upt1 english

Post on 10-Nov-2015






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SECTION ARewrite the following sentences using the correct adjective from the brackets. 1. I could not afford the watch. It was too (cheap, expensive)_____________________________________________________________________

2. I like confiding in Miss Anne. She is very (strict, understanding)_____________________________________________________________________

3. It was very (smart, stupid) of you to believe everything the stranger told you._____________________________________________________________________

4. I was (impressed , annoyed) to hear that she had been spreading rumours about my family._____________________________________________________________________

5. Mrs. Goh was pleasantly (annoyed, surprised) to receive a visit from her former student._____________________________________________________________________

6. It was so (thoughtful, thoughtless) of you to send me a bouquet of flowers for my birthday._____________________________________________________________________

7. Your question does not make sense . it is (possible, impossible) to answer it._____________________________________________________________________

8. It was (irresistible, irresponsible) of you to leave your little sister alone at home._____________________________________________________________________

9. He is only fifteen . he is too ( small, young) to drive a car._____________________________________________________________________

10. It was very (rude, nice) of you to leave without thanking the host. _____________________________________________________________________( 10 marks)SECTION BWrite the correct simple past tense form of the given verb in the blanket.11. Mother __________ (eat) two slices of bread this morning.12. Jasbir __________ (catch) a few fish for dinner.13. Alfred __________ (see) strange lights in the sky last night.14. The girls __________ (borrow) our football just now.15. They __________(sleep ) till 10 am this morning.16. She __________ (cut) her hair last week.17. Fahim __________ (collect) some seashells on the seashore.18. The swan __________ (swim) gracefully on the lake.19. The boys __________ (use) all their money yesterday.20. The barking _________(start) at 5.00 p.m yesterday.Fill in the blanks with the correct plural form of the nouns given in brackets.21. _____________ (hero) of war will always be remembered.22. They bought three ____________ (dozen) apples.23. The dentists checks Marys _____________ (tooth) twice a year.24. We come across many ___________ (elf) in Lord of the Rings.25. One of the Mathematics topics focussed on the finding of the ______________ (radius) of circles.26. There is a range of ___________ (volcano) running from north to south in that region.27. While they were trekking in the National Park , several _____________ (deer) were seen running across their path.28. The ____________ (analysis) of the PMR and SPM results showed a significant improvement over the previous years.29. Cinderella was welcomed into the palace by both her _____________ (perent-in-law).30. Most books have ________________ (index) to help you look up for specific topics.(20 marks)

SECTION CQuestions 21- 25 are based on the following passage.

31. From paragraph 1,a) Why does Natsumi like the eBook?_____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)b) In what ways is an eBook similar to a printed book?_____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)32. From paragraph 2, list two features in eBooks which make them enjoyable and convenient to readers.I. _______________________________________________________________II. _______________________________________________________________(2 marks)33. From paragraph 3, give two reasons why Sakura gave up the eBook concept.I. _______________________________________________________________II. _______________________________________________________________(2 marks) 34. From paragraph 4, how useful is the Mylib?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)35. From paragraph 5, what advantages do eBooks have over traditional books from the following aspects?a) Contents?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)b) Handling and accessibility?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)c) Upkeep?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)( 10 marks)

Questions 26- 30 are based on the following passage.

36. From paragraph 2 , state two things that Wasana observed as he looked outside his classroom.(a) ________________________________________________________________(b) ________________________________________________________________(2 marks)37. (a) From paragraph 3, state why the scene looked familiar to Wasana? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________(1 mark) (b) From paragraph 4, how did Wasana react to the situation before him? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________(1 mark)38. (a) From paragraph 6, what was Principal Nihals former occupation? ______________________________________________________________(1 mark) (b) From paragraph 7, why did Principal Nihal lead a group of staff and students to the hill? ______________________________________________________________(1 mark)39. From paragraph 10 (a) Which word has the same meaning as the word perceptive?(1 mark)(b) In total, how many classroom were affected by landslide? ______________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

40. What kind of person Wasana ?Quality : _____________________________________________________________( 1mark)

Reason : _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________( 1 mark)( 10 marks)


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