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Post on 24-Jun-2020






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I want you to picture a large Sunday family dinner. The whole family has been invited. Your cousins from far and wide have made the drive to join you. Imagine everyone is seated around the big table piled high with Grandma’s best recipes. Imagine you are using the family china; those dishes that are only used for the most special of occasions.

Now consider: what conversation topics would be discussed over the clatter of plates being passed? Would the conversation

stay friendly or would some topics cause arguments? Are there hot topics in your family that, no matter what, your Aunt Jenny and Uncle Joey will never agree

on? Would old hurts and family wounds be brought up because some are still struggling with the issue?

As I write, our church, the United Methodist denomination, is in the middle of General Conference. Every four years each Annual Conference from all over the world (we are members of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference) send delegates to General Conference to vote and consider the issues that make us United Methodist. This year there was just shy of 1000 items to be voted and debated on. From a resolution on whether or not a new hymnal should be released, to our

We are a diverse community joyfully responding to God’s love and growing as disciples

of Christ, by nurturing, teaching, reaching and serving all people.

Princeton United Methodist Church

June 2016

1. General Conference Report

2. Preparing for Worship

Upcoming June Events

3. Pastor’s Pen

4. New Members

5. Circle of Friends Picnic

Breakfast - sponsored by the UMM

Youth Ministries

6. Spotlight: Christian Education

7. Music Ministries

8. Outreach

9. Graduates

VBS - T3! - Totally Terrific Tuesdays!

10. Finance and Trustee Updates

11. June Birthdays

In this Issue

General Conference

continued on page 8


Preparing for Worship Date Sermon Scripture Preacher

June 5 Lessons from the Toy Box John 6:26-35 Jana Purkis-Brash Holy Communion Legos - It All Begins with Connecting

June 12 Lessons from the Toy Box Philippians 4:4-9 Kaleigh Corbett Graduation Sunday Yo-Yo

June 19 Lessons from the Toy Box Mark 12:29-33 Catherine Williams Summer Schedule Rocking Horse Father’s Day

June 26 Vacation Tweets Donald Brash #didweforgetanything

Upcoming June Events Sunday 5: Holy Communion

Potluck Lunch

ASP Benefit Concert

Monday 6: Church Council Meeting

Tuesday 7: Voting Tuesday

Saturday 11: Threads of Hope

Sunday 12: Breakfast - Sponsored by the UMM

Graduation Sunday

Monday 13: Outreach Meeting

Education Meeting

Trustees Meeting

Tuesday 14: Circle of Friends - Picnic

Communications Committee

Sunday 19: Move to One Service

Summer Sundays Begin

Father’s Day

Newsletter Deadline

Monday 20: Stewardship/Finance


Sunday 26: Hymn Sing Begins

ASP Commissioning Service

Monday 23: Membership


SPRC Meeting

Tuesday 28: T.A.S.K.

10 am Worship 9:45 Summer Sundays

Begins June 19:


Pastor’s Pen

For the last three years I have watched and been a part of the Princeton UMC family in three very different capacities.

The first year, and my first year as a student at the seminary, I was able to observe how PUMC

interacts with the community. As one who was not yet part of PUMC, I am glad to report that PUMC is considered an active church. The programs and music offered at PUMC play an important role in the larger Mercer County community.

During my second year, I observed PUMC through the eyes of an employee’s spouse. You provided a fantastic place for Deb to work. I could immediately

see the difference in Deb’s demeanor once she started working in the office. The joy each of you brought to her daily with your kindness and love was refreshing. Your friendship and love to both of us made us feel like we were included in the PUMC family and helped us to establish roots in this community.

But it was during my

third year, when I was appointed as a Student Local Pastor at PUMC that I really began to appreciate another dimension of the church. PUMC is

a church that prepares the future leaders of the UMC. Look at all the interns and pastors who have been blessed by their time at PUMC over the last three years. Consider those that came before my time in New Jersey as well. Each pastor and intern is serving God in creative, vibrant, leadership roles and I believe the foundation they received

from PUMC is what catapulted them to the success they are now achieving.

This is a powerful church. It reaches out to the community. It cares and treats its members and employees like family. It is an amazing classroom for the future pastors and leaders of our denomination.

God bless each of you and thank you for your companionship, love and prayers these past three years.

