universal training solution : news letter feb 12

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15th Feb. 2012/ 7th Issue


Articles by Employee

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Articles by Employee

Nutrition – For Vigour and Vitality

Diet is an essential element of healthy life. A complete and well balanced diet can be helpful, both physically and mentally. ‘The right kind of food is the most significant feature in the encouragement of health; and the wrong kind of food could be the most important aspect in the promotion of disease.

The human body builds up and maintains healthy cells, tissues, glands and organs only with the help of a variety of nutrients. Everyone is aware of the fact that the body cannot perform any of its functions without specific nutrients, be they metabolic, hormonal, mental, or physical.

Many important researches have shown that diseases produced by deficiencies can be corrected when all the nutrients are supplied, provided irretrievable damage has not been done. A well-balanced and correct diet is thus of utmost importance. Such a diet obviously should be made up of foods, which in combination would supply all the essential nutrients.

It has been found that a diet which contains liberal quantities of seeds, nuts, and grains, vegetables and fruits, would provide adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients. These foods have, therefore, been aptly called basic food groups and the diet contains these food groups as optimum diet for vigour and vitality.

Some of the essential foods that must be included in everyday diet are explained below. There inclusion in the diet will not only reduce deficiencies but will kick start a healthy lifestyle too.

Seeds, nuts and grains: These are the most vital and the most effective of all foods and contain all the important nutrients needed for human growth. They contain the germ, the reproductive power which is of critical importance for the lives of human beings and their wellbeing. Millet, brown rice, wheat, oats, barley, beans and peas are all highly valuable in building health. Wheat, mung beans, alfalfa seeds and soya beans are excellent sprouts. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts and soya beans hold complete proteins of high organic value.

Vegetables: They are extremely rich source of minerals, enzymes and vitamins. Faulty cooking and prolonged careless storage, however, destroy these valuable nutrients. Most of the vegetables are, therefore, best consumed in their natural raw state in the form of salads.

To prevent loss of nutrients in vegetables, it would be advisable to steam or boil vegetables in their juices on a low flame and the water or cooking liquid should not be drained off. No vegetable should be peeled unless it is so old that the peel is tough and unpalatable. In most root vegetables, the largest amount of mineral is directly under the skin and these are lost if vegetables are peeled. Soaking of vegetables should also be avoided if taste and nutritive value are to be preserved.

Fruits: Like vegetables, fruits are an brilliant source of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. They are easily digested and exercise a purification effect on the blood and digestive

tract. They contain high alkaline properties, a high percentage of water and a low percentage of proteins and fats.

Their organic acid and high sugar content have immediate refreshing effects. Apart from seasonable fresh fruits, dry fruits, such as raisins, prunes and figs are also beneficial.

Fruits are at their best when eaten fresh. Also they are most advantageous when taken as a separate meal by themselves, if possible for breakfast in the morning. Fruits, however, make better combination with milk than with meals. It is also desirable to take one kind of fruit at a time.

Hence, depending upon the geographic and climatic influences, an adequate diet should be planned and followed by all. Live healthy. Live happy.

Swati MathapatiContent Development

Self ConfidenceSelf-confidence is the confidence one has in oneself, one’s knowledge, and one’s abilities. Self-confidence is the one of the most important ability or trait. Self confidence acts like a strong does, which is beneficiary for a long run. If you do not have self-confidence, what you do will never become fruitful at all. The fruits of what you do without self-confidence are lost.

It is the first step to progress, development and success. If you have tremendous abilities and knowledge, but do not have self-confidence, you cannot reach success. But, on the contrary, even if you have only average abilities and knowledge, but an unfailingly true self-confidence, the chances to achieve what you wanted increases.

A self-confident person is respected by all. He always influences the circle. Thus, it is natural that persons with good confidence are offered leadership and other office responsibilities of groups. More and more opportunities automatically come the way of the person with a good self-confidence. In short, success flows to those who have a genuine self-confidence.

A single word but with lot of weight! Every individual here aspires to reach the peak of his career or his life. Self confidence is indeed a self booster. It will definitely help each one of us to trigger a competitive and energetic environment around us. Though, self confidence is self addressed and followed, but here are some of the general techniques which will definitely help you to put a brick of any aspect you lack in your self confidence:

Improve your self esteem <By improving one’s self-acceptance, self-concept, and self-image, one can improve one’s self-esteem. Unless or until you don’t love yourself, does not accept yourself the way you are (with all defects), it is not possible to have self esteem. People do not accept one who does not accept himself.

