us history study guide

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  • 8/8/2019 US History Study Guide


    AP US History

    Mid-Term Exam Review

    Chapter 1

    Portuguese navigators discover sea route to AsiaGold, glory, and God

    New navigation technology



    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Commerce across the SaharaMansa Musa

    Trading posts on West African coast = factories

    Plantations on Atlantic islands

    Slavery in AfricaAcceleration of the slave trade

    Cheap imported textilesGuns

    Militarized states

    Bartholomeu Dias Cape of Good Hope

    Vasco de Gama India

    Christopher Columbus Hispaniola and San Salvador

    Amerigo VespucciBering Strait land bridge

    Absence of livestock in the West

    Decline in populationThe Columbian ExchangeMovable type printing

    John Cabot


    Magellan circumnavigated the globe

    Hernn Corts 1519 in Tenochtitln

    Ritual sacrificeSmallpox epidemic

    Pizarro conquered Inca

    Spanish America

    Urban civilizationCouncil of the Indies


    The Catholic ChurchCriollos (creoles) = European people born in the colonies

    Municipal councils

    HaciendasPeninsulares = at the top of social class

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    Justifications for conquest

    Missionary elementMining for silver and gold

    Bartolom de Las Casas

    Ecomienda systemRepartimiento system = Indians legally free, had wages

    The Black Legend

    St. Augustine, Florida = oldest European settlementSpanish Florida

    Indian rebellion



    Agricultural communities

    Great League of Peace

    Indian religionIndian attitudes toward property

    Accumulation of wealthMale and female relations

    Notions of liberty

    English exploration

    ChartersEnclosure movements

    Masterless men danger to societyChristian freedom

    Uniformity and conformity social order

    Inequality built into libertyHierarchyMagna Carta

    Equality under the law

    The Levellers democracy and constitutionAssertive sense of nationhood

    Land as the basis of freedom

    English Civil War

    Chapter 2

    Jamestown settlement, 1607High mortality rate

    The Virginia Company

    Tobacco-producing coloniesFreedom dues


    Displacement of IndiansIntroduction of new livestock, technology

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    Disease in Jamestown

    Rigorous military discipline

    Headright systemHouse of Burgesses


    Uprising of 1622Virginia becomes royal colony

    Emerging class of tobacco planters

    Indentured servantsLack of stable family life

    Status of women

    Femme sole

    The Maryland ExperimentCalvert

    Catholicism in Maryland

    Total anarchy?

    Tensions between Protestant planters and Catholic eliteRefuge to Dissenters

    Religious Toleration ActRise of slavery

    Need for free labor

    English ideas of race

    Slaves as outsidersStatus of mixed-race children

    A slave society



    Purpose of immigratingJohn Winthrop

    Natural and moral liberty

    PlymouthMassachusetts Bay Colony

    Mayflower Compact = men agreed to obey just and equal laws

    Great Migration = 29 32

    Importance of arriving in familiesThe Puritan family

    Family unit

    Key valuesProper behavior

    Way of life

    Visible saintInequality = Gods will

    Roger Williams

    State should not involve itself with spiritual matters

    Indians should be well-treated

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    Rhode Island

    Colony of Connecticut

    New HavenHartford

    Anne Hutchinson

    Issue with covenant of grace v. covenant of worksArminian Heresy


    Putting ones own judgment above the law and church lawQuakers

    God is in every individual

    Inner light

    Treatment of Quakers in MAIndian relations

    Massacre at Mystic (Pequot village)

    Emigration because of economic reasons

    Cloth producersNew England economy

    Fishing and timberDistribution of wealth and rise of merchants

    More equally distributed

    Boston merchants exercised decisive influence

    Religious status of third generation?Half-way Covenant

    Allowed baptism and subordinate membership

    Ministers chastised people for great backslidingJeremiads = warnings

    Chapter 3

    What to look for in Chapter 3:

    -more colonial powers



    -more power for UK

    -treatment of natives-ideas about liberty





    Pueblo Revolt in 1680

    Spaniards re-conquer 92

    European Powers Spanish = FL, Southwest

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    New France and New Netherland = trading endeavors


    Primarily tradersDutch East India Company

    Settled in Manhattan

    Devotion to liberty: freedom of the press, religionNew Amsterdam

    Haven for persecuted Protestants

    Not free of conflictWar with Agonquian Indians

    Friendly relations with Iruquois Confederacy

    Fortified military outpost

    No elected assembly but even slaves had some freedomsPatroons = shareholders who agreed to transport tenants for agricultural labor

    West India Company promised land, livestock for 6 years of labor

    New France failed to attract many settlers

    Granted seigneuries to noblesEngages = servants returned home after servitude

    1685 Revocation of Edict of Nantes Huguenots fledAdopted humane Indian policy

    Enduring alliances

    Jesuits = French Catholic missionariessought to convert IndiansFrench = willing to accept Indians as part of colonial society


    Political economic theory/policy that govt should regulate economic activity

    Vision of colonization: colonies benefit mother countryZero-sum game: 1 side is winning, other is losing

