulletin. □

Dr. James D. Tabor

United Israel World Union Membership Those in agreement with our stated goals and pur-poses are invited to become members of United Is-rael World Union, Inc. Requests for membership should be made in writing to: United Israel World Union, P.O. Box 561476, Charlotte, NC 28256. Ap-plicants should include their name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address if applicable. There are no formal dues, though members are ex-pected to support UIWU in whatever ways, and to whatever level, they are so moved. Members of UIWU receive an official membership card, our UIWU calendar, a newsletter and special communi-cations from the President and Board regarding UIWU business and affairs.

Horowitz Autobiography Thirty-Three Candles

David Horowitz’s fascinating early autobiography Thirty-three Candles was published in 1949 and has long been out of print. We have a few copies on hand and would be pleased to give them to any-one interested for a donation of at least $25 (paperback) or $35 (hardcover) to the David Horowitz Memorial Library. Checks should be made to UIWU and designated, “Library Fund.”



(1903 - 2002)

David Horowitz, veteran United Nations correspondent, ardent Zionist, and founder of the United Israel World Union, died peacefully in his sleep in his Manhattan apartment on October 27, 2002. Born on April 9, 1903, in Malmö, Sweden, Horowitz reached the venerable age of 99, just shy of his 100th birthday. He was raised in Wilkes-Barre, PA, one of eight children of Cantor Aaron and Bertha Horowitz. The family immigrated to the United States in 1914. David went to Israel as a young Zionist pioneer in 1924, staying through the end of 1927. During that time he learned Hebrew, worked on an agricultural settlement, and sought to be in touch with the biblical

roots of the ancient land of Palestine. From his earliest days he was on a biblical quest. Late in 1927 he had a remarkable encounter with a prophetic figure, one Moses Guibbory, who at the time was living in the northwest area of Jerusalem in the Sanhedria tomb area. Horowitz details this meeting in his 1949 autobiography Thirty-Three Candles (see display notice in this issue of the Bulletin). This association changed and shaped his entire life.

Guibbory at the time had attracted the attention of various leading figures of his day, both inside and outside Palestine, among them Arthur Koestler, Rav Kook, Hillel Ceitlin, and Judas Magnes. David met and married Pola Kleinowna, who was visiting the Holy Land at the time from Poland. David and his new wife, now pregnant, left Palestine at the end of 1927 and

lived with Pola's parents in Chrzanow, Poland. David was on a mission, commissioned directly by Moses Guibbory, to warn the Jews of Poland and eastern Europe of an impending great persecution as predicted by certain Kabbalists in Jerusalem. This warning had been printed and distributed by the two chief Rabbis of Palestine, Rav Kook and Rav Meir. He contacted various Jewish leaders, including the famous Hillel Ceitlin, in a largely fruitless attempt to urge emigration to Palestine before it was too late. Late in 1927 Nazi party propagandist Joseph Goebbels, who was in Palestine to cement relations between the Nazi party and certain Arab leaders, had visited Guibbory. He had heard of the unusual “prophet of the tombs” and paid a curiosity visit. Guibbory sensed what might be coming and commissioned the young Horowitz to carry the warning. Horowitz stayed in Poland for six months and subsequently sailed for America intending to bring his young wife and newly born son Emmanuel to the United States, as soon as he could arrange things. He never succeeded in getting them to come, as the family was very attached to them and cashed the tickets for passage that Horowitz had sent them. Pola died unexpectedly in 1938 and Emmanuel and his whole family were swept up in the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939, and murdered at Auschwitz.

Horowitz returned to Jerusalem in 1932 and spent an intensive year working with Moses Guibbory on what they called the “Jerusalem Biblical Research.” Guibbory had written a vast, 2000 page manuscript, in both Hebrew and English, on facing pages, that claimed to open the key to all the mysteries and obscurities of the Hebrew Bible, as well as to set forth the Divine Plan for the arrival of the Messianic age. Horowitz returned to the United States in 1934 and for the next decade put all his efforts into the publication of this research. It came out in 1943 under the title The Bible in the Hands of Its Creators, and caused somewhat of a stir at the time, attracting the attention of various influential

Horowitz as a Pioneer in Israel (1927)


persons, including famous radio commentator Boake Carter. A society was formed under the same name with the purpose of promoting this volume. Guibbory came to the United States in 1943 where he remained until his death in 1985.

Late in 1943 David Horowitz had a sharp break with Moses Guibbory and in 1944 formed his own organization which he called the United Israel World Union. The purpose of the organization

was to preach a universal Hebraic faith for all humankind based on the Decalogue and the other u n i v e r s a l commandments of the Torah. The hallmark of the organization was I s a i a h ' s prescription that “My house will become a house of prayer for all peoples,” and “Whosoever will

call upon the name of the LORD will be saved.” Integral to Horowitz's vision was the idea that the “Lost Tribes of Israel,” though scattered among the nations, and having lost their identity, would be part of the masses of “Gentiles” who would turn to the Hebrew faith, and join the Jewish people in pioneering a Messianic age. UIWU published a high quality color magazine called the United Israel Bulletin until 1958 when it was changed to tabloid newspaper style under the same name. At its height the UIWU listed 18,000 members worldwide. In Manhattan Horowitz associated most closely with the late ecumenical Rabbi Irving Block of the famed Brotherhood Synagogue. Though Horowitz adhered faithfully to his early Jerusalem experiences with Moses Guibbory, he became quite ecumenical in his own right over the years, welcoming those of all faiths under the universal umbrella of “Torah faith for all nations.”

Horowitz obtained press credentials at the newly formed United Nations under the auspices of World Union Press, which he had formed as an arm of UIWU. He was present at the opening sessions in

San Francisco and at Lake Success, NY. He maintained his UN office for over 50 years, publishing a weekly syndicated column, which at its peak, appeared in approximately 40 Anglo-Jewish n e w s p a p e r s . Horowitz was an outspoken Zionist and represented Israel and Jewish interests at the UN during his long and distinguished career.

In 1993, on the occasion of his 90th birthday, and the 50th anniversary of United Israel World Union, and then again at his 95th birthday, his achievements were hailed by a diverse Who's Who of the political and religious world, among them Benjamin Netanyahu, Elie Wiesel, Rabbi Alexander Schindler, Rabbi Irving Block, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, John Glenn, and many others. Unfortunately he had outlived most of those with whom he had worked most closely, particularly David Ben G u r i o n , D a g Hammarksjold, Abba Eban, and King Abdullah (great grandfather of the present king of Jordan, with whom he carried on a passionate but friendly correspondence just following the end of the W a r ) . H o r o w i t z f u n c t i o n e d a s a n “unofficial” Zionist lobbyist and influenced the votes of three critical Central American states in the UN vote for the partition of Palestine on November 29, 1947. He a l so communica ted indirectly with President Truman, through one of his chief aids, urging him

Horowitz Working on the Jerusalem Research

Horowitz at the UN

Horowitz with Golda Meir

Horowitz with Kirk Douglas


to emphasize the biblical and prophetic destiny of the reestablishment of the State of Israel. In Truman's statement the morning after I s r a e l ' s declaration of Independence, May 15, 1948, he refers to some of the ideas that Horowitz had passed on in a private memo in support of the recognition of the newly formed state by the United States.

