unraveling the regulation of nitrogen assimilation in the marine

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Kathryn L. Brown, Katrina I. Twing3, and Deborah L. Robertson2

Biology Department, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01610, USA

We examined the diurnal expression of five genesencoding nitrogen-assimilating enzymes in the mar-ine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hust.) Hasle etHeimdal following a transition from NH4

+- to NO3)-

supplemented media. The accumulation of nia tran-scripts (encoding nitrate reductase, NR) followingthe transition to NO3

)-supplemented media was simi-lar to previously reported changes in NR abundanceand activity. Nia mRNA levels varied diurnally, andthe diurnal oscillations were abolished when cellswere transferred to continuous light. Genes encodingchloroplastic (niiA) and cytosolic (nirB) nitrite reduc-tases were identified in the genome of T. pseudonana.NiiA and nirB transcript levels increased within 2 hfollowing the addition of NO3

) and varied diurnally.Patterns of diurnal variation in nia, niiA, and glnII(encoding the chloroplast-localized glutamine synthe-tase) mRNA abundances were similar. NirB and glnN(encoding the cytosolic-localized glutamine synthe-tase) mRNA levels also oscillated diurnally; however,the oscillation was out of phase with nia, niiA, andglnII. We propose that NO3

) is assimilated intoorganic molecules in both the chloroplast and cytosolof diatoms and that enzymes encoded by nirB andglnN contribute to the ecologically important darkassimilation of NO3

) observed in marine diatoms. Aswith nia, the diurnal variations in niiA, nirB, glnII,and glnN were abolished when cells were transferredto continuous light. Our results demonstrate thattranscript accumulation is not circadian controlled,but, rather, changes in metabolic pools triggered bylight:dark (L:D) transitions may be important in regu-lating the cellular mRNA levels encoding these keynitrogen assimilating enzymes.

Key index words: diatoms; gene expression; gluta-mine synthetase; nitrate reductase; nitrite reduc-tase; nitrogen assimilation; quantitative real-timePCR

Abbreviations: Ct, cycle threshold; Fd, ferredoxin;GS, glutamine synthetase; L:D, light:dark; L:L,continuous light; NR, nitrate reductase; NiR,nitrite reductase; QRT-PCR, quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR

The assimilation of inorganic nitrogen intoorganic compounds is a key process regulating thegrowth and productivity of photosynthetic eukary-otes and requires coordinated expression and regu-lation of enzymes in the cytosol, chloroplast, andmitochondria (Turpin 1991, Lea 1993, Hodges2002). Knowledge of the molecular and cellular reg-ulation of these enzymes is critical to understandingthe metabolic response of photosynthetic eukaryotesto environmental variations in nitrogen, tempera-ture, and light, and thus the regulation of primaryproductivity. Although there have been numerousstudies of the coordinated regulation of genesinvolved in nitrogen assimilation in vascular plants(Lam et al. 1996, Wang et al. 2000, Stitt et al. 2002,Foyer et al. 2003, Scheible et al. 2004), there is lim-ited information concerning the molecular regula-tion of nitrogen assimilation in other lineages ofphotosynthetic eukaryotes.

Nitrogen availability in marine ecosystems variesover several spatial and temporal scales. For exam-ple, in highly productive coastal upwelling systems,wind-driven pulses of nutrient-rich water periodicallyenhance the local productivity of phytoplanktonpopulations, which are most often dominated bydiatoms (Kudela et al. 1997, Kudela and Dugdale2000, Wilkerson et al. 2000, Bruland et al. 2005). Asupwelling relaxes and the supply of nitratedecreases, or as nitrogen is regenerated throughbiological activity, phytoplankton may persist byusing internal nutrient stores or regenerated formsof nitrogen such as ammonium, urea, and othersources of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)(Dortch et al. 1984, Dickson and Wheeler 1995,Bode et al. 1997).

As a result of its importance in the regulation ofprimary productivity and vertical carbon flux, theregulation of NO3

) uptake and assimilation has

1Received 26 September 2007. Accepted 13 October 2008.3Present address: University of Delaware, College of Marine and

Earth Sciences, 700 Pilottown Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958, USA.2Author for correspondence: e-mail debrobertson@clarku.edu.

J. Phycol. 45, 413–426 (2009)� 2009 Phycological Society of AmericaDOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2009.00648.x


been the focus of numerous studies (Dortch 1990,Smith et al. 1992, Berges and Harrison 1995, Bergeset al. 1995, Vergara et al. 1998, Hildenbrand andDahlin 2000, Jochem et al. 2000, Hildebrand2005). Following the active uptake of NO3

) fromextracellular sources, NO3

) is reduced to NO2) by

the activity of a NADH-dependent nitrate reductase(NR). Nitrite reductase (NiR) catalyzes the reduc-tion of NO2

) to NH4+, which is assimilated into the

amino acid glutamine via the coordinated activitiesof glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate syn-thase (GOGAT). The assimilation of NO3

) is ener-getically costly, and, as observed in vascular plants,green algae, and fungi, NR expression in diatoms isregulated at multiple levels. Transcription of nia(the gene encoding NR) occurs in the presence ofNO3

) and is reduced, or inhibited, by NH4+ (Parker

and Armbrust 2005, Poulsen and Kroger 2005, Poul-sen et al. 2006). In T. pseudonana, nia transcriptabundance increased in response to high levels ofirradiance and cold temperatures, indicating thatNO3

) reduction can, under certain conditions, con-tribute to the dissipation of excess energy (Lomasand Glibert 1999a,b, Parker and Armbrust 2005).

NR abundance and activity are also regulatedposttranscriptionally in diatoms. Using nia promoterand terminator elements, Poulsen et al. (2006) dem-onstrated that NO3

) is required for the translationof nia in N-starved cultures of Cylindrotheca fusiformisand T. pseudonana. Furthermore, although the post-translational mechanisms are yet to be elucidated,NR abundance and activity vary diurnally, areenhanced by NO3

) and light, and are repressed byNH4

+ in many species of diatoms and natural assem-blages of phytoplankton (Smith et al. 1992, Bergeset al. 1995, Vergara et al. 1998, Jochem et al. 2000).