    Navigation Acts: 4 Categories1) American exports go through England2) govt adds income from taxes

    3) all English ships

    4) Manufacturing is prohibited in the colonies(Hat Act)

    England turns blind eye to smuggling: salutary neglect

    Ignores violations of N.A.English captured New Netherland, became important imperial hub

    English less tolerant/equal than Dutch

    Most of New York owned by just 5 families

    Strengthened Iroquois Confederacy due to Covenant Chain treatyPolicy of careful neutrality

    1683 Charter of Liberties and Privileges reaffirmed traditional English rights

    South Carolina = slave society from outset unlike MD and VAPennsylvania founded by William Penn, Quaker

    Religious tolerance

    Friendly relations with IndiansPenns Chain of Friendship

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    Laws enforcing morality

    1676 Bacons Rebellion

    Wealthy planter who wanted to put an end to corruption, IndiansPromised land to those who would join his cause


    1) Corruption w/ in VA elite2) Indentured servants need land (population demographic changes, living longer)

    3) Indians land taken by servantsEffects

    1) Indians became hated

    2) Fewer indentured servants

    3) Slavery

    1675 Indian alliance under Metacom = King Philip attacked all over New Englandmid-1676 Colonists retaliation even Praying Indians banished

    1688 Glorious Revolution

    1689 Bill of Rights

    1680s = England trying to decrease colonial autonomy1675 Lords of Trade questioned MA compliance w/ Nav. Acts

    1689 Catholic proprietor of MD, Lord Baltimore, overthrown, charter revoked1715 charter restored after conversion to Anglicanism

    in NY, Leisler = fervent Calvinist, William refused to recognize his authority, sent army

    1691 MA becomes royal colony

    has to abide by Toleration Actdemise of NE way

    Witchcraft crisis in Salem

    Toward end of 1692 MA governor had to dissolve Salem courtThe Eighteenth Century

    Changes from the 17th:

    1) diversity2) religion

    3) Indians

    4) land5) trade, consumerism

    6) cities, ports, artisans

    7) styles/Anglicization

    8) social orders

    Two centuries after Columbus:

    Spanish Empire = urban based in Mexico and South AmericaFrench Empire = plantations in West Indies, trading posts

    English Empire = outstripped rivals in population, trade

    Population boom late 18th centuryAuthorities in UK began to worry about emigration

    New world attracted people from non-English areas of UK

    German migration due to religious discord in individual states

    Tended to arrive in families

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    Redemptioners = indentured families

    Enhanced religious diversityMost colonies = no separation of church and state


    Liberty of conscience

    No draftAvailability of land

    No economic restraints

    1721 reaffirmation of English/Indian Chain of Friendship PAbut 1737 Walking Purchase exposed fraudulent dealings with Indians

    days of William Penn were over

    Small family run farms in NEMore and more people encroaching on Indian territory

    NY landlords engrossed much of desirable land

    PA became best state for poor people

    American newspapers filled with British ads

    Tea became a necessityTrade expansion of port cities

    Philadelphia became capital of New WorldArtisans, expanding consumer market

    New world empire of trade

    Flour, bread, African slaves grew sugar in West Indies to be distilled into rumShips built in NE were 1/3 of Englands fleet

    Royal navy protected American shipping

    Colonial elite emerged, dominated politics nepotism

    Richest colonists = SC plantersFreedom from labor = mark of gentleman

    Growing number of slaves lived in povertyHigh birthrate fueled population growth in NE not enough land

    Poor sent to workhouses, children apprenticed

    Colonial farm families believed land was a right

    Dislike of personal dependenceFamily = center of economic life

    Division of labor along gender lines

    Lower infant mortality more time in child careFree colonists = highest GDP in world

    Chapter 4



    Treaty of Utrecht 17134 key points (Intro)

    Equianos life illustrates broad patterns of 18th century history

    Atlantic was more a bridge than a barrier between Old and New WorldsGreatest irony = simultaneous expansion of freedom and slavery

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    Liberty was seen as what made the British empire distinct

    Middle Passage

    Tobacco in ChesapeakeRice in South Carolina and Georgia

    Non-plantation slavery in NE and Middle States

    Chesapeake society = elaborate hierarchyIndigo and rice

    Task system

    Economy of scaleRice plantations maintained traditional African culture

    Charleston and Savannah servants, workers = Euro-American culture

    Stable family life and cohesive community = less likely in North

    Communities of fugitive slaves = known as maroons1712 NY Slave Uprising

    1739 Stono Rebellion

    South Carolina, newly arrived slaves rebel

    tightening of slave code

    temporary prohibitive tax on imported slaves

    The rights of EnglishmenImpressment


    VirtueCountry party and court party

    Lockean Liberalism

    Colonial Assemblies

    Politics become fashionableTrial of Zenger

    Freedom of speechWhitefieldDeism

    The Great Awakening

    Old Lights and New LightsSinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Effects of Awakening:

