university of san carlos intramurals 2013

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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    2 . 0 . 1 . 3 .2 . 0 . 1 . 3 .


    LETS GET COLLEGE. Accor-dance to the USC Foundation Days Theme, the publication cov-er aims to retrospect the past of our educational system wherein the chalk and board are the pri-mary aids of visualizing and con-veying information for learning.


    The University Days has done quite good products in the inclination to unify and strengthen the Carolinian Community and at the same time substantialize the mean-ing of service to our local and challenged brothers and sisters outside the boundaries of school. Initializing that friendly competi-tion through Intramurals creates an oppor-tunity for bonding time with students and with their other fellow Carolinians of differ-ent fields of study is just one of the many objectives the school had in mind. If one were to scrutinize and give eye-to-eye con-tact with the activities lined up for the one week of out-of-classroom-experiences then they would see how exciting and stress-relieving it looked if one were to immerse themselves in the University Day good in-tentions. From sport matches between col-leges, cultural shows, dance presentations, developmental contests, community ser-vices, exhibits for commemoration and new learning to academic stimulants within halls, it seems as though boredom sounds so far-fetched in ones curious eye.

    Even if one was forced to attend any event due to a requirement for a certain

    subject, the possibility that new knowledge and unforgettable memories could be gen-erated from it is now an evident experience by these forced students.

    We must remember the theme for the whole week and of how strong it wishes to be known through the activities if we wish to stabilize the weeks meaning into our minds. The theme: Glocalized Education: Rebooting Our Systems hopefully have struck at least half the population of the college level. To comprehend in one per-sons opinion, it could mean the refreshing of our mental thinking through an educa-tion that has and could be reached globally and locally. One event as an example of hitting the theme could be the exhibits pre-sented in the lobby at the Bunzel Building at USCs Talamban Campus. It shows the local to global story of how the engineering building and its body have made it through the years. With this knowledge, one could be able to refresh their minds that theres always potential in everyone, that using the talents and skills for the benefit and happi-ness for our world or to lower it down, give some self-esteem to oneself are at least

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    Opening Ceremonies

    Igniting the Fire

    Uni-v e r s i t y Days: Re-boot ing Our Sys-tems Universi-ty of San C a r l o s engaged not only

    in academics but also in sports, as exercised in Intramurals 2013 held on August 19 24, 2013.

    The assemblage on the gymnasium of the University of San Carlos was filled with an-ticipated Carolinians. Hosted by the ener-getic duo, Keith Ang and Patricia Farraron, the Opening Program started with the pa-rades of the USC Symphonic Band, Univer-sity Intramurals 2013 Banners, followed by the Production Number of the USC Dance Troupe, after which was the Entrance of the Athletes with Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2013 Candidates in their respective Colleges: The College of Education (CoEd) in Sky Blue, the School of Law and Governance (SoLG) in the shade of Grey, the Blue team which is the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), the College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) in Maroon, the School of Health Care Professions (SHCP) in violet, the team in Green which is the School of Business and

    Economics (SBE) and lastly the College of Engineering (CoE) the team in Yellow. The athletes ramping on the gymnasium boost-ed the energy of the crowds in the venue as they cheered for their teams. Fr. Rog-er Geronimo T. Cayetano, the University Chaplain headed the invocation. The USC Symphonic Band played Philippine Nation-al Anthem and the USC Hymn. The Wel-coming Remarks was given by the Univer-sity President- Fr. Dionisio M. Miranda, SVD. Then, the raising of the College Colors com-menced. As a typical tradition of an intra-murals, Oath of Sportsmanship took place that was led by the record holder of the Na-tional PRISSA 2013 and the Cobra Ironman 70.3 Philippines Mixed Relay Division Cham-pion, Ms. Loren Dale B. Echavez. Fr. Dioni-sio M. Miranda, SVD, officially declared then the Opening of the USC Intramurals 2013.

    Christy Ann Tulod Christy Ann Tulod

    Anselmo Bustos Sports Complex was filled with crowds rioting with colors.

    Intramurals 2013


    Christy Ann Tulod

    The Presentation of Can-didates for Mr. and Ms. Intra-murals 2013 where young lads and lasses from every college showcased their beauty, el-egance, and confidence is one of the Opening Ceremonies highlights. Ramping in the rays of the setting sun were 14 dashing delegates of Mr. and Ms. In-tramurals 2013. Each contestant introduced them-selves in their own strategies on how to capture the hearts and minds of the spectators. After the produc-tion number and introduction, John Vincent Sepe sang

    for the candidates while the judges were deciding for the verdict. The result of the win-ners was then announced and it was assisted by Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2012. Ms. Juanita Romualdez from the College of Arts and Sciences won as 2nd Runner- up together with Mr. Benidicto Ocariza from the College of Engineering and they were awarded by Fr. Anthony S. Salas, SVD the Vice President for Academ-ics. Ms. Vanda Dayagbil from the School of Law and Gover-nance (SoLG) and Mr. Timo-thy Gigante from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) won as 1st Runners- up and they were awarded by the Vice President of Finance Fr. Generoso Ricardo B. Rebay-

    la, Jr., SVD. It was a landslide win when both students from School of Business and Eco-nomics (SBE) won the crown as Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2013, Mr. AJ Dela Calzada and Ms. Denesse Ann Rebadomia were both awarded by the Univer-sity President, Fr. Dionisio M. Miranda, SVD. The Ceremo-nial Toss initiated by Fr. Dioni-sio M. Miranda, SVD ended the Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2013.

    HAIL THY BRAWN AND BEAUTIES. The winners striking their pose as Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2013 was commencing. In order: left to right, 1st runners-up Ms. Vanda Dayagbil (SoLG) and Mr. TImothy Gigante (CAS) , titleholders Ms. Denesse Ann Rebadioma (SBE) and Mr. AJ Dela Calzada (SBE), 2nd run-ners- up Ms. Juanita Ro-mualdez (CAS) and Mr.