Fewer studies have examined the regulation ofenzymes downstream of NR or those involved withassimilation of other nitrogen sources, such asammonium, urea, or DON (Zehr and Falkowski1988, Robertson and Alberte 1996, Robertson et al.1999, Milligan and Harrison 2000, Takabayashi et al.2004, Hildebrand 2005). As observed in vascularplants and green algae, diatoms express a chloro-plast-targeted ferredoxin-dependent nitrite reduc-tase (Fd-NiR) and glutamine synthetase (GSII),which are involved in the assimilation of NO2

) pro-duced from NO3

) (Robertson et al. 1999, Milliganand Harrison 2000, Armbrust et al. 2004, Takabay-ashi et al. 2004, Parker and Armbrust 2005). Fd-NiRis a metaloprotein containing a siroheme and a4Fe–4S iron:sulfur cluster and catalyzes the six-elec-tron reduction of NO2

) to NH4+. In photosynthetic

organisms, the physiological electron donor is ferre-doxin, which is reduced by light-dependent electrontransport in chloroplasts (Wray 1993, Swamy et al.2005). The reduction in photosynthetic electronflow to ferredoxin in iron-limited diatom cells maylimit NO3

) assimilation in iron-limited regions ofthe oceans (Milligan and Harrison 2000).

GS catalyzes the ATP-dependent formation of glu-tamine via the condensation of NH4

+ and gluta-mate. GlnII mRNA (encoding GSII) levels werehigher in NO3

)-supplemented T. pseudonana andSkeletonema costatum cultures than in NH4

+-supple-mented cultures, implicating GSII in the assimila-tion of NH4

+ produced from NO3)-reduction

(Armbrust et al. 2004, Takabayashi et al. 2004).GlnII levels also increased under enhanced photore-spiratory conditions, suggesting that GSII is alsoinvolved in the assimilation of photorespiratory pro-duced NH4

+ (Parker and Armbrust 2005).The expression of multiple GS isoenzymes that

are compartmentalized in the cytosol or chloroplastis a common characteristic of eukaryotic photoauto-trophs. Diatoms, in contrast to vascular plants andsome green algae, express enzymes from two dis-tinct GS gene families: the chloroplast-targetedenzyme GSII (glnII) discussed above and a cytosolic-localized GSIII (encoded by glnN). GSIII isexpressed in S. costatum cells grown with eitherNH4

+- or NO3)-supplemented media (Robertson

and Alberte 1996), suggesting that the enzyme maybe involved with the primary assimilation of bothNH4

+ and NO3), the assimilation of NH4

+ producedvia photorespiration, and anaplerotic reactionsinvolving amino acid biosynthesis and nitrogenmobilization.

Our understanding of the metabolic capacity ofmarine diatoms has been greatly advanced by thesequencing of diatom genomes (Armbrust et al.2004). One surprise to emerge from the diatomgenome data was the presence of a gene encoding acytosolic-localized NAD(P)H-dependent nitritereductase (NAD(P)H-NiR) homologous to nirBgenes in fungi and bacteria (Armbrust et al. 2004,Allen et al. 2006). Bacterial and fungal nirB holoen-zymes are homodimers with FAD- and NAD(P)H-dependent functions at the N-terminal end of theprotein and NO2

)-reducing functions near the C-ter-minus (Colandene and Garrett 1996). The enzymescontain a well-conserved iron–sulfur half domain(2Fe–2S), a nitrite ⁄ sulfite reductase ferredoxin-likehalf domain, and binding sites for two prostheticgroups: iron–sulfur (4Fe–4S) and siroheme (Coland-ene and Garrett 1996, Olmo-Mira et al. 2006). Ho-mologs of NAD(P)H-NiR have not been identifiedin plant or green algal genome projects, and thusits presence in the diatom genome suggests a path-way for nitrogen assimilation that, in terms ofphotoautotrophs, appears unique to diatoms.

Nitrate is not only a major nutrient for vascularplants, but also acts as a signal triggering rapidchanges in pathway-specific and global changes ingene expression (Stitt 1999, Wang et al. 2000, Stittet al. 2002, Foyer et al. 2003, Scheible et al. 2004,Blasing et al. 2005). For example, the addition ofNO3

) induces the expression of genes involved inNO3

) uptake, primary assimilation (nitrate trans-porters, nia, niiA, and chloroplast-targeted GS), the


production of organic acids and reducing equiva-lents and triggers changes in developmental path-ways (Scheible et al. 2004). In several species ofvascular plants, both nitrate and light are requiredfor high levels of NR expression, and posttransla-tional regulatory processes are overlaid onto the cir-cadian control of gene expression (Lillo et al. 2001,Blasing et al. 2005).

Less is known regarding the regulation and coordi-nated changes in the expression of genes involved innitrogen assimilation in diatoms. Therefore, in thisstudy, we examined diurnal changes in the expres-sion of genes known or predicted to be involved inthe assimilation of NO3

) in T. pseudonana followinga transition in nitrogen availability. We used quanti-tative reverse-transcriptase PCR (QRT–PCR) to mea-sure transcript levels of five enzymes (nia, niiA, nirB,glnII, and glnN) and used the coordinated patterns ofmRNA accumulation to infer the physiological func-tions of the enzymes. We determined that the mRNAlevels for the five genes varied diurnally and that thediurnal changes in transcript levels were abolishedunder constant light conditions. Our results suggestthat transcript accumulation is not circadian con-trolled, but rather, changes in metabolic pools trig-gered by L:D transitions appear important inregulating the accumulation of mRNA encodingthese five nitrogen assimilating enzymes.


Identification of genes involved with nitrogen assimilation. Geneand mRNA sequences for five enzymes involved in nitrogenassimilation were retrieved from the publically availableT. pseudonana genome project (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Thaps3/Thaps3.home.html). The identities of the genes wereconfirmed by BLASTP comparisons with sequences in GenBank(Altschul et al. 1997). The genes selected were nia (nitratereductase), niiA (ferredoxin dependent nitrite reductase), nirB(NADPH-dependent nitrite reductase), glnII (glutamine synthe-tase-type II), and glnN (glutamine synthetase-type III). The genenomenclature used in this article reflects the homology betweenthe T. pseudonana genes and genes previously characterized inother organisms.