    1) reflected/exposed social tensions

    2) questioned authority3) Christianization of slaves

    4) expansion of printed material

    Spanish tried to reinvigorate N of Rio GrandePresidios = military outposts

    Father Serras missions to California, 1769

    Mobile and New Orleans = thriving French citiesFrench = threat to Brits

    Land grant to Ohio Company = threat to Indians and demanded French recognition 7

    Years War7 Years War: 1754 to 1763

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    1) George Washington tried to get rid of French

    2) Indians killed hundred of colonists in W. PA

    3) Brits came under rule of William Pittnew Prime Ministerraised lots ofmoney for war in Europe while colonists struck French at weak point: colonies

    4) Montreal surrenders in 1760

    Peace of Paris1) Spain gives Florida in exchange for Cuba

    2) France gives Canada in exchange for Guadeloupe and Martinique

    3) Spain gets Louisiana colonyEffects of P.o.P.:

    1) Indians more dependent on Brits

    2) tribal confusion, threat of Brit expansion

    3) balance-of-power diplomacy ended1763 Pontiacs Rebellion

    causes: (1) Ottawa war leader (2) preachings of Neolin, new idea of pan-Indian

    identity (3) common experience of dispossession

    Proclamation of 1763Lands west of App. Mountains for Indians

    Effects of 7 Years War1) shattered power of NE quaker elite

    2) final blow to policy of friendship with Indians

    3) more aggressive stance toward Indians (Paxton boys)

    4) strengthened pride

    Chapter 5

    Negative Effects of 7 Years WarDebt

    High taxes

    Increased cost of empireHave to pacify Indians

    Americans celebrate too, but with misgivings

    Proclamation of 1763 halts westward expansionBritain thought colonists needed to pay taxes

    Mercantilism navigation acts

    Originally = salutary neglect

    Currency Act: money cant be produced in coloniesColonists: no taxation without representation

    Social contract: between equals, power to rebel

    British response to social contract: parliament represents everyone:Virtual representation

    Proclamation of 1763 alarms Americans

    Revenue Act goods had to be shipped through EnglandSugar Act 1764

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    Stamp Act 1765

    British army permanently stationed on American soil

    Internal taxesBoycott of British goods: Stamp Act Congress

    The Liberty Tree Liberty Hall

    The Sons of LibertyMob destroyed home of Major Thomas James

    1766 repeal of Stamp Act

    Declaratory Acts = parliament is still in chargeRegulator Movements mid 1760s, SC

    Protested under-representation of Western settlements

    Failure to establish local gov. to regularize land titles/suppress outlaws

    Parallel movement in NC small farmers refused to pay taxes, kidnapped localofficials, etc. b/c of corrupt country officials

    Regulators condemned the rich

    1771 Battle of Alamance = farmers suppressed

    Hudson River land riotstenants seized land along Hudson R. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys form VT

    1767 Townshend Duties boycott and homespun movement

    1770 Boston Massacre propaganda, pamphlets

    Repeal of Townshend Duties, leaving only tax on tea

    1773 Tea Act to resolve East India Companys problems

    Boston Tea Party Intolerable/Coercive Acts Quebec Act

    Patrick Henry

    Suffolk Resolves: Americans refuse to obey Brits1774 First Continental Congress

    Endorses Suffolk Resolves, adopted Continental Association

    1775 Second Continental Congress Concord and Paul Revere

    1775 Olive Branch Petition from Congress

    Ethan Allen surrounded Ft. TiconderegaMarch 1776: British abandon Boston

    Elites of MA and VA supported break with Brits

    NY and PA = more diverse opinions

    1776 Thomas Paine Common Sense

    1776 Congress declares independence

    American army = knew the land, had spirit, local support

    British army = greatest military power in the world, well organized

    String of serious mistakes by Brits:1) alienating locals

    2) misjudging degree of support for rebels3) European rivals welcomed British defeat

    4) Sir William Howe didnt prosecute war vigorously from start

    1777 British surrender Saratoga1777-8 Washington camped at Valley Forge

    1778 Treaty of Amity and Commerce with France

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    1778 British switch focus to South, hope to exploit local tensions

    1781 Washington surrounds Cornwallis at Yorktown

    French fleet blocks off Chesapeake1783 Treaty of Paris

    USA gets control of all land between Canada and Florida (East of Mississippi R.)