    2013 Intramurals

  • 5Bring It On! Christy Ann Tulod

    Part of the tradition of the USC Intramurals is the Cheerdance Competition in where seven colleges competed for the title of the champion of Cheerdance 2013. Each team showcased their rou-tines, the uniqueness of their dance, the acrobats, and the entic-ing lifts. Their colorful and creative costumes added color to the ven-ue that all students cheered, yelling, and supporting their teams.

    Grooving to bring it on and nailed it through the end with their dances spectacle that struck the crowd visually was the School of Busi-ness and Economics (SBE) as they took the victory in this competition. They were awarded by Fr. Generoso Ricardo B. Rebayla, Jr., SVD and together with the Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2013. The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) took the 1st runner- up with their smooth- sailing rou-tines and was awarded by Fr. Anthony S. Salas, SVD. College of Archi-tecture and Fine Arts for the 2nd runner- up with their precise and ac-curate movements and was awarded by Fr. Dionisio M. Miranda, SVD.

    SQUADS: IN IT TO WIN IT. The squads execut-ing their moves and incredible formations as they eagerly vie for the championship title.

    Intramurals 2013

  • 6Straight to the Point: AJ dela Calzada

    Christy Ann Tulod This simple yet affectionate young man captivated the hearts of the crowds and the judges as he showcased his best asset--- smile, during Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2013. Having asked who chose him as the representative of Mr. Intramu-rals for the SBE he answered cheerfully: The head teachers of our college, I guess because to tell you honestly, I dont know what their positions in our college because they be-long to different departments. Hehe AJ didnt expect to win the said contest when he saw other contestants preparation for the pageant but he was grateful to his friends, team-mates, parents and crush that made him bring out his best.

    AJ didnt consider other participants on the pag-eant as his competition in a denotative way but he con-sidered them as his friends whom he can learn things and build friendship with. He was happy, blessed and honored to win the title as Mr. Intramurals 2013

    WHO IS AJ DELA CALZADA? Getting to know him more, 19 year old, 4th year HRM student was born on November 24, 1993. He usually spends his leisure time in playing guitar, singing, dancing, and bodybuilding. He is also into sports like badminton, swimming, basketball, table tennis, boxing and as well as capoeira thus proving him as sports- lover. He is fond on making silliness and outrageous acts because he likes other people to laugh, smile and be happy. He is the guy who loves to smile. He also loves eating street foods. But whats nice about him is that he is an epitome of a nice guy. He gives charity to those needy people, friendly, and religious.

    Having his own celebrity crushes like Julia Barreto and Selena Gomez, he sees his ideal woman as: A woman who would love me for who I am, not for what I am, and I would give her the kind of love she is giving but a mil-lion times better. A couple of years from now he sees himself as a successful man with a very happy family.

    Question: Who would you wish to thank for your acquired success?Answer: First would be The Lord then the people, friends, and family who supported me all throughout the contest.

    AJ Dela Calzada impressing the crowds with his acts.

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    Winning with Confidence: Denesse Ann RebadomiaChristy Ann Tulod

    The conquest for Ms. Intramurals 2013 was participated by indisputably as-piring hopefuls who graced the gymnasium with their beauty and figure bestowed by the nature upon them either possessing girl-next-door looks or a budding beauty. How-ever, must be a crowned winner, the one who stands out above the rest. She could be no-ticed through their glowing skin, luscious hair, effortless grace or striking personalities. But in the case of Ms. Intramurals, Denesse Ann Reba-domia, her asset was simply her confidence. An obvious choice, Denesse was personally asked by the Image Club president to audition for the SBE Ms. Intramurals representative, but after the initial blow, Denesse felt honoured to be chosen. With her introductory quote: Sportsmanship is the acceptance of defeat and the victory of others like the acceptance of the ups and downs of business. So lets do business and join the sports. With the tremendous sup-port he received from her friends, classmates, parents helped Denesse to pursue the title.18 year old, 2nd year Business Ad Mar-keting Management student raised by Mr. Ardes Rebadomia and Maria Socorro Rebadomia, the second of three children cel-ebrated her 18th birthday last August 15.In spite of this, she had no expectations what-soever to win because she thought that shell just do her very best infront of everyone. Thats why Denesse was genuinely surprised when her name was called as Ms. Intramurals 2013.Like any other young woman her age, she also has a crush on Enrique Gil. Aside from her showbiz idol, Denesse also confessed her ideal guy in real life would be smart, hon-est, and God-fearing. So take note to all of those guys who want to chase after her.In her free time, she enjoys watching tele-vision particularly the comedy series Big

    Bang, writing her diary and hanging out with her friends and she is also into dances-port. She describes herself as a strong girl big dreams and one of those is that years from now she sees herself managing her own business.Her message to those people that made her to acquire success: I want to thank God be-cause he guides me in every step I make. For my friends and classmates who gave all their voices just to cheer the loudest for me and for my family who believed in me and for not giving up on me, Thank you for the support.

    Ms. Denesse Anne Rebadomia shows her confidence and grace under pressure.

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    Recollecting the Pieces of The Past

    James Kenneth Navarro

    RETROSPECTING THE VINTAGE. A picturesque per-spective of the old USC was unveiled in the exhibit.

    This years USC Foundation Days unveiled the past as the College of Engineering orga-nized an Exhibit at Lawrence Bunzel Build-ing, USC TC. A Diamond in the Rough- this years exhibit theme showcased USCs history and achievements as celebration of the 75th yrs. of the College of Engineering and the 50thcommemoration of the Bunzel build-ing of the University of San Carlos Talamban Campus. There are pictures and the actual inventions of brilliant students that brought

    success to USC in different engineering fields. There is a go-kart that is powered only by

    hand drills, some old navigating apparatus, a device that determines the torsion strength

    of a metal, some old computers that were acquired by EE and ECE Department during the early 1980s, and many more interesting things that would really retrospect our minds.

