using git on the command line

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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It's time to talk about Git and the importance of

source control!

Imagine a scenario, if you will...

You've uploaded a broken file, you don't have a working copy.

What do you do?

Git to the rescue!

Revert the file, upload it again, and life is great!

Wow! How does Git work?

Sounds great, but how do we use Git?

If you're intimidated by the command line, I recommend SourceTree:

But I promise, using git on the command line is

really easy!

Creating a new repository is as easy as typing:

$ git init

This adds the basic structures Git needs in order to function properly

Cloning an existing repository is just as easy:

$ git clone <repo url>

This pulls down the entire git history for a given project and lets you manipulate

it as if you had created it.

Adding files to your repository:

$ git add *

This will add ALL files in the current directory to your repository.

Committing a set of changes:

$ git commit -m "My commit message"

This will save all staged changes to a reference point you can always restore.

Checking a repository's status

$ git status

This reports which files have been modified, added, removed, etc.

Un-staging some edited files:

$ git reset

This returns all staged files back to being unstaged. It does NOT undo any

edits to those files by default.

Temporarily store staged edits:

$ git stash

Think of this as a way of saying, "I'm not ready to do anything with these edits,

but I don't want to erase them."

Start a new "branch" for tracking edits: $ git branch mybranch

We'll use this separate branch to develop a new feature, safely isolated

from the main codebase and bug fixes.

$ git checkout -b mybranch


Merge a branch back into master: $ git checkout master $ git merge mybranch

First we switch back to the master branch, then we merge in all changes

from mybranch.

Pushing Edits to a remote server:

$ git push

Yep, that's really all there is to it!

Any Questions?

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