urban exploration guide (kind of )

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Urban exploration guide (kind of )


    From infiltration.org:

    Abandoned Sites FAQ

    Abandoned buildings are very popular sites for infiltration it seems silly to allow buildings so wonderful to simply sit empty.

    What constitutes an abandoned site?- The image that immediately leaps to mind are the abandoned plants and factories down by the seaside or near the railroad tracks. Abandoned sites go beyond abandoned buildings, though: abandoned missile silos, abandoned subway stations, abandoned ships or even an abandoned wing of a hospital could also be included inthis category.

    How much risk is there of getting caught?- In most cases, very little. Relatively few abandoned buildings are patrolled by security guards, and the police don't often care much about abandoned buildings.

    tbc>> Anonymous 11/06/10(Sat)22:23:30 No.285320XXXcont.

    How much risk is there of getting injured?

    - Plenty, if you aren't careful. Getting a tetanus shot in advance is both fun and practical. In many old buildings, there are large holes in the floors, or floors are so old and flooded that they're on the verge of collapsing. Test the floors in buildings the same way you would test potentially thin ice. Explore abandoned sites slowly and never go alone.

    What other health risks are there?- There is also a significant chance getting sick, as abandoned sites may be filled with nasty bacteria, particularly if they've become outhouses for birds andother animals. Try to avoid touching things.- In some abandoned areas, there may be a risk of exposure to asbestos, which can lead to lung cancer. According to Dave, a specialist in safety compliance issues and asbestos: "Asbestos fibers are so small that they will go right through t

    he various inexpensive dust mask type products. For real protection against asbestos a person needs at the very least a half face respirator equipped with highefficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. These respirators are usually available at painting supply houses or at safety specialty stores. In reality the amount of asbestos a person would be exposed to on a one time expedition into an abandoned building would probably be minimal, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

    tbc>> Anonymous 11/06/10(Sat)22:24:26 No.285321XXXcont.

    What supplies should I bring when exploring an abandoned site?- This answer is adapted from the advice Throckmorten gives for the Canada Malt

    Plant: Travel with a flashlight always. Bring a basic first-aid kit, Band-Aids,etc. Clothes that can get dirty or ripped should be worn. Wear long sleeves anda good pair of shoes, even hiking boots. Bring work gloves, as almost everythingis covered in dust, rust or other filth. Bring an antihistamine if you've got allergies. And be sure to pack some fluids.

    What preparations are necessary before entering a site?- If you're driving to the site, try to park your car somewhere inconspicuous but in the public eye. Make sure you bring along at least one other person, and inform at least one other person who isn't coming along where you will be and when

  • 7/28/2019 Urban exploration guide (kind of )


    you expect to be back. Bring a walkie-talkie or cell phone so you can communicate with people outside the site if you should somehow become trapped.

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