upon this rock 122 july 2011

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Special Olympics Summer Games in Athens, Greece.


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Jesus scolds the scribes and Pharisees, the religious leaders of

the Jews, for their showy practices. In a way they wanted to be good models of observant Jews. See how well we observe all the ritual rules and regulations of our religion! In their misguided zeal for religion they sought respect and honour for themselves rather than for God and for His word. They wanted the people to treat them as great teachers and rulers. They, unfortunately, made the practice of their faith a burden rather than a joy for the people

they were supposed to serve.Was Jesus against calling anyone rabbi or father? Or was He just directing this sharp rebuke to the scribes and Pharisees? Jesus seemed to be warning both His disciples and the religious leaders about the temptation to seek titles and honours to increase one’s personal reputation and admiration by others. The scriptures give ample warning about the danger of self-seeking pride: “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18) “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Dear Friends

Humility and simplicity of heart enable us to place ourselves at the service of God and our neighbour.

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Upon this Rock magazine is published monthly by EuropeAxess

Media Ltd, Gibraltar.Editor Fr. Stuart Chipolina:

editor@uponthisrock.eu Production Editor:

A. Sargentangela@europeaxess.com

Cover: His Worship the Mayor, Anthony Lombard, welcomes the team

and coaches who participated in the Special Olympic Summer Games,

Athens, Greece.Upon this Rock magazine is entirely supported by advertising and donations. It is run in liaison with the Catholic Diocese of Gibraltar by EuropeAxess Media Ltd. as a not-for-profit project.

Humility and simplicity of heart enable us to place ourselves at the service of God and our neighbour.

(James 4:6; Proverbs 3:24)Respect for God and his ways inclines us to Godly humility and simplicity of heart. The word ‘disciple’ means ‘one who listens in order to learn’. Jesus shows us the way to the Father – the way of peace, joy, righteousness, holiness, and true happiness. He showed us the way by being a servant for our sake. He humbled Himself, even to death on a cross, that we might be raised up and exalted at the Father’s right hand in heaven (Philippians 2:1-11). What is true Christ-like humility? Humility is true self-knowledge – regarding

oneself as God sees each of us. The humble do not rely on themselves, but trust in God and in the power of His love and saving grace. True humility is a servant-like quality which enables us to place our life at the service of God and the service of our neighbour.

One of the group leaders on a Lindisfarne Walk washes the feetof a young pilgrim.

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Miracle is a ‘snappy’ word; we sit up and take notice when

we hear it, oh, a miracle, (remarkable event) and we are filled with wonder and the expectation of some marvellous happening that is beyond our understanding.

That is often true if the word is used in the context of what is a miracle. Too often these days the word miracle is associated with advertisers who have (mis)used our gullibility and extol ‘miracle’ foods, fruits, berry juices, even shampoos and the ultimate ‘miracle’ weight loss claims for

certain diets.Miracle is a noun, and a variety of adjectives are associated with it, e.g. marvelous, phenomenal, wonderful, astonishing, extraor-dinary etc, and in modern par-lance a miracle is regarded as any event that is the result of an action by God, but and may also refer to any statistically un-likely beneficial event, perhaps, surviving a natural disaster, or then again just a wonderful oc-currence and a baby’s birth is often regarded in this light, the miracle of birth, even though this is not an act of extraordinary oc-currence, but a natural one which happens millions of times a year worldwide. A miracle is sometimes thought of as a perceptible interruption of the laws of nature; others suggest

that God may work within these laws to perform what people perceive as miracles. It is also an event attributed to divine intervention through a saint, usually with a specific role, as in healing from illness. Trying to discern the meaning has led me along a rather convoluted path, but to millions around the world the word miracle is associated with Lourdes. Following reports that Our Lady had appeared a total of eighteen times to a fourteen year old peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous in 1858, this tiny Pyreneean hamlet, located in an area of the First Meridian in France has developed into a major place of pilgrimage. Today Lourdes has a population of approximately 15,000 but this swells to over five million pilgrims and tourists

Dr. Monique Risso’s special role at processions and blessings of the sick in Lourdes.

faith in action anne mesilio

Is it a miracle?