    The pictures on the exhibit is all about the history and achievements of USCs College of Engineering starting form 1939 when it was es-tablished until 2010. It showed the outstanding abilities and skills of the engineers from USC.

    2013 Intramurals

  • 9TC Students Siege to Dominate

    August 23, 2013- After beating down School of Busi-ness and Economics and Col-lege of Education, the mens badminton teams from the College of Engineering and College of Architecture and Fine Arts clashed into the court to claim the championship ti-tle of the Mens Badminton Tournament during the Uni-versity of San Carlos Intramu-rals Week at Anselmo Bustos Sports Complex, USC- Down-town Campus. During the Singles A, both

    players from the team started a neck-and-neck play dur-ing the first set as they ral-lied through the court barely having gaps with their scores. But the COE out leapt CAFAs bound by executing several

    smashes pairing with good floor defense conclud the set by 21- 13 in favor of COE. CAFA started to break the compart-ments by giving the COE some down the line attacks but his opponent was not hesitant to avenge delivering several drop shots and short serves heading with a slide. COE then gained the two points advantage af-ter CAFAs error and his strik-ing smash. Second set ended by 22- 20 leading the COE a point closer to championship. Meanwhile in the dou-bles, the COE tandem swept the CAFA team. COE initi-ated the first set with several smashes spurting ahead while CAFA bounced back showcas-ing some crosscourt attacks. But then, COE played with zeal ousting CAFA with 21- 16. COEs momentum extended as they tighten up their team-work as they handed kills and half court shots through CA-FAs court resulting with a 21- 16- scored second set favoring the COE in the doubles game. Instead of having a game for SINGLES B, the COE garnered the gold as they straighten out the match having a 2-0 stand,

    placing the CAFA behind them with silver. Before the championship game started, the semi- finals loser teams, School of Business and Economics and College of Education headed way out a siege for bronze. The COED who turned out to be the un-derdogs of the tournament locked the match with a 2-1 state, prevailing before the ranked- two SBE.

    Ed Samuel Bacaltos

    BE STRENOUS FIRST, GRIN LATER. The mens badminton team of College of Engineering smiles after dominating the championship game as it pockets the gold medal.

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    CAFA Purges SBE through Rallies

    Ed Samuel Bacaltos

    The MVP from CAS smashes the bird to the outer court .

    CAFAs veteran player prepar-ing to serve.

    It was a critical match as the College of Architecture and Fine Arts purged out the School of Business of Economics as they dueled to grasp the championship title of the Womens Badminton Tournament during the University of San Carlos Intramurals Week at Anselmo Bustos Sports Complex, USC- Downtown Campus last August 23, 2013. The Singles A games first set was solely dominated by the player of CAFA as she managed to mitigate SBEs enthusiasm by smashing the bird to the other court for kills leading her to swiftly acquire points and ending it with a tough interval of 21- 4. Despite SBEs attacks towards CAFA leading to some few points, CAFA was able to cope up by deliver-ing good floor defense and some striking down-the-line attacks in the second set. SBE then wilted under pressure unable to cling on to the tactics of CAFA heading way through the set with a stand of 21- 10. The Singles A game then gave CAFA a point advantage to claim the championship title. A long game was exposed during the Doubles as both teams strived to excel. The tandems of CAFA and SBE rallied throughout the playing court from down-the-line to crosscourt attacks during the first set. At the edge of the set, SBEs mistake led the CAFA to take the notch resulting to a 21- 19 outcome. On the second and third set, it was the same story after all. Both teams are in long rallies rarely making the service over for few seconds making the Doubles game critical. SBEs mistake during the first set was then covered up with their good teamwork and strategies by giving downward kills and defending the court vigilantly at almost end of the sets resulting to 19-21 and 18- 21 stands for second and third set. It was then a tie at stake for both teams for championship. Lastly, the game of SINGLES B seemed like the repeated history of SINGLES A. CAFA was fighting tooth and nail to dominate the entire first set with kills of smashes while SBE garnered some points with the errors of CAFA finishing it by 21- 12 in favor of the former. CAFAs momentum was unstoppable as she inclined much in gaps with points by her attacks beat-ing down enormously SBE to a state of 21- 10 in the second set dictating the match wherein CAFA made to covet the gold and SBE for the silver. Meanwhile, it was also a crucial and a parallel fate for the match of CAS and SHCP for bronze. CAS won the bronze against SHCP with strive and not merely by landslide of wins. CAS nailed both Singles A and B while SHCP for the Doubles ending the match with a 2- 1 stand.

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    UNDERDOGder-Justine Ray Flores

    School of Health Care Profession (SHCP) basket-ball women gained the crown when they dominated the School of Business and Economics (SBE) basketball women (43-38) score. #23 Clay, #7 Siclot, #1 Ander-son led Team SHCP as they dumped Team SBE in the championship game last August 23, 2013.

    A great turn of events happened because team SHCP supposed to be the underdog when Team SBE tamed Team SHCP in the elimination round. But Team SHCP defeated Team COED and enters the semi-finals com-peting with Team COE with (2-0) in the eliminations. #23 Clay led her team and dumped Team COE; Team SHCP advances to the finals as Team SBE tamed Team CAS-College of Arts and Sciences and finally, THE UN-DERDOG .VS. THE UNDEFEATED competing for the crown.

    On the finals, SHCP was on the edge as they had a big lead over SBE but SBE closed the gap into three in the second quarter. But then again #23 Clay had tighten her house and tried to deny any ball to en-ter. The game was clearly in favor with Team SHCP. #23 Michelle Clay The Best Defense and The Great Offense led her team to gloriously gain the crown and become the MVP for basketball women 2013.

    The undefeated SBE smiles after winning a game.

