unsafe acts vs. unsafe conditions

Post on 06-Sep-2015






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  • Unsafe Acts vs. Unsafe Condions February 2013

    Unsafe Acts vs. Unsafe CondionsIt has been found that unsafe acons, more so than unsafe condions are the

    root cause of the vast majority of occupaonal injuries and accidents.

    Unsafe Act Performance of a task or other acvity that is conducted in a manner that may threaten the health and/or safety of workers.

    Unsafe Condion A condion in the work place that is likely to cause property damage or injury.

    Unsafe condions exist all around us: Simply driving a car puts each one of us in a condion where we are vulnerable to accidents. We are surrounded by hazards that could cause harm, but most of the me we safely negoate these hazards and arrive at our desnaon safely.

    Unsafe acts: More dicult to recognize and correct because they involve human factors. For example, snow creates an unsafe condion to drive in, but that hazard is magnied by driving in the snow without slowing down or by not maintaining safe distances. The act of driving too fast and not leaving safe stopping distances makes an unsafe condion even worse.

    Unsafe acts are linked to our behavior: How we behave (our acons) may not be related to our skill level. In other words, some of our most skilled employees might actually display some of the most dangerous behaviors. In fact, some studies have shown that the more skilled a worker becomes, the more likely they are to develop unsafe behavior paerns.

    Quesons to Generate Discussion:

    What is the dierence between an unsafe act and an unsafe condion? Are there any unsafe condions in your establishment that could be made worse by unsafe acts?

  • Unsafe Acts vs. Unsafe Condions February 2013

    Operang equipment without qualicaon or authorizaonLack of/or improper use of PPEOperang equipment at unsafe speedsFailure to warnBypass or removal of safety devicesUsing defecve equipmentImproper repair of equipment

    Defecve tools, equipment or suppliesInadequate supports or guardsCongeson in the workplaceInadequate warning systemsFire and explosion hazardsPoor housekeepingHazardous atmospheric condions

    Unsafe Acts Unsafe Condions

    Make sure to perform safe acts in all workplaces,especially when unsafe condions are present.

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