Above: Dr. Monique Risso (to left of group in light coloured jacket) in attendance as the Blessed Sacrament is processed through the Underground Basilica St Pius X whilst Bishop Ralph Heskett blesses the sick present. Left: Dr. Risso, wearing her AMIL badge, reads during the International Mass.

Right: Dr. Monique Risso walks in the Lourdes Procession of the Sick with three Malaysian doctors, one of whom shared her saint’s name and was called Monica. Ahead of them walk other doctors of mixed nationalities and from all age groups

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each season. They come because the spring water from the grotto, Massabielle, is a naturally occurring irregularly shaped shallow cave or grotto in which the apparitions took place, the waters are considered to have miraculous powers. Miracles attributed to the healing power of the waters are stringently examined for authenticity. This is a side of Lourdes that perhaps is not often thought about and I met with Dr. Monique Risso who is a member of the International Medical Association of Lourdes, (IMAL). Lourdes, from the very beginning was subject to intense medical investigation from sceptical doctors around the world, and the criteria for authenticating miracles began soon after the reporting of the first miraculous cure (1882) when Catherine Lapatie was healed of paralysis on the same day she gave birth to a son who later became a priest. “I have been once on a pilgrimage to Lourdes as a doctor”, Monique was telling me, “this was with the Leeds diocese and it was a large group. We had nurses and several doctors in attendance and throughout the pilgrimage we took turns to be on call and hold clinics. By becoming a member of IMAL our role is to be there should there be a need

for our medical input. We wear a small but distinctive badge displaying a red cross on a white background surmounted by the word ‘Credo’, I believe. Maybe it’s not known that we doctors are privileged to walk behind the Blessed Sacrament during the procession of the sick, that is one of the beautiful things about being in Lourdes”. I wondered if it is only doctors who are members of IMAL? “No”,

she assured me, “all health care professionals can become members, nurses, dentists etc, and recently chiropractors can become full members. All who wish to become members can contact Dr. Alessandro de Franciscis who is the chairman of the association, all members receive a special badge to identify them in the sanctuary”. Miracles are important events and part of divine revelation,

yet, of the estimated 200 million people who have visited the Shrine since 1860, and of the 7,000 who have claimed cures only 67 have been declared scientifically inexplicable miracles by the Church. How does this happen? Monique referred me to a an interview published in 2004 by Dr. Patrick Theillier, Director of Lourdes Shrine Medical Office. I re-produce it here.

faith in action anne mesilio

LOURDES, France, AUG. 23, 2004 (Zenit)

When patients at-tribute their appar-ently miraculous

cures to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dr. Patrick Theillier steps in. Theillier has the task of examining such claims of miraculous cures.Q: What does your work entail?

Theillier: As director of the Lourdes Medical Office, I am the only permanent doctor at the shrine. I am responsible for health care during the time of pilgrimages. I am also responsible for receiving the doctors who come here and for facilitating their work. Together with them, we ensure health care and recommend patients to the hospital’s emergency services.

I am also president of the Lourdes International Medical Association, made up of patients, doctors and health care professionals. Dentists, pharmacists, etc., come to register in this association. Its participants carry out a comparative study of cases of healing, without considering people’s beliefs.Q: What is your role in