Horowitz served as President of the UN Correspondents Association and Foreign Press Association; he received a special “lifetime achievement award” presented by Secretary General Boutros Gali. He worked tirelessly to expose ex-Nazis such as the Romanian Vallerian Trifa, who was subsequently deported. He was instrumental in having the terms “cunning, heretic, and extortionist” under the entry “Jew,” removed from Roget's Thesaurus. He

worked and wrote tirelessly for civil rights, both for African Americans and women, as early as the 1940s. He was particularly a c t i v e i n promoting the independence of i n d i g e n o u s peoples, such as that of the South Moluccans. David Horowitz

received many honors and awards late in life. He was the oldest member of the United Nations Press corps. He received the Defender of Jerusalem Award presented by Yitzak Shamir in 1991; the Defender of Israel Medal presented by Menachem Begin in 1977, the Mordecai Ben David Award from Yeshiva University for Humanitarian Service in 1982, and the Jabotinsky Award in 1990. David is survived by a son, Herbert Solomon, of San Diego, CA. His beloved sec-ond wife, the former Nan Reilly, to whom he was married for 42 years, died in 1994. □

WORLD UNION PRESS World Union Press (WUP) is the oldest accredited news agency at the United Nations. It was founded in 1945 by veteran correspondent and publisher, the late David Horowitz, founder of United Israel World Union. WUP is the press arm of UIWU and we are pleased to announce that David's long time associate Naomi Farrell is ably staffing things at the UN in our behalf, allowing David's 60 years of work in behalf of things Zionist and Jewish to go on. Naomi is enthusiastic, talented, tenacious, and thoroughly dedicated to both David and the causes he lived for. She recently published articles in the Jewish Post based on her latest observations as our “woman on the scene” at the UN. We would like to staff her office to the maximum and ask that those of you interested in this vital part of UIWU's work send contributions designated for the UN office so we can get it fully up and running. We will try to get permission to archive Ms. Farrell's publications on our Web site.


The United Israel World Union Web site is the place to go for in-depth information regarding all aspects of our organization. There you will find archive materials going back sixty years, a wealth of historical and biblical articles, current news regarding UIWU activities and programs and much more. You can also sign up for regular e-mail updates. The site is changing almost weekly so bookmark it and check back often.

Horowitz Receiving the Defender of Israel Medal from Menachem Begin

Horowitz at the UN with Khrushchev Horowitz Grave Marker


The United Israel World Union web site re-ceives hundreds of email inquiries. Many share inter-esting stories of their personal religious quests. Others ask poignant questions. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to respond adequately to the vast major-ity of the correspondence, but the following email posed an insightful question, the answer to which is important in clarifying UIWU’s purposes as we em-bark on this newest phase of the organization’s future, following the passing of our beloved mentor and foun-der, David Horowitz.

Ronald Davis of Phoenix, Arizona wrote:

Dear Sirs,

In one of the articles on your web site you state the following:

“As our readers know, our organization, United Israel, holds the position that signifi-cant portions of the Ten Lost Tribes are now found among the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples of northwestern Europe and the United States. This particular identification, often dubbed as Anglo-Israelism, has been the subject of a vast amount of research and publication, particu-larly in the past two centuries. A bibliography of even the major works which have been writ-ten to support this idea would run into many hundreds of entries. Unfortunately, we cannot recommend without qualifications a single one of these publications. None of them are up to the high standards of scholarship and historical research that are expected in aca-demic circles. Invariably they are filled with unsubstantiated facts and numerous leaps of faith, relying upon this or that speculative cor-relation or so-called proof.”

As a student of the Israelite Identity subject for some 20 years now, having read an exten-sive number of the works on the subject, I am inclined to agree with you to a certain extent that many of these (earlier) written works are filled with "unsubstantiated facts," numerous

"leaps of faith," and speculative "correlation;" or, as I tend to refer to them, they use inductive reasoning rather than de-ductive reasoning to come to their conclu-sions. In my opinion, even the dubbed name, "Anglo-Israelism," is misleading. Even so, there are many basic facts and foundational proofs to be gleaned from most of them when viewed in Scriptural light.

However, with that being said, I'm very curi-ous to learn how, and by what other means and method, your organization has come to the conclusion that "significant portions of the Ten Lost Tribes are now found among the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples?” If you have dismissed the "traditional" evidence to Lost Israel's modern identities as put forth in such works as unsubstantiated--and understanda-bly so--and yet have come to the same basic conclusions independent of these works, by what means? And, are you basing your/this conclusion on a Jewish point of view, or some other?

Thanks much for your time!

Shalom, Ron in Arizona

Even before an answer to your excellent question is offered, it must be pointed out that the modern identity of the ancient House of Israel is not at all a racial thing. Indeed, YHVH declared through the Prophet Amos, “For behold, I am commanding, and I will shake the house of Jacob among all na-tions as grain is shaken in a sieve, but not a kernel will fall to the ground.” (Amos 9:9) The Prophet Zechariah similarly reflects this level of the univer-sality of the scattering of Israel in relating the words of YHVH, “Thus says YHVH of hosts, ‘In those days ten men from the nations of every language will grasp the corner of the garment of a Jew saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” (Zech 8:23) In our own day it is clear that individuals from all nationalities and religions are

What Do We Really Know About the Modern Identity of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel?


turning to the God of Israel, the Torah, and the Jew-ish people. The degree of this turning varies from person to person, from full conversion to Judaism to merely exploring the “Jewish roots” of one’s own faith, yet an affinity for the Jewish people and the State of Israel is a consistent theme. That the lost House of Israel will return to YHVH, to the Torah, and to their brethren of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi is abundantly clear in both the Hebrew Bible and in subsequent Jewish literature. Deuteronomy 30:4 states, “If your outcasts are at the ends of the earth, from there YHVH your God will gather you, and from there He will bring you back.” YHVH asserts quite emphati-cally through the hand of Jeremiah, “For I am a fa-ther to Israel, and Ephraim is My first-born. Hear the word of YHVH, O nations, and declare in the coast-lands afar off, and say ‘He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock.’ ” The Midrash Rabba maintains, “In the fu-ture, the Holy One, blessed be He, will ingather them, since it states in Isaiah (49:12): ‘Behold, these shall come from far, and lo these from the north, and from the west, and these from the land of Sinim (China).’ The exiled will come with them, as well as the tribes beyond the Sambatyon and inside the Dark Mountains. All of these will rally and come to Jeru-salem.” (Sh’lach 16) And the Yalkut Shimoni ex-pands on this idea, “The Diaspora of Judah and Ben-jamin will go out to the Ten Tribes, exiled behind the River Sambatyon, and will bring them back with them in order that they, too, will enjoy the days of the Messiah’s reign, and the life of the World-to-Come.” (Song of Songs 1:16) The question quite naturally arises, “Will these ‘lost Israelites’ merely be scattered among the many nations as individuals or will they maintain some level of national unity so as to comprise large population groups today?” There does seem to be significant research support for an affirmative an-swer to this question. Since its founding over sixty years ago, United Israel World Union has maintained that large concentrations of descendants of the Ten Tribes are to be found in the populations of the Western European nations and their former colonies. This contention is supported by evidence from sev-eral areas: (1) The Hebrew Bible/Prophecy, (2) Post-Biblical Rabbinic Literature, (3) History/