Pastor Scott


Samantha “Sam” Gilmore isn’t a stranger to us here at PUMC; she and her husband, Lance, are often here in worship with us, whenever Sam is not preaching in worship at Chambers UMC. Coming to Princeton from Seattle, WA, Sam loves walking her dog on the canal,

and reading the sermons of John Wesley (simultaneously, Sam?) We offer Sam our congratulations on her recent admission into the PhD program in Homiletics at Princeton Seminary; we look forward to her continued ministry among us. Jamile “Jamie” Gerber is transferring her membership to us from St. Mark’s UMC in Seneca, SC. Born in Damghan, Iran, Jamie has two alma maters, Rutgers University and Indiana University. With her quiet strength, Jamie is drawn to matters of interfaith relations and culture. Jamie has expressed interest in the nurturing ministries of our congregation, so look for her as one of those persons who greet you at the door with a friendly smile or graciously offer you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary.

Amy Fickenscher,

a Princeton

resident for the

past (almost) five

years, moved

here with her

husband from

Dallas, Texas.

Amy has two


children, 3-yr-old

Charlie and 3-

month-old Lane.

If nothing else

about New

Jersey, Amy likes our Garden State reputation and you

just might run into her at the local farmer's market.

Amy studied American History at University of Texas in

Dallas, is a lifelong Methodist and very much enjoys

the life and ministries of the church.

We welcome new members Sarah Wrone and Caroline Birkel . Both are graduating from eighth grade at Princeton Charter School. Caroline looks forward to playing lacrosse at Princeton High School, and Sarah will go to The Peddie School, where she will be on the rowing team.

We welcome our newest members


Breakfast - Sponsored by the United Methodist Men

Tuesday, June 14 at 10:30 am - Apperson Home Please bring a main dish, salad, side dish or dessert to share with the group. Beverages and paperware/utensils will be provided. Like to swim? Bring a suit and towel. All women are welcome to join us for food, fellowship and fun. Contact: Beth Perrine at 609-896-3536.

Circle of Friends - June Picnic The United Methodist Men’s group has hosted a vibrant array of speakers at their monthly breakfast meetings. Jim Looney, president of UMM, collaborates with Doug Fullman, Ed and Cindy Bennett and Bill Chick in providing a hot breakfast and a welcoming setting for speakers from the local

community. Topics covered over the past months include global missions/outreach (Elizabeth Thompson from Heartline Ministries in Haiti and Dr. Julie Juliano Rotary Club’s End Polio initiative); local outreach/social justice agencies (Carl Clark from Urban Promise Trenton, Walter Fortson for Petey Greene Program, Connie Mercer from Homefront

and Major Brian Peabody from the Trenton chapter of The Salvation Army). Addressing the vital topics of Health and Wellness, Suppers Program founder Dorothy Mullen addressed health and nutrition; matters of spiritual life were also presented by Rabbi Adam Feldman of the Princeton Jewish Center and the Rev. Ted Taylor from RWJUH‐Hamilton.

We’ve been greatly blessed to hear from our own church members on topics in their fields of expertise(Karen Zumbrunn, Scott Sherrill, Karin Brouwer, Anna Looney and our resident theologian, Donald Brash). Breakfast meetings fall on the second Sunday of the month (except for May when in recognition of Mother’s Day, the breakfast moves to the third Sunday) and a break for summer (no breakfast meetings in July and August).

If you haven’t joined one of these gatherings, we invite you to consider coming on June 12. Not only will you enjoy a delicious breakfast, but also fellowship and education in matters that touch all of us.

The FUS!ON youth were blessed with the work of a professional artist -- Ebony Flag -- for wall decor in their just-redecorated youth room. A graduate of the Moore College of Art, she designed two wall hangings -- one with the logo, one with a majestic lion's head and liturgical phrases -- and pillows to match. Thank you, Ebony! We look forward to seeing your work at www.EHFcreations.com.

Dorothy Mullen of The Suppers Programs, shown

with John Vaccaro

John Kuhlthau (left) with speaker Walter Fortson, ceneter, and Petey

Greene of the Petey Greene Program


"All of us who are involved in Christian Education believe that we are making disciples for the transformation of the world," says Bill Chick, chairman of Education. The committee's mission: to create ministries and programs that help all members of our diverse congregation grow together in faith, fellowship, and Christian discipleship.

Christian Ed supervises these programs: two Sunday adult classes, Sunday School for ages 2 to 12th grade, midweek Bible studies including Disciple classes, Sunday morning nursery, summer programs (Totally Terrific Tuesdays aka Vacation Bible School), the Christmas pageant, the church library, undergraduate and graduate scholarships, FUS!ON (the new name for Methodist Youth Fellowship), choirs for children and youth, Confirmation classes, and Summer Sundays, and teacher training and appreciation.