Consider yourself as a strong, confident and decisive person. Foster a positive image of yourself. Never waste your precious time, energy and effort by worrying about your weakness and deficits. Accept your deficits; understand clearly that worrying and mourning over your defects, deficits, weakness and negatives can never bring their opposites. On the other hand, it will only worsen your position further. So stop worrying over them.

Think and act positively <You should think positive about your win and success. You should be optimistic and realistic. To act positive and confident is inevitable to achieve your goal. Write down all your positives, strengths, virtues. Write down the recent successes and achievements you had. Keep the list with yourself and append it whenever possible.

Friends and peers <One should avoid the company of those who destroy your self-confidence and enthusiasm. The company of people who are optimistic, positive, active, and have confidence in themselves and in you should be welcomed.

Be happy <Be happy, smile. Be friendly and approachable. Believe in yourself and in your abilities. Believe that when one door closes nine new open before you. Believe that there are opportunities and look for them untiringly and without hope. Happiness acts like a catalyst in achieving self confidence. It is a positive power and solutions to many worries

Be active <Be active and enthusiastic. Plan your actions and do it effectively and efficiently, step wise step. Try it full heartedly. Confidence in voice is also important. Be aware of your goals. If you know your goal, you’ll not be indecisive.

So let’s try out these points for at least a month and observe what the changes are. Will be happy to see everyone changing!

Pallavi Dhatwalia,Content Development

Animal-Assisted Therapy

The bond that human beings share with animals is witnessed for years now. Animals truly are the best friends of human beings. They can help human beings in recovering from an illness. This is something called as Animal-assisted therapy- a type of therapy that involves animals as a form of treatment. The goal of AAT is to improve a patient’s social, emotional, or cognitive functioning. Animals cannot communicate with words, and so patients afraid of approaching people can comfortably approach an animal. Animals commonly used for therapy include dogs, cats, horses, birds, rabbits, and other small animals.

The first documented case of AAT in the United States was in the military. From 1944-45, the Army Air Force Convalescent Center in New York used dogs, horses, and other farm animals to rehabilitate airmen. After the war the program ended and no records exist today to tell of its results.

Children with disabilities: For children with disabilities, animals can offer invaluable physical and emotional therapy. Whether it’s strengthening muscles through horseback riding, feeling motivated to improve while swimming with dolphins or gaining confidence with the help and companionship of a service dog, kids with disabilities can benefit from many different kinds of animals.

Elderly people: For the elderly, the companionship of a pet can be valuable, especially if they do not have any family or friends nearby to visit. The pet loves them unconditionally and also provide an opportunity for fun and relaxation.

Pets and Mental Health: The AAT was first used for the mentally ill in the late 18th century in England. Patients at this facility were allowed to wander the courtyards and gardens that were full of small domestic animals, proven to be effective tools for socialisation. There is a sense of companionship and stress-relief in pet ownership. It is believed that the problems like depression, anxiety, phobias, and schizophrenia could be treated with the help of an animal. Animals can make people feel safe and loved when they have been deprived of social interaction or hurt by other people.

Prisoners: Pets help establish positive communication amongst prisoners. It has been witnessed that despite the history of being violent with fellow human beings, prisoners can establish warm relationships with pets provided.

Animals can be helpful in a variety of settings – in homes, hospitals, prisons, and so on. People of all age groups and of all social groups can benefit by animals. Save animals, save humans!

Manasi Paranjape,Content Development

Characteristics of Zodiac SignsAstrology has been used by almost every individual for thousands of years, but it has always been very divisive as well. Today, disbelief of astrology is very strong, and there are different reasons for this. Existence of astrology can be traced back years ago when less methodical techniques were in use and false notion was out of control in the society. The only contact people had with astrology was the newspaper and television shows. Struggle of astrology in academic world is strong. Some people confuse astronomy and astrology. Astronomy study of extraterrestrial phenomena actually. Everything in the universe is studied such as positions, constitutions, history, etc. Astrology is correlating the universal celestial phenomena’s with the event that occur on earth. It is highly divisive, and currently it is not included in academic point of view.