    Americans agree not to persecute Loyalists

    Chapter 6

    New sense of liberty

    New state constitutions

    Paine v. Adams

    Voting restrictionsDifferences between states (see chart)

    Link to religious toleration

    Role of Catholics

    JewsOther Protestants

    Separation of Church and StateChanges within churches

    Encouraging virtue public schools

    A virtuous citizenryChanges in economics

    1) free labor

    2) decline in # of indentured servants3) equal opportunity among white males

    4) property

    5) debate over inflation-whether local or national authorities should take steps to bolsterhousehold independence by limiting price increases

    -1776-9 more than 30 incidents of mob violence

    6) free trade debate-Congress urged states to adopt measures to fix wages and prices

    -embodied republican belief that role of gov. was to promote public good

    -pro-free trade: economic development arose from economic self interest-Adam Smith: the invisible hand of the free market

    -natural liberty would regulate prices

    Loyalists after the revolution

    Despite Treaty of Paris, confiscated Loyalist property = not returnedIndians

    Americans unhappy with Proclamation of 1763

    Indians divided in allegiance during warFighting in Ohio River Valley doesnt end until 1790s

    Indians completely without white support

    SlaveryRole in political language

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    Basis of economy and s.c. structure south of MD

    Enlightened Atlantic world viewed slavery as morally wrong

    Quakers slavery is wrong

    Freedom petitions

    Blacks in the army often gained freedom

    Some side with Brits1775 Lord Dunmores Proclamation

    South would rather lose war than lose slaves

    Every state North of Maryland took steps toward emancipation1777-1804

    slow process

    sizable free black communities

    many blacks in the North could voteWomen

    Revolutionary women

    Ladies Association

    Marriage contract => above social contractMen viewed women as unfit for citizenship

    Republican Motherhood idealCompanionate marriage new ideal

    America as beacon of hope

    French RevolutionLatin American wars for independence

    Differences in State Constitutions

    1. Eliminated property qualifications to vote-all but VA, MD, SC

    2. and tax qualifications-only VT3. Right to vote for free blacks

    --all but VA, SC, GA

    4. Unicameral-PA, GA, VT

    5. Bicameral

    -everyone else

    6. Complete religious liberty-only NY

    Chapter 7

    Advantages of new country:

    IsolatedYoung population

    Broad distribution of land

    Widespread literacyDisadvantages:

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    Not in complete control over land

    Communication and transportation = primitive

    Mainly rural societyThe Articles of Confederation, drafted 1777, ratified 1781

    A firm League of Friendship

    unicameral congressone stateone vote

    amendments needed unanimous consent

    Problems:(1) Economic issues

    (a) consumer binge after war ends loss of virtue = luxury

    British demanded payment in specie

    (b) fiscal instability tensions between debtors and creditors (+ hard

    currency leaving country and local artisans couldnt compete)

    (c) govt couldnt pay bonds, congress had no authority to make states pay


    (d) creditors start to worry about getting paid back foreclosure(e) debtors have lots of power in RI Rogues Island

    Tender Laws: RI can print money

    Stay Law: debts cant be claimed for period of time

    (f) MA passes very dif. laws in favor of creditors

    Specie Laws: debts must be paid in hard cash(2) Serious foreign policy issue

    (a) couldnt get other countries to pay attention to them

    (b) British wouldnt leave and Confederation Congress = powerless(c) worry that Kentucky and TN will support Spain

    (3) Squabbles between states

    (a) NJ has lots of major states surrounding it(b) CT says upper part of PA is actually CT property


    Rules for settling the West: Ordinance of 1784 (district system)

    Money for schoolsSettling land disputes, esp. in Ohio R. Valley

    Many people believed that farmers must move West for prosperity

    NW Ordinance of 1787: prohibited slavery in the old NW, new states are equal to oldstates

    Economic problems:

    All states had their own currency and tax system

    Several states printed paper moneyCreditors vs. debtors Shays Rebellion in 1787

    Dangers of too much liberty

    The Nationalists:Madison


    Army officers, member of Congress, diplomatsBondholders, urban artists, merchants

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    1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia

    Delegates shared social status & political experience

    Middle ground between despotism and anarchyThe Virginia Plan: 2 house legislature based on population

    The New Jersey Plan: Unicameral, one stateone vote

    Compromise => present day systemReps. Elected every 2 years

    Senators every 6

    Delegates sought to shield fed govt from popular enthusiasmsNo direct election of fed judges or president

    Electors would be prominent, well-educated people

    2nd place finisher = VP

    New Constitution1) Division of powers

    2) Checks and balances

    3) Stronger national govt

    Slavery3/5 of slave population = counted in determining reps.

    Fugitive Slave Clause

    Electoral college slaves dont have a voice

    Initial failure to include Bill or Rights = bad for slavery

    New enthusiasm for government (used to be for liberty)Special ratifying convention

    Republican emphasis on virtuous citizenry

    Ant-federalists:John Adams

    John Hancock

    Patrick HenryPopular self-government = best in small communitiesPro-constitution sentiments flourished in cities and towns

    Most fervent supporters lots of property

    Only RI and NY voted against ratificationMadison thought Bill of Rights was redundant

    3 Populations in US:


    other persons (slaves)The People


    Civic: community with shared valuesEthnic: shared ethnic heritage

    USA: both

    How USA deals with Indians:Exclusion


    Transferred land from Indians to USAWar in Ohio R. Valley

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    Miami Confederacy vs. USA troops 1791-1795

    USA wanted Indians to assimilate, Indians wanted autonomy

    Changing role of blacks:Letters from an American Farmer

    Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted to whites

    Jeffersons neg. view of blacks/divided mindRace became the conventional justification of slavery


