using html tables.... objectives... how to create tables basic,, tags some arguments with table...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Using HTML tables . . .

Objectives . . .

• How to create tables• Basic <table>, <tr>, <td> tags

• Some arguments with table • Height, width, border

• Special “tricks” • Cell text alignment • Padding the columns and Rows • Spanning Columns and Rows• Special Examples

• Creating page layouts

Competency Objectives

1. Can create a table of elements2. Can add color, alignment, size3. Understand some of capabilities of tables4. Can use tables for layout

Competency Alert:You need to

know this!

Common Problem Area!

People seem to forget this

HTML Tables

An orderly arrangement of text and/or graphics into vertical columns and horizontal rows.

Within HTML tables perform many functions

» Control web page layout (for text and graphics)

» Separate a Web page into different areas

» Show data output in traditional table format

A couple of table examples . . .

A table used as a page layout deviceA simple table

Competency Alert:You need to

know this!

HTML Tables Organization

Col 1, Row 1

Col 2 Row 1

Col 1, Row 2

Col 2, Row 2

Col 1, Row 3

Col 2 Row 3

Tables are organized by rows and columns

Eachthese arecalled a “cell”

The Basic Table Structure

The bare minimum tags needed to describe a table are

<TABLE> … </TABLE>, <TR> … </TR>,

<TD> … </TD>

Defines the start and end of table

Defines the start and end of a table row

Defines the start and end of a table data item in a row.

The Basic Table Structure

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Simple Table </TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <TABLE> <TR> <TD> Cell 1</TD><TD>Cell 2</TD> </TR><TR> <TD> Cell 3</TD><TD>Cell 4</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>


Table data (column)

Start& EndTable

Competency Alert:You need to

know this!

Not all rows need not be same the size

•Notice you do not need same columns in each row

<TABLE border=1> <TR> <TD> Cell 1</TD><TD>Cell 2</TD> </TR><TR> <TD> Cell 1</TD><TD>Cell 2</TD><TD>Cell 3</TD> </TR>


How ‘null’ columns are treated

What would the following display? <TABLE> <TR> <TD>Cell1</TD> <TD>Cell2</TD> <TD></TD> <TD></TD> <TD>Cell ? </TD> </TR><TR> <TD>Cell 1</TD> <TD>Cell 2</TD> <TD>Cell 3</TD> </TR> </TABLE>

Row 1 has 5 cols, Col 3-4 empty, col 5 has cell ?

Row 2: Cols 1-3only have data

Using <TH> for Table Headers

•Use the <TH> tag for Table headers. •Each element within <TH> is made bold and centered

<TABLE border=1 > <TR> <TH> Character </TH> <TH> Description </TH> </TR><TR> <TD> Frodo </TD><TD>The ring bearer, that is, he carries the ring. </TD> </TR><TR> <TD> Sam </TD><TD>Frodo's trusted assistant. He carries the stuff (and Frodo too sometimes)</TD> </TR> </TABLE>

Automatic Bold &center

Competency Alert:You need to

know this!

Not closing tags in tables.

•Tables are another example of how ‘wrong’ html displays correctly. <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> My First Table </TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <TABLE> <TR><TH> Description <TH> Size<TH> Weight</TR> <TR><TD>Gun<TD>5 Inch Barrel <TD> 20 Ounces</TR> <TR><TD>T-Rex<TD>40 Feet High <TD> Multiple Tons</TR> <TR><TD>Hurricane Floyd<TD>400 Miles Radius <TD> ????</TABLE> </BODY></HTML>

No, </td> tag

Missing </td> and </tr> tag

Common Problem Area!