NiiA and nirB have not been well characterized in diatoms,and therefore the predicted protein structures of the twoenzymes were further explored in this study. Homologoussequences were retrieved from GenBank using BlastP (Altschulet al. 1997) and aligned using ClustalW (Thompson et al.1994) with default settings. Protein structure predictions of thetwo enzymes were obtained using the PhyloFacts (Krishnamur-thy et al. 2006) and Conserved Domain Database (Marchler-Baue et al. 2007) software programs. Putative N-terminal signalpeptides and chloroplast transit sequences were predictedusing TargetP v1.1 and ChloroP v1.1 (Nielsen et al. 1997,Emanuelsson et al. 1999, 2000) and were evaluated based ondiatom-specific transit peptide characteristics presented byGruber et al. (2007).

Culture information. T. pseudonana (CCMP1335) was ob-tained from the Provosoli-Guillard National Center for Cultureof Marine Phytoplankton (Boothbay Harbor, ME, USA) andmaintained axenically on f ⁄ 2-supplemented sterile seawater(Guillard and Ryther 1962, Guillard 1975). Cultures weregrown at 17�C on a 12:12 L:D cycle and were illuminated(135 ± 6 lE Æ m)2 Æ s)1) from above and along one side using

cool-white lights. Cell densities were measured daily using ahemacytometer. For all experiments, cells were grown on f ⁄ 2-enriched natural seawater media made from a single collectionof seawater. Cells were collected by vacuum filtration ontosterile 0.45 lM HA membrane filters (Millipore, Billerica, MA,USA) and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen.

Diel expression of nitrogen assimilation genes following a transitionin nitrogen availability. A repeated measures experimentaldesign was used to examine the diurnal variation in theaccumulation of nia, niiA, nirB, glnII, and glnN (Table 1)transcripts in T. pseudonana following a transition from NH4

+-to NO3

)-supplemented f ⁄ 2 media.Culture conditions and sampling: Three replicate cultures

(3 L) of T. pseudonana were started with a 1:1,000 dilution of anaxenically maintained stock culture and were grown at 17�C ona 12:12 L:D cycle for 10 d. NH4

+ (60 lM NH4Cl final concen-tration) was the sole nitrogen source added to the f ⁄ 2-enrichednatural seawater media and was added to the culture media ondays 1, 5, 8, 9, and 10. Since NH4

+ is a known phytotoxin, thescheduled additions maintained the NH4

+ concentration below100 lM while allowing for increases in biomass. Ammoniumwas depleted by the cells over the course of 24 h on days 7–10(data not shown). Cells were collected beginning on the 11thday following the initiation of the culture and were collectedon three consecutive days at seven time points during each day(0700, 0900 [start of the light period], 1100, 1300, 1500, 1800,and 2100 h [end of the light period]). On day 11 at 0700 h(t = )2 h), 100 mL of cells were collected from each replicateculture by vacuum filtration and care was taken not to exposecultures or cells to light. At 0900 h (t = 0 h), cultures weretransferred into three 5 L carboys containing 2.5 L of sterilef ⁄ 2-enriched natural seawater containing NaNO3 at a finalconcentration of 880 lM. Following the nutrient shift, cellsfrom 200 mL of media were collected by filtration.

Nutrient analysis: During the 10 d growth period, prior tothe transfer to NO3

)-enriched f ⁄ 2 media, 1.5 mL samples ofculture media were collected from each replicate culture foranalysis for NH4

+ concentration. The samples were centrifugedat 13,000g for 3 min at room temperature. The resulting pelletwas discarded and remaining seawater was frozen at )20�C forlater analysis. The concentration of NH4

+ in the culture mediawas measured using standard colorimetric protocols (Parsonset al. 1984) and commercially available reagents (SigmaDiagnostics, St. Louis, MO, USA). NO3

) concentration wasdetermined colorimetrically using the spongy cadmiummethod (Jones 1984, Gao 1997). Standards of known concen-tration ranging between 0 and 25 lM NaNO2 were prepareddaily and were treated in the same manner as samples.Standards, ranging between 0 and 25 lM NaNO3, were usedto confirm the effectiveness of the cadmium reduction. Forboth assays, the absorbances of triplicate 200 lL aliquots ofeach sample were measured spectrophotometrically using aLambda Scan 200 · 96-well microplate reader (MWG-BioTech,High Point, NC, USA; Hernandez-Lopez and Vargas-Albores2003).

Preparation of nucleic acids—RNA and cDNA: RNA wasextracted using an RNeasy� kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, CA,USA) following the manufacturer’s protocol, with the followingmodifications. Cells were washed from membrane filters with1.2 mL of extraction buffer RLT from the RNeasy� kit andtransferred to 2.0 mL tubes containing RNase-free 0.5 mmzirconia ⁄ silica beads that had been presoaked in 0.5 mL ofRLT. Cells were lysed by beating for 2 min using a bead mill(MiniBeadBeaterTM, BioSpec Products Inc., Barklesville, OK,USA), and the lysate was clarified by centrifugation for 4 min at13,000g at room temperature. The supernatant was transferredto a 15 mL round-bottom test tube, and an equal volume of70% ethanol was added and mixed. All subsequent RNApreparation steps followed the manufacturer’s instructions.


RNA concentration was determined spectrophotometricallyby measuring the absorbance at 260 and 280 nm in anMWG-BioTech Lambda Scan 200 · 96-well microplate readerwith KCJunior Software (MWG-BioTech). The conversionfactor of an absorbance of 1 unit at 260 nm corresponding to40 lg Æ mL)1 of RNA was used to determine RNA quantityusing path length corrected absorbance values. The purity ofeach RNA sample was evaluated by the ratio of the absorbancevalues at 260 and 280 nm (A260 ⁄ A280). RNA was stored at)80�C.

cDNA was generated from 1 lg of RNA using QuantiTect�

Reverse Transcription kit (Qiagen Inc.) following the manu-facturer’s protocol. Genomic DNA was eliminated by incubat-ing samples at 42�C for 2 min in gDNA Wipeout Buffer(Qiagen Inc.). The reverse transcription reaction componentswere added following manufacturer’s instructions and allowedto incubate for 30 min at 42�C and then 3 min at 95�C.Resulting cDNA was stored at )20�C. Control reactions lackingreverse transcriptase were used to confirm the absence ofgenomic DNA.

