updated version portfolio semester 08.play learn & inspired

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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site location

project briefThis project is about to design a support centre for orphans based on given client (Peyakin) with several issues that need to be addressed and aspect to be considered.THe aspects of physical, psychological,social behaviour,image,building technology and sustainability should concurrently be ad-dressed.Those orphans deserve to have an environment that provides safe haven and a place they can call ‘home’.

The centre must be a multi-purpose facility which focuses on functionality in planning,the correct scale and propor-tion for the users and integration with the site context.It also should integrated with the community and contrib-ute positively to it.An environment of safe haven should be created,inspiring and empowering these under-privileged children into becoming productive and dynamic citizens.The important of green features and energy sustainability in its design using appropriate construction system,materialsand finishes.

Maintaining the DISCIPLINEamong orphans

Overburdened nature of work

Adjustment of NEW ORPHAN

Feeble role of government


Difficulty in taking care of sensitive issues

issues facing by ophans

challenges faced by orphanEDUCATIONAL Loss

Feeling of insecurity

HEALTH determination

Total dependence

Social disorganization




issues facing by ophans






A child means every human being below the age of 18 years, under the law applicable to the child, majority is at-

tained earlier.

A child needs is very important in order to continue life as they are the new generation that we need to protect nowadays,In order to achieve healthy, active and crea-tive children, we need to fulfill their needs.For exam-

ple children need adventure playgrounds which will foster healthy child development because being physically active outdoors and in nature can improve children’s health.The present of plnats in classrooms will benefit the children emotions,behaviour and health whcih green space actually supports childre’s quality of life.Moreover the nature

will reduce the stress in children because the built en-vironment will influence their access to nutritious foods

and physical activity.


According to the online encyclopedoa Britannica and the Meriam-Webster Dictionary an orphan is ;

(i) a child deprived by death of one or usually both parents(ii) a young animal that has lost its moth-er ;(iii) one deprived of some protection or advantage.


“ A child who has lost both parents through

death ”


project briefMy interest in the connection between the natural and the built environment stemmed from my childhood experiences in my village Besut,Terengganu. There I was exposed to a dichotomy of environments: on one end of the island was the concrete jungle of a high-density city; on the other end, the serenity of the small forest.The lessons I learned from both environments left poignant memories that have lasted a lifetime. As a young designer, these memories continually shape who I am. I have become increasingly sensi-tive to my environment, and to the people around me. My hope is to be able to use these lessons to educate the chidlren others through design about the beauty of the natural and built environments.

The concept of environmental education is a central concept to this design. Wil-liam B. Stapp defines environmental education as an approach “aimed at developing a world population that is aware of and concerned about the total environment and its as-sociated problems, and has the attitudes, motivations, knowledge, commitment and skills to work individually and collectively towards solutions of current problems and the prevention of new ones.”15 Stapp’s definition outlines five major objectives: Aware-ness, Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills, and Participation.

The analysis of the site had been carried out and based on the site given,i created spatial arrangement that could work on the site .The skteches showed the concept of the

design which include the element that i want to have in my design for example the wind flow and cross ventilation .

The concept of natural ventilation and the combination of modern and classic design can produce a simple yet give a

big impact to the children mentally and physically.

SPATIAL arrangement + PROCESS + sketches

site plan


The site is the focal points for Shah Alam as it nears to everything for instant Shah Alam Mosque, Primary and secondary Schools, residentials, and also commercial.With the exitence of the building will attract the do-nors or community to connect with the children.

It is important for the children to know that there are people who actually care for them.





longitudinal sectionNOT TO SCALE

latitude sectionNOT TO SCALE

sectional viewsThe longitudinal and latitude sections

of the design on the site [not to scale]

longitudinal elevationNOT TO SCALE

latitude elevationNOT TO SCALE

elevationsThe longitudinal and latitude elevations

of the design on the site[not to scale]


open library










woman wardenroom

man wardenroom



spacingThe spatial arrangement of the design is base on the most used space to the less used space from public to private.Boys and girls have separate classrooms and activity rooms and the middle of the room will be the focal point for them to meet up.