Archaeology, (4) Genetics, and (5) Experience. And, while each of these areas does lend some support to the Western European-Israelite connection, none is an open-and-shut case for such. Quite honestly, there are some glaring weaknesses in each line of proof. Take, for example, the evidence from proph-ecy in the Hebrew Bible. As Jacob was blessing the sons of Joseph, he crossed his hands, so that his right hand rested on the head of Ephraim, who was younger, rather than upon that of Manasseh, the first-born. When Joseph protested this arrangement, Jacob answered, “I know, my son, I know; he also shall be-come a people and he also shall be great. However, his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of na-tions.” (Gen 48:19) Deuteronomy expands on this theme when, as Moses is blessing the sons of Israel, he says of Joseph, “His horns are the horns of the wild ox; with them he shall push the peoples all at once, to the ends of the earth. And those are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and those are the thousands of Manasseh.” (Deut 33:17) What population group has become a multitude of nations, colonizing to the point that it has pushed the peoples to the ends of the earth? It certainly makes sense to postulate that this refers to Great Britain and her colonies, for as the proverb stated in her imperial heyday, “The sun never sets on the British Empire.” But, do we have proof that these prophecies do, in fact, point to the English speaking peoples? Fortunately, we have 3500 years of history to analyze since the giving of these prophecies. Surely the answer to who this multitude of nations is lies there. To be sure, much light can be shed on this topic from history and archaeology. Evidence from the Hebrew Bible and from Assyrian inscriptions shows clearly that several hundred thousands of Isra-elites from the Northern Ten Tribes were taken cap-tive in several waves of Assyrian invasion and de-ported. These deportees were resettled predomi-nantly in the area at the foot of the Caucus Moun-tains near modern day Armenia. At about that same time, historical sources record that hordes of “nomadic” peoples emerged from this same region, known variously as Scythians and/or Cimmerians. While the relationship between these two groups is unclear, most reputable historical sources admit that their origin and history before the 7th century B.C.E.


is unknown. What is known and fairly well docu-mented is the westward migrations of these peoples around the Black Sea, up the Danube River, and into Northern and Central Europe, where they become know variously as Celts, Cimbri, or Gauls. From there the migrations continued into Denmark, Scan-dinavia, France, the British Isles, and even Spain. Since these were all colonizing nations, the stock of their ancient Scythian/Cimmerian ancestors was dis-tributed throughout the world. Unfortunately, the evidence which connects the ancient Israelite deportees with the later Scythian/Cimmerian hordes is not as strong—at least as it appears in currently published accounts. While it is fairly certain that both groups were in the same place at the same time, that alone is definitely not enough evidence to prove their identity. Think of how many different ethnic groups occupy or attempt to occupy the same territory in various places around the world even in modern times. This is certainly no proof of their unity. Many researchers hail the in-scription on the Behistun Rock as making the con-nection. This large inscription, carved into the face of a cliff overlooking the main caravan route from Baghdad to Teheran, was commissioned by Darius I, King of Persia (521-486 B.C.E.). The inscription, written in three languages—Persian, Elamite, and Akkadian (Babylonian), chronicles Darius’s defeat of ten local rebel chieftains. Now ten is definitely an interesting number to a “lost tribes” researcher, but it does not render proof of identity. The inscription does prominently mention the area of “Armenia” which is where the Israelite deportees were resettled. What most researchers consider to be proof of the Israelite identity of the Scythian/Cimmerians is that in the list of the nations that Darius subjugated is a population group known as the Sakka (Scythians) in the Persian and Elamite inscriptions and as Gimiri (Cimmerian) in the Akkadian inscription. Strong evi-dence exists in other Assyrian records to connect the Sakka with the Scythians and to connect the Gimiri with the Cimmerians. Additionally, other inscriptions have been discovered which connect the Sakka with the Gimiri. However, what is the connection of either the Sakka or the Gimiri with the deported Israelites? This is the point where mountains of evidence are apparently connected by a thread. The connection is argued linguistically, based on the similarity of

Sakka to the Hebrew name Yitzhaq (Isaac) and of Gimiri to the Hebrew name Omri, one of the kings of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Not that such a lin-guistic connection is impossible or even improbable, as the names certainly do sound similar, but, in the absence of ancient source material documenting the linguistic evolution, such an argument be-comes an extremely weak link in an otherwise sturdy chain. Unfortunately, original source mate-rial on this point does seem to be absent. What one finds is modern researchers and scholars quoting each other in support of the linguistic connection or merely asserting the linguistic connection rather than referring to original or ancient sources. Fortunately, two sciences are on the brink of resolving this issue. Archaeology is uncovering and interpreting new information on the history of hu-mankind literally every day. Simultaneously, the sci-ence of genetics is beginning to probe the specifics of descent both from male and female ancestors. The United Israel Bulletin will strive to bring you news of advances in each field. In the meantime, the strongest evidence of a person’s connection to Abra-ham and Sarah may just be borne out by experience. Why are churches in Denmark sponsoring flights of planeloads of Jews from the former Soviet Union to a new home in Israel? It does not seem to make theo-logical sense. Why are thousands of Christians in the United States becoming interested in the Jewish roots of Christianity? Many who read the pages of this very newsletter have felt a unique and definite pull toward the Hebrew Bible—Torah and Prophets, to-ward the Jewish people, and toward the modern state of Israel. United Israel has long maintained that for now, at least, it is a matter of the heart! This may seem subjective and imprecise to some; however, the experiences of thousands of Biblically-oriented, mostly Protestant, believers provide convincing testi-mony in this regard. If you are experiencing an in-ner pull toward the God of Israel and to the To-rah, then the probability is high that you are, in fact, a descendant of the Tribes. Why not join with United Israel World Union to encourage one another and to support further research and publication on this exciting and prophetic topic? □ Dennis Jones


over spiritual matters. The legal cornerstone of this experiment was proclaimed in the colony’s Code of Laws of 1647. After listing the laws governing the secular affairs of the commonwealth, the code con-cluded with this statement: “These are the lawes that concerne all men…and otherwise than… what is herein forbidden, all men may walk as their consciences persuade them, everyone in the name of his God.”

In 1790, George Washington was the recipi-ent of an address by Moses Seixas, warden of the synagogue. In reply Washington sent the famous let-ter “To the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, R. I.” which has since become the classical expression of religious liberty in America. In this letter Washing-ton wrote, “for happily the Government of the United States which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecu-tion no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effec-tual support.” A facsimile of this historic document is exhibited on the west wall of the synagogue. The original letter is on exhibition in the B’nai B’rith Building in Washington, D. C. The words “to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance,” were not original with Washington. They were contained in the letter that Moses Seixas addressed to him. But Washington was obviously so impressed by them, for they seemed to express very forcibly the ideals which he espoused for America, that he incorporated them in his letter. Highly significant were these words from the President of the new Nation—a Na-tion feeling its way. Adoption of the Bill of Rights was more than a year in the future when Washington penned these perceptive phrases. And though the First Amendment would guarantee religious liberty in the strictly legal sense, Washington went further. His was a doctrine of brotherly love, of mutual re-spect.