QRT–PCR: cDNA was amplified using the Full VelocityTM

SYBR� Green QPCR kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA, USA)following the manufacturer’s protocol and using ROX (6-carboxyl-X-rhodamine) as the reference dye. A 1:10 dilution ofpreviously generated cDNA was used for each sample.Sequences of the gene-specific primers used in this study areprovided in Table 1 and were derived from sequences obtainedfrom the T. pseudonana genome project (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Thaps3/Thaps3.home.html). Primer concentra-tions were optimized for each gene-specific primer-pair toyield PCR efficiencies between 90% and 110% as recom-mended by the manufacturer (Stratagene). To avoid amplifi-cation of potentially contaminating genomic DNA, the forwardprimer for nia spanned the fourth exon-exon splice junctionand therefore did not amplify nia genomic DNA. The forwardand reverse primers for nirB, glnII, and glnN anneal tosequences in exons separated by at least one intron; PCRproducts produced from the amplification of genomic DNAwould therefore be larger than products from cDNA anddetected in dissociation curves (see below).

For each sample, PCR reactions were performed in triplicatein a 96-well Mx3000PTM thermocycler (Stratagene) in a totalvolume of 25 lL. No-template controls were included witheach plate. The following cycle parameters were used for allQRT-PCR runs: 10 min at 95�C, 40 cycles of 95�C for 30 s, 55�Cfor 1 min, and 72�C for 30 s. The dissociation profile wasgenerated by heating samples at 95�C for 1 min, annealing at

55oC, and then heating using a stepwise linear increase intemperature ending at 95�C; SYBR green fluorescence wasrecorded during the linear increase in temperature. The sizesof PCR products were confirmed using 3% Nusieve� GTG�

Agarose (Cambrex Bio Science, Rockland, ME, USA) in Tris–Acetate–EDTA buffer (0.04 M Tris–acetate; 1 mM EDTA, pH 8;Sambrook and Russell 2001).

Cycle threshold (Ct) values were determined for the replicatePCR reactions using the default setting in MxPro Software(Stratagene). Ct-values for each gene of interest were normal-ized to b-actin levels using the double reciprocal method (Luu-The et al. 2005). Briefly, for every sample, the Ct-value of thegene of interest was divided by the Ct-value for actin. The ratiowas multiplied by the grand mean of all actin Ct’s for a giventreatment. The fold change in mRNA levels was calculated foreach gene as the difference between the normalized Ct at anygiven time point and the Ct at t = 0 h (Livak and Schmittgen2001).

Patterns of mRNA accumulation in response to L:D cycles andcontinuous irradiance: A single factor, repeated measures exper-imental design was used to determine whether the diel patternsof ni a, nii A, nir B, gln II, and glnN mRNA accumulation inT. pseudonana were circadian regulated.

Culture conditions and sampling: Six replicate 5 L cultures ofT. pseudonana were started on f ⁄ 2-enriched natural seawatermedia from a 1:100 dilution of a 1 L axenically maintainedstock culture that had been grown on 12:12 L:D cycle for 8 d.On the third day (72 h) following initiation of the cultures,three randomly selected replicate cultures were shifted tocontinuous light (L:L), while the other three replicate culturescontinued on the 12:12 L:D cycle. Irradiance level for culturesexperiencing L:L conditions was 72.71 ± 8.57 lE Æ m)2 Æ s)1,while irradiance during the light period of the L:D conditionwas 80.43 ± 8.62 lE Æ m)2 Æ s)1.

Cells were collected by filtration (as described previously)over a 3 d period. For the first sampling day, cells from 200 mLof each culture were collected by filtration at 0700, 0900 (startof the light period), 1100, 1300, 1500, 1800, and 2100 h(end of the light period). For the remaining 2 d, cells from100 mL of culture media were collected.

Experimental analyses: NO3) concentration was determined

as described above for all samples using 1.5 mL of each culture,which was centrifuged at 13,000g for 3 min at room temper-ature. The resulting pellet was discarded and remainingseawater was frozen at )20�C for later analysis. RNA extraction,cDNA synthesis, and QRT–PCR were performed and analyzedas described previously.

Table 1. Oligonucleotide primers used in quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR (QRT–PCR) analyses of Thalassiosirapseudonana gene expression. Sequences for the forward and reverse primer for each gene are presented as well as the finalconcentration of each primer in the QRT–PCR reaction. The protein ID and chromosomal location of each gene werebased on the information provided for the T. pseudonana genome (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Thaps3/Thaps3.home.html). The region amplified indicates the position of the primers relative to the start of the open reading frame. The finalconcentration (Conc.) of each primer in the QRT–PCR reaction is presented.

Gene Protein or enzyme Protein ID Chromosome Region amplified Sequence Conc. (nM)

b-actin A 139154 20 794–1120 5¢-AGC CCA ACC TTA CTG GAT TGG AGA-3¢5¢-TGT GAA CAA TCG AAG GTC CCG ACT-3¢


nia NR 110642 16 1851–2007 5¢-GAT CTT CAT CCT GGT GGA GCT G-3¢5¢-CAT CAG AAA CAA CCG CCA CTG-3¢




niiA Fd-NiR 262125 4 1086–1407 5¢-ATC AGC AAA GGA GTG CCG TG-3¢5¢-TCC AGT CCA GTG AAT ACG AAT CG-3¢


glnII GSII 26051 22 1103–1247 5¢-TGA GGA TTG GAA GGG ATA CCG-3¢5¢-AGG GCA CTG ATT TCT GGA ACG-3¢


glnN GSIII 270138 24 1784–2008 5¢-AAG GAG GCA CTC GGA GAG ATT C-3¢5¢-CTC GTC AAA GTA GGT TGG CTC G-3¢



Statistical analyses: Results from all experiments were ana-lyzed using the JMP� 6 statistical software package (SASInstitute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Homogeneity of samplevariances was evaluated using Levine’s test. A two-way analysisof variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures on one factorwas used to test for differences in transcript levels in culturesgrown on L:D or L:L using the multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA) model (Lehman et al. 2005). Correlationsbetween transcript levels were evaluated using the Personproduct-moment correlation. Values are presented as means ±1 standard error, unless otherwise noted.


Diurnal variation in the accumulation of mRNA for fivenitrogen assimilating enzymes. Nia, niiA, nirB, glnII,and glnN transcript levels were normalized to b-actinmRNA levels. Ct-values for b-actin ranged between18 and 31 (indicating higher and lower abundanceof b-actin cDNA in the sample, respectively), similarto the range observed for the genes of interest. Theabundance of b-actin mRNA did not vary signifi-cantly over the course of the experiment (F14,40 =1.4302; P = 0.1675).