Continued overleaf

Interview with Patrick Theillier, Director of Lourdes Shrine’s Medical Office





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Faith in Action News

treating those you think have experienced a miracle?Theillier: I have an unusual role for a doctor, as I look after persons who have been cured. I have been entrusted by the bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes with examining people who

think they have benefited from the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes.Obviously, I don’t analyze miracles attributed to the intercession of other saints, which are examined in Rome. Lourdes is the only

place, outside of the Vatican, with a medical office in which inexplicable cures are examined.It is not indispensable to have come on pilgrimage [to the shrine]: Of the 66 cases of recognized miraculous cures, three have never been to Lourdes, but prayed to Our Lady of Lourdes. In the case of half of those who have experienced a miracle, Lourdes water has played a part in their cure.Q: How do you verify a miracle?Theillier: The scientific aspect must be distinguished from the spiritual. The cure must exceed the known laws of the illness’ evolution, and the person who has experienced the miracle must also recognize the spiritual meaning of the event.For the cure to be recognized as a miracle, it must fulfil seven criteria. It is necessary to verify the illness, which must be serious, with an irrevocable prognosis. The illness must be organic or caused by injuries. There must be no treatment at the root of the cure. The

latter must be sudden and instantaneous.Finally, the renewal of functions must be total and lasting, without convalescence.For this reason, the recognition of a miracle takes several years. Once we have recognized it, the cure is published by the bishop of the diocese where the person resides who experienced the miracle.

Physical miracles are an extraordinary phenomenon but many pilgrims make their way to Lourdes for moral and spiritual comfort and healing, and these miracles are equally as marvellous as physical ones. Over and over countless people who are not cured of bodily illnesses receive an infusion of faith which helps in acceptance and leads to finding peace in their being.

Is it a miracle? Believing that God raises the level of the impossible through miracles strengthens faith and belief to embrace these wonderful events.

Interview with Patrick Theillier, Director of Lourdes Shrine’s Medical Office

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The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales have appointed Fr

John Pardo as rector of the English College in Valladolid. Fr Pardo is currently vice-rector at the College. Fr Pardo

succeeds Mgr Michael Kujacz. Fr Darren Reid, parish priest of Our Lady of Sorrows and St Francis, Armthorpe, Doncaster, will become vice-rector of the English College in Valladolid. Fr Reid was previously pastoral

director at Ushaw College in Durham.The appointments will come into effect at the start of the academic year in September. The Royal College of St Alban, Valladolid, was founded in 1589. A contemporary writer, thought to be the founder, Father Persons, said that “four or five English priests and scholars had met by good chance or rather by Gods particular providence in this town of Valladolid....”The College originally

undertook the training of Catholic priests for England and Wales, but now after their courses candidates may return to the UK, move to Rome or elsewhere for further studies. Candidates for the Priesthood live in a community environment and are exposed to spiritual-human formation, during their propaedeutic year. This training prepares them for seminary formation and roots their faith in Jesus Christ.

Faith in Action News

Fr. John Pardo takes up the post of Rector at the English College, Valladolid.

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Zenit News: The World Seen From Rome

Thomas Hilgers Leads the Way Toward Understanding FertilityBy Traci OsunaOMAHA, Nebraska, June 22, 2011 (Zenit.org).

A Natural Revolution in Women’s Healthcare

As a young medical resident in 1968, Dr. Thomas Hilgers was

concerned with treating his patients and staying abreast of the latest medical advances. As a Catholic, he was also mindful that one of the most significant advances that had occurred in recent years with regard to reproductive health was the creation of the birth control pill in 1960.Hilgers, now an obstetrician -gynaecologist and specialist in reproductive medicine and surgery, is the author of “The NaProTechnology Revolution: Unleashing the Power in a Woman’s Cycle.” The book recalls what inspired him to found the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and develop methods of treating a wide range of gynaecological issues in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.In the late 1960s, Hilgers writes,

many wondered if the Church would adjust their stand on contraception: “I followed the controversy closely thinking actually that the Church was going to change its long-held position of being opposed to contraception.” Then, on July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI ended the debate and presented the Church’s definitive statement in the form of the papal encyclical letter, “Humanae Vitae” (Of Human Life).In the letter, the Pope stood firm and reiterated the value of human life and the Church’s direct opposition to contraception, a message that Hilgers said was received by many, even those in the Church, with anger and frustration.Amid the controversy and biased media coverage, Hilgers writes that he decided to read “Humanae Vitae” himself. It ended up deeply impacting both his personal and professional life and would steer the course for his life’s work in women’s health care.

