university of maryland dietetic internship · university of maryland dietetic internship lauren...

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University of Maryland Dietetic Internship

Lauren Hogan Marion Viglietta 9/28/2011

Information Technology Rotation

Food and Nutrition Information Center

Rotation Outline

Google Calendars

NAL Twitter

National Childhood Obesity

Awareness Month Spotlight

WIC Works Participant Handouts

FNIC Referencing

ERS Conference

Database Updates

Google Calendar Updates

WIC Works Resource System

Researched for new conferences and observances Updated calendar dates for next year’s conferences Used HTML skills to link to conference web sites

NAL Twitter Tips

Tweet on behalf of WIC Works


Tweet System


- One cup, two cup, three cup, four. How much #caffeine is okay during pregnancy?

- Calcium is important to your kid's bone health. This shopping list can help you fill your cart w/ calcium-rich foods

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

NAL Maintenance Tool

Gathered & Organized Content

Worked with Spotlights &


Created Blurbs

WIC Works – Participant Handouts

“Click n’ Go” Handouts

Reviewed A-Z page

Categorized Handouts


Spotlights & Blurbs

WIC Works – Participant Handouts

FNIC Referencing with Sara

Example Question:

como se declara el tama o de la porci n en un QUESO de 500 g, 1000g o 2000g. Translation: How do you determine the size of a portion of cheese that weighs 500g,

Response Address: Serving size & Number of Servings Nutritional Value of Cheese

Follow-Up Question:

Thousand thanks for your quick response. But, according to the regulations, how do declare in the nutrition facts table the size portion in common household measures or common household units.

Response Address: FDA regulations; “A Food Labeling Guide”

1000g, or 2000g?

FNIC Referencing with Lorraine

Example Question:

I am trying to find an oil that I can substitute for canola and/or corn oil. I was told I could use walnut oil to replace corn oil because it is comparable in both linoleic acid and energy density, and most of the 18:2 undifferentiated level should be n-6, not n3. Since there is an allergy to walnuts this will not work. There are allergic reactions to corn and soybean. No reactions to peanut, flax, or sunflower. I could test for others if there are any that might compare. Thank you.

Response Address:

Allergy Concerns

Functional Properties of Fats

Nutritional Quality of Fats

Remained neutral

ERS Conference


Increase in Participation

Funding Decreasing


EBT Mandate & Implementation

Decline in all Three Categories

New Food Package

Food Assistance & Nutrition Research Conference

Database Updates

Reviewed NAL Nutrition Education Materials

Added New Materials

Updated Contact

to the Database

Information for the Mailing List

Thanks for having us!

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