To investigate the diurnal patterns of mRNAaccumulation, three replicate cultures were grownfor 10 d with NH4

+ as the sole added nitrogensource, reaching a final cell density of �106 cell-s Æ mL)1 (Fig. 1). On day 11, cultures were trans-ferred to new carboys containing an equal volumeof f ⁄ 2 media; the decrease in cell density in Figure 1represents this dilution. Following the transition toimproved growth conditions, the concentration ofNO3

) remained above 700 lM for the duration ofthe experiment (data not shown).

Nitrate reductase. Nia mRNA abundance increasedsteadily during the first light period following the

transfer of cells to NO3)-enriched medium and was

�20 times greater at the onset of the second lightperiod (Fig. 2A) than at the time of the transitionto new media (0 h). The diurnal variation in niaaccumulation was similar on the second and thirdday of sampling (24–60 h); transcript abundancewas high at the onset of the light phase (24 and48 h) and subsequently declined throughout thelight period.

Nitrite reductases. The annotated amino acidsequence of T. pseudonana Fd-NiR that was obtainedfrom publicly available genome data (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Thaps3/Thaps3.home.html) lacked a por-tion of the N-terminus, which we identified as themost 5¢, in-frame start codon (ATG). The completepredicted open reading frame was 605 amino acidsand shared homology with Fd-NiR (encoded by niiA)from cyanobacteria, green algae, and vascular plants,with the greatest similarity observed betweensequences of the diatom and that of the chlorarach-niophyte Bigelowiella natans (51% identity, E = 3e)157,Fig. 3). Both signal and transit peptides were identi-fied in the diatom Fd-NIR sequence using TargetPv1.1 and ChloroP v1.1, respectively (Nielsen et al.1997, Emanuelsson et al. 1999, 2000). The predi-cated cleavage site for the signal peptide was identi-fied between amino acids 27 and 28 and was similarto the sequence logos proposed by Gruber et al.(2007); the predicted cleavage of the transit peptidewas between amino acids 48 and 49. Chloroplast tran-sit sequences were also predicted in the Fd-NiRsequences of the other photosynthetic eukaryotespresented in Figure 3. These results are consistentwith the prediction that the Fd-NiR enzyme functionsin the chloroplast.

Fd-NiRs are monomeric enzymes, and two well-conserved nitrite ⁄ sulfite ferredoxin-like halfdomains and two nitrite ⁄ sulfite reductase 4Fe–4Sdomains were identified in the predicted diatomsequence (Fig. 3). Several potentially charged resi-dues in the N-terminal region of the enzyme, whichmay be involved in the stabilization of the siroheme,nitrite binding, and electron transfer (Swamy et al.2005), were well conserved among the alignedsequences. In addition, four, well-conserved cyste-ines near the C-terminus, which coordinate theFe–S cluster (Swamy et al. 2005), were identified.

NiiA transcript levels increased at the onset of thefirst light period following the transition to the NO3

)-enriched medium and remained relatively constantduring the first 6 h of the light period before decreas-ing (Fig. 2B). On the second and third days of theexperiment, niiA transcript levels were �100 timeshigher at the onset of the light period (24 and 48 h,respectively) than at the transition to new media(0 h) and declined toward the end of the lightperiod. There was a positive correlation betweenniiA and nia levels (r = 0.6408; t = 3.683; P = 0.0017),indicating that the diurnal variation in the transcriptaccumulation was similar for the two genes.

Fig. 1. Changes in Thalassiosira pseudonana cell density priorto and following a transition to NO3

)-supplemented f ⁄ 2 media.Cells were grown on 12:12 light:dark (L:D) cycle. Prior to day 11,cultures were supplemented with 60 lM NH4

+ (final concentra-tion) on days 1, 5, 8, 9, and 10. On day 11, cells were transferredto f ⁄ 2-supplemented natural seawater media containing 880 lMNO3

) (open circles). Following the transition on day 11, symbolsrepresent mean ± 1 SD from three replicate cultures.


As with niiA, the annotated amino acid sequencefor the T. pseudonana NAD(P)H-NiR obtained fromthe publically available database (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Thaps3/Thaps3.home.html) lacked a portionof the N-terminus, as indicated by the presence ofan upstream, in-frame start codon. The completepredicted open reading frame of the T. pseudonanaNAD(P)H-dependent NiR was 1126 amino acids andhomologous to nirB genes described from bacteriaand fungi (52% identical to NAD(P)H-NiR fromPlanctomyces maris, E � 0; Fig. 4). Bacterial and fun-gal nirB holoenzymes are homodimers characterizedas having FAD- and NAD(P)H-dependent functionsat the N-terminal end of the enzyme with nitrite-reducing functions near the C-terminus (Colandeneand Garrett 1996). A predicted, well-conserved pyri-dine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase domainwas identified in the N-terminal region of theNAD(P)H-NiR alignment, which is predicted tobind FAD and pyridine nucleotides (Krishnamurthyet al. 2006). A bacterioferritin-associated ferredoxin-like iron–sulfur half domain (2Fe–2S) was also iden-tified and contained five conserved cysteine residuesin our alignment; the two most proximal and two

most distal cysteine residues are involved in thecoordination of two Fe ions (Garg et al. 1996). Asobserved in Fd-NiR, a nitrite ⁄ sulfite reductase ferre-doxin-like half domain and a nitrite and sulfitereductase 4Fe–4S domain were observed toward theC-terminal end of the enzyme. In addition, a regionhomologous to the nirD Rieske domain wasobserved near the C-terminus. Within this domain,two conserved cysteine residues are involved in thecoordination of one Fe ion, while two conservedhistadine residues coordinate a second Fe ion. Thisregion is necessary for NADH-NiR activity and isencoded by a separate gene in Escherichia coli but isfused to the nasB gene (encoding the bacterialassimilatory nitrate reductase) in other bacteria andfungi (Colandene and Garrett 1996).

Analysis of the N-terminal sequence of theT. pseudonana NAD(P)H-NiR was ambiguous interms of identifying the cellular location of theenzyme. A N-terminal signal and chloroplast transitpeptide (cleavage sites were predicted at aminoacids 21 and 42, respectively) were identified inTargetP v1.1 and ChloroP v1.1 (Nielsen et al. 1997,Emanuelsson et al. 2000); however, the predicted

Fig. 2. Changes in relativetranscript abundance for nia(NR; A), niiA (Fd-dependentNiR; B), nirB (NAD(P)H-depen-dent NiR; C), glnII (GSII; D),and glnN (GSIII; E) in Thalassios-ira pseudonana. Relative transcriptabundances were calculated asdescribed in Materials and Meth-ods and normalized to levelsmeasured at t = 0 h. Shaded barsrepresent the dark period of a12:12 light:dark (L:D) cycle.Time (h) is represented relativeto the time that cells were trans-ferred to f ⁄ 2-supplemented natu-ral seawater containing 880 lMNO3

) (0 h). In all panels, sym-bols represent mean and ± 1 SEfrom three replicate cultures.