So many valuable programs don't “just happen." It takes lots of hard work, planning, research, training, and curriculum development. With Bill Chick as the chairman and supervised by Kaleigh Corbett (whom we are sorry to say goodbye to!) the team has added new, eager members. The newly reconstituted team now includes Don Brash, Richard Gordon,

Marie Griffiths, Carol Kuhlthau, Grace Penn, Mae Potts, Phoebe Quaynor, Lorie Roth, Tom Shelton, Susan Victor, and Steve Wong. They meet on second Mondays, and interested parents and teachers are welcome to attend.

Teacher Recognition Sunday is June 12. As Bill Chick likes to point out, each of our programs takes on its own unique character -- even from one Sunday School class to the next because of our amazing teachers. "We have so many dedicated staff members and volunteers who love teaching. They ensure that our children, youth, and adults are nurtured in the faith."

Says Bill: "Whether it is making sure that our youngest are lovingly cared for in the nursery, seeing the joy on 4th grade students’ faces when they receive their own Bibles, enjoying a family meal at Vacation Bible School, witnessing a child explain why they love Jesus, hearing high school students debate politics and

religion -- or providing theological and current event discussion classes for adults, the Education team wants to ensure that all people in the congregation have the opportunity to grow deeper into their faith."

Spotlight: Christian Education Committee


Songs of Love and Joy ASP BENEFIT CONCERT


Alex Farkas, Soprano

Hyosang Park, Piano

Sunday, June 5, 2016 @ 3:30pm

Summer Pick-up Choir Do you love to sing, but cannot commit to weekly rehearsals? Then here is a perfect solution for you. There will be a Summer Pick-up choir on 7/3, 8/7 and 9/4. Rehearsal will be on those Sundays before 10 am service starting at 9 am in the music room. Are you hesitating because you are not sure, you will be able to learn a song within one hour? Give yourself a chance; Lots of miracles happen in our music room! You will find it out yourself. Come and join other music lovers on Sunday mornings.

Weekly Hymn Sings Begin June 26

During the summer months, we will have a hymn sing 15 minutes before the start of worship. Requests will be taken, so find your favorite hymn from the black or red hymnal and join us in praising God.

Songs of Love and Joy French and Italian songs speak love in quite different ways, as the June 5 concert will demonstrate. The first express different colors of harmony without any rubato and the latter uses beautiful legato lines with rubato -- a musical term that refers to expressive and rhythmic freedom by changing the tempo momentarily. Soprano Alex Farkas will also sing sets of lullabies and inspirational songs such as 'A Bridge over Troubled Water,' 'You Raise Me Up,' 'Over the Rainbow' and more. Alex and Hyosang present 'Songs of Love and Joy' on Sunday, June 5, at 3:30 pm. To support our ASP teams, a free will offering will be taken.


The Neighborhood Center in the city of Camden serves the local community with programs for the entire family. The Neighborhood Center has been providing a “community living room” for nearly 100 years with the support of communities of faith throughout the region. Our support extends to the Center’s full range of programs, including their Child Care Center, After School Program; Neighborhood

Center (Teen) Leadership Academy, SAGES (Seniors), Community Kitchen and Emergency Services. As the summer

months approach the Center is preparing for its Summer Camp. The camp runs for nine weeks and provides academics, pluralistic faith formation, arts, music, athletics and lots of fun to over 120 children of the Camden community. Your support through our June Communion Offering will send a message of support and celebration to this vital agency. Thank you for your generosity.

June Communion Offering - Camden Neighborhood Center -

June 5

stance on LGBTQ clergy. General Conference discusses our church laws and beliefs on moral, economic and cultural issues.

And General Conference is like a large family dinner. We are all United Methodists. Delegates have traveled from all corners to join together for two weeks. They are our cousins, and second cousins twice removed. Delegates come from different countries and different cultures and they all have different perspectives. And there are topics that, like a family, we just don’t agree on. So as votes come forward sometimes we argue and debate and consider and reconsider. Sometimes angry things are said in the heat of the moment. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree.

But like a family, my hope is underneath the issues we argue about is love; a deep love that remembers we are all children of God.

