using the picture and picture method to …

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(An Experimental Research at the second Grade of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo)



Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Degree of Education in English Department


10535 5452 13








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Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : RISNA

Judul : Using The Picture And Picture Method To Improve Students‟

Writing Skill (An Experimental Research At The Second Grade Of Mts MuhammadiyahTallo)

No. Stambuk : 10535 5452 13

Program : Strata Satu (S1) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Makassar, Februari 2020 Yang membuat pernyataan





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Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Name : RISNA

Reg. No : 10535 5452 13

Program : Strata Satu (S1) PendidikanBahasaInggris

Title : Using The Picture And Picture Method To Improve Students‟

Writing Skill(An Experimental Research At The Second Grade Of MtsMuhammadiyahTallo)

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Demikian surat perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, Februari 2020 Yang membuat pernyataan





Jln. Sultan Alauddin No.259 Telp (0411) 860 132 Makassar 90221


Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Name : RISNA

Reg. No : 10535 5452 13

Program : Strata Satu (S1) PendidikanBahasaInggris

Title : Using The Picture And Picture Method To Improve Students‟

Writing Skill(An Experimental Research At The Second Grade Of MtsMuhammadiyahTallo)

Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

5. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesainya skripsi saya, saya akan menyusun skripsi sendiri.

6. Dalam menyusun skripsi saya, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing

7. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam penyusunan skripsi saya

8. Apabila melanggar perjanjian pada butir 1, 2, dan 3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai aturan yang berlaku.

Demikian surat perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, Februari 2020 Yang membuat pernyataan




“Man Jadda Wa Jadda”

Whoever does something persistently will succeed.

“Indeed Allah is the Best Planner”

(Q.S 8:30)



In the name of Allah, I dedicated my thesis to

My Beloved Parents, Abd. Rahman and Rakibah

My Beloved sister and brother, and

All of My Beloved Friends, especially for Dr. Seniwati, Sp.Og and Musdalifah, S.Pd

I thank them for all the love, prayers, support, and patience.




RISNA, 2018 Thesis of English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training And Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar Using The Picture And Picture Method to Improve the Students’ Writing Skill of MTS muhammadiyah tallo. Under the supervision of Ummi Khaerati Syam and Asrianto Setiadi.

This study is conduct in pre-experimental design using quantitative approach with one group pretest-posttest design. This study uses pre-experimental because it does not have random assignment of subject to group or other strategy to control extraneous variable. the researcher applies pre-test and post-test. Pre-test will given before teaching by using picture and picture method, in this pre-test students will give task and giving treatment to the students.

The students writing score in pre test was 54.48 in Fairly category with total score 1345, maximal 75 and minimum score was 40 and the frequency percentage distribution of students‟ writing score on the table above was no

students got excellent, very good and good category while 5 students (21.74%) got fairly good category, 6 students (26.09%) got fairly category, 9 students (39.13%) got poor category and 3 students (13.04%) got very poor category.

In calculate the score of post test dealing with content and organization the researcher found out the students writing score in post test was 81.52 (good category), total score was1875, maximal score 95 (very good category) and minimum score 70 (fairly good category). The frequency percentage distribution of students‟ writing ability was there is no students got excellent, fairly, poor and very poor category, while 4 students (17.39%) got very good category, 12 students (52.17%) got good category and 7 students (30.34%) got fairly good category.

Based on the score of pre test and post test in writing ability have a significant improvement because the researcher found out the score of pre test 58.48 (fairly category) be 81.52 (good category) in post test with improvement 39.41%, the researcher also conclude that the using of picture and picture method at the second grade of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo can improve the students writing ability. Keyword: Writing, pre-experimental, and picture and picture method



In the name of ALLAH, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the writer expresses her sincere gratitude to

the almighly God, Allah S. W. T, who has given guidence, mercy, and good

health, so that she could finish writing this thesis. Shalawat and salam are

addressed to the final chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW

who has changed the human life.

This thesis is submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for Degree of Education in English Department.

The researcher would like to express her greatest gratitude and honor to her

big family especially for her beloved parents, Abd. Rahman and Rakiba, and her

beloved Husband, and her beloved Sisters and Brothers, and her beloved best

friends Dr. Seniwati, Sp,.Og family and Musdalifah haba, S.Pd, who always give

her loves, supports and motivations to finish her study and reach her success.