Cooperating with reproductionThroughout the mid-1970s and early 1980s, Hilgers and his team researched various methods of fertility treatment and natural family planning approved by the Church. At the same time, the first “test-tube baby” was born and in vitro fertilization was the next “great” advance in medicine.Still, his team pressed on, dedicated to their mission. Their work eventually led to the Creighton Model Fertility Care System, a natural way to regulate fertility.In 1985, Hilgers founded the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, located in Omaha, Nebraska. The facility is also the home of the National Center for Women’s Health.In an interview with ZENIT, Hilgers explained that the Creighton Model Fertility Care System is “a unique system and because of that, it has had a special application in the area of

women’s reproductive health.”“Over these last 30 or 35 years,” he added, “we’ve been continually investigating all that, and out of that has come Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro Technology).”According to Hilgers, NaPro Technology is much more than an advanced form of natural family planning, which works cooperatively with a woman’s cycle. “It actually becomes a whole new women’s health science,” he said. The science of NaPro Technology has three aspects to it, he says: the medical form, the perinatal form and the surgical form.Rather than simply addressing issues of fertility, NaPro Technology works to address many gynaecological issues that women face. “It’s 180 degrees in the opposite direction of the artificial reproductive technologies,” which, Hilgers explains, are either suppressive or destructive to the potential for human life, not cooperative.He said that NaPro Technology

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Traci OsunaZenit News: The World Seen From Rome

A Natural Revolution in Women’s Healthcare

also benefits women suffering from a variety of issues, including, but not limited to post-partum depression, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and irregular cycles; it also can help to prevent pre-term births, which often result from artificial reproductive means.“There’s a whole surgical arm

of near adhesion-free surgery that we’ve developed,” he says. “We can operate and reconstruct a woman’s reproductive tissues in a way that has never been done before.” He says that many women fear surgery can cause severe scarring, leading to more problems than it helps. “We can do surgery now in a way that does not cause that scarring.”Hilgers said treatments may range from a shot of progesterone to help postpartum depression, to observing and charting changes in the menstrual cycle in order to monitor fertility, to surgery, both laparoscopic (out-patient) and traditional.Abusing fertilitySince the 1960s and 1970s, when ‘free love’ and the sexual revolution spread throughout society, and medicine brought us the contraceptive pill and test-tube babies, other “advances” have been made as well; just not ones that secular society likes to talk about, says Hilgers. He cites, and his book discusses, the increased numbers of such sociological and medical issues as: abortions, out of wedlock births, sexually transmitted

diseases, various forms of cancers, cases of physical abuse, an increased divorce rate, teen suicide, low-birth weight babies, neonatal deaths, and increased drug use, all of which drastically increased in the last 45 to 50 years.“We live fundamentally in a fertility abusing culture,” says Hilgers. “People take their fertility for granted. They either suppress it [with birth control pills] or destroy it [with] different forms of contraception. And over the years of the so-called sexual revolution, one of the things they’ve always claimed is that there are no victims. But, I think [there has been] too much silence associated with the overwhelming destruction of relationships in the family and the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases that has occurred as a result of all this.”Hilgers explained that since the birth control pill was introduced in 1960, it has taken on a new identity. “Doctors realized quickly that they could start treating a whole variety of conditions, such as irregular cycles, or recurrent ovarian

cysts; the list goes on and on.” Today, doctors routinely prescribe the pill to help with premenstrual syndrome, to ward off osteoporosis and to combat acne.“They talk about the health benefits, but they don’t talk about the health risks very much, except what is mandated by the Food and Drug Administration and then people don’t listen,” he says. He explains that use of the pill contributes to pulmonary embolisms, blood clots, myocardial infarctions and heart attacks. Women are at an increased risk of breast cancer due to the use of the pill, as well as an increased risk of cervical cancer, often caused by the transmission of the human papilloma virus (HPV).“[These are] all risks associated with [the pill], but they tend to ‘pooh-pooh’ all that and it’s been really tragic for women,” he says.Growth spurtWhen Hilgers and his team began training physicians in their methods in the early 1980’s, he recalls that the Continued page 15

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“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt”.

