using “ice” effectively

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Using “ICE” effectively. Content Objective. Today I will revise my SCR by identifying and improving my use of citations in my writing using exemplar SCRs and my own SCR. Vocabulary. Revise ICE – introduce, cite, explain Paraphrase Plagiarism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Content Objective Today I will revise my SCR by identifying

and improving my use of citations in my writing using exemplar SCRs and my own SCR.

Vocabulary Revise ICE – introduce, cite, explain Paraphrase Plagiarism

3 Major Problems we all had in answering this prompt

1. We DID NOT use any citations, but rather paraphrased from the article to give examples/details

2. We DID NOT use any citations, but rather plagiarized from the article to give examples/details.

3. We DID use citations, but did not effectively use ICE to introduce or explain them.

Turn to your elbow partner – define these terms!

Paraphrase Plagiarize ICE


taking facts or ideas from a source and putting them into your own words.

Plagiarism a form of cheating by taking another's words, thoughts or ideas and passing them off as your own

ICE Directly and correctly giving credit to whoever wrote or said that phrase first

Providing a great example/detail straight from the text to support the point you’re trying to make…

…By introducing and explaining a great citation from the text

Hold up a 1, 2, or 3 – Which of these three terms do we want to learn to NEVER do? 1. Paraphrase? 2. Plagiarize? 3. ICE?

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.

You’re on your own.And you know what you

know.You are the guy who’ll

decide where to go.~Dr. Seuss

PROMPT!What point do

youthink Dr. Suess is

tryingto make in this


Is this SCR showing paraphrasing, plagiarism, or ICE?

SCR!I think the point

Dr. Seuss is trying to make is that you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.

You’re on your own.And you know what you

know.You are the guy who’ll

decide where to go.~Dr. Seuss

SCR!I think the point Dr.

Seuss is trying to make is that you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

Plagiarism! Because the writer copied the phrase…

You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

… without giving Dr. Seuss credit for it.

Is this SCR showing paraphrasing, plagiarism, or ICE?

SCR!I think the point

Dr. Seuss is trying to make is that everyone is free to make their own choices.

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.

You’re on your own.And you know what you

know.You are the guy who’ll

decide where to go.~Dr. Seuss

SCR!I think the point Dr.

Seuss is trying to make is that everyone is free to make their own choices.

Paraphrase! Because the writer took Dr. Seuss’s idea and put it into his/her own words!

Is this SCR showing paraphrasing, plagiarism, or ICE?

SCR!I think the point Dr.

Seuss is trying to make is that everyone is free to make their own choices. He shows this idea when he says, “You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” He is making it clear that no one else can steer you but you.

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.

You’re on your own.And you know what you

know.You are the guy who’ll

decide where to go.~Dr. Seuss

ICE! (and paraphrase) Because the writer cited Dr. Seuss’s exact words and gave him credit for them. He/she also introduced and explained the citation, making it connect to the prompt.

SCR!I think the point Dr. Seuss is trying to make is that everyone is free to make their own choices. He shows this idea when he says, “You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” He is making it clear that no one else can steer you but you.

Which SCR answered the prompt the best?

Exemplar 1 1. Underline where this student used

his/her own words. 2. Circle where this student used words

straight from the text. 3. Circle the term if this student used it

in his/her SCR. – Paraphrasing – Plagiarism – ICE –

4. Label the– Paraphrasing – Plagiarism – ICE – along with me.

Exemplar 1 5. Revise this student’s SCR by

fixing the Plagiarism in the space you have below. Use your guided notes to help you.

Exemplar 2 1. Underline where this student used

his/her own words. 2. Circle where this student used words

straight from the text. 3. Circle the term if this student used it

in his/her SCR. – Paraphrasing – Plagiarism – ICE –

Exemplar 2 4. Revise this student’s SCR by fixing

one Plagiarized phrase the students used by using Paraphrasing instead in the space you have below.

5. Revise this student’s SCR by fixing another Plagiarized phrase the student used by using ICE instead in the space you have below.

Exemplar 3 1. Underline where this student

used his/her own words. 2. Circle where this student used

words straight from the text. 3. Circle the term if this student

used it in his/her SCR. – Paraphrasing – Plagiarism – ICE –

Exemplar 3 4. Revise this student’s SCR by

adding ICE to better support the student’s answer.


Warm-Up! – change the plagiarism into a paraphrase

Pretty smilesDeceiving laughsAnd people who dream with their

eyes openLonely childrenUnanswered criesAnd souls who have given up

hopingThe other thing that breaks heartsR fairy tales that never come trueAnd selfish people who lie 2 meSelfish people like you- Tupac Shakur

I think he wrote this poem because things that break hearts are fairy tales that never come true and because of selfish people who lie to you.

Things that Make Hearts Break

Why do you think Tupac wrote this poem?

Exemplar 2 1. Underline where this student used

his/her own words. 2. Circle where this student used words

straight from the text. 3. Circle the term if this student used it

in his/her SCR. – Paraphrasing – Plagiarism – ICE –

Exemplar 2 4. Revise this student’s SCR by fixing

one Plagiarized phrase the students used by using Paraphrasing instead in the space you have below.

5. Revise this student’s SCR by fixing another Plagiarized phrase the student used by using ICE instead in the space you have below.

Exemplar 3 1. Underline where this student

used his/her own words. 2. Circle where this student used

words straight from the text. 3. Circle the term if this student

used it in his/her SCR. – Paraphrasing – Plagiarism – ICE –

Exemplar 3 4. Revise this student’s SCR by

adding ICE to better support the student’s answer.

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