    1777 Articles of Confederation (ratified 81)

    1786-8 Shays Rebellion (creditors/debtors)

    1787 NW Ordinance

    Constitutional Convention1788 Ratification of Constitution by 9 states

    1791 Bill of Rights added

    1808 Congress prohibits slave trade

    Chapter 8

    Hamiltonian Program

    1) Funding and Assumption

    2) Sell new bonds

    3) Create a national bank4) Whiskey Tax

    5) Tariff to increase manufacturing

    hinged on close ties with Britain

    Opposition in South

    Dispute over placement of national capitalImpact of the French Revolution:1793 Proclamation of US Neutrality

    British seized American ships impressment

    John Jays treaty: canceled FranceUSA treaty1794 Whiskey Rebelllion, GWs vigorous response

    Republicans (Madison and TJ) supported France

    Urban artists, wealthy southern planters, ordinary farmers

    Wider circulation of pamphlets due to printing pressEveryone had a political voice

    Womens rights movement

    Adams PresidencyElection of 1796: Adams vs. Jefferson

    USA dragged into European disputes (e.g. XYZ affair: 3 French agents demanded

    huge bribe for PM, USA dips. refused)1800 peace with France

    1799 Fries Rebellion

    Farmers in PA armed tax revoltAlien and Sedition Acts

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    Reign of witches

    Burr and Jefferson tied, but Hamilton supported TJ over Burr and convinced the

    Federalist House of Rep. to pick TJSlave uprising in Haiti 1804

    Gabriels Rebellion: 1800

    Plot by VA slaves to capture Richmond, force abolition legislature tightened controls on slavery

    Jeffersons Presidency

    Reduced importance of fed. govtEconomy in govt

    Free trade

    Abolish all taxes except tariffFreedom of religion and press


    1789 George Washington elected

    1793 Neutrality Proclamation1797 John Adams elected

    1798 XYZ AffairAlien and Sedition Acts

    1799 Fries Rebellion

    1800 Gabriels Rebellion180l Thomas Jefferson elected

    Jeffersonians Hamiltonians



    Liberty stability

    Key Fear Tyranny anarchy

    View of


    Faith in the people Distrustful of the people

    People dont know whats good for them

    Govt Weak, small, decentralized Strong, central, protects stability

    Priority Fairness, protect state rights,

    keep govt small

    Stability, govt power, economic growth

    Constitution Strict construction Broad construction, implied powers

    Vision Agrarian republic Manufacturing/commercial growth



    Personal independence,

    everyone is self sufficient

    People need to be in a web of

    dependency so everyone is in line



    Francophile inclination

    (French Revolution = pro-


    Anglophile (UK has stability and

    economic growth)

    1803 Marbury vs. Madison

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    a. Adams appointed justices of the peace before leaving office

    b. Madison refused to issue commissions to these midnight appointments

    c. Marbury brings Madison in front of Supreme Court, asks for writ ofmandamus forcing Madison to issue commission

    d. Marshalls decision:

    i. Madison is being a jerkii. but the court cannot issue a writ of mandamus because it should not

    have original jurisdiction in this case

    iii. thus the decision overturned part of the Judiciary Act of 1789iv. established judicial reviewpower of Supreme Court to overturn

    laws, decide what is constitutional

    1. Fletcher vs. Peck established judicial review for states

    2. state laws held by constitution--Est. judicial review

    --Overturned part of the Judiciary Act of 1789

    The Louisiana Purchase

    a. rebellion in Saint Domingue

    defeats Napoleon

    Napoleon wants to sellFrench territory to USA

    b. the right to trade through New Orleans had been established by the Treaty ofSan Lorenzo (Pinckneys Treaty) but Jefferson feared the French wouldnt

    obey it

    c. TJ felt obligated to acquire the LA territory even though it went against hisRepublican ideals (strengthened federal republic)

    d. TJ justified actions by saying the LA Purchase would strengthen agrarian

    republice. ended French presence in North America

    f. incorporating LA territory was troublesome b/c slaves and women had more

    freedom under the Frenchv. compromise = LA would retain rightsvi. but gradually LA grew more and more racist

    Irony of the LA Purchase

    Lewis and ClarkStrengthened W. migration movement

    New info about terrain, wildlife

    Official piracy in the Barbary statesJefferson refused their demands, led to declaration of war

    Precursors to War of 1812:

    1) The Non-importation Act

    no imports2) Embargo

    no exports

    3) Non-intercourse Actno exports to Britain or France

    4) Macons Bill #2

    well trade with both until one does something to infringe on our liberty5) Embargo re-established at last minute to try to avert war

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    Causes of War:

    1) War Hawks (Clay and Calhoun)

    2) Impressment3) Indians

    4) Freedom of the seas

    Indians:Tecumseh: pan-Indian alliance

    Prophet: complete separation from whites

    Brits riling up IndiansUS Govt = basically bankrupt

    Brits invade D.C.Star-Spangled Banner

    Tecumseh and Creeks defeatedAndrew Jackson is a war hero

    Treaty of Ghent ended war in 1814


    Jackson is a heroPeace in Europe

    No more Federalists (Hartford Conventiondownfall)