When Eunice Kennedy Shriver, on her way to the

first ever Special Olympics Opening Ceremony in 1968 adopted the oath of the gladiators of ancient Rome she could never have envisaged how these words would resonate at the 13th World Summer Games in Athens, Greece. Athens was rocked by violent protests which saw stun grenades, tear gas and stone throwing in a scenario that could not have been envisaged when Greece so proudly won the right to stage these Games. I am going to paraphrase Churchill

to some extent when I say the Oath has never meant so much to so many as the Games went stoically on amid formidable obstacles and the world press ignoring a real human story taking place under their noses.Greece welcomed over 7,000 Special Olympic athletes with intellectual disabilities, from over one hundred and eighty countries to participate in these Games and despite the anxiety of political upheaval in Athens, the “birthplace of logic, myths, democracy and art”, Joanna Despotopulo, organising committee president said the movement “meets with the immortal principles of Olympism, the true, the beautiful and the good”. Timothy Shriver, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: “The athletes of Special Olympics

are the worlds greatest heirs to Olympism itself. They come home to Greece to proclaim to all civilisation that skill, courage, bravery, joy, remain alive in the 21st century”. His address went on; “Our Special Olympics athletes are warriors in their own right, warriors of peace and unity”. Like his mothers words before him, his too resonated through these Games as the athletes demonstrated these very traits in an arena where fear could have hampered their efforts. They took to heart the Games motto, ‘Ime Mesa’, ‘I’m in’, and performed with breathtaking courage. For this alone I believe that every single athlete deserves to be honoured.Twenty two athletes with five unified partners travelled from Gibraltar to participate in Aquatics, Athletics, Bocce, Bowling, Equestrian and 7-a-side Unified Football.

Aquatics: 701 athletes competed at the Olympic Aquatic centre. Every athlete swims for a distance inside the pool with specific style in the best possible time. Our participants were, Sallyanne Mauro, Douglas Pitaluga and Francis Mauro. Francis won Silver for his 50m breast stroke.Athletics; held in the Olympic Stadium sports complex, 1,095 athletes took part. At the first Games in Olympia, 776BC, only one event was contested, the stadium footrace. Racing to victory in the 200m sprint men’s and women’s, Miguel Rubio and Virginia Wink each won Gold. Miguel then took Silver in the 100mt sprint and Virginia followed with Gold in the 100m sprint. Shane Martinez, first time at World Games, won Bronze in his 200m sprint. Tyrone Davis also competed.Bocce: considered the oldest known sport in world history,

Sporting Successes Anne Mesilio

Brave in the attempt‘‘Our Special Olympics athletes are warriors in their own right, warriors of peace and unity.” Timothy Shriver.

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is an Italian game where the principle is to roll a bocce ball closest to the target ball, called a palina. 340 athletes took part in the Peace and Friendship stadium, among them and representing Gibraltar for the first time in this sport were Aloha Finlayson and Malcolm Miel. Malcolm won Gold in the men’s singles, Aloha won bronze in the women’s singles and together in doubles they won Bronze.Bowling: while bowling does not belong to Olympic sports it is considered among the most popular sport in Special Olympics. 299 athletes competed at the Blanos Sport Park where Samyr Anakkar and Carlos Yeo took Bronze in the men’s doubles, and Patrick Slater, first time at World Games, won Silver in the men’s singles. Jan Lopez also competed.Equestrian: a fascinating sport where every athlete, in co-operation with the horse, aims at succeeding in specific exercises. 124 athletes competed in the Markopoulo Olympic Equestrian centre. This has been described