I first learned of this historic letter by our first President from reading the back issues of the United Israel Bulletin. In the May-June 1945 (Iyar-Sivan 5705) issue, David Horowitz first published “George Washington’s Welcome to Judah.” The following is

George Washington’s Welcome to Judah Revisited2

In the picturesque city of Newport, R. I., there stands an historic edifice, the Touro Synagogue, which testifies eloquently to the early settlement of Jews in America. It is an unpretentious building, set back from the street, yet it is so typically colonial that it attracts the attention and admiration of all passers by. For over two centuries, the small synagogue has stood as a testimonial that in the United States of America men may seek eternal truths in their own par-ticular ways without hindrance from a civil govern-ment that embraces them all.

My wife, Rebecca, and I were on our first visit to the synagogue in 1997. As I stood in quiet contem-plation, I was struck by the enormous price paid by the early settlers of our great nation in the pursuit of the principle of religious liberty.

In the spring of 1658, fifteen Spanish Portu-guese Jewish families arrived in Newport. These Jews, some of whom were Marranos, wanted to start a

new life in a land where they could live as free men and women and practice the religion of their fathers, without hindrance or fear. They believed this to be possible in the Colony of Rhode Island and the Provi-dence Plantations because of the assurance of freedom of religion and liberty of conscience promised by Governor Roger Williams to all who came within its borders.

Roger Williams, founder of the colony that be-came Rhode Island, believed in religious liberty. His own banishment from Puritan Massachusetts had con-vinced him that religious intolerance was a threat to civil peace and a barrier against the search for truth. So he used his influence in Rhode Island to shape a new kind of civil government, one devoid of power 2 Editors Note: The very first issue of the United Israel Bulletin, July,

1944 carried a story on this event.

Rhode Island Synagogue


the content of Washington’s address to the Hebrew congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, in the year 1790.

Gentlemen: While I receive, with much satisfaction your address replete with expressions of affection and esteem; I rejoice in the opportunity of as-suring you, that I shall always retain a grate-ful remembrance of the cordial welcome I ex-perienced in my visit to Newport, from all classes of citizens. The reflection on the days of difficulty and danger which are passed is rendered more sweet, from a consciousness that they are succeeded by days of uncommon prosperity and security. If we have wisdom to make the best use of the advantages with which we are now favored, we cannot fail, under the just administration of a good government, to be-come a great and a happy people. The citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support. It would be inconsistent with the frankness of my character not to avow that I am pleased with your favorable opinion of my admini-stration, and fervent wishes for my felicity. May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants; while everyone shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig-tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the Father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several voca-

tions useful here and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy. George Washington

As I wandered the grounds of this national

historic site, I thought about Washington’s reply--a moving affirmation to this little congregation of Sephardim—Jews of Spain and Portugal. Some, called Marranos, had become Christian converts to escape persecution. Others had been driven from Iberia and now resided elsewhere in Europe or in South America and the West Indies. My, how their hopes must have been rekindled by this classic decla-ration of religious liberty by George Washington.

I hope the readers will have a future opportu-nity to visit the Touro Synagogue. Since it was des-ignated a National Historic Site by the United States Government in 1946, thousands of visitors from all parts of the United States and from many foreign countries have made a pilgrimage to Newport to see this beautiful edifice which is the religious heritage of Jews in America in colonial days.

As we walked away, I turned again to glance at one of our oldest symbols of liberty and was left with the deep impression that this oldest of syna-gogues in America was not now just a museum--a reminder of a distant era—but, that it is still in active use today!

On a quiet street in Newport, Rhode Island, a principle has triumphed. □ Ralph Buntyn


Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace, and it is written, “Shalom to those who are near, and shalom to those who are afar off.” May this truly obtain for all true servants of YHVH who are returning to Him and to His law in these days of decision. But, it is incum-bent upon us first of all to understand fully what YHVH meant when He said: “Return unto Me, and I will return unto you.” Here is a condition, namely, that we, His people Israel, return first. But the ques-tion arises: How are we to return? The answer to this question lies in the Five Great Books of the great leg-islator, Moses, and in the Prophets! It cannot be found in any doctrine of pure spirit that speaks of dev-ils and ghosts. The time has come for Israel to return to the fundamentals of the Law of YHVH as instituted at Sinai—the law which in truth is “the Everlasting Covenant” made with our forefathers. We, their de-scendants today, are still bound to it. But the ways of Providence are incontestable, and surely in all happenings there is development and plan. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear among the elect can readily perceive that we have to-day entered that “chapter” in Bible history which will without doubt see the conclusion of the long and tragic history of Israel and the commencement of the fulfillment of those prophecies which speak of the Latter Days. Particularly interesting for us here in America are those prophecies which touch upon us directly in connection with chapter 37 of Ezekiel—for America is “the Daughter of Zion”! But, this is not the message which I desire, at this crucial point in our history, to convey to my dear brethren and sisters of both houses of Israel. First of all, I wish to make one point quite clear. I will let Ho-sea speak for me: “And Israel and Ephraim shall stumble in their iniquity, Judah also stumbles with them.” This then is very clear for all of us. For it places both houses in the same category. One is not

better than the other. Let us remember that well, O Joseph and Judah. We all stand guilty before YHVH our Father in that we have all turned to the idols of the nations and worshipped strange gods and eaten unclean things amidst our captives. Let not one boast himself over the other. The time of division is past. The problem of Judah, however, will have to be made clear for Israel. For there have been great and grave errors committed by members of Israel groups with respect to Judah. The truth of YHVH must be known, and we shall come to that subse-quently. Meanwhile, as respect to those of us who do definitely know that we belong to the all-embracing House of Israel—it is for us to realize that we are now entering those great days of which Isaiah wrote, “And He will set up an ensign for the nations, and will assemble the dispersed of Israel, and gather to-gether the scattered of Judah, from the four corners of the earth. The envy of Ephraim shall depart, and they that harass Judah shall be cut off. Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.” This prophecy should serve as a lesson for all of us. For these are the days spoken of! But, this brings us to the problem of Judah again. Some Israel groups in America and in Eng-land try to prove that the majority of Judah, includ-ing the “scepter,” namely, the line of David, became incorporated into the ten tribes and that, for this rea-son, and through a certain marriage between a daughter of a king of Judah with somebody in Scot-land, the line of David “flew” right into the British throne and thus merged with Ephraim, and that the literal Jews in the world today, in their majority, are descendants of Hittites and what have you. Such teaching is satanic and contrary to all Bible truths. Those Israel groups are absolutely right in one re-spect, and that is that they are members of the lost

