universal health care in the united states

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Universal Health Care In USA and its potential effects

on society

Editing by group C1.Haifa Alfurayj2. Hussain al-ghawi3. Mohannad Alnsour

Universal Health Care Definition:

Health care is a system that provides health care insurance to all


The health care systems under universal health care are built upon the

principle of universal coverage for all members of society.

Universal Health care in Other Countries “Countries with national health care programs provide universal

access to health citizens. They have a single-payer system which

means the government pays for the health care services.

There are three models

• as in CanadaNational health insurance

•as in Great BritainNational health system

•As in GermanySocialized health insurance

Universal Health Care in USA:

USA is the only industrialized nation that does not have guarantee of

healthcare to all of its citizens while declared health care to be a basic right.

The united States treats health care as privilege, only available to those who

can offer it

The USA has health care system based on insurance coverage.

The majority of the population is covered by private based insurance ,so the employer pays a major part of the insurance premium to the insurance company.

Americans are becoming increasingly confused about universal health care and if it is even a plausible solution to a broken health care system.

The number of Americans without insurance is over 45 million, according to the National Coalition on Health Care. There are benefits and drawbacks to the type of universal heath care system practiced in other countries.

So there is a debate about the needing for health care reform.

Here I want to write any statement which be introduction to your ten potential effects on society.

Healthcare Effects on society







• Health care cost growth has no effect on employers if workers

bear incidence of the costs.

• If employers bear some incidence of health care costs, then

cost growth will lead to higher prices and lower output, less

employment, and lower profits.

• Loss any employee his/her job it’s mean loss his/her



• Rising costs increase pressure to cut state medical spending.

• Rising health care costs also increase pressure to cut spending in other sectors.


• Rising health care costs could increase the percentage of the population that is uninsured.

• Rising health care costs mean less money for non health care consumption, other benefits, and retirement .


Healthcare effects on economy with advantages and disadvantages aspects :

Positive Effects

Improved capabilities of health care lead to better health and higher labor market productivity .

Increased incomes and employment in the healthcare sector.

Negative effects

Increased government borrowing to finance public health care.

If workers bear the incidence of higher health care spending, they have less income to spend on other goods and services .

Pros of universal health care

If a person have a job, he have an insurance.

The U.S spends more on health care as a percentage of GDP than any other developed nation.

There already laws that require emergency room to see patients even if they don’t have any insurance.

One of the biggest pros for a universal health care system is that working models exist.

Cons of Universal Health Care Price of insurance very expensive.

Most of the hospital not by government .

Spend too much money every month for the company of insurance.

More than 45 million people without insurance.

Hard to get a new insurance if a person have a disease

Medicare and Medicaid card insurance

Medicare and Medicaid card insurance.

Low income or without job and insurance . 45 million Americans without Insurance . Work without Insurance . Insurance not tied to employment is often very expensive, and the

uninsured individuals cannot afford to pay for it. They still receive health care, however, and costs are still incurred.

The resulting uncompensated health care bills are paid for by every sector of society.

What may happen if the government not pay for the insurance every year.

Increases people without insurance.

Pay too much money for one Treatment just.

When the government will not pay for insurance

When there are Financial crisis close to happening.

Then, the government will use the abstinence trying to find more money.

On 31 December 2012. U.S. borrowing officially hit its $16 trillion legal limit. As a result, until the debt ceiling is raised, Treasury is not allowed to borrow new money to help it pay all the country's financial obligations.

Resolve the effect in the United states

Create new hospital . A limit of pay monthly for the company of insurance

In conclusion:

• People should have insurance for their life to get treatment once they injury.

• Increase in Healthcare cost lead to increase health and better treatment.

• The United States spend much money every year for getting a better treatment.

• Most of people couldn’t afford the hospital expenses without insurance.

• Increased efficiency and decreased medical errors.

• Increase in HealthCare price or cost may lead to increase people without insurance.

In conclusion:


1. http://www.livestrong.com/article/30692-pros-cons-universal-health/#ixzz2KQYYZZ9E

2. http://www.livestrong.com/article/158282-what-are-the-benefits-of-a-universal-health-care-system/#ixzz2KQdCWoMJ.

3. http://blog.brazencareerist.com/2009/06/09/the-pros-and-cons-of-universal-health-care-in-the-united-states/

4. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jul/01/editorial-obama-healthcare-usa

5. http://money.cnn.com/2013/01/14/news/economy/debt-ceiling-deadline/index.html?iid=obinsite


7. http://definitions.uslegal.com/u/universal-health-care/


8. Alonso-Zaldivar, R. Health care costs magnify voter unease on economy. Los Angeles Times. October 25, 2006.

9. Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE). Effects of Health Care Spending on the U.S. Economy. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): Washington, D.C., 2005.

10. Baicker, K., and A. Chandra. The labor market effects of rising health insurance premiums. NBER working paper # 11160. National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge, 2005.

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