People seem to forget this

Tables Are Their Own Environment

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Simple Table </TITLE> </HEAD><BODY><i><TABLE border=1 > <TR> <TH> Character </TH> <TH> Description </TH> </TR><TR> <TD> Frodo </TD><TD>The ring bearer, that is, he carries the ring. </TD> </TR><TR> <TD> <i> Sam </i> </TD><TD>Frodo's trusted assistant. He carries the stuff (and Frodo too sometimes)</TD> </TR> </TABLE>Is this line italics or not? </i> </BODY>


You might think each table cell would be default italics

Line AFTER table still gets italics.

Italics is turned off after the cell.

Common Problem Area!

People seem to forget this

Table Cells Format Like Documents...

<html><head> <title> Test </title> </head><body><table border=1> <tr> <td>A litte 'tune' <font color=blue> <ol> <li> Happy </li><li> Days</li> </ol></td> <td> Are here again. </td></tr> <tr><td> The <i>skies</i> are are <b>blue</b> again </td> <td>But my favorite 'tune' is: <br> <div align=center> <img src="donald.gif"> </div> </td> </tr></table></body> </html>

Create a ol within this cell.

Format some text.

Include an image centered.

Competency Alert:You need to

know this!

Objectives . . .

• How to create tables• Basic <table>, <tr>, <td> tags

• Some arguments with table • Height, width, border

• Special “tricks” • Cell text alignment • Padding the columns and Rows • Spanning Columns and Rows• Special Examples

• Creating page layouts

Table Attributes Row and Column Width

Some other attributes for the <table> tag• width=number, percentage - specifies the width (in pixels) of entire window or

% of size of current element. • (Can be set at table, row or cell level.)

• height=number, percentage - specifies the height (in pixels) of entire window or % of size of current window.

• (Can be set at table, row or cell level.)

Specifying Column Size

<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> My First Table </TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <TABLE border=1 WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=400> <TR> <TH WIDTH=20%> Description </TH> <TH WIDTH=40%> Size </TH> <TH WIDTH=40%> Weight </TH> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=20%>Gun</TD> <TD>5 Inch Barrel </TD> <TD> 20 Ounces </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=20%>T-REX</TD><TD>40 Feet High</TD> <TD> Multiple Tons</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=10%>Hurricane Floyd</TD> <TD>400 Miles Radius </TD><TD> ???? </TD></TR> </TABLE> </BODY></HTML>

Set overall table size

Specify per column or one for overall. Notice how browser overrides the 10% column to ‘even’ column out.

Using Percentages fills to current window size. <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> My First Table </TITLE> <BODY> <TABLE border=1 WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100%> <TR> <TH WIDTH=20%> Description </TH> <TH WIDTH=40%> Size </TH> <TH WIDTH=40%> Weight </TH> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=20%>Gun</TD> <TD>5 Inch Barrel </TD> <TD> 20 Ounces </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=20%>T-REX</TD><TD>40 Feet High</TD> <TD> Multiple Tons</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=10%>Hurricane Floyd</TD> <TD>400 Miles Radius </TD><TD> ???? </TD></TR> </TABLE> </BODY></HTML>

If specify width and height aspercentage, browser will automatically resize table

Other table attributes: Borders

• border=# - 0 or no border is the default

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Simple Table </TITLE> </HEAD><BODY><i><TABLE> <TR> <TH> Character </TH> <TH> Description </TH> </TR><TR> <TD> Frodo </TD><TD>The ring bearer, that is, he carries the ring. </TD></TR><TR> <TD> <i> Sam </TD><TD>Frodo's trusted assistant. He carries the stuff (and Frodo too sometimes)</TD> </TR> </TABLE>Is this line italics or not?</BODY> </HTML>

Border = 0 And border=10

Options: Background Color

• bgcolor="#rrggbb" or color name - sets a color for background for table or table cell.

• Can specify bgcolor for overall table background, for a row, and for a column. • Column specification overrides row• Row specification overrides table specification

Table bgcolor example . . .