    Chapter 9

    The Market RevolutionTransportation

    Toll roads (turnpikes shunpikes)

    Water transportation/Steam Boat

    CommunicationBefore = local economy

    Farm familiesBarteringLocal stores

    Rural craftsmen

    ProsUpstream commerce

    Rapid transport


    Several states borrowed so much money to imitate Eerie Canal that they wentbankrupt during Panic of 1837

    Canals = connected existing watercolor

    Railroads = opened new territory, stimulated mining, iron industryTelegraph = sped flow of info, price uniformity


    Land-hungry settlers after warAfter end of war, 6 new states

    People traveled in groups

    Cooperated when arrived to create new Cotton KingdomSquatters

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    Expanding borders

    Seizure of FL

    Spain sold FL to USAThe Cotton Gin

    Slavery and cotton plantations expand

    Factories:Water-powered spinning and weaving

    Immense demand

    Planters monopolized most fertile land

    Slave trading became well-organized

    Slave coffles

    Westward movement of slavery:

    Destruction of familiesBreak up of communities

    Fewer opportunities for liberty

    Souths expansion simply reproduced old s.c. structure of old states

    Transformation in the North:Integrated economy of commercial farms and cities

    farmers self-sufficiency

    Better transportation new role: grow crops, raise livestock for sale

    Agricultural innovations:

    Steel plowReaper


    Cincinnati slaughterhouses

    Changes in urban areas:Population growth

    Took advantage of expanding marketMain goal = Increase production, reduce laborNew nature of craft work

    Subdivision of tasks

    Outwork systemPower looms

    Factory towns


    Water power changes to steam powerMass production ofinterchangeable partsSouth lagged because it had no internal market

    Conception of timeBoarding houses

    New view of USA:


    Constantly in motion

    No longer tied to communityCorporation = business which has investors

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    Corporate charters

    Court decisions during Market Rev. affirmed the employers authority

    Manifest DestinyTranscendentalism = NE intellectual movement





    The 2nd Great Awakening

    1820s and 30s

    Began when religious leaders were alarmed by low attendanceCharles Finney

    Characteristics and Results:

    (1) Mass enterprise

    (2) Deism declines(3) new religious prophets

    (4) camp meetings(5) moral free agency

    The new middle class

    Opportunity for the self-made man

    Clerks, accountants, office employeesBlacks:

    Poor neighborhoods

    Violence, prejudice

    Exclusion creation of own societies

    AMECThe Cult of DomesticityResponse to Market Rev.

    Domestic, dependent, pious, pure

    Catherine BeecherWage labor vs. slavery?

    Workers Unions began in late 1820s

    Workers problems had to be understood as institutional, not individual

    Chapter 10

    Three Central Elements of American Freedom(1) Market Revolution

    (2) Territorial Expansion

    (3) Political democracyThe Dorr War

    RI refused to get rid of property qualifications for voting Peoples

    Convention Thomas Dorr appointed governor, Tyler dispatches federal troopsHabit of the Heart:

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    Individual initiative

    Active public sphereAlexis de Tocqueville

    Steam power penny press opportunity for women

    Minstrel showsJim Crow

    By 1860 blacks could vote only in the 5 NE states

    The American System(1) New national bank

    (2) Tariff on imported goods (Clay and Calhoun)

    (3) Internal improvementsThe Second Bank of the United States

    The Panic of 1819


    (1) Rapid expansion in West

    (2) Demand for loans to buy land(3) Local and fed. banks give loans

    (4) 1819 = speculative bubble burstsDuring:

    (1) Debtors pressed fed. gov for assistance

    (2) Many states suspended collection of debts (esp. Kentucky)Effects:

    (1) Distrust of federal banks

    (2) McCulloch vs. Maryland:Marshall declared that the bank was a legit exercise of congressional

    authority under the necessary and proper clause

    Maryland could not tax the bankThe Era of Good FeelingsMissouri Compromise

    (1) Missouri could draft constitution without restrictions

    (2) Maine enters Union(3) Remaining territory N. of MOs Southern border = non slave states

    --TJ strenuously tried to keep slavery out of MO

    The Monroe Doctrine 1823(1) USA opposes further colonization

    (2) USA would abstain from further involvement in wars in Europe

    (3) European countries should not interfere with Latin American independence

    The Election of 1824Jacksons support due to military victories, status as hero

    Adams support in NE where Republicans wanted S. to relinquish power

    Crawford: S. Old Republicans States RightsHenry Clay

    Decision went to House of Representatives

    Clay supported Adams because he thought Adams would support the AmericanSystem

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    Martin Van Buren = pro-political party system

    Organized Jacksons supporters for election of 1828

    Pros of party system:1) check on those in power

    2) choice for voters

    3) counteract sectionalismThe Age of Jackson

    (1) suspicion of banks and paper money

    (2) market revolution = moral decay(3) against federal efforts to change economy or rights to interfere in private lives