    BALLS ARENT ONLY FOR BOYS. SBE (in green) and SHCP (in red) women basketball teams take the hardcourt with guts as they head out for the championship title.

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    When playing in a big game or in front of a large crowd, it can be ex-tremely intimidating and the losing of focus, confidence, and concentration hits almost any vulnerable player. This is the exact moment they need to maintain their mental strength. Pressure is created not by the games different situations but by how we handle it. Being a basketball player requires you not only to deal with pressure, but thrive under the stress of competition. Players need to work on the mental game just as much as their physical game. Basketball is one of the well-known and well-loved sports by the Filipinos that all men indulged into this sport as well as the women. A thrilling competition was served to the crowd as the SBE Warriors hit to the top during the USC Intramurals 2013s Mens Basketball Tournament last August 23, 2013 at Anselmo Bustos Sports Complex, USC- Downtown Campus. It was a tough game between the SBE and COE- GAMMA basketball teams as they head out for the championship title. Both teams aimed for the gold, striving to hoop and shoot on the court. But in the end of match, SBE pre-vailed with their 3- point shots and decent man- to- man defense clobbering the COE- GAMMA.

    SBE ON TOP!Maxinne Ville Cedeo

    FROM THE TOP. SBE heads with COE- GAMMA vigor-ously. Each team is taking the hardcourt for notch during the finals.

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    School of Health Care Pro-fessions Strikes Again!

    Lord Emmanuel Selgas Back to back Champion during in-tramurals 2012 2013. Last 2012 intramu-rals School of Health Care Profession won the bacon and for this year intramurals they still won the bacon by their determination to win. Their hard work paid off by win-ning the championship game against School of Business and Economics last August 23, 2013. The Championship game was held in the quadrangle of Downtown Campus. The School of Business and Economics volleyball girls gave their best to defeat the champion team last year which it made it to 5th set of the game. The most valuable player of vol-leyball women was Catherine Marquez of School of Health Care Profession. Catherine Marquez was also the MVP last 2012 intramurals. The skills and mindset of Catherine helped the team to defeat the SBE team. The School of Business and Eco-nomics defeated the College of Arts and Sci-ence which led them to the finals. While the School of Health Care Profession defeated the College of Arts and Fine Arts during the semi finals which led them to the finals. Both teams gave their best performance which led the crowd to cheer their bet team who will win the game. The line up of School of Business and Eco-nomics this year is much stronger than last years line up because of their new first six in the game. SBE lacks coordination in the game which it led them to lose the game,

    where the SHCP has coordination and de-fence in the game. The SBE team is more on offense than defence which it must be bal-ance for they could defeat the SHCP in the finals. Since the 2013 intramurals is over, who will be the next champion next 2014 intra-murals will be the SHCP still or it will be a new champion?

    Catherine Marquez of SHCP (12) spiked the ball against Camille Largo (12) of SBE.

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    Maxinne Ville Cedeo

    MORE THAN A SIGH. After putting COE behind them, SBEs men volleyball team smiles while being captured in scene giving the high- five resembling the teams 5th consecutive title.

    Besides all kinds of training before a match, knowing the strategy of the game or having an excellent physical condition for a match obviously are very important, but that is part of the regular day by day training of ev-ery volleyball player. So what aspect makes a difference before a match starts? Well something hugely impor-tant is the kind of mentality you wish to inject into the court when you play a match. It depends on you and your skills. SBE Warriors showed superiority once again as they devour COE and CAS during the USC Intramurals 2013

    Mens Volley-ball Tourna-ment at USC- D o w n t o w n Campus last August 23, 2013. It was a neck- and neck play

    as both teams showed what theyve got- from lethal serves to hard spikes. Tournaments MVP, Nio Lariosa aided points to SBE as he gave open spikes to the court of SBE. Opposing this is the great defense of the COE to be able to catch up during the match. Though both teams strived to excel, SBE took the lead during the 5th set as they strengthen up both their of-fense and defense, concluding the match with SBE for the gold.

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    John Oliver Abrico

    A player from CAS trying to hit the ball.

    Table tennis is a game that is also known as ping pong. Is a sport in which two of four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth using table tennis racket. Play is fast and demands quick reactions. Spinning the ball alters its trajectory and lim-its an opponents options, giving the hitter a great advantage. This sport requires quickness, focus, reaction speed and strategy.

    Last August 23, 2013, the championship game of the table tennis Womens catego-ry was held at Anselmo Bustos Sports Complex. Initiating the championship game in enthusiastic manner for gold were the teams of the College of Education and School of Business and Economics. The place was full of supporters and spectators much anticipated for the match. The games from Singles A, Doubles, and Singles B were pretty much intense as both teams showed their guts with their smashes and drops. The athletes gave their best and for them, every bounce counts. Each player fought hard to not let their opponent score. Every player form each department gave their very best, but only one team succeeded and brought home the bacon it was the College of Education.

    Meanwhile, College of Engineering paced off College of Arts and Sciences as they headed for the bronze medal. Both teams gave their best but as a finisher, COE took the edge and dominate everything furiously by smashing the ball on the rack-et.

    Intramurals 2013

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    Every sport has its own rules, concept and movements in playing. Some only use and apply the body parts while some require a material or object in order to play. One of the noble sports created by man is the table tennis. Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport which involves two or more players using a table tennis racket. It can either be singles or doubles. A game usually takes place in a hard table divided by a net. Different skills and techniques are made when one can master the game of table tennis.

    August 18, 2013, USCs intramurals officially started and the table tennis room al-ready had loads of spectators. Players from different departments competed with each other to prove their skills. One player who had proven himself was Ralph Ryan Armas from the School of Business and Economics who became a Most Valuable Player in Table Tennis. It was then that SBE grabbed their title as champion. The 1st runner up was College of Engineering and CAFA as 2nd runner up.

    DOING IT LIKE BUSINESS. SBE takes the game with the COE like coursing the business.