The roof had been tested in shadow casting on where the roof will covered in the site and the building itself.The shadow casting were tested on 19th September of 2012 due to the position of the sun closer to the earth.The time

from morning to the evening which the sunrise and sunset.The experiment were tested at 8.26am,11.00am,1.00pm,2.30pm,3.30pm and the last time was 5.15pm.The results shown in

the diagram.

shadow casting on 19 Sept 2012

0826 am

1430 pm

1100 am 1300 pm

1530 pm 1715 pm

*The experiment were tested using Ecotech Software.The

results might be not accurate


Reinforced concrete structure with waterproofing

Local timber rafter

Plaster finishes

Concrete floor slab

Parametrix roofing

For the roof ot the building, i used parametric design as a roof.The intention is to create a environment that camoufladge with the site.This design also can create a pleasant view from outside and inside of the building.It also can create a curvy roof inside the buidling,It shows the the flow or grow of the children.This also shows that orphanage centre not necessary must be look as serious design it also can be playful design.


Ground Floor Level

First Floor Level

Second Floor Level

Column arrangement

Roof construction

View 1.Playroom for boys and girls during free time

View 2.Classroom for boys and girls to study after schoold and weekdays.

ColumnDetail + construction

The column framing workshop was held on the basis of geometry ordenator.Generated by three sets of wooden pieces for each bracket, one for the shaft and two for the capital, which were assembled in molds.Radial rib shape cut and generating successice sections closed concrete forming surface.


Glass Reinforced Concrete


roof construction

a.scaffolding and wooden planksb.wooden support struts

c.adjustable strutd.clamp support beam

e.plywood of 100 x 25mmf.bolted metal piece between the parts of the beam

g.table for bracingh.25cm straps each formed by overlapping strips of

five75 x 12 mm glued

i.concrete surface formed of 150mm widthj.separator

k.separator for top reinforcementl.reinforced concrete slab and 20cm layer of mortar

and regulation

technical studies +constructionResearch study had been carried out on how the building will be construct.This is proven that parametrix design can also been construct with the de-tails studies and approval from the engineers.

100 x 50 mm timber rafter

200 mm diameter thick shell R.C c/w waterproofing to

engr’s detail.

110 mm diameter upvc rwdp to manuf’s detail.

200 x 100 mm concrete vent block.

10mm thk alumn bracing for GRC cladding to manuf’s


600 x 600 mm alumn top hung window to manuf’s detail.

15mm thk timber floor finishes 20mm thk cement screed 100mm thk rc floor slab to engr’s detail.

300 x 150mm rc floor beam to engr’s detail.

112.5 mm thk. brickwork with 12mm thk. cement plaster on

both side.

200mm conc. gutter with 100mm diameter upvc rwdp discharge

to main drainage

300 x 150mm rc floor beam to engr’s detail.

112.5 mm thk. brickwork with 12mm thk. cement plaster on

both side.

300mm diameter perforated claypipe subsoil perimeter

drain on mass concrete base.

gravel infill

GRC cladding to manuf’s detail

RC pad footing to engr’s de



Second floor plan

Ground floor plan

Third floor plan

Roof level

technicalstudies + sketches

The studies and sketches of the roof construction of the design.

Oscar Niemeyer’s buildings from the 1940’s to the 1960’s are almost unanimously praised. Some recent projects are very controversial, to say the least. Relations between

internal and external space in Niemeyer’s architecture are examined, by referring to the fundamental syntactic no-tions of accessibility and visibility – how we can move between inside and outside and how we can see between

these instances. In Niemeyer’s works, relations between these domains vary radically along the intervals of clo-sure/openness and opacity/transparency. Attention here thus concentrates in the buildings’ skin. Towards one

pole, there are radical examples of transparency and open-ness in which a simple “shade” – a horizontal slab totally open to the surroundings – is the project’s key element. In other instances, the architect’s preoccupation with

integration with nature or with the urban setting around leads him to create a new structural type: a building cut through transversally by a transparency is found in many transformations, from Pampulha (Belo Horizonte, 1940),

through his own house (Rio, 1953), to the Itamaraty Pal-ace (Brasilia, 1962). Even when programs demand solemnity, traditionally equated with greater separation between in-side and outside, the architect tempers the morphological distance by creatively re-interpreting devices histori-cally employed to do so: surrounding pools and gardens, flyovers, a slightly elevated piano nobile reachable by delicate ramps, an entrance tunnel etc. (e.g. Brasilia’s

Palaces and Cathedral).May you rest in peace.

appreciation :oscar niemeyer 1907 - 2012

internal vs external space


1.Niemeyer Cultural Centre Aviles, Spain2.Ball room marquee,Pampulha,Belo Horizonte.




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