upcoming events experiencing real peace in your soul€¦ · by joyce m community lutheran church...

Post on 03-May-2020






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Community Lutheran Church

Monthly Newsletter

Experiencing Real Peace in Your Soul

by Joyce Meyer

There was a time in my life when I had a hard time getting along

with others. I was angry much of the time, critical and judgmental of

just about everyone and everything.

The problem was I didn’t know how to receive God’s love for me,

and it kept me in bondage to the shame and condemnation I had from

the abuse of my past.

Needless to say, I didn’t have real peace in my life and was

miserable. But as I learned the truth about God’s love for me and

who He created me to be, it radically transformed my life.

I can honestly say today that I like myself and I have healthy

relationships that bring a lot of joy to my life!

Every person is created with a God-given personality. We are unique

individuals, designed by Him to fulfill the plans and purposes He has

for us.

Psalm 139:13-14 says, For You formed my innermost parts; You

knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and

praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful

Continued on page 2...


This month at Lifetree Café

August 1st

“How Does Prayer Work?”

August 8th “Getting Unstuck”

August 15th

“Why Are You So Hard On Yourself?”

August 22nd “Faith and Science”

August 29th

“Making Life’s Hardest Decisions”

Be sure to come and join in on the conversation – Thursday nights

6:30pm - The Shalom Ministry Center



August 2019

An Evening of Prophetic Ministry with Neil and Ruth Thielke

Sunday, August 25th Shalom Ministry Center

are Your works…

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and His work is wonderful!

Many people have a hard time believing this. They focus on their weaknesses and everything they think is wrong with

themselves, which causes them to live defeated lives because they are unable to change the things about them that need

to change.

We all have things we need to deal with that are not like Christ—attitudes, mindsets and behaviors. When I started

seriously studying God’s Word, I discovered all kinds of things that needed to change in my life.

At first, it was upsetting to be confronted with my wrong attitudes and behavior. But I am so grateful that God loves me

enough to show me the truth about myself—what’s wrong in me and what’s right.

The key to experiencing godly changes in our soul is focusing on God and coming into agreement with what He thinks

about us and who He says we are in His Word. Because only God can change our hearts and transform us into the

image of Christ.

In the process of becoming more like Jesus, we can learn to see ourselves as God sees us, and we can receive His love

for us and love ourselves.

It was also very helpful for me to learn about different personality types. It’s amazing the insight I gained not only

about myself but about others. Each temperament has strengths and weaknesses, and when we understand what they

are, we can have peace with ourselves and get along better with others.

For example, I have a choleric personality. This means I’m a leader who likes to take control of situations and make

decisions, telling others what to do. This is a strength when I’m in charge of something and need to lead, but when I’m

not in a leadership position, I have to be mindful not to take charge of things that aren’t my business.

It was so freeing for me when I learned to appreciate the temperament, abilities, and even the physical characteristics

God has given me. But it was just as important for me to learn to love and appreciate others right where they are and

give them permission to be who they are—not who I think they should be.

God has put people with very different temperaments than me in my life. I’ve had to work with the Holy Spirit to

change my approach with people who are not like me, who have different personalities and ways of doing things.

And those relationships have been valuable in helping me to grow spiritually and become the person He has created me

to be.

My husband, Dave, is easy going and has the ability to enjoy just about anything he does. I’ll never forget our trips to

the grocery store as a young married couple.

I had my list and was serious about accomplishing our mission. Dave, on the other hand, was pushing the kids around

in the cart, laughing and having a great time. It made me so mad!

Dave has always been a very wise, responsible man, but I wanted him to be “serious” like me. When I finally stopped

trying to change him, it brought tremendous peace.

Now, I truly enjoy and value Dave’s personality. In fact, his ability to trust God and maintain his peace in hard times

inspired me to pursue peace and emotional stability in my relationship with God, myself and others.

The best relationship advice I can give you is to develop a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. Spend regular

time with Him in prayer and studying His Word. As you do, He will literally change you from the inside out.

You will come to see yourself more and more through God’s eyes and be able to embrace the you that He has created

you to be. You’ll also see others the way God sees them and learn to appreciate the unique individuals He’s created

them to be, too.

1 Samuel 12:24 Only fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.

Joshua 1:8-9 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have

good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 Office Closed

3 Office Closed

4 9am Fellowship



5 6 9:30am Text


“Night To Unite”


7 7pm Board of



8 6:30pm Lifetree


9 Office Closed

10 Office Closed

11 9am Fellowship



12 13 9:30am Text


14 6pm Prayer

15 6:30pm Lifetree


16 Office Closed

17 Office Closed

18 9am Fellowship



10:30am SON


19 20 9:30am Text


21 6pm Prayer

22 6:30pm Lifetree


23 Office Closed

24 Office Closed

25 9am Fellowship

9:30am Worship

6:30 Prophetic


26 27 9:30am Text


7pm Women’s


28 6pm Prayer

29 6:30pm Lifetree


30 Office Closed

31 Office Closed

Date Ushers Reader Communion Assistants & Servers Coffee Server


Gene Hacker

Marlene Kennedy

Paul Anderson

Carolyn Holte

Tim Carlson

Bill Goldenstein

+Kay Hacker

*+Linda Meulebroeck

Kay Hacker

Gene Hacker


Ken Lesmeister

Diane Lesmeister

Tim Carlson

Faith Anderson

Jack Tharaldson

*Dianne Halvorson

+Karen Tharaldson

+Cindy Owen

Diane Lesmeister

Ken Lesmeister

Carrie Jepma


Jack Tharaldson

Karen Tharaldson

Rolinda Sanders

Joyce Bowen

Ron Bowen

Josh Troen

*+ Carolyn Holte

+Jill Troen

Monica Gosseling

Dalen Gosseling


Marla Watson

Kris Davis

Carolyn Holte

*Marlene Kennedy

Nancy Bakewell

Roger Anderson

*Tom Cory

*Judy Cory

Karen Tharaldson

Jack Tharaldson

+Communion Assistants - Please collect empty cups, *Please clean-up Communion Utensils

Just Give It Time by Joyce Meyer

When you spend time with God, it becomes evident. You become calmer, you’re

easier to get along with, you are more joyful, and you remain stable in every


Spending quality time with God is an investment that yields rich benefits. You

begin to understand what He likes and what offends Him. As with any friend, the

more time you spend with God, the more like Him you become.