As I write this, I don’t know if all the resolutions have passed. I would guess not. I would guess several caused heated discussions. But I hope that the delegates, you and I always remember that we may not agree on everything, but we can always keep communicating and searching together for what God wants us to do, and be, when we have conversations rooted in love.

continued from page 1

On April 23 Larry Apperson and Judy Miller received a much-deserved laity outreach award -- from the Capital District of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference -- for their wonderful work with the Cornerstone Community Kitchen and CCK's Clothes Closet. A team of supporters -- including Jeff and Annette Ransom, Pastor Jana and Saraya, and Scott and Deb Sherrill -- caravanned to the brand-new Mission and Resource Center in Neptune, New Jersey to applaud the presentation. On June 4, the Appersons will host a volunteer picnic, celebrating the 4th anniversary of CCK. Every Wednesday, no exceptions, "dinner is served."


Abrefi Cann, a graduate of West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North. She will major in biology and minor in musical theater at Mount Holyoke College. Please pray "that I will have an easy transition and find a strong support group/group of friends."

Nicholas Chen graduates from Princeton Day School and will be a mechanical engineering major at Princeton University. "Please pray for a comfortable roommate situation and good health for my family," he asks. Madeline Febinger is graduating from South Brunswick Township High School and will be attending The College of New Jersey to study Computer Science. She asks us to pray "that I may grow and learn in all aspects of my life and have a successful transition living away from home." Rebecca Koblin leaves Montgomery High School to major in journalism and media studies at Rutgers. She asks prayers for an easy transition to college and 'a great year!' Abby Meola asks us to pray for a smooth transition. After graduation from Montgomery High School she will major in environmental science/pre med at Fordham University. Blaine Rinehart graduates from Princeton High School and will travel to Boston University with a clear slate -- she's open to any major.

Our 2016 High School Graduates We will honor the graduates during worship on June 12

T3! = Totally Terrific Tuesdays! Every Tuesday in August

We need your help to run our new Children’s Vacation Bible School Program, T3, on Tuesday Evenings in August from 5:30-8 pm! We are looking for one volunteer per week to coordinate. We also need cooks, storytellers, game leaders, craft leaders, mission project leaders, and shepherds for each class. Our theme this summer is “Splash Into God’s Word.” Interested? Please contact Kaleigh for more information: kaleigh@princetonumc.org



Abby Blaine




The title of PUMC's sponsorship program recognizes that we are seeking funds in addition to our normal pledges or contributions. We are glad to say that, so far, we have received just over $43,000 toward our goal of raising $50,000 to $70,000.

This "Above and Beyond" program aims to bridge the gap between expected expenditures and the anticipated income from pledges and other sources. It will help us continue to provide the staff and facilities for the vital missions and ministries of our church. Your leadership gift and support will go a long way in reaching this goal. So far we have heard about sponsorship opportunities for Outreach, Worship, Music, and Education. In June we will hear from the Trustees on the building and facilities portion of our quest. Almost all of our programs use one or more of our

classrooms, meeting rooms, kitchen, offices, library, sanctuary or other space. The upkeep, maintenance, utilities, and availability of these spaces enables our programs to operate. Of course there are also appreciable resources to keep them in operation. Please prayerfully review and consider sponsoring one or more projects. Sponsorship cards are available in the bulletins, attendance signup books, the Sanford Davis Room and the church office. Lists of sponsorship opportunities ranging from $100 and up are also on our website. Or, contact the church office so a sponsorship card can be sent to you.

Perhaps one or more of the facilities items will be of interest, something you want to sponsor. Your support of this program and its success is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Capital Funds Summary

Pledged $825,287

Funds Received $772,050

Outstanding pledges $53,237

Operating Funds year to date 2016

Income $179,618

Expense $210,272

Net Income/deficit $-30,654

Available operating funds $64,328

Special offerings

April Communion offering $336


Tom with some of our preschool choir members - music

A Sunday School outreach project

Some of our Disciple Bible Study Members


Deadline for the July Newsletter

June 17 newsletter@princetonumc.org

Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (T.A.S.K.) continues to provide meals and supporting service to our neighbors in need. Be part of the caring by volunteering to serve lunch on June 28 (and every 4th Tuesday) with other PUMC members. Sign up by the stairwell across from the library. CONTACT: Larry Apperson at appersonsr@aol.com

Princeton UMC is a Stephen Ministry Congregation

For the latest news & updates:

Nassau Street & Vandeventer Ave. 7 Vandeventer Avenue

Princeton, NJ 08542 609-924-2613

Jana Purkis-Brash, Senior Pastor jana@princetonumc.org

Catherine Williams, Pastoral Care catherine@princetonumc.org

Kaleigh Corbett, Children and Youth kaleigh@princetonumc.org Scott Sherrill, Pastoral Asst.


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