The twelve zodiac or astrological signs are based on these correlation and constellations in the sky. They also depend upon the position of Sun, moon, and planets. They can be divided in active or passive, positive or negative, masculine or feminine. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are the masculine signs, whereas Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are feminine signs. Each of the 12 zodiac signs has its own characteristics. These Characteristics of zodiac signs are based on the individuals are well as the personality if these zodiac signs.

There are three Quaternaries or the qualities. The 12 zodiac signs are divided into 3 quaternaries. These 3 quaternaries are the Cardinal signs, the Mutable signs and the Fixed signs. The Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn which are the cardinal signs. They have qualities such as dynamic change, movement and great vitality. The Mutable signs: The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces which have the qualities like adaptability and interchangeability. They are capable of casting and modifying situations and circumstances in life.

The Fixed signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius are the Fixed signs which are relate to steadiness, earthiness and fixity. These Fixed signs posses great willpower.

These quarantines are one of the major Characteristics of zodiac signs. The elements of each zodiac sign also come under characteristics of zodiac signs. These elements are air, water, earth and fire. Air signs are Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Air element represents the intellectual quality and ability to communicate and reasoning. Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are the water signs which represent human feelings, imagination and love and sustain. Earth signs are Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. They represent material resources, and environment. And the fire sings are Sagittarius, Leo and Aries that represents desire and creativity. The symbol and name given to each zodiac sign indicate the individual characteristics of that particular astrological sign.

The characteristics of zodiac signs depend on all these factors and can be judge accordingly. Once you have immense knowledge of all these characteristics, it is easier for you to learn astrology and horoscopic astrology. You can check more traditions where you will find different types of horoscope and astrological calculations.

Pooja Pendse,Content Development

How To Be A Better Boss

The number one reason people quit their job? “It all boils down to disrespect, towards them or their work,” says HR manager/consultant Jennifer Joson-Virginio, who has stood guard at the employees’ revolving door of publishing and IT companies for nearly a decade now.

It’s unfortunate to have talent go to waste, only to see them excel elsewhere under better management. Want to know how to inspire loyalty, bring out the best, and maintain a good working relationship with your staff? Ms. Virginio gives us the top tips on being a great boss.

Walk the talk Be the kind of boss that people aim to please and emulate, by leading by example, and exhibiting exactly the kind of behavior you expect from your own staff. “The best real-life boss I’ve ever come across with was the country head of one of the IT companies I joined. He walked his talk. His secret, I believe, is simply put in his own words … ‘I don’t shortchange my people.’ To me those words are brilliant, genuine, and true,” says Virginio.

“You can’t—and should not aim to—please everyone, but you make them know that you think things through. By this principle, your demeanor and decisions are guided by truth, fairness, and respect. With these, people tend to just gravitate towards you … and as a bonus, do your ‘bidding,’ whether it be a request or a mandate.”

Be fair but firmCultivate an open, honest, and fair environment where people can operate in mutual respect instead of fear. An employee’s resentment can stem from not being heard out, being wrongly accused, or being punished much too harshly. It’s important to lay down the law clearly, and when rules are broken, to judge the situation before meting out the appropriate, logical penalty.

Don’t be a monster boss and fly into a rage at the slightest provocation; likewise, don’t be a pushover and shirk from keeping your staff in line for fear that they’ll no longer find you cool. Establish respect by being firm, fair, and yes, true to your word.

Keep the peaceBeing a boss also means managing different personalities, and there are times you need to step in as a referee to keep the working environment harmonious and productive. When it comes to handling conflict between subordinates, Virginio suggests, “Always seek to resolve, and you can only do this when you are calm. Be fair and be patient.

Some tips: Before sitting them down, make sure you know the issue. Identify a root cause, and tell them about it (know that you may not always be right though, and if so, consult others). Make a plan of action (involve them when possible) and be extra firm, then check if it is being followed through.”

Leadership is not a dictatorshipIf you’re wondering why the new recruits never survive your iron-fisted ways, perhaps it’s time to update your management tactics. Says Virginio, “Autocracy is outdated. It is not only obsolete, I consider it obscene! The younger generation wants to be led towards a vision, and they are best steered by someone who can make them focus on what they can bring to the table, and make them feel that

they actually did.” Which leads us to…

Motivate, not humiliate As important as it is for your staff to believe in you, you must also believe in them. Virginio attests, “By sincerely believing in your people, and being involved in their development, you bring out the best in them. Cheesy, but true.” Being able to pinpoint your team’s individual talents and orchestrating them efficiently under keen yet non-overbearing supervision can bring amazing, satisfying results. Publicly censuring them when they don’t attain their goals is a sure-fire way to send any self-respecting employee packing.