United Israel Bulletin Volume 1, Number 1

July 1944 – Tamuz 5704

A Message to Israel and Judah from David


tribes; but that certainly does not entitle them to rele-gate to themselves all the blessings which YHVH imparted to both Joseph and Judah in an almost equal manner and at the same time entirely disregard and disclaim Judah the Sceptre tribe. We must be most cautious, lest we make a major blunder with regard to the immutable and eternal word of God and thus incur guilt. Let it be known: the Jews in the world today are, literally speaking, the one and only tribe of Judah existing anywhere. It is out of this tribe of Judah, or the Jews, that the Redeemer of Israel will appear. To say that the Throne of Britain is the Throne of David, the Throne of YHVH, is to blas-pheme the living God. For the Throne of YHVH will be established in Mercy and in Righteousness and Justice. YHVH God, in all His wonders, kept the identity of the one tribe of Judah for all these years because out of this tribe “will come forth every ruler together”—and the Redeemer of Israel. And, it is well for those brethren in Israel who still believe in their unbiblical theories to know that if the God of Israel was able to keep them, namely, all the ten tribes, pure in blood during a period of over two thousand years of “lost identity” and mingling with many nations, He would also certainly be able to keep the one tribe, which kept its identity, in purity of blood despite the few intermarriages. And even if Judah would have permitted much intermarriage, no harm could have come to the strain, because the for-eign element would have drifted away from the Judah line according to YHVH’s biological work-ings. Wonderful confirmation of this we have in Daniel. In chapter 2, verse 43, he says:

“And whereas you saw iron mingled with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to an-other, even as iron doth not mingle with clay.”

Hence, though the ten tribes have mixed themselves with scores of nations, they are as pure Hebrews as the Jews of Judah and both houses have pure Hebrew blood running through their veins—the miracle of this world! There was no possibility whatsoever of mingling of the seed. Those who have

remained Jews to this day are of the pure line, the foreign element having turned back to the nation to which it originally belonged. Of course, in spite of this purity in blood, the majority of Israel and Judah stand guilty before their God today in sin and trans-gression. And that is why the rod still lies heavily upon us. So, instead of trying to make certain claims about who is to get certain blessings of the Bible and who is to inherit this or that, it behooves us all, Judah and Israel, to humble ourselves in purity of heart and to consider our own ways and see if we ourselves are worthy of the all-embracing name Israel. Instead of bickering about matters of little import, let us invoke the name of our Creator, YHVH of Hosts, the God of Israel, and beseech Him for mercy and forgiveness and for salvation as promised. In this return to our Father, Rock and Re-deemer, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, beside whom there is none else, neither in heaven nor on earth, I can think of no bet-ter or more appropriate heartfelt supplication to YHVH than that which the Levites voiced the time of Nehemiah when “the seed of Israel stood up and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fa-thers.” Let us join in with a whole and pure heart in praying the prayer of Nehemiah chapter 9. □ David Horowitz from the 1st Issue Published

The Biblical Meaning of the Term “Hebrew” The term Hebrew is a broader term than ei-ther “Jewish” or “Israelite.” The first use of the term is in Genesis 14:13 where we read of “Abram the Hebrew.” Originally the word referred to one who had crossed over the Euphrates River and left Baby-lonian civilization behind. Abraham receives just such a call in Genesis 12. There he is told that God would make of him a “great nation,” in order to bring blessings upon the whole world. To be a “Hebrew” then, in this original sense of the term, is to take up the spiritual path of Abraham. It involves knowing the One Creator God and following the way of Torah, by doing justice and righteousness, in order to provide an example to all nations (see Gen. 18:19; 26:3). All those who take up this calling, both physical descendants of Abraham and those otherwise attracted to the mission, can properly and proudly be called “Hebrews.”


The readers of the United Israel Bulletin are not new to the concept stated repeatedly in the Proph-ets that the dispersed descendants of Ephraim/Yisrael (Israel) will reunite with those from Yehuda (Judah). This is the very same “Israel” that was the Northern Kingdom that was carried off into exile by Assyria—the legendary “Ten Lost Tribes.” In fact, the key mis-sion of United Israel World Union is to disseminate research and information about the regathering and reunification of all the Tribes. It is something every-one who has ever been affiliated with UIWU has dreamed and prayed about. So how exactly is reunifi-cation going to happen? And is there anything we can do to help make it a reality, in our time?

Most students of the Hebrew Prophets imme-diately jump to the “end point”—how will Judah ac-cept their long-lost brothers from Ephraim? Who ex-actly is Ephraim, and how will we recognize them? How will they recognize themselves? What will the Halachic (Jewish Law) ramifications of this “reunion” be? Should those feeling a drawing toward HaShem and the Torah convert to Judaism? Why yes? Why no? Although we could go on and on, questions like these probably defy easy resolution. We could dis-cuss, argue, debate, or even meditate and pray for an answer, or answers. The problem here is that we will most likely tie ourselves up in theological knots and become totally paralyzed with indecision.

Complicating the problem even further are the long-standing, preconceived notions about Chris-tianity and Judaism that have inhibited Christian-Jewish dialogue for centuries. Debates have raged about historical personalities and about the nuances of religious faith over the last two thousand years. Must we remain apart, filled with suspicion of each other?

I believe there is an alternative. We can reach out with our hands and hearts to each other and focus on what unites us, rather than what divides us. And, we can take some very practical steps, that we can all agree make perfect sense and clearly fit in with HaShem’s desire to have all of His children return to Him. I have a basic plan to outline, focusing on four main points. I will call it the “Reunification Plan, Part I.” It is clearly a preliminary step, a work in progress.

You may feel that you have other elements that should be part of this “plan,” perhaps even sugges-tions for what Parts II and III might look like, and we would be pleased to hear any suggestions that our readers might have. I suggest these four points for Part I. These are things that I believe everyone reading this article with an interest in seeing the eventual reunification of Judah and Israel could agree to and begin to implement. Reunification Plan – Phase I 1. Torah. We must all become more familiar with our roots that are deeply embedded in HaShem’s To-rah. The Tanach, the Hebrew Bible—Torah, Proph-ets, and Writings, has been the starting point of the three major Western faiths—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. As such does it not make sense that is should be the starting point for any unification of Judah and Israel? The Torah belongs to all of us, and we must become attuned to its message and de-mands upon us. It has a message for all of human-kind, but specifically for those of Judah and Israel. There are fabulous Torah resources on the Internet, numerous Jewish sites to peruse with insights and commentaries into the words that HaShem passed on to us through the Prophet Moses. If you truly feel that this is your heritage too, then begin to study it, grapple with it, and determine how to make it rele-vant in your life. For example, what does Shabbat (the Sabbath) mean? What are the holidays about, as outlined in Leviticus 23? What are the truly authen-tic Torah concepts—the basic building blocks of the Hebrew faith? Are there classes within your commu-nities at local synagogues of which you might take advantage? Are there books in your local public li-brary that would shed light on these issues? And, again, there is the Internet with its vast resources re-lated to all aspects of Torah faith and Jewish studies.