as one of the most modern equestrian facilities in Europe. John Joshua Buttiegieg, first time participating in Equestrian events, achieved a Bronze in working trials, and a Silver in Dressage: Glen Wimbleton also competed.7-a-side Unified Football: of the 1,268 athletes competing, 594 athletes and unified partners participated in the Agios Kosmas Sports centre where the team achieved a Silver medal. In football, athletes can improve their overall physical condition through training. Taking part were; Jensen Gilbert, Darren Vinent, Sam Hook, Jeremy Prescott, Nicholas Danino, Lee Guerreiro, Marvin Zammitt. Unified partners; Keith Chiara, James Danino, Hezron Perez, Christian Jefferies and Darren Robba.The Opening and Closing ceremonies took place in the Panathenaikon Stadium, also known as the Kallimarmaron because of its marble from Peneteli, the same marble that was used for the Parthenon in the Athens Acropolis. It is

Sporting Successes Anne Mesilio

Brave in the attempt

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A Christian Soldier moving onwards.Fr. Danny talks about his role as a Royal Military Chaplain.

located in the centre of Athens and in ancient Greece, 330BC; it was used for a worship festival in honour of the goddess Athena. The Opening Ceremony was a kaleidoscope of colour, fireworks and musical and entertainment. Our own Nicholas Peliza proudly stood in his Royal Gibraltar Police uniform to shake hands with all the athletes at the end of the ceremony. He had formed part of the Final Leg of the Torch Run culminating at the Opening Ceremony where the flame was lit and he was part of the guard of honour on the runway. He must have shaken hands with more than 9000 athletes and coaches as they filed past. The eighteen strong family members who had travelled to Greece proudly cheered the team and Annie Risso, Head of Delegation paid tribute to the athletes who “excelled themselves as always.” For our newcomers it was a tremendous learning curve and comments by the coaches and Unified Partners described it as “the experience of a lifetime”.Greece, despite the political turmoil which has besieged

it held the world’s biggest worldwide sports, cultural and educational event of 2011. To quote Joanna Despotopoulou again:

“Let us all feel the meaning of this moment….feel the thrill their effort emits, share their joy, say too ‘I’m in’ , ’ because while million of Greeks are suffering, the actions on the playing fields have given Greece its greatest gift, hope.

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On the 5th July 2011 Fr. Danny Hernandez celebrated his 25th

Anniversary at St. Bernard’s Church. The celebration was followed by a reception at The Mount. He told ‘Upon this Rock’ that “This was an opportunity to thank people for their support over the years. I was humbled by their kindness and kind words on that occasion.”When we asked Fr. Danny about his role as a Military Chaplain and if the Army had always taken religious leaders with them into battle, he directed us to the history of the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department (AChD), which was formed by a Royal Warrant on 23 September 1796. Previously chaplains had been part of individual regiments, but not of the central establishment. Only Anglican Chaplains were recruited until 1827, when Presbyterians were recognised.

Roman Catholic chaplains were recruited from 1836, Methodist chaplains from 1881, and Jewish chaplains from 1892. The Department received the “Royal” prefix in February 1919 for its services during World War I. Some 4,400 Army Chaplains were recruited between 1914 and 1918; 179 lost their lives on active service and

three were awarded the Victoria Cross. To these facts Fr. Danny was able to add the insight that it was during the Peninsular Wars that the term ‘Padre’ was coined because the French and Spanish children would call this out when they encountered priests among the British soldiers. Fr. Danny went on to explain that

Photos courtesy: Brenda Brufal

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A Christian Soldier moving onwards.Fr. Danny talks about his role as a Royal Military Chaplain.