Fig. 3. Amino acid alignment of Fd-dependent NiR from the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Protein ID 26941), the chlorarachnio-phyte Bigelowiella natans (GenBank accession AAP79144), the vascular plant Nicotiana tabacum (GenBank accession BAD15365), the greenalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (GenBank accession CAA70137), and the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis ATCC 2941 (GenBank acces-sion YP 325032). Numbering in the alignment is based on the B. natans sequence. Shaded residues represent amino acids that are identi-cal to T. pseudonana. The putative signal and transit peptide sequences, conserved domains, and well-conserved cysteine residues (C) areboxed. Protein family (Pfam) identifiers are provided for each domain (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/).


cleavage site for the signal peptide (Fig. 4) did notconform well with the diatom consensus sequence(‘‘ASAFAP’’; Kilian and Kroth 2005, Gruber et al.2007). In addition, the length of the N-terminalregion of fungal NAD(P)H-NiRs was variable (datanot shown), and when aligned with fungal homo-logues, the N-terminal region of the T. pseudonanaNAD(P)H-NiR protein was not significantly larger,as observed in the comparison of Aspergillus nidulansand T. pseudonana (Fig. 4). Thus, while further char-acterization will be required to determine the pre-cise cellular location of the NAD(P)H-NiR, we favorthe hypothesis that the enzyme functions in thecytoplasm of the diatom cell.

NirB transcripts accumulated during the first 24 hfollowing the transition to NO3

)-enriched seawaterand were �1,000 times more abundant at the onset

of the second light period than at the time of thetransition to new media (Fig. 2C). With the excep-tion of the increase in transcript levels during thefirst light period, the diurnal oscillation of nirB tran-script accumulation was out of phase from that ofnia and niiA mRNA. NirB mRNA abundance washigh prior to or at the onset of the light period anddecreased nearly 10-fold 6 h after the onset of thelight before increasing during the later part of thelight period.

Glutamine synthetases. Diurnal oscillations inmRNA levels were observed for both glnII and glnN(Fig. 2, D and E, respectively). For glnII, encodingthe chloroplast localized GSII, there was a transientincrease in transcript levels 2 h after the transfer toNO3

)-enriched media after which transcript levelsremained low for the remainder of the light period.

Fig. 4. Amino acid alignment of NAD(P)H-dependent NiR from the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Protein ID 26941), the bacteriaBlastopirellula marina DSM 3645 and Planctomyces maris DSM 8797 (GenBank accession ZP 01093337 and ZP 01854725, respectively), andthe fungus Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4 (GenBank accession XP 658611). Numbering in the alignment is based on the T. pseudonanasequence. Shaded residues represent amino acids that are identical to T. pseudonana. Conserved domains and well-conserved cysteine resi-dues (C) are boxed. Protein family (Pfam) identifiers are provided for each domain (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/).


Maximal transcript levels were measured prior tothe onset of the second light period (22 h) andwere approximately an order of magnitude moreabundant than in the initial samples (0 h). Tran-script levels declined following the onset of the lightperiod, and minimal levels were measured 30 hfrom the transition to new media. Similarly, tran-script levels were high at the onset of the third lightperiod and decreased throughout the photoperiod.

GlnN transcript levels decreased approximately10-fold 4 h into the first light period following thetransition to NO3

) -enriched media before increas-ing throughout the remainder of the light period(Fig. 2E). The diurnal pattern of mRNA accumula-tion was similar during the next 2 d of the experi-ment, with daily maxima occurring near the onsetof the light period and daily minima measured2 h into the light phase. Transcript abundancewas �30-fold higher 24 h following the transfer ofcells to NO3

)-enriched media, and by the end ofthe third light phase, transcripts levels were �20times greater than levels at the onset of the firstlight period (0 h).

Patterns of mRNA accumulation in response to L:D cyclesand continuous irradiance. We investigated whetherthe diurnal oscillation in nia mRNA abundance wasregulated by the circadian oscillator by entrainingcells to a 12:12 L:D cycle and comparing nia accu-mulation to cells maintained on L:D (Fig. 5A) withthose shifted to continuous light (Fig. 5B). Tran-script accumulation patterns of nia entrained andmaintained on an L:D cycle were similar over thecourse of three light periods and mirrored the pat-tern of nia oscillation observed on days 2 and 3 inthe previous experiment (Fig. 2A). Transcript levelswere the highest at the onset of the light phase,decreased �10-fold over the course of the day, andincreased over the dark period. The diurnal oscilla-tion in nia transcript abundance was abolished afterT. pseudonana cells were transferred to continuouslight, indicating that the diurnal change in niamRNA levels was not controlled by the circadianoscillator (Fig. 5B). There was no significant differ-ence in the relative abundance of nia between thetwo treatments (F1,2 = 6.5377; P = 0.1249). However,there was a statistically significant treatment by timeinteraction (F1,12 = 4.7327; P = 0.0006), indicatingthat the pattern of nia accumulation was differentin the cells grown on L:D and L:L, even thoughtranscript abundance varied over time in both treat-ments (Table 3).

The diurnal oscillations observed in the expres-sion of genes downstream in the nitrate assimilatorypathway (Fig. 6) were also abolished when cells weretransferred to continuous light. As observed for niaaccumulation, the diurnal variations in niiA, nirB,glnII, and glnN transcript levels in cells maintainedon L:D were similar to those observed in Figure 2(24–60 h). In contrast to cells maintained on L:D,transcript levels measured during the first

photoperiod following the shift to L:L varied onlyslightly, indicating that diurnal changes in transcriptaccumulation for these four genes were not circa-dian controlled. The difference in the pattern ofaccumulation between the two treatments was mostpronounced for glnII and glnN, as indicated by thestatistically significant interaction term (Table 2).For all four genes (niiA, nirB, glnII, and glnN), tran-script accumulation over the light period was morevariable in cells grown on L:D than L:L (Table 3),consistent with the proposal that the diurnal oscilla-tions were maintained L:D but not L:L.


