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The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

Unlocking Your Queen Code

The 7 Gateways to Reclaiming Your Feminine Power

Gateway 6: The Power to Become

The Path to Rising as a Torchbearer and Awakening the Queen Within.


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

The Journey of Unlocking Your Queen Code

Gateway 1: The Power to Surrender- The Secrets to Getting Out of Your Own

Way and Rising to the Next Dimension.

Gateway 2: The Power to Choose: Uncover Your Purpose. Reclaim Your

Queendom. One Decision at a Time.

Gateway 3: The Power of Diligence: Release distractions. Increase your focus.

Ignite your purpose.

Gateway 4: The Power to Receive (Join Forces): Reposition. Rebirth. Reclaim

Unlimited Power.

Gateway 5: The Power to Express: Develop the Courage to Bring Forth Your

Gifts and Stand in Your Brilliance as a Messenger Queen.

Gateway 6: The Power to Become: The Path to Rising as a Torchbearer and

Awakening the Queen Within.

Gateway 7: The Power to Ascend: Leaving the wilderness… Crossing over to the

Promised Land… Claiming your new life as Queen.


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” -Anna Quindlen

Become: To come, change, or grow to be. To develop. To mature. To

shift. To be remodeled. To be transformed. To emerge.

Becoming is a feminine process of transformation. It’s not about the outer

hard work… It’s about the inner “heart work”. Becoming means discovering

and accepting the truth of who you are… Not hiding from it, but being

willing to own it and grow into it.

Queen, there is no success without process. The power is in the process.

Every crisis in your life is an invitation to become more of who you are.


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

The Order of Manifestation

Order is Heaven’s First Law. Confusion and chaos always follows disobedience. She who

refuses to obey this law shall be destroyed. –Ancient Egyptian Proverb






The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

Molesey’s Activities in 2009

1. MLM 1 7 2. MLM 2 6 3. MLM 3 6 4. MLM 4 7 5. Book 1 6 6. Book 2 6 7. Book 3 7 8. Book 4 6 9. Online Clothing Store 7 10. CMC Fine Arts 9 11. Waitressing 1 12. Customer Service Rep 1

13. Miss Black USA 9

78 Divided by 13 6 (My Average #)

(This only works if you are HONEST about the numbers.)


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

Awakening the Queen Within

Make a list of all the activities that you are currently involved in; things that engage your

time, attention and energy (i.e. your job/business, volunteering activities, civic duties, family

activities, hobbies, school work, etc).

Next, rate each activity on a scale of 1 to 10.

1= I hate this. It sucks the energy out of me. It brings out the worst in me.

10= I am absolutely in LOVE with my life when I’m doing this thing. It brings out the best in


Once you rate each activity, add them all and divide by the number of activities (Get the

average. Refer to Page 5 for example).

Create space in your life to do less and be more. Determine what you can release now.

Create exit strategies. Increase your average number. A Queen on her throne operates at 10.

This is the level where genius is activated.

1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________________

11. _______________________________________________________

12. _______________________________________________________

13. _______________________________________________________

14. _______________________________________________________

15. _______________________________________________________


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code


Practicing Meditation

Tuning in to the Present Moment

Making Heart Decisions


Being Out in Nature

Practicing Gratitude

Stretching- Vinyasa Yoga

Practicing Ho’oponopono


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code


Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It means “to

make right”; “to rectify an error”. According to ancient Hawaiians, errors, pain, lack and

conflict arise from thoughts that are tainted from memories of the past. Problems are only

memories replaying in the subconscious. Ho’oponopono is a simple and powerful spiritual

technique that offers a way to release the energy from these painful thoughts and memories that

causes error and disease. As you practice Ho’oponopono, you are releasing toxic energy. As

you do, you will receive higher energetic thoughts in the form of Divine inspiration.

Ho’oponopono focuses on self identity. The self-identity philosophy states that you are 100%

responsible for everything that you are experiencing. If it happened in your childhood, it may

not be your fault, but you are responsible for how it affects your outcomes now. If you have any

blockages in the form of resentments, regrets, traumas etc, it’s your karmic destiny to heal them

by facing these situations and simply releasing them. As you heal, your view of others and life

itself will change. You begin to realize a great truth: Peace begins with you.

Practicing this ancient technique is like looking in a dirty mirror and cleaning it until you can

clearly see the truth of who you are (your Divinity). Continual application of Ho’oponopono

allows you to realign with your original design (destiny, purpose).

To practice Ho’oponopono, say these 4 simple sentences with powerful intention. By repeating

this simple, but profound mantra over and over again you will neutralize, clean and clear internal

pollution from your subconscious/unconscious mind:

1. I love you.

2. I am sorry.

3. Please forgive me.

4. Thank you.

I love you. (Join forces with the highest energy in the Universe: LOVE.)

I am sorry. (Power of repentance. Admission of error and willingness to make it right.)

Please forgive me. (Power of repentance. Admission of error and willingness to make it right.)

Thank you. (Gratitude is a dissolvent. It takes the negative emotional charge away from

situations and invokes peace.)

The goal is to achieve self-forgiveness over blockages in your life. Self-forgiveness leads to

self-love. Self-love leads to self-acceptance. Self acceptance leads to self-validation and from

this place, all things are possible. When you are validated from within, you begin to see yourself

as the Creator sees you: eternal love, greatness, beauty, genius and brilliance.

Say the Ho’oponopono mantra over fears, mind chatter, chaos and blockages in your life. As

you do, negative energy is released. As the toxic energy is released, it is replaced with

inspiration. Simply act on the inspiration you receive to experience profound transformation.


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

Practice Ho’oponopono first thing in the morning to receive positive energy for your day.

Practice throughout your day. Use this ritual as much as you like. The clearer you get, the

higher you go. You will increase your ability to receive unlimited Power.


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Monthly Reading Schedule

(Open discussions in Secret Facebook Group)

Week 1: Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2

Week 2: Chapter 3, Chapter 4

Week 3: Chapter 5, Chapter 6

Week 4: Chapter 7, Conclusion


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

Create Your Bold Action Plan

Transformation comes from applying what you've learned. Map out the

action steps that you will take in the allotted time frames below:

24 Hours

7 Days

30 Days

90 Days


The Royal Academy for Rising Queens TheQueenCode.com/Mentoring ©2015 The Queen Code

The Royal Academy for Rising Queens An international Sisterhood and online school that offers breakthrough, leadership

training for emerging women. The Royal Academy for Rising Queens is an online training school for women who are

committed to the process of discovering their true worth. Emerging women who are ready to be

equipped with the tools to create a dynamic life and legacy that they can be proud of. Through

our Monthly Master Classes, we’ve created a space:

Where you can have a voice.

Where you can be understood.

Where you can express yourself, unapologetically.

Where regalness, class, elegance and virtue are still the Code. As you ascend to the throne, you need the support and guidance of a mentor who’s living

their destiny; not just talking the talk but walking the path. It took me years to finally discover

my true calling. Along the way there’s been many high highs and low lows, but I found the way

back to my throne. As your “Sister on the Path”, I’m honored to be your guide, helping you find

your seat of power. Each live, Monthly Master Class walks you through the process of how to

reign as the Queen you are called to be.

To get a complete list of benefits, visit: www.TheQueenCode.com/mentoring


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