2. Hebrew. The Hebrew language is our holy lan-guage—how can we not learn it? Would it not be wonderful if we could all get to the point where we could stop reading translations of the Tanach, and

Beginning the Reunification


read it in the original Hebrew, the very language in which HaShem communicated it to Moses and the Prophets? There are many resources available, whether books, videos, audio tapes, or DVDs that make it easy to begin to explore the world of both Biblical and modern Hebrew as it is spoken today--the living embodiment of our ancient tongue as it thrives in the Land of Israel in our time. Many of these materials are available through various Internet sites, and we plan to review some of the major re-sources in subsequent issues of the United Israel Bulletin (see the article in this issue by Ross Nich-ols). 3. The Jewish people. Are you feeling drawn toward HaShem, the God of Israel, and His Torah? Well, you surely would not neglect your brothers from Judah—the Jewish people, the most easily recogniz-able of HaShem’s chosen children at this time. Vio-lent anti-Semitism has reached levels in Europe that are beginning to rival the 1930’s. We cannot afford to stand idly by while synagogues are burned and the danger to Jewish men, women, and children mounts daily. Perhaps you could contact the governments of the countries with the highest levels of anti-Semitism and join in various efforts, whether boy-cott or verbal protest, that will make known your concerns. It would be good also to contact your elected officials in our own country to share con-cerns about anti-Semitism whether here or abroad. Letters to the editors of newspapers and magazines and many other “grass roots” efforts can make a dif-ference. And, this leads us to the world’s largest Jewish community—now living back in the Land of Israel itself.

4. Israel. We must not forsake HaShem’s chosen Land. What might you do to help secure Israel, who battles scores of murderous terrorists on a daily ba-sis? In my opinion, there should not be a single Con-gressman or Senator from your state that does not know how you, a Bible-believing registered voter, feel about Israel. You might also consider writing to newspapers and to the media to protest their skewed coverage of the Middle East. Would you consider writing letters of support to beleaguered Jewish communities throughout our Holy Land? What a

great way that would be to let them know they are not alone! Nothing supports a nation and its econ-omy quite like the power of the purse. Have you considered visiting Israel lately? The Israeli econ-omy relies heavily on revenues generated from tour-ism. How about purchasing Israeli products? There are wonderful sites on the Internet where you can order the finest quality Israeli products, ranging from delicious food, health products, clothing, and especially jewelry. Here is a list of Internet sites that are among my family’s personal favorites. I have in-cluded here sites that particularly support Jews cou-rageously living in the areas of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, including Hebron: www.shopinisrael.com www.gifts.hebron.org.il www.israelmilitary.com www.jewishinternetassociation.org www.yeshashops.com www.machers.com The Orthodox sites: http://www.edah.org/backend/coldfusion/israel.cfm and http://www.ou.org/israel/5762/front.htm have specific pages de-voted to the very ideas embodied in this point—how and where to go in order to support Israel both through buying products and many other avenues. Take the time to browse and I think you will be amazed at what is available. Why not make it your goal to have Israeli food at every Chag (holiday), ideally even every Shabbat? Give gifts of Israeli jewelry, clothing, and ritual items to all your friends and relatives for those special occasions. There are many ways this can be done, including buying as a group made up of your friends or study-partners. Did you know that there are even websites where you can pay for a pizza snack for those brave, young Israeli soldiers who are working so hard to defend the soil and the people that we all love so much? There are so many ways to help and feel part of our Eretz Yisrael. So, friends and associates of United Israel World Union, are you feeling moved to begin work-ing toward the reunification of Judah and Joseph? Would you be willing to begin taking these four, ba-sic steps towards making it happen? □ Hanoch Young


In Deuteronomy chapter 32 we have the mysterious and prophetic “Song of Moses,” delivered to the ancient Israelites right near the end of Moses’ life. It is there we find the chilling declaration: “I WILL HIDE MY FACE FROM THEM and, I will see what their end will be” (v. 32). It is pretty strong language when you read the context surrounding it, enough to send chills up the spine! In the context you will recall that Moses is warning the people of what will happen after his death in the latter days when the people will have turned aside from the commandments given at Sinai (see Deut 31:24-30). Yet, there is always a blessing that follows when coupled with a return to YHVH and obedience to His Torah.

Read on, verses 44-47, as Moses instructs the people, “Set your hearts to all the words which I tes-tify among you this day, which you shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this Torah. For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life; and through this word you shall prolong your days in the land, into which you go over the Jor-dan to possess it.”

Continuing down into chapter 33, we find Moses blessing to all the tribes! It is as though YHVH is telling us, the way will be bitter because of disobe-dience, but in the end it will become sweet, because the Torah that is stored in our hearts will again flour-ish in the hearts of the children as prophesied in Mala-chi. I believe we are currently seeing this beginning to happen in our day, as many of us from the tribes are returning to our roots and acknowledging the Way of Torah!

I love the promise in Ezekiel 11. The prophet is falling down on his face, verse 13, and crying out to His God, “Will you make a full end of the remnant of Yisra'el?” YHVH gives a powerful answer full of hope and promise beginning in verse 16: “Although I have scattered them far off among the nations, and al-though I have scattered them among the countries, I have been to them a little sanctuary in the countries where they have come.” The text goes on to speak of the promise of the new spirit, the new heart, etc. Then we read of the departure of the kavod—the glory of God. So, in spite of the hiding of the face, those that love Torah and are seeking God’s face, will be blessed

with the “little sanctuary,” (miqdash me'at in He-brew). To me, that means that His Presence is with us, wherever we are. I love that promise. It sus-tains me. In Ezekiel 37, we have the promise of the two sticks becoming one in YHVH's hand with the Da-vidic kingdom coming into being, ushering in the covenant of peace, and the promise of all the na-tions acknowledging the God that sanctifies Is-rael! Ultimately, the “hiding of God’s face” will end, as stated so powerfully in verse 38, “My sanc-tuary shall be in the midst of them forever.” □ Betty Givin

The Hiding of God’s Face, A Personal Testimony

For I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. Hear the word of YHVH, Oh you nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, "He that scattered Israel will gather him and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flocks." (Jeremiah 31:8-9) Hear the word of YHVH, O nations, and declare it in the coast lands afar off; say, "He who scattered Israel will gather him, and will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock." Thus says YHVH: "A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she re-fuses to be comforted for her children, be-cause they are not." (Jeremiah 31:10, 15) And I will take you one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion . . . In those days the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel, and they will come together from the land of the north to the land that I gave your fathers as an inheritance. (Jeremiah 3:14, 18)


A vital part of reviving a Hebraic culture is to learn the language. The Hebrew language has served as the vehicle for divine communication. Through this tongue, God spoke to the prophets of old. It was the language of Moses, Isaiah, and Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 26:14), to name a few. No other language can make such exalted claims for itself. It has been called Edenspeak, the “language of God,” and the “tongue of angels.”

This article is the first in a series meant to en-courage and aid you in the process of learning the He-brew language. I will seek to provide you with inter-esting facts as well as grammatical rules to make the journey fun. Throughout this series I will also suggest certain books, though I aim to lead you through the fundamentals without the requirement of additional spending.

The Study of Hebrew

and the Founding Fathers 3

The study of Hebrew has played an important role since the founding of America. Here are some little known facts of history. William Bradford (1590-1657), a prominent early American, said that he studied Hebrew so that when he died he would be able to speak in the most ancient language, the Holy Tongue in which God and the angels spoke. Cotton Mather, a popular Puritan Minister (1663-1728), once remarked on learning Hebrew, “I promise that those who spend as much time in the morning and evening in Hebrew studies as they do in smoking tobacco, would quickly make excellent progress in the language.” Many of the Ivy League schools, so important in the founding of American education, held that a study of Hebrew was an essential part of one’s education. Hebrew inscriptions can be found on the insignia or seals of such schools as Dartmouth and Columbia. Hebrew played an important part of a Harvard education from the first day that the college opened its doors.

