us history 6th march, 2012

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US History survey

March 6, 2012War of 1812, Indians, politics

US declared war on British, 1812

• 1. rights of neutrals to trade during Napoleonic Wars.

• 2. British impressment of American sailors.• 3. conquer Canada; extend US throughout

the continent. (Loyalists had fled to Canada.)• 4. end British support for Indians; solve

settler/Indian conflicts.

impressment – trans-Atlantic trade

justification for War of 1812

• “Uncle Sam” comes from War of 1812.

• A meatpacker stamped barrels with “US” & soldiers called it Uncle Sam.

War of 1812

burning of White House & Capitol

results of War of 1812

• Treaty of Ghent, 1814 – no land changed hands; war ended, but most issues unresolved

• British finally accepted US independence.• Canada remained part of British Empire; mixed

constitution of king & Parliament.• immigrants to Canada from Ireland, England, Wales,

Scotland. • British naval disarmament on Great Lakes & St.

Lawrence R. & borders resolved in next decade. • Indians

Battle of New Orleans, 1815

• took place after Treaty of Ghent signed.

• made Andrew Jackson a hero.

• ended British plan to take Gulf Coast & New Orleans & encircle US from south, west, & north.

• connected to US invasion of Florida; forcing out southern Indian; & forcing Spain to relinquish Florida to US.


• Indian Intercourse Act, 1790 – US couldn’t seize Indian land; treaty required. Principle that Indians were foreign nations.

• settlers consistently encroached on Indian land. Cycle of invasion, resistance, defeat.

• Jefferson believed Indians should become yeoman farmers.

• tribes split between accommodationists & traditionalists.

Tecumseh & Tenskwatawa

• goal: create alliance of all Indians to stop westward expansion.• Shawnee brothers.• Tenskwatawa (the Prophet) – Indian revitalization through rejecting American contact & influence.• Harrison – Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811.• end of Indian resistance in Old Northwest.


• "No tribe has the right to sell, even to each other, much less to strangers.... Sell a country! Why not sell the air, the great sea, as well as the earth? Didn't the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?”

• “The white people are like poisonous serpents: when chilled, they are feeble & harmless; but invigorate them with warmth, and they sting their benefactors to death.”

• killed in battle, 1813.

Creek & other Indian wars in SE

• Jackson defeated Creeks, 1813. Forced them to cede millions of acres.

• 1816 – 1818, Jackson’s troops forced Choctaws, Chickasees, Cherokees to yield land.

1819 treaty with Spain

Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819

• US gets Floridas.• US gives up claims to Texas.• treaty line extended to Pacific Ocean.

• after Indian dispossession, rapid growth of lands by settlers with slaves.

• 3 new slave states enter US– Mississippi, 1817– Alabama, 1819– Missouri, 1821

from Britain & Spain, final pieces of eastern North America

Andrew Jackson

• from Tennessee.• politician, army general,

Indian fighter, rich slave owner.

• invaded Florida. • stay tuned for more


“Virginia Dynasty”

“the American System”

• Madison & Monroe embraced Federalist program for economic development (Alexander Hamilton)– national bank– tax on imports– national system of roads & canals.

• these developments essential for expansion of industry & commerce.

politics – development of parties

• Jefferson’s “agrarian republic” – a nation of farmers necessary for a republic.

• Virginia dynasty (don’t forget Washington!) were famers: owners of plantations & slaves.

• Adams (2nd president) represented merchant/ commercial interests of New England.

• first American party system – Federalists & Jeffersonian Republicans.

• “Era of Good Feelings” – 1817 – 1825 (Monroe) – government of national unity, representing all sections & interests.

Monroe Doctrine

• Monroe asked Congress to recognize new (formerly Spanish) republics.

• warned Europe not to colonize any more in W hemisphere; would be a threat to US.

• US wouldn’t interfere w/ existing colonies.

Monroe Doctrine

reading for March 13

• Industrialization: Lowell (Massachusetts) National Historic Park

•• read the stories of at least 2 women and 1

man in the History & Culture section of the website.

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