update on activities with focus on ril jamnagar ... · production of h2, sng, sg for gtg & hrsg...

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LindeUpdate on Activities with Focus on RIL Jamnagar Gasification Project

Chris Geraghty , Anton Jell GTC, Colorado Springs, Oct. 15th, 2013

Linde confidential

Linde Overview & Role in Gasification Projects

Expansion of Linde-operated NG-based complex in TX

Summit’s TCEP Project – Coal-based poly-generation

Reliance Gasification – World’s largest ASU & Rectisol units

Key Learnings & Conclusions

Presentation Outline

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The Linde Group Overview

Leveraging Synergies



~$20 billion



Linde EngineeringTechnology-focused

Air Separation

Global #1

Hydrogen/Syn Gas

Global #2


Global #2

Natural Gas

Global #3

HyCO Tonnage Plants

>100 plants

ASU Tonnage Plants

>300 plants

ECOVAR Std Plants

>1,000 plants

Linde Gas - TonnageWorld-class operations





CO2 Plants

>100 plants

Linde confidential

Clean Coal Gasification Process and Downstream Products, Linde technology and product coverage









End Products

Raw Syngas

e.g. Coal Slurry




FEEDSCoal and Petcoke


Sulphur Recovery


Shift Rectisol

Steam Traces

Syngas Island

Gas Conditioning

Clean Syngas

Feasibility & Value Integration Studies EPC O&M & BOO

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Significant ASU & Rectisol Activity Across the GlobeSelected recent activities

Brisbane, Aus

Singapore Syngas

La Porte Syngas

Clear Lake CO

Owned & Operated by Linde

Feasibility & Value Integration Studies

EPC / Equipment Supply O&M & BOO

Coffeyville ASU

> 70 Rectisol references w/ nearly all gasif. technology > 30 ASU’s for gasification projects in last 10 years Largest ASU scheme in operation – 30,000 tpd

HECARectisol Reliance


~30 Rectisol projects in last 10 yrs

EPC executed by LindeFEED/Integration Study by Linde

Shell Pearl

POSCO(Rectisol, SRU, SNG)

SummitTCEP ~20 ASU in last 10 yrs

5 ASU BOO by Linde

Dakota Gasification

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Expansion of Linde Laporte, TX FacilityNG-based POx for chemicals

>$200mm investment by Linde: New gasification train, New ASU On-line Q1 – 2015 World’s Largest NG-based gasification for chemicals Owned & operated by Linde

New ASU New GasifierTrain

CO, H2, MeOHby pipeline

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The Texas Clean Energy Polygeneration ProjectLinde as EPC and O&M partner for the syngas island

Summit’s TCEP Project Optimized poly-gen project (urea, power, CO2) 90% carbon capture, nearly 100% sulfur removalSignificant role of Linde Definition of process concept & FEED (in Ph.1) Tech. & EPC contractor for ASU and gas conditioning Process integrator O&M provider together with Siemens

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Reliance Petcoke GasificationWorld’s largest ASU’s & Rectisol Plants

Package Linde Scope

Licensor Capacity

ASU EP Linde 5,250 tpd O2 x 5

AGR BE, DE, Proc't Serv.

Linde >2,000,000 Nm³/h Raw syngas x 2

CWHE EP Linde -

PSA EP Linde >300,000 Nm³/h H2

SRU EP WP > 1,000 tpd S x 4

SSH EPC Linde -

RIL Jamanagar Gasification Project Optimized polygeneration and cogen

project for hydrogen & chemicals and to refuel & repower SEZ and DTA refineries

AGR design is CO2 capture ready

Significant role of Linde Technology & EP contractor for many

packages (highest order intake of overall project)

Process integrator

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Reliance Petcoke GasificationWorld’s largest Rectisol ® Wash Units (2 identical plants)

The solution for Acid Gas Removal Highly integrated Rectisol with shifted & unshifted

absorption section and common regeneration for production of H2, SNG, SG for GTG & HRSG and CO

SRU tailgas recycle to Rectisol in separate wash section for achieving significantly lower lifecycle total costs for AGR & SRU and practically zero sulphuremission from SRU

Linde AGR and SRU selected because of reliable and robust operation at the lowest life cycle cost

Rectisol® features Contaminant removal: CO2, H2S/COS, BTX/HCN,

NH3, Carbonyles, Mercury Deep desulfurization: H2S+COS < 0.1 ppmv Bulk CO2 removal: down to 10 ppmv (if required) Purified CO2: < 5 ppmv H2S+COS Acid gas enrichment: Claus suitable, >50 mol% H2S

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Reliance Petcoke GasificationWorld’s largest Rectisol® Plants (2 identical plants)

Dimension (each): 410 x 110 mEquipment # (each): ~200Tallest column: >100 mHeaviest column: 1300 MT

Piping tonnage: 10,000 MTConcrete volume: 40,000 m³Steel tonnage: 4,000 MTAverage pipe size: 14"

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Reliance Petcoke GasificationWorld’s largest ASU’s: 5 units each with 5250 tpd O2

The Target Supply O2 at the lowest life cycle cost

Assure highest plant reliability

The Solution for Oxygen Supply Install five identical ASU units

Capacity of one unit is 5250 tpd O2 (largest plant size worldwide)

Highest power efficiency

Increasing ASU capacity for large-scale gasification projects 12 ASU’s in 2013 >3300 tpd O2

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In Closing…..

Linde is a technology-driven EPC contractor with significant gasification experience including FEED, EPC, and BOO

Linde owns wide range of technologies for gas cleaning, conditioning & purification and is open to partner with several technology providers where required

Optimized process integration is often key to success, especially in poly-generation projects

Gasification/POX has a role in US shale-gas expansion

Capacity limits for ASU & Rectisol plants continue to be pushed to further improve gasification project economics

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Thank you.

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