The first Jew to receive a college degree in America, Rabbi Judah Monis (1683-1764), who also became the instructor of Hebrew for Harvard, said the following: “I think the more acquainted the ministers of the Gospel are with the Hebrew tongue, and so with the Old Testament, the better able they will be to un-derstand the New Testament and so to preach.” Rabbi Monis is also credited with publishing the first Hebrew Grammar in the New World in 1735. In that work he gives the following advice to those that would take up the study of Hebrew, “I advise begin-ners not to perplex themselves about any rule that at first view seems difficult, which will be of great ad-vantage to carry on their design in the knowledge of this primitive tongue with success.”

These forthcoming lessons are taken from a work that I am currently preparing, and so it is hoped that you will provide me with feedback, offering sug-gestions that will make the learning of Hebrew at-tainable for anyone that is interested. I will follow the general division and arrangement of Gesenius for my lessons; namely, (1) sounds represented by letters and united to form syllables, (2) words, and (3) sen-tences.

The Names of the Hebrew Letters There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew

language, all of which are consonants. The names of the letters are actual words in the Hebrew language, and thus learning the Hebrew letters will give you a vocabulary of twenty-two words. This first lesson will introduce the letters by name, as well as the meaning and pronunciation of the names. The names of the Hebrew letters have been transliterated from the Hebrew into English below. Transliterate means to write words in the characters of another alphabet. Writers employ various spellings in transliterating the Hebrew letter names. The transliterated names of the Hebrew letters accompanied by the representa-tive characters are as follows: Alef - ), Bayth - b, Gimel - g, Daleth - d, Hey - h, Waw- w, Zayin - z, Cheth -x, Teth - +, Yode - y, Kaph - k, Lamed - l, Mem - m, Noon - n, Samek - s, Ayin – (, Pey - p, Tsadee - c, Kofe - q, Raysh - r, Sheen - #, Taw - t.

Recapturing the Ancient Hebrew Culture

3 The information in this section comes from the book, Our Fa-ther Abraham, Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, Marvin Wil-son, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989), see especially pp. 127-131. Early issues of the United Israel Bulletin also explored this subject and we will periodically republish them.


Early Attestation to the Number and

Arrangement of Letters/ Acrostic Psalms Our earliest records confirm the present enu-

meration of 22 letters. Aside from the number of He-brew letters being 22, the original arrangement of the books of the Hebrew Bible caused it to be counted as 22 books. These facts gave rise to the belief that the number 22 represented completion and perfection. The author of the book of Jubilees (circa 150 BCE), portions of which were found at Qumran, is among the first to go on record as extolling the number 22 in this sense. In that work, the author mentions the enu-meration of the 22 generations from Adam to Jacob, 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the number of Biblical books as 22, and Adam as the 22nd and final creative act in the Genesis account of creation. “Accordingly, the twenty-two works of the six days of Creation are enumerated (ch. ii. 2-22): On the first day—heaven, earth, water, the spirits, the abyss, darkness, and light; on the second—the firmament; on the third—the land, the seas, vegetation, and para-dise; on the fourth—sun, moon, and stars; on the fifth—the sea-monsters (Behemoth and Leviathan, "the first things of flesh created by His hands"), the fish, and the birds; on the sixth—the wild and the tame animals, the creeping things, and man; these twenty-two works correspond to the twenty-two gen-erations from Adam to Jacob, as well as to the twenty-two letters of the alphabet and the twenty-two books of Holy Scripture.” (Jewish Encyclopedia, “Jubilees” www.jewishencyclopedia.com).

Notice what other ancient authorities had to say about the number of 22 in this regard:

Origen, 210 CE: “It should be stated that the canonical books, as the Hebrews have handed them down, are twenty-two; corresponding with the num-ber of their letters.” Quoted by Eusebius, Ecclesiasti-cal History 4.26.14.

Athanasius, 365 CE: “There are then of the Old Testament, twenty-two books in number….this is the number of the letters of the Hebrews.” Letter 39.4

Jerome, 391 CE: “As then, there are twenty-two elementary characters by means of which we write in Hebrew all we say, and the compass of the human voice is contained within their limits; so we reckon twenty-two books, by which, as by the alpha-bet of the doctrine of God, a righteous man is in-

structed in tender infancy, and as it were, while still at the breast.” (Preface to Samuel and Kings)

As to the order of the Hebrew letters, we have very early evidence that verifies the present order as authentic and very ancient indeed. One such piece of evidence is the use of acrostics by Biblical writers. An acrostic is a literary device whereby a writer uses the first letter of an alphabet to begin the first sentence, the second letter to be-gin the second sentence, and so on until all the let-ters have been used. In this way, the author pro-duces a work that displays symmetry and reflects a special style in his work. The Hebrew Bible em-ploys this style in Psalms 37; 111; 112; and 119. Psalms 119 deserves special attention in this re-gard. Psalm 119 is the longest ‘chapter’ in the Bi-ble. The writer divided his composition into twenty-two sections of eight stanzas each. In each of the first eight stanzas, the initial word begins with the Hebrew letter ALEPH ()), the first letter of the alphabet. In each of the second eight stanzas, the initial word begins with the letter BETH (b), the second Hebrew letter. This process continues throughout the Psalm, using all the Hebrew letters in this way, producing a remarkable literary crea-tion, the beauty of which is only realized in its original language. The translators of the Authorized Version sought to preserve some evidence of this style, and even in some modern versions, the letters of the alphabet are listed at the head of every eight verses.

Original Order and Arrangement of the Books of the Hebrew Bible

The Babylonian Talmud has the oldest list-ing of the books of the Hebrew Bible. (Baba Bathra 14b) Although the Septuagint breaks with the He-brew method of book arrangement, it does maintain the ancient Hebrew enumeration of 22. English Christian Bibles typically follow the organization of the Septuagint, but divide the books so as to come up with 39 books instead of the original 22. Even modern Jewish Bibles have altered the origi-nal arrangement so that rather than 22 books, the Hebrew Bible is organized into 24 separate books.

The Current Forms of the Hebrew Characters:Their Origin and Date

The current forms of the Hebrew letters are


a later developed form of writing. Our Hebrew Bi-bles are printed in this form today as well as secular material written in Hebrew. It is normally referred to as the square character or the Assyrian Script. The character form known as the square character is Ara-maic in origin. It appears that the Jews gradually adopted a style similar to the square character during the period ranging from the 6th to 4th century BCE, and then the letters evolved to their current style somewhere between the 4th to the middle of the 3rd century BCE. Jewish religious materials relate leg-ends on this change in writing style, attributing the switch to divine direction. The Samaritans retained an earlier style of writing, and since Jews and Sa-maritans were antagonistic one to another, Jewish lit-erature that speaks of the change, belittles the refusal to adapt to the new and sacred style on the part of the Samaritans. By the first century of the Common Era, the square character had almost completely taken over among the Palestinian populace. Jewish sar-cophagus inscriptions dating to the first century dis-play the square character almost exclusively.