Command respect It’s no longer a surprise to see women at the top of the corporate ladder, though even in this modern day and age, sexist stereotypes still prevail. Blow them out of the water by commanding respect right from the get-go! Since appearances are the first things people notice, dress the part—be smartly-groomed and sophisticated, but not too fussy. Invest in good skincare and fashion for an extra boost of confidence; after all, there’s nothing quite as formidable as a stunning, successful woman.

Like A Boss Brilliance alone doesn’t make you boss material. For Virginio, it all boils down to integrity and good judgment. “A good boss should have the following qualities: 1. The ability to balance respect and goodwill with business. 2. A high sense of duty and regard for continuous improvement. 3. He/she should be a visionary or someone whom people can believe in. 4. Patience and persistence. As captain, you steer, and during a crisis, you are last to abandon ship.”

Yes, that means getting down in the trenches with your staff during crunchtime—not texting your overtime commands from your seaside


cabana. Virginio’s professional advice to being a better boss? “First, lead because you believe you can all help to reach a common vision; then be kind, because you are sincere.”

Priyanka ChaddaCMT Lucknow

HR Dialogue – An informative Guide

They say resolutions are meant to be broken. In that case, how many workplace resolutions hold good? Do industry professionals see any benefit in them? Resolutions if implemented on time can erase a lot of issues. Every workplace has its own set of trouble. This year, as a part of HR resolution, we tried to inculcate staff retention and employee engagement. Positive motivation has helped us retain people who are the biggest asset of any organisation.

At the same time, there are a set of people who do not believe in the concept of resolutions. We do not have any workplace resolutions; it is not a part of our belief system. If people simply adhere to what they promise to themselves, any place will be a better place for resolutions. It’s a philosophical statement and it is up to you if you want it to be successful or otherwise.

Do’s and Don’ts of resolutions The trouble with resolutions is that they are difficult to abide by. Often, the cause for failure is the unrealistically high expectations from oneself, leading to resolutions impossible to achieve.

Resolutions can be both troublesome and rewarding. Many people make them, but few make a real commitment to them. Before you make a resolution, spend some time pondering exactly what you hope to achieve in the year ahead and how you plan to do it. The biggest workplace resolution would encourage employees to waste less time in office i.e. limited time should be spent on networking sites that balance work and leisure equally.

Make resolutions for only those things that are within your control and do not involves the decisions of others.

Three big resolutions for 2012 What are some of the workplace resolutions that ideally people in all industries will try to keep in 2012? Three of them are summed up below:

Encourage Leadership: <As the corporate is transitioning from closed to open source leadership formats, the coming 2012 resolution would revolve around the same.’Don’t micromanage’, ‘Don’t be a bottleneck’, ‘Trust subordinates’, ‘Challenge team to perform better’, ‘Retrain employees to lead’ etc, can be some of them.

Monitor workplace gossip: <Like it or not, every workplace is a political environment and it can get vicious. Office gossip is often used by an individual to place them at a point where they can control the flow of information and therefore gain maximum advantage. The past year has seen major conflicts in many organisations. Our approach should be to always balance out both the sides.

Strike a connect: <Know the ‘why’ and then focus on their task. As the sense of purpose is biggest, this eventually helps avoid any issues that may arise due to communication, politicking etc. The power of being able to connect is the largest, which ensures the culture of an organisation is intact, nurtured and harmonious.

While these are broad resolutions for the organisation as a whole, are the HR planning a personal transformation in 2012 too?

“For us as HR, our wish list is long. Starting from employee satisfaction, motivating employees, helping them become better and responsible individuals professionally, to keeping the organisation conflict free, our list would continue. Considering the efforts put in by all employees, we would want each of them to carve out better opportunities, and to grow within the organisation. Our objective is to ensure that the organisation grows and as far as possible, all the above resolutions are implemented for the best.

