unsavory slavery religion & society social distortion not so civil war manifest devious what’s...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Religion& Society


Not SoCivil War


What’s InA Name

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Slaves turned to this institution for


What is the church?

She suffered a brain injury as a child when her master

struck her.

Who was Harriet Tubman?

The Liberator was this abolitionist's


Who wasWilliam Lloyd


This former male slave escaped

bondage to become a famous orator.

Who was Frederick Douglas?

This Congressional regulation prevented northern legislators

from debating slavery.

What was the Gag Rule?

Revivals were religious gatherings

that used this feeling to restore


What were emotions?

African Americans founded this church

as a way to seek freedom.

What was the African Methodist Episcopal


The so-called “cult of domesticity”

referred to women staying here.

What was the home?

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s vision of a perfect society was


What was utopia?

Helping the mentally ill and reforming prisons were her


Who was Dorothea Dix?

Suffrage referred to this cause.

What was women’s right to vote?

Apprentice, journeyman and

master were three classifications of 19th

century workers.

What were artisans and craftsmen?

Education was the target of his reforms.

Who was Horace Mann?

Temperance dealt with stopping

consumption of this type of beverage.

What was alcohol?

The effort to stop slavery was called


What was abolition?

His instructions were a path of destruction.

Who was William Tecumseh Sherman?

Nothing was merry about this Union

victory in Maryland.

What was Antietam?

This southern sympathizer had no

sympathy for Lincoln.

Who was John Wilkes Booth?

The act of stopping Confederate

shipping was this.

What was a blockade?

Lee’s tide turned south at this high

water mark.

What was Gettysburg?

Joseph Smith founded this faith in upstate New York.

What was the Mormon Church?

He did not favor secession but sided

with his beloved Virginia.

Who was Robert E. Lee?

Roger Taney said of Dred Scott that he

was just this, nothing less.

What was property?

Americans believed God gave them this


What is Manifest Destiny?

This country welcomed settlers to this future 28th state.

What was Mexico?

Empresarios sold this to Americans

in Texas.

What was land?

Santa Ana was defeated by Sam Houston near this

Texas river.

What is the San Jacinto River?

Our nation’s uncle and a Texas city.

Who is Sam Houston?

Spanish word for saint and chemical

symbol for iron.

What is Santa Fe?

A wanderer and genuineness.

Who was Sojourner Truth?

Last names of country music

singer and mechanical reaper


Who is Cyrus McCormick?

Steel plow inventor and animal warning


Who is John Deere crossing?


History ByNumbers


No RhymeOr Reason

EvilMr. Savage

Bottom OfThe Barrel

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600

$800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800

$1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

Lincoln fought with Radical Republicans over this program.

What was Reconstruction?

African Americans gained their civil

rights with this 1866 amendment.

What was the 14th Amendment?

Black codes were a form of this.

What was discrimination?

Scalawags were these kind of Republicans.

Who were white southerners?

Hiram Revels is noted for this.

Who was the first African American

U.S. Senator?

This deal brought Clay and Webster

together for the only time.

What was the compromise of


Tilden and Hayes both won

—and lost—this presidential race.

What was 1876?

Money was short during this Jackson-

caused economic depression.

What was the Panic of 1837?

The Civil War Ended and Lincoln was

killed in April of this year.

What was 1865?

This act gave African American

men the same rights as their white counterparts.

What was the Civil Rights Act of 1866?

A farm owner allows use of some land in

return for some crops.

What was sharecropping?

Northern Republicans who

moved south were called this.

What were Carpetbaggers?

These people disliked slavery but

feared economic competition from

African Americans.

Who were Free Soilers?

States governing without federal

interference is this.

What is home rule?

These dudes thought Lincoln was too

lenient on defeated confederates.

Who were Radical


The night riding organization

founded by Nathan Bedford Forest.

What is theKu Klux Klan?

The cottage industry was replaced by


What were factories?

He was the great compromiser.

Who was Henry Clay?

This commodity was dethroned after the

Civil War.

What was cotton?

These ships changed naval

technology forever.

What were the Monitor and the


Andrew Johnson faced this fate due to

his stance on Reconstruction

What was impeachment?

This 15th Amendment guaranteed African American men this


What was the right to vote?

Lincoln died in this Washington


What was he didn’t die in a theater?

The “S” stands for this in this scandal-plagued president’s


What is no meaning?

Stephen F. Austin’s legacy is in this

Texas city.

What is Austin?

John A. and Washington

Roebling designed and built this.

What was the Brooklyn Bridge?

Credit Mobilier was this president’s


Who was U. S. Grant?

The Union Pacific and the Central

Pacific joined here.

What was Pomontory Point,


This is when a company controls

its suppliers.

What is vertical integration?

Slavery in the territories was

debated by these Illinois politicians.

Who were Lincoln and Douglas?

Final Jeopardy category is:

Maternal Instincts

This Irish immigrant helped coal workers


Who was Mary Mother Jones?

Play again?

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