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    Team SBE: I came. I swam. I conqueredJustine Ray Flores

    Team SBE- School of Business and Eco-nomics dominated the swimming women against all competing teams. Denise Ong, Karla Casio and Christine Sesante led Team SBE for being the overall champion in swimming women and put Team COE- College of Education at 1st runner-up and Team SLG-School of Law and Governance at 2nd runner-up.

    Last August 22, 2013, the Finals for Swimming Women was held at USC Swim-ming Pool in the Downtown Campus. The swimmers were all warmed up. The crowd was on their feet as they patronized their representatives. As expected, it is a home court advantage to team SBE but the other participating teams cheerers didnt even bother. They cheered as hard as they could for their representatives.

    Its amazing to sight extraordinary reflexes of the swimmers as early as the blow of the whistle until the firing of the gun; swimmers put their best foot forward in order to bring pride to their college. But clearly Team SBE had the best foot for winning most of the event. Although Team COE only gained the 1st Runner-up title, they are contented because they all know they gave their best and also with

    Team SLG. But the domination was clear-ly on Team SBE as once again Christine Sesante was hailed as Queen of Sprint.

    GILLS FOR A MOMENT. A swimmer struggles to win the heat of the competi-tion.

    The venues perspective for the swimming competition.

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    Maxinne Ville Cedeo

    PLUNGE! A male swimmer tries to catch his breath as he sprint through the waters.

    The sport of swimming dated back in his-tory and our ancestors have created differ-ent techniques and rules to create the game and sport exciting. Exciting enough that even now, it continues to thrill people glob-ally. Its more than just wading your limbs and head in the water. To be balanced and push through even with the opposition are one of the things that swimmers have to practice and its not an easy task. For many accomplished swimmers, it took long hard years of practice. Practice for the swimming competition must have been just as fierce as the competition that commenced.

    In the University of San Carlos, Downtown Campus, was where the swimming competi-tion for the Intramural games commenced. Out of all USC Colleges, CoE earned glory for swimming it all the way to the finish line. Another glory for the College of Education has put another mark on the records sheet. On the scene, it was a tough game. There was no doubt every single swimmer from all colleges were worthy to enter such an honor-able competition but in the world of sports, someone has to be on top. Hardwork and dedication to what they do was evident in their backstrokes and kicks in the water. This made them win the first place during the USC Intramurals 2013.

    Winners :Champion: College of Engineering (CoE)1st Runner Up : School of Business and Eco-nomics (SBE)2nd Runner Up : School of Law and Gover-nance (SLG)

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    CHECKMATE!John Oliver Abrico

    CONCENTRATING LANE. Chess players are meditating into their games in able to bring pride to their departments.

    August 19, the day the Chess Tournament for the USC Intramurals Week 2013 started. Everybody was excited and players were getting ready for the game. Minds are already packed with techniques and tactics on how to move every piece on the board. The first day of the chess game was very peaceful and smooth flowing. Once the players game ended, mixed emo-tions took place. Some were happy, sad and some felt just dead tired.

    Aug. 20, the second day of the tournament. Chess players were praying as they got ready for the game. In the room, you can feel the support of each department. Players were silent, focus and very careful of their moves. They thought before they made a move. The game was still smooth flowing.

    Aug. 21, the last day of the chess competition. Finalists were nervous at their finest. Pressure took toll on each of their minds. The room was full of different emotions. Some supporters were also there. After every game, there were cheers, smiles and sorrows. But after every game, players shook hands, like what they did before they started it, a sign of camaraderie and sportsmanship.

    In the end, the chess players from the College of Arts and Sciences took the 2nd runner- up, the College of Engineering took the 1st runner- up and finally, the cham-pion of the chess event, the School of Law and Governance

    Intramurals 2013

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    Its A Hat TrickSean Geoff Picorro

    It was another good day for an-other sport to play. 7 colleges line up to claim the crown as champions of the sport, soccer baseball. After days of playing in intense battle, the two teams that reached the finals were CAS-College of Arts and Sciences and COED- College of Education.

    When the finals started, the game wasnt so intense yet but after a few innings CAS was able to win with a score of 9-5 against COED. A close battle but CAS won the champion-ship trophy. This is the third time in a row CAS won the soccer baseball event making it a Hat Trick. CAS with so much pride and glory to keep title, have strongly stood champions once again. With this achievement, CAS is very proud of their hard work.

    At the awarding, CAFA-College of Architecture and Fine Arts won the 2nd runner up, COED won the 1st runner- up, and CAS once again the champions. In the next years of the Intramural Games, will CAS con-tinue to reign as champions of soc-

    cer baseball or will their crown be turned over to another team?

    KICK FOR INNING. A CAS player attempts to kick the ball while an opponent from COED was in a guard.

    The CAS Soccer Baseball Team doing the shout out to release tension and pressure in the game.

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    Seized The CrownSean Geoff Picorro

    Football is undeniably a very young sport in our culture and with this fact; its still in the process of improving, in the hope of raising the Filipino pride.

    Last years champion was the College of Architecture and Fine Arts(CAFA). CAFA and COE-College of Education faced each other last year and CAFA was able to win the champi-onship. This year all seven colleges com-pete again to try and win the champi-onship. COE, CAFA, CAS, and SBE were able to reach the semi-finals. After an intense battle, COE and CAFA met up again in the Finals.

    When the finals started, it was evi-dently seen that CAFA wanted to de-fend their title and that COE wanted to take their place. After a few minutes, the game became rough and physical. Minutes pass by and COE were able to score a goal. CAFA felt intimidated but they did not give up. A few minutes later when the whistle was blown, the game was over and COE won with a score of 1-0 against CAFA. Even in their defeat, CAFA had the good value of

    sportsmanship and accepted their loss. On the awarding, CAS won 2nd runner up, CAFA won 1st runner up, and COE won as champions of this years competition. They raised their trophy as the sign of their glory. Until next years Intramurals, will COE defend their title or will another college take their glory?