The researcher realized that in carrying out the research and writing this

thesis, many people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance,

assistance, and advice for the completion of this thesis. Therefore, she would like

to express her gratitude and honor to:

a. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE. MM, the Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.


b. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar for all

advices and motivation.

c. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd. the Head of English Education

Department of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave her valuable

authorities and suggestion in doing this thesis.

d. Her greatest thanks are due to her first consultant Ummi Khaerati Syam,

S.Pd., M.Pd and Muh. Astrianto Setiadi, S.Pd., M.Pd as her second

consultant who has given their valuable time and patient, to support

assistance and guidance to finish this thesis.

e. Thanks to all the lectures and staff of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar,

especially the lectures of English Department who taught her for many


f. Drs. Anwar, MM as the Headmaster of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo who

had allowed her in conducting her research in the school he leads

g. Andi Sitti Zakiah, SS.,MM as the English teacher of MTS

Muhammadiyah Tallo who had assisted her in collecting the data during

the research.

h. Thanks to all teachers and students of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo which

accepted her well in the school as long as she finished her observation.

i. Many thanks are also addressed to her friends in English Education

Department 2013, especially her classmates in Class Bee, her beloved

Sugrayanti, Ratna Nigra Dianti, Fausiani, Riska, and Anti for the


wonderful friendships and the beautiful moments that have been through


j. For all everybody that could not be mentioned one by one, thanks for

their invaluable help, support, and suggestion.

May Allah S.W.T. the almighty God bless them all for their help and their

contribution. Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being

perfect, so she hopes then critics and suggestions to improve it to be better.

BILLAHI FiiSabililHaqFastabiqulKhaerat

Makassar, 2020

The researcher





TITLE .................................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... iii

CONSELLING SHEET ...................................................................................... iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN ..................................................................................... v

SURAT PERJANJIAN ....................................................................................... vi

MOTTO & DEDICATION ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... xii

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................ xiv

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................... xv

LIST OF CHART .............................................................................................. xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ........................................................................... 1

B. Research Problem ........................................................................................ 3

C. Research Objective ...................................................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Research ....................................................................... 3

E. Scope of the Research ................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II LITERATURE RIVIEW ............................................................. 5

A. Previous Findings ........................................................................................ 5

B. Writing ......................................................................................................... 6

C. Concept of Picture and Picture Method .................................................. 14

D. Conceptual Framework (CF) ................................................................... 19

E. Hypothesis .................................................................................................. 20


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD .......................................................... 21

A. Research Design ........................................................................................ 21

B. Research Variable ..................................................................................... 21

C. Population and Sample ............................................................................. 22

D. Research Instrument ................................................................................. 23

E. Data Collection .......................................................................................... 24

F. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................................................... 25


A. Findings ...................................................................................................... 28

B. Discussion ................................................................................................... 40

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .................................. 43

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 45





Figure Page

2.1 Conceptual Framework ................................................................................. 19



Table 3.1 Research Design ................................................................................... 21

Table 3.2 The assessment of students‟ writing skills competence for the content. .................................................................................................................. 25

Table 3.3 The assessment of students‟ writing skills competence for the

organization .......................................................................................................... 25

Table 3.4 Score Classification .............................................................................. 26

Table 4.1 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students‟ Content in Pre

test and Post Test Score........................................................................................ 29

Table 4.2 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students‟ Organization in Pre Test and Post Test Score ................................................................................ 31

Table 4.3 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students‟ Score in Pre

Test and Post Test Writing ................................................................................... 33

Table 4. 4 The Improvement of the Students Score in Pre Test and Post Test ........................................................................................................................ 35



Chart 4.1 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students‟ Content in Pre Test and Post Test Score ...................................................................................... 30

Chart 4.2 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students‟ Organization in

Pre Test and Post Test Score ................................................................................ 31

Chart 4.3 The Students‟ Score of Pre Test and Post Test in Writing .................... 33

Chart 4.4 The Improvement of the Students Score in Pre Test and Post Test ........................................................................................................................ 35




A. Background

English is one of a compulsory subject in Indonesia.One of the aims of

teaching English is developing the ability to communicate. The ability involves

the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The writer is mainly

focused on writing skill, According to Torrance, Waes & Galbrait (2007) writing

is a visual representation of spoken language. Whatever specific form of writing a

writer is engaged in, they will have to be able to transcribe language according to

the conventions of a particular writing system, and be able to decode visual

symbols into their corresponding meanings.

Based on Erikson (2015: 247) writing is a very complex activity for its

complicated components such as the development of ideas, syntax, grammar,

organization, vocabulary, content, communication skills, use of punctuation.

However, writing is not only a matter of putting ideas in a written form but also

organizing words and grammar structure and selecting the appropriate diction in

order to make the writing product more meaningful. This idea of writing

often causes problems for students because they have no strategy to get

ideas and organize them into paragraphs in writing and this condition makes

writing more difficult to learn so that most students are reluctant to learn


Based on the researcher observation, the most difficult skill to be learned

is writing. The writer found, there are some difficulties faced by students of


MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo in writing class, there are: first is they do not

have idea to write. Second, they still confused in organizing the writing. Third,

they often do some mistakes with the lack of knowledge in vocabularies.

In facilitating the students in learning writing, English teachers should

also provide materials that are appropriate with the curriculum and find suitable

methods in teaching and learning process. Thus, media are to solve those

problems. Media are important in teaching and learning English since they help

both of the teacher and the students.