Spending time with God causes you to become more sensitive to the love He

wants to demonstrate to you and to others. Your conscience alerts you when

you’re talking to someone in a way that does not please Him.

Your heart grieves when He grieves, and you quickly pray, “Oh, God, I’m sorry.”

You soon want to apologize to the person you have offended and discover that

saying, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” isn’t so difficult after all.

When God told Moses he had found favor in His eyes (see Exodus 33:12), Moses

understood that God was telling him he could ask for anything his heart desired.

Moses responded by saying that he simply wanted to become more intimately

acquainted with God. Moses had seen God perform history’s most magnificent

miracles, yet what he wanted most of all was to know God intimately.

I pray that knowing God is the desire of your heart. You can know Him and hear

His voice as clearly and as intimately as you want to. All it takes is spending time

with Him.

Laughter is the best Medicine

A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment of bringing something to represent their religion. The first boy got in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish and this is the Star of David." The second boy got in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm am Catholic and this is the Crucifix." The third boy got in front of the class and said, "My name is Tommy and I am Lutheran and this is a casserole."


that Shalom CLC gives you the

option to make your contributions

online? For those of you who would

like to utilize this option, go to

Shalom’s website at


Click on the GIVING tab on the

homepage and you will be directed to

either select a one-time donation or

you may elect to setup an automatic

recurring donations. If you have any

questions or would like assistance,

please contact Monica.

Giving is a part of our worship to

God. Nearly everything about a

person is revealed by the way they

spend their money as Jesus says,

“where your treasure is, there your

heart will be also.” Whether you are

tithing according Malachi 3:10 or

contributing over and above your

tithe as an act of sacrificial

generosity, your money will help us

minister God’s hope and healing in

our community and beyond. Tithing

has been a turning point for many

people in learning to trust God more

fully – we hope you experience that

blessing too! We give out of our love

for God and to be a blessing to His

world. We’re blessed to be a


Praise Team – Have you been gifted in the area of music? Is He speaking a calling

to you to serve in this area? Whether He has gifted you in singing or in playing an

instrument and you wish to find out what all is involved in Shalom’s Praise Team,

please give me a call. I would be happy to visit with you. My phone numbers are

(h) 320-239-4411 or (c) 320-894- 5360. My email is: mkg57@hcinet.net

PowerPoint Assistant: Are you comfortable and efficient with computers and wish

to learn more about this area of service? If so, please give me a call.

Monica Gosseling

Mission Development Team Report

Compelled Ministries $2,000.00

SON Food Program $1,650.00

Terebinth Refuge $ 800.00

Britta/Nathan Prislovsky $ 600.00

Compelled Medical Equip. $ 500.00

LCMC $ 500.00

Minnewaska Youth for Christ $ 200.00

Praise Live Radio $ 500.00

Total April – July Missions $6,750.00

Financial Report as of July 29th, 2019

2019 General Budget $196,082.00

Year to Date Needed $113,130.00

Year to Date Received $102,106.70

Needed Weekly $ 3,771.00

July 28th Offering $ 2,450.00

July 28th Attendance - 72

August Birthdays and Anniversaries

08/01 Karen Tharaldson 08/15 Dennis & Carrie Jepma

08/05 Marla Watson 08/20 Norm & Lynette Lien

08/07 Richard Syverson 08/21 Eric & Mary Danielson

08/11 Kris Davis

08/15 Quinn Peterson

08/15 Addison Doscher

08/17 McKinzie Bowers

08/19 Roz Johnson

08/19 Amanda Grussing

08/21 Colleen Sheldon

08/23 Kevin Worner

08/25 Gene Hacker

08/26 Mary Danielson

08/27 Abe Jergenson

The Shalom Leadership

Rev. Becky Worner


Email: sclcpastor@gmail.com

Director of Music & Financial Secretary

Monica Gosseling

H 320-239-4411 C 320-894-5360

Email: mkg57@hcinet.net

Administrative Coordinator

Carolyn Holte


Email: sclc@hcinet.net


Dorothy Carlson


Email: dcarlson@hcinet.net

Deacon/Vice President Carrie Jepma


Email: jepma004@morris.umn.edu


Lowell Hacker


Email: lowellhacker@yahoo.com


Wendell Erdman


Email: erdmanwl@morris.umn.edu


Jack Tharaldson


Email onahill@hcinet.net


Warren Holte


Email: wcholte@tds.net

Quotes worth Quoting It takes more courage to be humble than it does to be prideful. Matthew Hagee Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. Mother Teresa Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realizing you were the prisoner. Author Unknown Faith is believing BEFORE what will only make sense AFTER. Steven Furtick Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Martin Luther King Jr. Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? Corrie ten Boom It would be a shame for God to want to do more and for you to settle for less. Steven Furtick

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