<html> <head><title> Color MyTable </title> </head>


<div align=center> Color My World - Chicago </div>

<table border="1" bgcolor="red">


<td>As time goes on</TD><TD>I realize</TD><TD>just what you mean</TD>

</tr><tr bgcolor="green">

<td>to me. But now, </td><td> now that your near </td>

<td bgcolor="yellow">Promise your love That I've waited to share</td>

</tr> <tr> <td>And dreams of our moments together

</td><td>Color my world with hope</td><td>of loving you</td>

</tr> </table> </body></html>

Set default table background to red

Use green for row

Override table and row color and make column yellow

Attributes: Alignment

Some other attributes for the table tag• align=left|right|center – sets the horizontal alignment for a table, row, or cell.

Can be used with <TABLE> <TR>, <TD> or <TH> tags.• valign=top|bottom|middle – set the vertical alignment of the table, row or cell.

Can be used with <TABLE>, <TR>, <TD> or <TH> tags.

Alignment Attributes<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> My First Table </TITLE>




<TH> Name </TH> <TH> Rank</TH> <TH> Serial Number</TH>


<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>George Washington</TD>

<TD>General </TD>

<TD> 1</TD>

</TR> <TR>


<TD>President </TD>



<TD ALIGN=LEFT>George Ryan </TD>

<TD>??? </TD>

<TD> ????? </TD>



Right justify

Center justify

Objectives . . .

• How to create tables• Basic <table>, <tr>, <td> tags

• Some arguments with table • Height, width, border

• Special “tricks” • Cell text alignment • Padding the columns and Rows • Spanning Columns and Rows• Special Examples

• Creating page layouts

A Definition Style Table<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> My First Table </TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR="Yellow"> <TR><TD VALIGN=top><FONT SIZE=+2><B>HTML</B></FONT></TD><TD>HyperText Markup Language.<br>It is the language you develop web pages in.<BR>You use the result of HTML without even knowing it.<P ALIGN=right>(Web Page Design)</P> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </BODY></HTML>

Objectives . . .

• How to create tables• Basic <table>, <tr>, <td> tags

• Some arguments with table • Height, width, border

• Special “tricks” • Cell text alignment • Padding the columns and Rows • Spanning Columns and Rows• Special Examples

• Creating page layouts

Cell padding and cell spacing

• Cell padding specifies the number of pixels from the cell border to the text. Useful for simple announcement boxes.

• Cell spacing specifies number of pixels between cells of the table.

Spacing number of pixels betweencells

Padding number of pixels from cell border to text

Cell Padding Announcement Box<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> Color MyTable </TITLE> <BODY><B><center> <FONT SIZE="+3">The Local News </FONT></center> <DIV ALIGN=CENTER><TABLE BORDER=2 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=52><TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="RED" VALIGN=middle><B>Announcing Earlier Class Dismissal Today!</B>


Padding of 52 from border to text

A single cell table

Using Cell Spacing . . . 1. <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> Cell Spacing </TITLE>

2. <BODY>

3. <center>

4. <FONT SIZE="+3">The Local News </FONT></center>



7. <TR><TD>DATA1</TD><TD>DATA2</TD></TR>

8. <TR><TD>DATA3</TD><TD>DATA4</TD></TR>

9. </TABLE>



Cell Spacing of 50

Attributes: colspan and rowspan

• colspan - Allows a cell to span columns• rowspan - Allows a cell to span rows

• These are useful for performing a page layout

Column & Row Spacing

• Colspan - span more than 1 cell column.

This row has colspan=2

This row has colspan=3

This row has colspan=2

Colspan Example

3 rows & Cols. The first row spans all cols!


<TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="blue">Your title here</TD><TR>


Using Rowspan

• Rowspan allows 1 cell to span more than 1 rows of cells.

This col has rowspan=3

This col spansboth colsrowspan=2

This col has rowspan=3

RowSpan Example

3 rows & Cols. The first colomn spans all rows!

