user experience design - it's as easy as pie

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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User Experience Design

Hanoi UX AMA - May 2015

What do you think when I say “UXD”?

UXD = UX + Design

“Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it

looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works”

The design process


– Wikipedia –

“User experience includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable

aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership. Additionally, it includes a person’s perceptions of system aspects such

as utility, ease of use and efficiency”

One day it will be like this. That sucks!!!

Anything more simple?

3. Ask everyone this question“What can I do to make your

life easier?”

(12 things product managers should do in their first 30 days at a new company - TheNextWeb)

UX = User + Experience

Stand in user’s shoes Feel user’s pain in the ass

How do you know user needs?

– Hung Pham (Market research manager) –

“Ask them. Don’t waste time on the office guessing user needs. Move your ass out and

ask them.”

The design process

Now we are on the first step of UX Design


• Research user needs

• Prioritize needs with UX hierarchy

User StoriesAs a user I want to be able to <functionality/goal> so that <motivation/reason>

Fun game: Redesign iMessage with user stories

The design process

Second step: creative time


• Brainstorm creative ideas to solve user’s pain

• Fulfill user needs

The design process

Third step: Take actions


• Wireframe, Documents, Design, Build, Test, Launch

• Evaluate solutions

Why UXD?

– Susan Dray –

“If the user can’t use it, it doesn’t work”


User Experience Professionals' Association International Conference 2012 - Erin Bradner & Jeff Sauro

(Net Promoter Score)

Net Promoter is a popular technique for measuring customer loyalty. The main premise of this technique is that a single

question provides an accurate measurement not just for customer loyalty, but corporate success.

–Peter van Lanschot

“UX is everywhere. Just look at everything from an experience point of view as an user”

For more information, leave a message

Phowr (Le Quang)

Product Manager, Senior Experience Designer

(84) 949 958 016

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