whilst the term ‘Padre’ referred initially to Anglican and other Christian Chaplains, when Roman Catholic priests joined the Army they retained the title ‘Father’ and this distinction between Roman Catholic and other religions’ spiritual advisors remains today.Why did you feel called to join the army as a Chaplain?This was primarily due to the links I had at St. Bernard’s with the Forces. I had been approached a few times over several years and constantly invited to join the Army or Navy, but one day I received a phone call from a contact in the Army who asked if I was already committed to the Navy, to which I responded that I was not at all committed to the Navy, and somehow it all began from that one phonecall. If the Navy had called that day and asked a similar question, I may equally have ended up there!When did you sign up?In January 2000. I had agreed to go some time before but Bishop Caruana asked me to complete the rebuilding of the Church at St. Bernard’s, so that when Fr. Charles took over almost everything was done, it just needed painting.Are you employed by the Army or by the Church?As a Catholic Chaplain I am employed by the MoD, one of about 280 chaplains. There are about 20 Catholic Chaplains and we have a Forces Bishop who looks after us ecclesiasticallyHow long was the training?Only seven weeks! Priests join

other qualified professionals such as nurses, physiotherapists, and dentists, lawyers and doctors and even vets, in The Professionally Qualified Officers Commissioning Course at Sandhurst. The training focuses on building up fitness to serve along side soldiers.How long is your commission?It is an intermediate, 16 year commission.Are you taught how to fire a weapon?No, we are non-combatant. If taken prisoner, Chaplains are not ‘Prisoners of War’ but ‘Detained Personnel’.Does your role include conducting services for those of other faiths?We carry out an ‘all souls ministry’, but with denominational matters we refer individuals to chaplains of their own faith to maintain denominational integrity.How does a Chaplain justify the conflict a soldier is in?I am not there to justify the war but to support the needs of the solider.Have you encountered conflicts between soldiers of different faiths mirroring the conflict in the arena?No, we have people of all faiths, all working together on the mission.Do you feel the role of the military Chaplain has changed

in recent years?I think it is becoming more important. Where people are coming from backgrounds without family ties or where they had no real faith as part of their lives, our role is to help them to articulate their emotions and feelings. Recently there was a survey amongst soldiers, and when asked if faith was important 99% of soldiers said yes. Because of the situations they find themselves in they are forced to think about big issues and become more spiritually mature than perhaps their peers who are following a civilian career.Do you spend time at the front lines?I have to spend time at the front lines, of course. We go wherever our men go.How does a military Chaplain work alongside his Commanding Officer?You are his adviser and confidant and often the Chaplain will be the only person who can really tell the C.O. how things are, rather than how he would like to think they are.How important is it for a

soldier to maintain his spiritual life in battle conditions?Operation effectiveness is inseparable from spiritual depth. You have to help people to do the right and proper thing in a moral army with principles. The British Army is very principled and soldiers are very moral with a strong sense of fair play.Is it possible to keep

Sunday special in the field?We do celebrate Mass as normal, we get more people coming to the services voluntarily, and a greater sense of belonging than you may find in some church communities. There is always time to chat, and you get a tremendous camaraderie amongst the men.Is it hard to get the troops to sing hymns?If you get the right hymns they like a good sing song, and the more rowdy the better! Laughed Fr. Danny, especially at Christmas, and the carol service.What do you mean by ‘rowdy’ hymns?Well, for instance, ‘Guide me, O my great Redeemer’We wish Fr. Danny all the best as he moves on to his new posting with the British Army in Germany. I am sure our readers will join in remembering him, and the men he serves with, in our prayers.More about the work of the Royal Army Chaplains Department:.army.mod.uk/20374.aspx

A favourite of British Army Troops

Guide me, O my great Redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but you are mighty; hold me with your powerful hand. Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore, feed me now and evermore.