    COEs goal keeper trying to redistribute the ball back to the field.

    STUGGLE FOR GOAL. COEs player kicking the ball to avoid CAFAs destuction.

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    SBE Takes it AllMartie de Castro

    A tennis player trying to return the ball to the oth-er side.

    The audience is ready to watch. The players are all geared up to fight. The mighty Carolinian Warriors are ready for their game- the ambiance that was shown during the finals of Lawn Tennis Women last August 22, 2013 at USC- Downtown Campus Lawn Tennis Court.

    The finals was pretty much intense as both teams rallied through the court from serves to smashes. Competing to covet the gold medal were the College of Arts and Science and School of Business and Economics. The SBE won the Singles A as kills were thrown to the opponents court. In the Doubles, the fate turned to be different. CAS redeemed their serves as they strengthen their teamwork to outcast SBE. Concluding the story of the finals is the SBE, as they proved themselves dominant to victory during the Singles B.

    Its a job well done SBE! Congratulations to all winners!

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    SBE dominates Lawn Tennis Championship Game

    Joshua Villaver

    During the intramurals week, Lawn Ten-nis was one of the sports being introduced and students of seven different depart-ments did their best to reach the top and grab the crown.

    Last August 22, 2013 was the champion-ship game of two of the remaining teams in lawn tennis in mens category. One of the strongest departments was the College of Engineering which fought against the School of Business and Economics. The ven-ue of the game was held at the lawn ten-nis court inside the University of San Carlos downtown campus. Due to some delays, the first match started at about 10 oclock in the morning which was supposed to be at 8:00 am. Each department consisted of two players: Singles A and B. The tournament was said to be scored in teams but played individually.

    In the first game, the player of SBE was furious and pounded the COEs first player, having a score of 8 (SBE) and 2 (COE). The winning player, Mico Castro, had no diffi-culty in his first match. After the match, the second game immediately followed and continued by two other players. The Col-lege of Engineering almost had it but the

    player lost his focus and still SBE won the round. The game lasted about an hour and reached the score of 8 (SBE) 2 (COE).

    Although COE had a twice to beat ad-vantage, it seemed that SBE is winning this years intramurals. The SBEs victory in the first game led both teams to another set of game. The final match was crucial. COE pushed and gave their all but SBEs skills were high and proved themselves to be the best. The School of Business and Economics dominated the finals and was declared the winner.

    Mico Castro of School of Business and Economics standing up and awaiting to the next attack of his opponent.

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    Himig Pinoy 2013:The Evaluation Sheet

    The stages physical set- up at its perspective.

    Judy Anne Jamora

    On August 20, 2013, a Tuesday night to be ex-act, as a custom practiced within the USCs University Days, a glorious singing contest entitled, Himig Pinoy 2013, held at the Rudolf Rahmann Cultural Center-South Campus was witnessed by an audience of whose expectations for the event were exceeded by the contestants perseverance. May it either be from trying to create that entranced low key melody to magnetize the judges and the audience to no-sweat bullet shooting some high notes right out of the vo-cal range that majority of the non-singers like us felt impossible to reach. A few minutes after 6pm, the contest commenced with a video invocation, singing of the Philippine National Anthem and the USC Hymn. To open the whole event the USC Dance Club took the floor and may I scrutinize over the fact of how unorganized it look. The pathetic dance moves that couldve been polished a little better and the choreography that only seemed to satisfy individually and not as a whole group, to be honest, made my eyes twitch and eye-brows heavy. Although the expressive and sometimes seductive dance moves exhibited suited their physi-cal attributes, the dance looked immature and not the kind of hip-hop or dance exhibition I wouldve liked to see in an institution such as this. Although I have sited a lot of negativity on that part, I shall praise each dancer for their strong facial and believ-able expressions as they did their body language. It gave an illusion to some audience that it looked good and believable. Expectedly, the contestants of each category: ele-mentary, high school and college had every strand of singing potential right to set themselves on the stages spotlight but obviously, only few will stand on top. The three judges that made quite big decisions that night were Mr. Nino James Banares, Mr. Elvis Somo-sot and Mr. Boy Alingasa. Results were based on the critera given which were: tonal Quality (Beauty and Vibrancy) was 30%, Timing (precision of attacks and

    releases, rhythmic accuracy and phrasing) was 30%, Diction (clarity, ease and fluence) was 30% as well and Stage Presence was only 10% thus had the total of 100%. As a critic, I took into considerations as well, the physical set-up of the event. Although, yes, the venue was in order and in shape, I would rate a two out of five to the committee who decided to create the stage design. The musical notes that were suspended or the cloth that hung, I believe were not enough to create a strong and lasting impact to the audience. The design was simple and appropriate but it was just okay for my taste and I believe that an event such as this should be given a bit more credit to design than just plan suspended notes and cloth hanging. If I were to be frank, the theme design on the tarpaulins to advertise the event and the similar taste of it in the

    Powerpoint presentations (shown as a way introducing contes-tants and judges), looked undeniably childish for me. It was a design that for me was just pleasingly okay. I was extremely fond in my observation in both the singing technique and maturity of self-presentation by the contestants in the three categories. On the el-ementary category, obviously, their voices havent gone through puberty but the notes were a precise hit. What made them different was their obvious scared glances that proved that they still had a bit of stage fright. Majority of them forgot their facial ex-pressions,

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    to sing from the heart and so, what came forth to the audience was a glorious voice with a pokerfaced ex-pression on.