<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> Rowspan </TITLE> <BODY><center> <FONT SIZE="+3">My Page </FONT></center> <TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR="RED"><TR><TD ROWSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="blue">Visit<ul> <li> uncle's site </li><li> my dad's site </li><li> my site </li></ul></TD><TD BGCOLOR="YELLOW">other stuff</TD><TD BGCOLOR="ORANGE">TEXT</TD></TR><TR ><TD>TEXT</TD><TD BGCOLOR="BLUE">TEXT</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR="BLUE">TEXT</TD><TD BGCOLOR="ORANGE">TEXT</TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>

A Narrow Column

<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> My First Table </TITLE> <BODY> <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff99" BORDER=0> <TR><TD ROWSPAN=99 BGCOLOR="#cc3333">&nbsp;</TD> <TD>Now</TD></TR> <TR><TD>IS The</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Time </TD></TR> <TR><TD>For </TD></TR> <TR><TD>All </TD></TR> <TR><TD>Good Men </TD></TR> <TR><TD>To Come </TD></TR><TR> <TD>To The Aid </TD></TR><TR><TD>Of Their </TD></TR> <TR><TD>Country.</TD></TR></TABLE> </BODY></HTML>

Objectives . . .

• How to create tables• Basic <table>, <tr>, <td> tags

• Some arguments with table • Height, width, border

• Special “tricks” • Cell text alignment • Padding the columns and Rows • Spanning Columns and Rows• Special Examples

• Creating page layouts

Creating Layouts

• Suppose you want to make a page layout as follows:

This Coloumnhas colspan 5


Main Page

rowspan 4

Rowspan 4Colspan 4

Your Logo

Wouldn’t this solve the problem?

<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE> Sample Table </TITLE> </HEAD><BODY><TABLE BORDER=1 height=100% width=100%><TR> <TD width=15%> <img src=donald.gif /> </TD> <TD colspan=4> Title </TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=15%> <OL> <LI> Nav1</LI> <LI> Nav2 </LI> <LI> Nav3 </LI> </OL> </TD>

<TD colspan=4> Main Body </TD></TR> </TABLE>

1st col15% of screen

Span the title 4 columns

Put NavItems in bullet list

Put MainBody in

Navigation not upper right hand corner

Title and body not centered

Lets Refine It ...

<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE> Sample Table </TITLE> </HEAD>


<TABLE BORDER=1 height=100% width=100%>


<TD align=center width=15%> <img src=donald.gif > </TD>

<TD colspan=4 align=center> Title </TD>

</TR> <TR>

<TD width=15% valign=top> <OL> <LI> Nav1</LI> <LI> Nav2 </LI> <LI> Nav3 </LI> </OL> </TD>

<TD colspan=4>




<TD align=center valign=middle><font size=+2>

Main Body </font></TD>





Center In cell

Start a new table that is 100% of remaining space.

Align in center of cell

Valign at Top Of cell

Would Output ...

Precisely Placing text

Need to sub-divide this cell to precisely place this text

One possible method<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE> Sample Table </TITLE> </HEAD><BODY><TABLE BORDER=1 height=100% width=100%><TR> <TD align=center width=15%> <img src=donald.gif > </TD> <TD colspan=4 align=center> Title </TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=15% valign=top> <OL> <LI> Nav1</LI> <LI> Nav2 </LI> <LI> Nav3 </LI> </OL> </TD> <TD colspan=4> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0> <TR> <TD align=center valign=middle colspan=3><font size=+2> Main Body </font></TD> <tr height=4%><td> &nbsp; <td>Copyright by me 2005 <td></td> </TR> </TABLE> </TR></TABLE> </BODY></HTML>

Review of homework

• Look at homework file at •

• Also don’t forget to include a link on your home page

Objectives . . .

• How to create tables• Basic <table>, <tr>, <td> tags

• Some arguments with table • Height, width, border

• Special “tricks” • Cell text alignment • Padding the columns and Rows • Spanning Columns and Rows• Special Examples

• Creating page layouts

top related