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A staggering ten million people are at risk of starvation and among

them as always, the children. Mothers are desperately trying to save lives, often at the expense of other children as they make the unimaginable sacrifice of weaker siblings to let others live. Gibmissionafrica has a dedicated team of local volunteers working to help the victims of disease and poverty in Africa. Already there has been an overwhelmingly generous response from the international community and making his contribution for the children has been singer/songwriter Nigel Palmer who produced a DVD/CD musical production for charity. He explained, “I was tinkering with my piano, randomly composing when a piece suddenly had a ‘feel’ to it. I was thinking of the Haiti earthquake but when I played

back the piece it put me in ‘we are the world’ mode and it just grew from there”. Over thirty local singers, aged between 17-65 years volunteered their time and took part in the making of the DVD/CD. Nigel composed, arranged and produced the song and once mixed sent it to Valencia for mastering the final product. What then? “We had a launch day at the Piazza on 10th June where we sold 350 copies of our target of 5,000 to try and reach our objective of £5,000 and all the money raised will go to Gibmissionafrica”. What now? “At £5 per CD they can be purchased from Music Corner and Popay Ltd and in doing so you will treat yourself to an unforgettable compilation of local singers in a high quality production”. You mentioned a DVD? “Yes, Glen Sanders, my business partner produced and edited the music video which needed to be of the same high standard as the music. With a special filming camera we went around the Rock and town areas and featured a familiar face on Main Street, one known affectionately as Brother Wali playing his flute.And a booklet was produced

with children’s drawings, the artwork for the front cover is by his niece. Nigel is passionate about his music and paid tribute to everyone who took part saying; “we are fortunate to live in Gibraltar and to be able to produce something as beautiful as this, all on a voluntary basis”. I have watched the DVD on YouTube and was impressed by this visually striking, emotive and evocative production. For a modest £5 you can purchase and enjoy the CD while helping to save a child’s life in drought ridden Africa. As Nigel mentioned we are indeed fortunate to live in


and plenty upon this Rock and he wants to thank everyone for their interest and support and he included those of us at this magazine. Thank you Nigel for Need U Need Us.

Local Artist helps Local Charity: GibMission Africa

Need u need us“A vision of hell” is how the news is reporting the current drought, the worst in the Horn of Africa for over sixty years.

DIVINE MERCY PILGRIMAGEAccompanied by Fr. Stuart 9th April – 16th April 2012€1500 per personFull Board in 5 Star hotels, a full pilgrimage itinerary is available from Richard Martinez in the St Paul’s Church Sacristy. Already 74 people have expressed an interest. Please give your names in to the Sacristy if you wish to receive more information.A deposit of €100 will confirm your seat. Limited seats available!!

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Need u need usZenit News: The World Seen From Rome

Continued from page 9 response from the medical field was not what they had initially hoped for. “For 10 years, we’d get one doctor a year, maybe, and they were usually upset by the end [of the program],” he recalls. “So it took a while.”In 1991, he published a medical textbook entitled “The Medical Application of Natural Family Planning: A Physician’s Guide to NaPro Technology,” and the word spread. “All of a sudden we had four or five doctors in the class, then we had 10, then 30.” This past April, the Pope Paul VI Institute conducted a week-long seminar for 90 students, half of them physicians, the other half NaPro Technology instructors and fertility care specialists.“We’ve had doctors from Poland, from Ireland, from England, Australia, Canada,

the United States; it’s just incredible!” He adds that they have over 230 fertility care centers throughout the United States and programs in countries all over the world, including Japan, Singapore, Australia, Africa, Mexico and throughout Europe.“I’ve told many people that I never thought for a moment that I would see in my lifetime what I’m seeing today, so in that sense, it’s very gratifying,” says Hilgers. He readily acknowledges that, with the wide acceptance of contraception and artificial reproductive methods, they have a long road ahead of them and there is a lot of work to be done. “We’re kind of the little kid on the block,” he said.But he is optimistic that society will start to value human life

and will see the sacredness of God’s gifts to us. “In the next 10 years, we’re going to see a shift, I think. If you look, there’s a shift now. It’s not so obvious, not so big, but I think the potential is there,” Hilgers said, with a sense of hope. “It’s kind of fun thinking about it.”To buy the book: “The NaProTechnology Revolution” can be found on Amazon.co.ukLocal contact for more info: Dr. Monique Risso mrissofertilityspice@hotmail.co.uk

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