Field and laboratory studies of several algal spe-cies, including diatoms, have revealed a temporallag between increases in nitrogen assimilation andincreased growth rates, following a transition toimproved growth conditions (Collos 1986, Duarte1990, Dugdale et al. 1990). The temporal lag rep-resents a period of metabolic adjustment and has

Fig. 5. Diurnal oscillations in nia mRNA accumulation wereabolished when cells were transferred to continuous light (L:L),indicating that nia mRNA levels are not circadian controlled.Relative nia transcript levels are shown for cells maintained on alight:dark (L:D) cycle (A) as compared to those transferred toL:L (B) at t = 0 h. Shaded boxes represent the dark period.In both panels, symbols represent mean and ± 1 SE from threereplicate cultures.


been used to examine the induction of specificenzyme systems and to identify cellular mechanismsregulating metabolic pathways (Smith et al. 1992,Huppe and Turpin 1994, Jochem et al. 2000). Inthis study, we identified temporal differences inthe accumulation of mRNA of five genes involvedin nitrogen assimilation in response to a transitionin nitrogen availability and over the diel cycle.

Transcript levels for the five genes studied herewere greater in samples collected at the onset ofthe second light period than levels measuredeither before ()2 h) or at the transition to newmedia (0 h). The increase to near maximal levels24 h following the transfer to improved growthconditions is consistent with an increase in nitrateassimilatory capacity.

The increase in nia mRNA levels in T. pseudonanacells following the transition to NO3

)-supplementedmedia was very similar to the temporal changes inNR protein abundance and activity observed in Skel-etonema costatum following comparable transitions toimproved growth conditions (Smith et al. 1992,Jochem et al. 2000). Although NR activity was barelydetected in S. costatum during the first 24 h follow-ing the transition, NR abundance and activityincreased during subsequent days and exhibited dielvariation with maxima occurring near the middle ofthe light phase (Jochem et al. 2000), similar to theaccumulation and the establishment of diurnaloscillations in nia levels in T. pseudonana reportedhere.

Diel periodicity in NR abundance and activity hasalso been reported for T. pseudonana, T. weissflogii,and natural assemblages of phytoplankton (Bergeset al. 1995, Berges 1997, Vergara et al. 1998). Asobserved in S. costatum, NR abundance and activityhave early to midday maxima, decreasing toward theend of the light period, and in some cases, a secondpeak of activity during the dark phase (Berges et al.

Fig. 6. Diurnal oscillations in niiA, nirB, glnII, glnN mRNA accumulation were abolished when cells were transferred to continuouslight (L:L), indicating that mRNA levels were not circadian controlled. Experimental cultures (open circles) were switched from 12:12 L:Dto L:L at t = 24 h. Dark circles represent cultures maintained on 12:12 L:D. Shaded boxes represent the dark period. In all panels,symbols represent mean and ± 1 SE from three replicate cultures.

Table 2. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)summary table analyzing patterns of transcript accumula-tion in cells maintained on L:D and L:L. Degrees of free-dom (df) for the numerator and denominator,respectively, the calculated F value (F) and probability (P)are presented. Statistically significant P values are indi-cated (* P < 0.05).

Gene Source df F P

nia Treatment 1, 2 6.5377 0.1249Time 12, 24 4.8904 0.0005*Treatment · time 12, 24 4.7327 0.0006*

niiA Treatment 1, 2 3.1986 0.2158Time 5, 10 0.6504 0.6682Treatment · time 5, 10 1.1819 0.3830

nirB Treatment 1, 2 0.0353 0.8682Time 5, 10 3.4764 0.0443*Treatment · time 5, 10 2.2404 0.1300

glnII Treatment 1, 2 5.7163 0.1393Time 5, 10 22.9958 <0.0001*Treatment · time 5, 10 12.3865 0.0005*

glnN Treatment 1, 2 0.1048 0.7769Time 5, 10 4.2442 0.0249*Treatment · Time 5, 10 5.6680 0.0098*


1995, Gao 1997). The diurnal variation of niatranscript accumulation measured in this study wassimilar to the variation in NR abundance and acti-vity in studies of T. pseudonana and other diatomswith maxima in nia mRNA abundance proceedingmaxima in enzyme abundance or activity. Thus, ourresults suggest that diurnal changes in transcriptlevels contribute, in part, to the observed changesin NR abundance and enzyme activity. Posttranscrip-tional, translational, or posttranslational processesmay further modulate NR activity in diatoms.

Diel variations in transcripts levels were observedin the five genes examined in this study when cellswere grown on L:D cycles but were abolished whencells were transferred to continuous light, indicatingdiurnal transcript accumulation is not circadian con-trolled. Similarly, Vergara et al. (1998) demon-strated that oscillations in NR abundance andactivity were lost when T. weissflogii cells were trans-ferred to continuous light. When grown on an L:Dcycle, intracellular NO3

) concentrations and N:Cratio in diatoms are high near the onset of the lightperiod, decrease during the light phase, and thenincrease during the dark phase (Needoba and Har-rison 2004), similar to our observed pattern of diur-nal variation in nia, niiA, and glnII mRNA levels.Furthermore, oscillations in cellular N:C and intra-cellular NO3

) are reduced or lost when cells aregrown in continuous light (Gao 1997, Clark et al.2002). Thus, as observed in prokaryotes, fungi, andvascular plants (Lancien et al. 2000, Palenchar et al.2004), signaling pathways that sense changes in cel-lular nitrogen and carbon pools or metabolites maybe important in the metabolic control of nitrogenassimilation in diatoms, including the regulation ofgene expression. Alternatively, a signaling mecha-nism that responds to the redox status of the plasto-quinone pool in chloroplasts has been linked tochanges in NR expression and activity in Chlamydo-monas reinhardtii (Giordano et al. 2005). A similar

mechanism could be involved in regulating the diur-nal changes in mRNA abundances observed in thisstudy.