HR Department

Placement Department

This is something I came across which I thought of sharing with you all. It is a study in surprising your customers with a highly effective service approach. Following is the blog published by Frances Frei (UPS Foundation Professor of Service Management at Harvard Business School) and Anne Morriss (Managing Director of the Concire Leadership Institute). They are coauthors of Uncommon Service: How to Win by Putting Customers at the Core of Your Business (HBR Press 2012).

Win on Service in a Tough EconomyGreat service is always a differentiator, even more so when people are hurting. The service companies that thrived coming out of the Great Depression — think Macy’s and Disney — figured out how to take care of their customers in a climate of fear and uncertainty. The fog of recession may be starting to lift, but most households and businesses are still feeling vulnerable today. History makes a compelling case that serving customers with integrity — delivering steadfast, predictable service quality — can translate into outsized loyalty and market share when the economy commits to a comeback.

But service costs money, and there’s still less of that going around. Adding more frontline people, for example, adds weight to your cost structure that customers can’t easily absorb right now. In other words, your market’s unlikely to pay you extra to cover your investment in customer caretaking. So how else could you fund it? Below are five strategies to free up the resources you need to compete on excellence and empathy:

Underperform <It turns out winning service companies aren’t great at everything. They’re bad at some things, often very bad, but the pattern isn’t random. It’s tightly mapped to the priorities of their customers. Service leaders tend to over-deliver on the features their customers value most and under-deliver on the features their customers value least. Wal-Mart offers rock-bottom prices and fantastic product variety, but asks its customers to give up convenient locations and Zen-like ambience. Walmart’s lighting is unforgiving, but you won’t find a better bang for your retail buck. What would your customers be willing to give up? What would you have to give them in return?

Streamline the back office <One wayZappos funds its legendary service is by relying on a very lean operation. Back-end cost savings get invested in front-end excellence, which means that shipping’s free and a kind, competent Zappos employee has the cultural freedom to stay on the phone with you as long as you want. Customer call length has even become a badge of honor at the company’s 24-hour call center — last we checked, the record was eight hours on the phone with a new widow whose husband had been in charge of buying the children’s shoes.

Simplify the front office <The more complex the service task, the harder it is to focus on customer needs. Let’s go back to that call center. A typical call center employee (who doesn’t work at Zappos) is asked to manage up to eight different screens at once, while being timed on how quickly he or she can hang up the phone. This makes it difficult to respond to the demands and anxieties of the human being on the other end of the line. Simplify your employees’ jobs, and your service levels will improve. Figure out how to go from eight screens to four screens, and put away the timer.

UTS News

Defy the cost/service trade-off <The ultimate goal is to lower costs in ways that also improve service. Consider a classroom. A class is more cost-efficient than private tutoring, but it also improves the experience by letting students exchange ideas and learn from each other. Group therapy works the same way. Can you reduce any of your costs in ways that would also benefit your customers? One place to start looking is at the time involved in a customer-facing process. Speeding things up usually saves you money, while making customers happier. Everybody wins.

Put your customers to work <Self-service is on the rise in almost every service industry we’ve studied. The reason is clear — asking customers to pump their own gas, bus their own tables, or perform

Diet tips

Diet can play a major role in imparting glow and freshness to your skin, some of the tips that can help are:

Drink 12 to14 glasses of water everyday. <

Avoid eating to much of fried foods like vadas, samosa, chips, bhajias, etc. Stick to fresh <vegetable salads or fruit salads.

Depending on the seasonal availability, eat all types of fresh, green vegetables and all <types of fresh, juicy fruits (except for strawberries and mangoes; they are heaty and overconsumption can lead to acne).

Avoid consuming too much of spicy food like chillies, garlic, non-vegetarian items or <dried fruits like dates.

Detoxify once a month by consuming fresh vegetables, fruits and liquids all day. <

Kanchan Asabe

any other task your employees once did can indeed save you money. But the trick, once again, is to design self-service in a way that actually improves the experience. Use airline check-in kiosks for inspiration. Airlines’ most demanding customers actually prefer to check in and choose their own seats on efficient touch screens than to deal with an airline employee, however cheerful, at 6:30 in the morning.

We’ve seen these five strategies work in a wide range of service industries, from insurance to travel to high-end retail.

What are cost-effective approaches to service that you’ve seen or used?

Ashish DasharathiPlacement Executive


There are three boxes in a table. One of the boxes contains Gold and the other two are empty. A printed message contains in each box. One of the messages is true and the other two are lies.