    A few of them had trouble on right diction on low keys due to the fact that they didnt flex their mouths wide enough to let it all out. Their gestures as they sung were clearly practiced and sometimes gave an awkward angle to them. On the high school category, fear was much slighter and facial expressions deemed a bit more worthy. Precision and endurance on high notes were clearer than on the elementary category. On the college level, I believed they looked more pro-fessional due to how accurate their timing was, vocal style of their own was a bit more evident, stage fright was invisible to the audience, mouth was widely flexed and gestures were made from the heart. Here are the winners and their song choices:ELEMENTARY CATEGORY: > John Dale Tinamisan; Grade 6- South Campus (Champion)- Lipad na Pangarap > Donita Rose De los Reyes; Grade 6- North Cam-pus (1st Runner- up)- Tagumpay Nating Lahat > Therese Antoinette I. San Juan; Grade 4- Montes-sori Academy (2nd Runner- up)- I Can

    HIGH SCHOOL CATEGORY: > Pauline Zamora; Grade 9-South Campus (Cham-pion)- Gisingin Ang Aking Puso > Jexyvs Ketih Zuniga; Grade 9-North Campus (1st Runner- up)- Lipad ng Pangarap > Phoebe Ann D. Mangabon ;Grade 10- South Cam-pus (2nd Runner- up)- Ikaw


    > Jacqueline L. Bual; College of Fine Arts and Archi-tecture (Champion)- Shine > Georg Joni Laurente; School of Law and Gover-nance (1st Runner- up)- Ikaw Lang ang Mamahalin > Trishna Mae Tarona ;College of Arts and Sciences (2nd Runner- up)- Ikaw ang Lahat sa Akin

    Before going forth to the next category, last years winners were given a chance to perform a song and each made every person in the room go out of breath. Their performances were splendid. Before the giving of results, the whole contestants sang a tribute to their ever supportive families and friends. It clearly showed that no matter how far you go through life, you should never forget the people who lifted you up to reach success. It was just too bad the host of the event seemed for me, not lively and too grim or serious in his tone of voice. That even the announcing of winners, he seemed to be monotonous. And also, may I add, that having the song Chinito by Yeng Constantino as a music background for the announcing of winners was a mistake that the music committee would take seri-ously next time. It didnt emphasize on the moment on the stage. It actually made it all look as if it wasnt worth being serious about. Anyway, the contestants and as well as the other singers from last years contest, are brilliant and clear-ly, gave their all-out best. Thus, I give them five out of five stars. As for the whole program, from physical arrange- ments, the e m c e e s performance and the dance in-termission number, I shall rate it with a three out of five stars.

    VOCALLY RIPPED OFF. The winners from dif-ferent categories showcasing and celebrating what they have won after the competition.

    BATTLE ROYALE. The excitement and thrill kicks- off as contestants sing during their production number.

    SHINE. The title says it all after M s. Jacqueline Bual bagged the 1st place with her rendition of Regine Velasquezs Shine.

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    Curtain Call: The Grand USC Showcase

    Judy Anne Jamora

    Last August 22, 2013,- applause was just never enough justice to express the crowds entertained Thursday night in the Rahmann Cultural Center at USCs South Campus. Golden stars ranked above every performance. Presentations came into the stage in a variety of ways to get the word out that Carolinians dont just have brains but the glamour-style-staged skills to make a mark in the per-forming arts industry. There was, without a doubt, no dragging moment within ev-ery scene. Thus, the whole show reached beyond expectations.

    The commencement of the event was done with an invocation by the USC Cho-risters by around 6:40pm and even at that moment, the singing of a prayer, the National Anthem and the USC Hymn al-ready gave the chills and sent a message around the corners of the venue that this

    is not just an ordinary show. This was then followed by a big opening number per-formed by the USC Dance Troupe. Then Huning Binisaya was shown on screen to give a sign of the next performance which was a singing tribute to the Ori-gnial Pinoy Music, specifically the famous bisaya songs. The USC Dance Troupe then followed with their dancing number of the Kuridang.

    The USC Chorister singing the Doxology, Philippine National Anthem, and USC Hymn.

    SHOW STARTER. USC Dance Troupe depicts ASEAN Panorama giving us rich heritage of the different na-tions through dances.

    Ryan Cayabyabs composition, Limang Dipang Tao renders by USC Chorister.

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    If you thought the audience would be calm in their seats, think again. Below was the program flow of the whole glorious event that brought so many smiles to all:Doxology- USC ChoristersPhilippine National Anthem- USC Choristers USC Hymn- USC Choristers Opening Dance Number- Dance showcase of the different Filipino Cul-tural Dances USC Dance TroupePart 1: Tribute to Original Pinoy Music Huning Binisaya- Singing of Famous Bisaya Songs Tres Divas Kuradang USC DanceTroupe Sumayaw, Sumunod! Basic Educa-tion Department of South Campus Limang Dipang Tao USC ChoristersPart 2: Phenomenal Hits of the Decades 1960s USC Dance Troupe 1970s- Shake Your Booty -Basic Education Department of South Campus 1970s- Mashup of Abbas songs -USC Choristers 1980s USC Theatre Guild 1990s Basic Education Department of North Campus 2000 USC Dance ClubPart 3: Contemporary Fad Fashion Array (Fashion Model Walk) PE Fest Candidates Christina Aguilera USC Dance Troupe Adeles Rolling in the Deep and Katy Perrys Thinking of You Song rendition CAS Glee Little Mixs Wings Equivocal 2012 USC Choristers Rihanna & Nicki Minaj Misunderstoodz Maroon 5 & Justin Bieber Kinesyx Hiphop Medley Good VibesFINALE: All Star Cast

    The hardwork exerted was transparent and the love for the stage was evident. Everything was in detail. Although there were mistakes may it be either, one not keeping up to the beat due to loss of footwork or hitting the wrong key by accident, they were only so slight to create an impact. The whole percentage of the event was a joy and they deserve extra credit.

    To the directors, stage managers, technical team, backstage crew, performers and all supporters of the event, your faith in working was not a waste and you have once again proved how magical it is to put talents together and celebrate Gods wonderful gifts.