The phase of the diurnal variation in mRNA levelsof the cytosolic-localized nirB and glnN was similar toeach other but differed from that of nia, niiA, andglnII mRNA abundance. Minimal nirB and glnN tran-script levels were observed early or mid-light phase,and transcript levels increased toward the end of thelight period. This later increase in nirB and glnNmRNA levels may indicate a transition from chloro-plastic- to cytoplasmic-localized nitrite reduction andammonium assimilation and may contribute to thedark assimilation of nitrate observed in several spe-cies of diatoms (Berges et al. 1995, Clark et al. 2002,Needoba and Harrison 2004). Although nitrite isreduced in the dark in roots of vascular plants,the reaction is catalyzed by the plastid-localizedferredoxin-dependent NiR, which is reduced byNAD(P)H derived from the pentose phosphate path-way (Wray 1993, Swamy et al. 2005). In the diatoms,the NAD(P)H-dependent NiR may use reductantgenerated from the catabolism of carbon stores inthe cytoplasm (Kroth et al. 2008). This hypothesiscan be explored further by increasing samplingfrequency during the dark phase coupled with mea-surements of enzyme activity.

Parker and Armbrust (2005) demonstrated thatglnII mRNA abundance increased in response toincreased rates of photorespiration in T. pseudonanagrown under continuous illumination, implicatingGSII in the assimilation of NH4

+ produced by pho-torespiration. However, prior to this study, changesin glnN transcript levels in diatoms have not beenreported. Recently, Roberts et al. (2007) showedthat transcripts encoding phosphoenolpyruvate car-boxylases (PEPC1 and PEPC2) and the P-subunit ofglycine decarboxylase [GDCP], which are involvedin generating carbon skeletons for NH4

+ assimila-tion and photorespiration, were higher at the onsetof the dark phase than at the beginning of the lightperiod, suggesting increased rates of photorespira-tion occur in T. pseudonana near or at the end ofthe light phase. The increased accumulation of glnNmRNA toward the end of the light phase observedin our study may be correlated with the increasedassimilation of photorespiratory-produced NH4

+ inthe cytoplasm of diatoms, in which case, the cyto-plasmic localized GSIII may be involved with boththe cytoplasmic assimilation of NO3

) and NH4+ pro-

duced as a result of photorespiration.Conclusions. We have documented the expression

of five genes involved in the regulation of nitrogenassimilation in the marine diatom T. pseudonana,and our measurements of transcript levels provideinsights into the regulation and coordination ofnitrogen assimilation. The increase in nia, niiA,nirB, and glnII mRNA levels within 2 h of thetransition to NO3

)-enriched media suggests theaccumulation may be triggered by cellular fluxes in

Table 3. Simple effects analyses examining variations intranscript accumulation in cells grown under L:D or L:L.Repeated measures multivariate analyses of variance(MANOVAs) were used to test the hypothesis there wassignificant variation in transcript accumulation over time.Degrees of freedom (df) and F as in Table 2. Statisticallysignificant P-values are indicated [*P < 0.025 Bonferroniadjustment (Lehman et al. 2005); **P < 0.05].

Gene Treatment df F P

nia L:D 12, 12 4.8105 0.0054*L:L 12, 12 4.8519 0.0052*

niiA L:D 5, 5 6.1682 0.0337**L:L 5, 5 0.4895 0.7684

nirB L:D 5, 5 3.0354 0.1242L:L 5, 5 0.7430 0.6238

glnII L:D 5, 5 124.5578 <0.0001*L:L 5, 5 1.0429 0.4822

glnN L:D 5, 5 5.3106 0.0454**L:L 5, 5 1.2170 0.4173


nitrate. Following a period of acclimation (�24 h),diurnal patterns of mRNA accumulation were simi-lar for enzymes involved in NO3

) reduction and thechloroplast-localized reduction of NO2

) and NH4+

assimilation (nia, niiA, and glnII). The diurnal oscil-lation of nia, niiA, and glnII was out of phase fromthat observed for nirB and glnN, a pathway that washeretofore unstudied in diatoms. Patterns of tran-script accumulation support the hypothesis that nirBand glnN contribute to the dark assimilation ofNO3

) in diatoms, a hypothesis worthy of further bio-chemical exploration.

Little is known regarding the diurnal variation ofFd-NiR, NAD(P)H-NiR, GSII or GSIII abundance oractivity; however, variations in nia abundanceobserved here were similar to those reported for NRabundance and activity in diatoms (Smith et al.1992, Berges et al. 1995, Vergara et al. 1998, Jochemet al. 2000). Therefore, we propose the followingmodel, on the basis of the assumption that mRNAlevels are strong predictors of enzyme abundanceand activity.

We propose that during the early light period,NO3

) is rapidly assimilated via NR, Fd-NiR, and GSII.As proposed for vascular plants and green algae, fluxin the cytosolic NO3

) pool may be an important sig-nal that coordinates patterns of gene expression(Stitt et al. 2002). Later in the light period, the chlo-roplastic reduction of NO2

) declines, while cytosolicreduction of NO2

) increases. The decline in chloro-plast activity may be triggered by alterations in redoxstate, changes in pH, or reduced availability ofC-skeletons. These changes could stimulate a signalcascade that either reduces gene transcription oralters the stability of nia, niiA, and glnII mRNA.During the dark, if carbon stores are sufficient,NO3

) reduction occurs in the cytoplasm via the activ-ity of NR, NAD(P)H-NiR, and GSIII, the transcriptlevels of which increase later in the light phase. BothGSII and GSIII appear to be involved in the assimila-tion of photorespiratory NH4

+, with GSIII contri-buting more toward the end of the light period.Increases in the intracellular concentration of NO3


or changes in carbon and nitrogen metabolite poolsduring the dark period may stimulate the accumula-tion of nia, niiA, and glnII, resulting in high tran-script levels at the onset of the light phase.

Thus, while regulatory networks that coordinateactivities in the mitochondria, chloroplast, and cyto-sol were established independently following pri-mary and secondary endosymbiotic acquisition ofplastids, photosynthetic eukaryotes appear torespond to similar signaling molecules (e.g., intra-cellular NO3

), changes in cellular metabolite pools,and redox poise). It is likely that signal transductionpathways that coordinate nitrogen and carbonassimilation in diatoms will include mechanismsconserved among the different lineages of photo-autotrophs as well as novel components that evolvedfollowing the secondary endosymbiotic events.

We thank S. Ghoshroy, T. Livdahl, D. Thurlow, and J. Thack-eray for thoughtful comments on various aspects of the work.T. Livdahl provided helpful suggestions regarding the statisti-cal analyses presented here. We thank two anonymousreviewers for valuable comments that enhanced the qualityand focus of this manuscript. This work was supported by aNSF CAREER Award (IBN 0238426) to D. L. R. and fundsfrom Clark University.

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