The first box says “The Gold is not here”.The Second box says “The Gold is not here”.The Third box says “The Gold is in the Second box”.Which box has the Gold?


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Change the Way Excel Formats Hyperlinks

When you type a website or email address into your worksheet, by default, Excel creates a hyperlink, usually with a blue font and underlined. If you’d prefer to have your hyperlinks formatted differently, it can be a chore to have to make this change every time.

You may have spreadsheets where you enter website or email addresses for information only and not require hyperlinks. A worksheet full of hyperlinks can be tricky to work with. You may simply want to select a cell but instead get whisked away to a website or have a new email message created.

On the other hand, you may want to create worksheets with hyperlinks that you can use to easily access websites or send email messages as described in my ‘Create Your Own Excel Hyperlinks Page’ tip.

Here are a couple of options you have for changing how Excel formats hyperlinks.

To change the format of hyperlinks for a particular workbook

From the 1. Home tab, click Cell Styles in the Styles group. If you don’t see the Hyperlink style in the list, it’s probably because there are no hyperlinks in the active workbook. Go back and enter a website (beginning with www) or email address in your worksheet;Right-click the 2. Hyperlink style and choose Modify....;Click the 3. Format... button and choose the

formatting you want to use instead.

To change the format of hyperlinks for all new workbooks:

Open a new workbook;1. Modify the Hyperlink style (as above);2. Save this sheet as your default worksheet and 3. workbook templates as described in my ‘Create Custom Default Worksheet And Workbook Templates’ tip.

Disable Automatic Hyperlinks in ExcelI love using hyperlinks in Excel. But they can be annoying to some people when they simply want the data (e.g. website or email address) but not the hyperlinks.

If you just don’t want hyperlinks created in your workbooks by default you can disable this feature.

In Excel 2010 click the 1. File tab. In Excel 2007, click the Office Button;Click 2. Options, Proofing and the AutoCorrect Options... button;

Taming the technology

On the 3. AutoFormat As You Type tab, remove the checkmark from the ‘Internet and network paths with hyperlinks’ option;Click 4. OK.

This will disable the automatic creation of hyperlinks for all new workbooks.

A Simple Technique to Restore Order After SortingTim Owen reminded me of a simple technique that I often use but had never thought of including it as a newsletter tip. But I’ll bet there are a lot of my newsletter readers who will find this very useful.

Sometimes you may want to temporarily sort

data in your spreadsheet. However, if the data

isn’t sorted to begin with, you may decide against

it because you may not be able to put it back in

its original order.

Use this simple technique to restore the original order of your data.

Temporarily insert a blank column 1. immediately to the left of your data;Type a heading (e.g. Seq) for the new 2. column on the same row as the headings for the rest of your data;Enter 3. 1 in the first cell, 2 in the second cell and

drag the Fill Handle to continue the sequence of

index numbers to the bottom of your data;

Select all of the data you want to sore, 4. including this column;Sort your data on whatever column(s) you 5.

want to use;

When you want to return your data back to 6. its original order, sort on the index column, then delete it.

This is such a simple solution to a common problem often encountered in Excel.

P.S. Of course, if you are just doing a simple, temporary sort, you can skip all of this and simply Undo the Sort. However, using an index column gives you the ability to do various manipulations on your data and know that you can easily restore it back to its original order.

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Lata Dawange Student Counsellor

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Hussain Sana Student Counsellor

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Sr. No.

Employee Name Birthday

1 Priyanka Pandkar 15-January

2 Pooja Deshmukh 16-January

3 Aditi Patgaonkar 17-January

4 Suvrajit Dutta 18-January

5 Somnath Wadkar 19-January

6 Amit Raghavbhai Prajapati 19-January

7 Parveen Jagirdar 20-January

8 Manjesh Kumar Singh 20-January

9 Tejaswini T. Mulay 24-January

10 Sanjay Pokale 29-January

11 Shweta Bhosale 30-Jauary

12 Pandurang Munde 01-February

13 Bhaskar Margaj 01-February

14 Lokesh Kumar Singh 02-February

15 Amit Sabde 07-February

16 Prasad Kulkarni 08-February

17 Rekha Mishra 13-February


We had Founders Day on 26th January(Dr. Sunil Karads Birthday).

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Edited by: Manasi ParanjapeDesigned by: Kanchan Y AsabeLead by: Pooja Patil

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