    CONCOCTION OF 70s and 90s. The USC Theater Guild emulating 70s Abba musics and 90s Sisters Act.

    GROOVE WITHOUT LIMITS. Kids from the USC Dances-port Team grooves sexy and enthusiastic Latin dances.

    ENGINEERING PRIDE. Kinesyx delivering flawless perfor-mance infront of the anticipating crowd.

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    James Kenneth Navarro

    Last August 24, 2013 at the USC- Talamban Campus Soccer Field, fresh-men from different departments groove through the beat as they impart their selves in the annually held P.E. Festival. The P.E. Festival 2013 is still celebrated through marvellous dances and colourful costumes. The theme for this years P.E. Festival is the retrospection of the dances from folk dance to the dances in 2013 in accordance also to the USC Foundation Days theme wherein different classes represented each dance.

    This year is also the debut of the Mr. and Ms. P.E. Festival. Representative from each class strutted on the field as they tried to impress the crowd espe-cially the judges who will be giving the verdict. At the end, Christopher Alva-rez and Anna Sandiego were hailed as Mr. and Ms. P.E. Festival 2013.

    The last part of the festival is the Final Dance, where all of the first year students danced together. The song Gentleman by the rising star Psy is our background music. It was fun and full of energy.

    Mr. and Ms. P.E. Festival winners posing on the stage.

    The dancers performing Psys Gentleman in the fi-nale.

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    CHESS: > 2nd Runner Up: College of Arts and Sciences> 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering> Champion: School of Law and Governance

    SWIMMING:(WOMEN) > 2nd Runner Up: School of Law and Gover-nance> 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering > Champion: School of Business and Economics

    (MEN) > 2nd Runner Up: School of Law and Gover-nance> 1st Runner Up: School of Business and Eco-

    nomics> Champion: College of Engineering

    TABLE TENNIS:(WOMEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Engineering> 1st Runner Up: School of Business and Eco-nomics> Champion: College of Education

    (MEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Architecture and Fine Arts> 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering> Champion: School of Business and Economics

    BRINGING PRIDE AND HONOR. Different winners from different tournaments candidly smile as they are given the awards.

    Martie de Castro After the almost week long University of San Carlos Intramurals 2013, the time to commence it and give merits to those who excelled in different sports competition was held last August 24, 2013 at Anselmo Bustos Sports Complex, USC- Downtown Campus. In every competition, there will always be a winner and a loser. And by any chance, it is just right to give due recognition to those who have reaped the fruits of their labor.

    Just like the opening ceremony, the USC Symphonic Band still played Philippine National Anthem and the USC Hymn together with the voices of the USC Choris-ter. Still the Masters of Ceremony, Keith Ang and Patricia Farraron.

    Here are the colleges who never failed to excel and give pride to their teams:

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    BADMINTON(WOMEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Arts and Sciences> 1st Runner Up: School of Business and Econom-ics> Champion: College of Architecture and Fine Arts

    (MEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Education> 1st Runner Up: College of Architecture and Fine Arts> Champion: College of Engineering

    LAWN TENNIS(WOMEN) > 2nd Runner Up: School of Law and Gover-nance> 1st Runner Up: College of Architecture and Fine Arts> Champion: School of Business and Economics

    (MEN) > 2nd Runner Up: School of Law and Gover-nance> 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering> Champion: School of Business and Economics

    SOCCER BASEBALL(WOMEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Education> 1st Runner Up: College of Arts and Sciences> Champion: College of Architecture and Fine Arts FOOTBALL(MEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Arts and Sciences> 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering> Champion: School of Business and Economics

    VOLLEYBALL(WOMEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Architecture and Fine Arts> 1st Runner Up: School of Business and Econom-ics> Champion: School of Health Care Professions

    (MEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Arts and Sciences> 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering> Champion: School of Business and Economics

    BASKETBALL(WOMEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Arts and Sciences> 1st Runner Up: School of Business and Econom-ics> Champion: School of Health Care Professions

    (MEN) > 2nd Runner Up: College of Engineering (ALPHA)> 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering (GAMMA) > Champion: School of Business and Economics- Team A

    CHEERDANCE> 2nd Runner Up: College of Architecture and Fine Arts > 1st Runner Up: College of Arts and Sciences > Champion: School of Business and Economics

    POP JAZZ> 2nd Runner Up: College of Education> 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering> Champion: College of Architecture and Fine Arts


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    POP JAZZ KICKS OFF!Martie de Castro

    CAFA TAKES IT ALL. With their aquatic theme, CAFA dancers unveils the evil sirens as they dramtically pose before performing the routine.

    KINESICS. Engineering Prides KINESYX unleashes their body lan-guages to uphold the crown.

    ALIENESQUE. COEDs alien theme brings some futuristic ambiance to the crowd.

    Dance-is one of the best ways to express oneself. It brings out what you want to convey, simply through body movements. And of course, our fellow Carolinians would never fail to show what they got in this state.

    Last August 23, 2013- the pop jazz competition was held in USC-Downtown Campus. Every side of the gymnasium was filled with the different colleges, ready to support their teams. The competition was a very close one. Each college had their own theme. There were tribe men turning to wolves by the College of Engineering, an element of fire by the School of Business and the Economics, an aquatic theme by the College of Architecture and Fine Arts, a warrior like theme for the college of Arts and Sciences, a Persian theme for the School of Health Care Professions, and an Alien inspired presentation by the Col-lege of Education. But, despite the beauty and creativity of all teams, there will always be winners. Here are the following results of the said event:

    2nd Runner Up: College of Education 1st Runner Up: College of Engineering Champion: College of Architecture& Fine Arts

    Though the crowds favorite COEs KINESYX failed to uphold the crown it is still a job well done to all dancers! Truly, you have all given up a spice to the USC Intramurals 2013. Until next year, see you on the next Pop Jazz Competition 2014!

    Intramurals 2013


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