I have included a text box to assist you in learning the pronunciation of the Hebrew alphabet. In the next lesson we will learn of some special con-siderations as related to the pronunciation of Hebrew letters. For the present, the student should concen-trate on the memorization of the Hebrew letters as well as their phonetic value. □ Ross Nichols

These are the generally accepted English pronunciation equivalents

for Hebrew ) has no equivalent letter in Eng-lish. Its pronunciation has been compared to the silent ‘h’ in words like ‘honor.’ b is like the ‘v’ in ‘vine.’ g is like the ‘g’ in ‘Galilee.’ d is like the ‘d’ in ‘door.’ h is like the ‘h’ in ‘hole,’ w is like the ‘v” in ‘vine.’ z is like the ‘z’ in ‘Zebulon.’ x is like the ‘ch’ in ‘Zechariah.’ + is like the ‘t’ in ‘twisting.’ y is like the ‘y’ in ‘yes.’ k is like the ‘ch’ in ‘patriarch.’ It is very similar in sound to x. l is like the ‘l’ in ‘Levi.’ m is like the ‘m’ in ‘Moses.’ n is like the ‘n’ in ‘noon.’ s is like the ‘s’ in ‘Sinai.’ ( is a silent, slight throaty sound. p is like the ‘ph’ in ‘Pharisee.’ c is like the ‘ts’ in ‘nets.’ q is like the ‘k’ in ‘keep.’ r is like the ‘r’ in ‘Rabbi.’ # is like the ‘sh’ in ‘show.’ t is like the ‘t’ in ‘table.’


Over 40 years ago, in the tiny town of West Union, West Virginia a momentous event took place, largely un-noticed in either the Jewish or Gentile world. The founder of UIWU, the late David Horowitz, had arranged for the local UIWU group in that area to be formally and officially given an authentic Torah scroll. David had made contact with a prominent Jewish benefactor in Chicago by the name of Howard Werner. Mr. Werner had become fasci-nated with the goals and purposes of UIWU. He was ex-cited to learn that UIWU had actually formed two congre-gations, one in West Union and another in West Olive, Michigan. These groups were largely “Gentiles,” who had responded to the “lost tribes” message and had taken up a Torah-oriented way of life, including observation of the Sabbath, the festivals, and the biblical dietary laws. During Passover week, 1960, Howard Werner offi-cially presented the congregation with their own Torah scroll (Sefer Torah) and for many years it was housed in the congregation and used regularly. Jacob Luther Dillon and his wife Edna were prominent members of the small group and had donated the land for their building. Over the years the congregation dwindled and when Mr. Dillon died in 1987 the Torah scroll was stored by his widow Edna Dillon in her home in a safe temperature controlled envi-ronment. The building was eventually abandoned. Last August United Israel Bulletin editor, Dr. James Tabor, visited the abandoned site of the West Union congregation and was able to locate Edna Dillon, now in her 80’s and living with her son, Samuel David Dillon, in nearby Parkersburg, West Virginia. Mrs. Dillon had not had much contact with the UIWU headquarters, then in New York. Dr. Tabor told her of the ambitious plans to move the main editorial offices of UIWU to Charlotte, NC and Edna suggested that he take the Torah Scroll back with

him and properly house it in our head-quarters site. When Dr. Tabor arrived back in Charlotte, he was anxious to see where in the Torah the Scroll had last been unrolled for reading. He was rather taken aback when he saw it was open to Genesis

44:18. This is the Torah reading known as “Vayyigash,” which tells of story of Judah, son of Jacob, drawing near to his lost brother Joseph! Not only was this the reading the week of UIWU founding in 1944 (see Editorial in this is-

sue), but that particular reading had become a kind of banner text for UIWU and its whole mission and purpose.

The Scroll is in beautiful condition and is now

housed in a lovely “ark” with new rollers and cover. It is regularly taken out and read at Sabbath meetings and on festivals in Charlotte by Dennis Jones, our most accom-plished Torah reader, and UIWU Vice President. Mr. Jones has served as President of his local synagogue and has schooled himself in all aspects of proper care and use of this wonder, Sefer Torah. Just this past June, Dr. Tabor, Dennis Jones, and UIWU treasurer, Timothy Thompson, drove up to West Olive, Michigan to visit the other UIWU congregation that had been founded back in the 1950’s. Jack and Doris Trinker ably and faithfully lead this congregation. They

have property and a lovely little building, and they too have an authentic Torah scroll given to them in 1965 through a Jewish benefactor by the name of Edward Abrahams, again through the agency of Mr. Horowitz.

The West Virginia Torah Story

Edna Dillon holding Torah

Dennis Jones Reading Torah in Charlotte Office

West Olive Michigan Sabbath Meeting



I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph. I will bring them back because I have compassion on them, and they shall be as though I had not rejected them; for I am the YHVH their God and I will answer them. . . I will signal for them and gather them in, for I have redeemed them, and they shall be as many as of old. Though I scattered them among the nations, yet in far countries they shall remember me, and with their children they shall live and return . . . until no room can be found for them. (Zechariah 10:6-10) Therefore, behold, the days are coming, says YHVH, when it shall no longer be said, "As the YHVH lives who brought up the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt," but "As the YHVH lives who brought up the people of Israel out of the north country and out of all the countries where he had driven them." For I will bring them back to their own land which I gave to their fathers. Behold, I am sending for many fishers, says YHVH, and they shall catch them; and afterwards I will send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the clefts of the rocks. For my eyes are upon all their ways; they are not hid from me . . . (Jeremiah 16:14-17) Yet the number of the people of Israel shall be like the sand of the sea, which can be neither measured nor numbered; and in the place where it

was said to them, "You are not my people," it shall be said to them, "Sons of the living God." And the people of Judah and the people of Israel shall be gathered together, and they shall appoint for themselves one head; and they shall go up from the land, for great shall be the day of Jezreel. (Hosea 1:10-11)

Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons. Shall I bring to the point of birth, and not give delivery, says YHVH. Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb? Saith your God. Be joyful with Jerusalem and rejoice for her, all you who love her; be exceedingly glad with her, all you who mourn over her, that you may nurse and be satisfied with her comforting breasts, that you may suck and be delighted with her bountiful bosom. For thus YHVH, Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall be nursed, you shall be carried on the hip and fondled on the knees. As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem. Then you shall see this, and your heart shall be glad, and your bones shall flourish like the new grass; and the hand of YHVH shall be made known to His servants. . . (Isaiah 66:8-14)

In this issue:

• United Israel World Union Alive and Well at 60! • David Horowitz: A Life Remembered (1903-2002) • What Do We Really Know About the Modern Identity of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel? • George Washington’s Welcome to Judah Revisited • From the Archives: A Message to Israel and Judah from David

Horowitz • Beginning the Reunification • The Hiding of God’s Face; A Personal Testimony • Recapturing the Ancient Hebrew Culture • The West Virginia Torah Story • A Sabbath to Remember

SUMMER 2004— ELUL 5764 VOLUME 61, NO. 1

P.O. Box 561476, Charlotte, NC 28256

United Israel World Union strongly opposes any and all forms of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, racial or cultural prejudice. Our vision since our founding in 1944 has been in-clusive and universal, reflecting the prophetic vision of the Bible with justice, peace, right-eousness, and love as the ultimate goals for all humanity.

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