    United behind American system

    Strongest in NE = modernizing businessmen, bankers, farmers along rivers, largesouthern planters


    Balance of power between local and national authority

    Alarmed by widening gap between social classesThought non-producers were seeking to take advantage

    Attracted aspiring entrepreneurs, farmers, and city workers who were suspiciousof big business

    Public vs. private freedom

    Under Jackson, weak national authority

    Democrats and private life:Individual morality is a private matter

    Opposed temperance legislation

    Supporters = immigrants who didnt want WASPs to regulate moralityMoral free agency


    Liberty and power reinforce e/oLiberty required a prosperous and moral America

    Viewed society as class-based

    Any individual could achieve upward movementGovt could instill character traits

    Nullification Crisis:

    Tariff of 1828 vs. South Carolina

    SC passed legislation nullifying the tariffsDaniel Webster called nullification illegal

    The Force Bill, 1833, authorized Jackson to use force to enforce Tariff

    1833 to avert confrontation Henry Clay (with Calhouns help) redid Tariff,instated a lower one

    1832 Indian Removal Act

    Due to need for land for Cotton KingdomJackson claimed for good of Indians

    Trail of Tears from 38-9

    Court Cases:

    Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia

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    -Indians have no rights

    Worcester vs. Georgia

    -Indian treaties with fed govt must be upheldWilliam Apess appealed for harmony between Indians and whites

    The Bank War

    Biddle and Bank of USA vs. Jackson and local banksJackson vetoed a bill that would extend the banks charter for 20 more years

    Jackson argued that it was unacceptable for Congress to create a source of

    concentrated power like the bankWhigs denounced Jackson for using his veto power

    Sequence of Events

    1816: National Bank Chartered after War of 1812

    1828: Jackson elected1832: Biddle tries to push through a renewal bill 4 years early, hoping that Jackson wont

    veto it for fear of not being re-elected

    but Jackson vetoes it anyway and is re-elected

    Jackson takes all money out of Fed Bank and redistributes it to state banksPet banks: local banks where Jackson deposited money

    Effects of Bank War:Bank of US lost its ability to regulate the activities of state banks

    Issued lots of paper money speculation and inflation

    The Panic of 1837: Factors(1) Pet banks

    (2) Speculative frenzy

    (3) Speculative bubble(4) Specie Circular and Bank of England demands gold and silver

    (5) Economic downturn in Britain decreased demand for American cotton

    (6) Events triggered a Panic in 1837 and a depression until 1843Martin Van Buren (elected in 36) hard money, anti-bank wing of the DemocraticParty

    removed federal funds and put them in the treasury

    --angered business-oriented Democrats--agrarian Whigs = supported it

    --state sovereignty advocates who left during Nullification Crisis returned to

    DemsElection of 1840

    William Henry Harrison vs. Van Buren

    Harrison won on log cabin hard cider campaign

    Then he diedVP Tyler became president without a party

    His Accidency

    Chapter 11

    And then, in Chapter 11, nothing happened.

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    Chapter 12

    An Era of ReformTactics for Social Change

    Moral suasion

    Government coercionDemonstration by example

    Utopian Communities

    The ShakersOneida


    Complex marriage

    Brook FarmThe Owenites

    Josiah Warren


    Moral free agencyPerfectionism

    The AsylumThe Common School

    Colonization as solution to slavery

    Militant Abolitionism

    William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator

    1831, called for immediate abolition of slavery

    Spreading the abolitionist message

    American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833The Grimk sisters

    The Liberty Bell

    Racism within abolitionistsThe Gag Rule (repealed in 44) => Congress could not even consider emancipation

    Women in the Public Sphere

    Female Moral Reform Society 1834The Seneca Falls Convention 1848


    Women in the workplace

    Cult of domesticity vs. feminism1840 The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society


    1852 Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin

    American Temperance Movement 1826

    Chapter 13

    The Mormons forced to Missouri and then Illinois

    Mexican gov wanted to reduce power of Catholic church

    New class of ranchers: gente de razn

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    The Texas Revolt

    Americans settled in Texas until there were more Americans than Tejanos

    Mexico = no slaveryMexican army under Santa Anna stormed the Alamo 1835

    Texas became independent

    Called for union with United StatesPolk


    Slaveholder5440 or fight (reoccupation of Oregon)

    First dark horse candidate for president

    TX became part of USA

    Polks goals:1) reduce tariff

    2) independent treasury

    3) settle Oregon dispute

    4) bring in CAMexican-American War: Sequence of Events

    (1) Both countries lay claim to land between rivers 1846(2) Polk claims Mexicans started it

    (3) Manifest Destiny USA supports war

    (4) Volunteer fighting:Freed CA

    Occupied Santa Fe

    Defeated Santa Annas army in Central Mexico(5) 1848 Mexican Cession: Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo

    Gadsden Purchase 1853 => possibility of southern transcontinental railroad

    1848 California Gold RushThe Wilmot Proviso 1846 = proposed prohibiting slavery in all territories acquired fromMexico

    Free Soil Party Van Buren

    1848 Election Zachary Taylor, WhigFree Soil = popular in North

    Clays Compromise of 1850:

    1) CA = free state2) Slave trade abolished in DC

    3) Fugitive slaves can be reclaimed

    4) Remaining territory = popular sovereignty

    Millard Fillmore (Taylors successor) threw support to ClayFugitive Slave Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas and Nebraska enter Union as territorial governmentsPopular sovereignty in both states

    Repealed Missouri Compromise

    Shattered unity of Democratic PartyThe Whig Party also collapsed

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    Economic and social changes, Market Rev, mass immigration changes in Rep party

    1843-1857 explosive economic growthcatalyst = railroad network

    reorientation of Northwest trade

    Northern economy = complex, integrated, eastern industrialists market manufactured

    goods, west = commercial farmersBoston Baltimore = 1 region of economic growth

    Second region = centered on Great Lakes

    1840-60 growth in immigration, Ireland and Germanyspurred by:


    American freedom

    Refugees from potato famineThe Know-Nothings

    Roman Catholic Irish

    American tradition of anti-popery

    John Hughes parochial schoolsIrish brought into urban political machines of Democratic Party, whose local bosses

    gave jobs and poor reliefNativism emerged as major political movement

    Swept elections in Massachusets

    Major component of victorious anti-Nebraska coalition of voters against the K-Nact

    Appeal combined anti-Catholic and anti-slavery sentiment, opposition to sale of

    liquorFree blacks found immigrants pushing them out of jobs

    Some states made literacy a voting requirement

    The Free Labor IdeologyReps convinced Northerners that the slave power was a more immediate threatClaimed that opportunity was the most important thing in the North

    Slavery spawned social order

    Wanted to end federal govs support of slavery: rallying cry = freedom nationalWilliam Seward: The Irrepressible Conflict

    2 conflicting systems: slavery and free labor

    Super liberalBleeding Kansas, 1856

    proslavery Missourians crossed border to Kansas, cast fraudulent ballots in 1854


    Franklin Pierce called ballots legitimate, replaced territorial governorSettlers from free states est. rival govt

    Sporadic civil war broke out

    Bleeding Kansas: seemed to prove Douglas theory wrongThe Presidential Election of 1856

    Republicans = Fremont

    Opposed expansion of slaveryDemocrats = James Buchanan

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    Know-Nothings = ex-pres. Millard Fillmore

    Buchanan carried whole South, won

    Parties reoriented along sectional linesBuchanan: tried to reunite country, failed miserable

    Dred Scott 1857

    Undermined popular sovereigntyReputation of court sank to new lows

    Lecompton battle

    Buchanan tried to admit Kansas as a slave state under the never-passed pro-slaveryLecompton Constitution

    Douglas was outraged, blocked attempt

    Kansas admitted as free state on eve of civil war

    Lincolns America: small producerLincoln was willing to compromise to keep USA

    Lincoln v. Douglas: Illinois Senate race 1858

    Douglas: politicians cant impose moral values

    Douglas/Dems won raceCaused split in Dem party: pro-Buchanan and pro-Douglas

    John BrownHarpers Ferry 1859

    Seized federal arsenal, but was quickly surrounded

    Brown became a martyr

    Secessionist movementBlamed southern debt on north

    Desire for slave empire

    Ostend Manifesto Britain, France call on USA to purchase or seize Cuba from Spain

    Walker captures Baja CA, est. self as leader of independent country

    Also est. as ruler of NicaraguaCaptured city of Granada and declared himself pres.Franklin Pierce recognized Walkers govt

    Southern nationalists = fire-eaters, aimed to split South from USA

    The Democratic SplitNorth: Douglas and Popular Sovereignty

    South: Breckinridgeslavery must be protected

    Lincolns PlatformOpposed slavery

    Western homesteads

    Protective tariffs

    RailroadLincoln won in 1860

    7 states from SC to TX seceded from Union

    Crittendens CompromiseDivide new territories between free and slave

    Status quo in other states

    Both North and South rejected itThe South elected Jefferson Davis

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    Nationally chartered banks greenbacks

    Manufacturing increased

    Women found places to workRepublicans labeled opposition to war Copperheads

    1863 NYC Draft Riots

    Failure of King Cotton diplomacyThe divided South

    South becomes bankrupt

    Heroes of America = peace movementBlack troops in the South

    Vicksburg and Gettysburg = turning points

    Vicksburg = Union controlled Mississippi R. Valley

    Gettysburg = Lee retreated1864 Grant began war of attrition

    Butcher Grant

    Shermans march to the sea to crush Southern morale

    1864 Lincoln won sweeping victoryTen-percent Plan

    Lincolns lenient plan toward the SouthWade-Davis Bill

    Guarantees blacks equality before law

    Pocket vetoed by Lincoln

    The Sea Island experimentNegro Paradise on the Davis plantation

    1865 13th Amendment Ratified

    Union soldiers occupied RichmondLee surrendered on April 9th

    Civil War ended

    Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

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