To help students understand the learning task or learning material is

using picture. It has been generally accepted that pictures, especially colorful

ones, are quite helpful teaching aids in introducing writing because generally,

people would keep in their mind for a long period of time something that they

have learned or experienced which is interesting to them.

Zarei & Salimi (2012: 45) picture is an easy way for simultaneous

attention to the building blocks of second language learning. Using picture for

presenting new vocabulary has been a fundamental principle in many methods

and the using of picture activities form a mental link at the early stages of

second language learning, especially if it is created by the students


The researcher are assume as the gate between the teacher and learners in

transferring the materials being taught more easily during teaching learning

process. To prove the use of picture is effective for the writing increase of the

learners, the writer is interested in doing observation to introduce under the title:


Using the Picture and Picture Method to Improve the Students‟ Writing Skill (An

Experimental Research at the Second Grade Students of MTS Muhammadiyah


B. Research Problem

Does the use of picture and picture method improve the students‟ writing

skill at the second grade of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo

C. Research Objective

To find out whether the use of picture and picture method improve the

students‟ writing skill at the second grade of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo or not.

D. Significance of the Research

The results of the study are expected to give usefull information. For the

first is for the student. In the study, students are not only encouraged the end

result or a good value. But students also need to understand Picture and Picture

Method to improve the quality of writing.

For the second, it is important for educators to pay attention to the

knowledge; especially the Picture and Picture Method will be very helpful in

dealing with their students. It is expected that educators were able to arrange a fun

learning strategies that can be addressed properly by the students so as to obtain

maximum learning results.

The last is for other researcher, it is hope that this study will be of any

value to other researcher in conducting further research of the similar topic. This

research may need some references that might useful.


E. Scope of the Research

The final project is in title using the picture and picture method to improve

the students writing skill (An experimental research at the second grade students

of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo). The researcher limited the scope and the set

problem of the study so that the problem will not be wide and the study will be

effective. In this final research, this study only focuses on the use of picture and

picture method in improving the students writing achievement in terms of Content

and Organization. I also want to observe whether or not they improve significantly

on their ability of writing ability after using picture and picture method.




A. Previous Findings

Maharani, Mega Mulianing. (2009). The Effectiveness of Using Animal

Cartoon Pictures to Improve Students‟ English Narrative Text Writing. To enable

the students to master narrative text, teachers of English should provide materials

which are appropriate with the curriculum and find suitable methods in teaching

and learning process. One of the most interesting strategies is by using picture.

The objectives of this study are to find out the students‟ improvement in writing

narrative texts through animal cartoon pictures and to find out the effectiveness of

using animal cartoon pictures to improve students‟ writing narrative texts. The

subject of the study is the third graders of the State Junior High School 2 at

Demak. She found pictures can improve the students‟ writing narrative texts and

using pictures is effective to improve students‟ writing narrative texts.

Faizah (2014) implementing Sequence Pictures to Improve Students‟

Ability in Writing Narrative Text for Grade X of MAN Lab UIN in the Academic

Year of 2013/2014. Based on the researcher and teacher‟s discussion on how to

solve the students problem in writing, sequence pictures was chosen as one of

the effective efforts used to dealt with the students‟ writing difficulties in the

teaching and learning process of writing. The results of Cycle I showed that the

implementation of sequence pictures and other accompanying actions were

successful in improving the students‟ writing ability in narrative texts and their

involvement during the teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, it was shown


in Cycle II that the implementation of discussions and other accompanying

actions were successful in improving the students‟ writing ability and involvement

in the English teaching and learning process.

Based on the previous study above the using of sequence piicture and

picture can improve the students writing ability in narrative text so the researcher

will to use picture as a picture method in teaching writing skill at the second grade

of Mts Muhammadiyah Tallo.

B. Writing

1. Concept of Writing

Writing is one of four language skill; it communicates ideas by means

of conversational symbol that are traced, incites, draw or otherwise formed on

the surface or some materials. Writing gives permanence to men‟s knowledge

and enables them to communicate over great distance. This is excellence of

writing compared to speaking because people may save message through

writing longer than speaking. As one of language skill in English, writing is

used to express ideas. In writing, the writer will be involved in the process of

building the larger units of ideas from the larger ones.

Based on Weigle (2002: 1) writing is one of important skills that

students need to develop. The ability to write is very important for the

academic context, busines and personal relation in the global community. In

the academic context, this ability is used to measure the students‟ writing

proficiency such as composing academic easy or writing some texts

which are included in the curriculum. In the business context, the ability to


write is important for those who make business relation with other across

the nation by sending email or composing business report. Writing a letter or

message is also a means of communication which can connect the relationship

between people indirectly.

Harmer (2007: 7) Writing and speaking are productive skills. It

means that writers and speakers go through producing a language. Writing is

more difficult than speaking as writing communicating into space. In face to

face communication there is little time to think and produce it. However, the

product of writing is not as instant as speaking. Writing does not only put the

idea into a paper but how written text can be understandable by paying

attention to some aspects to create a good written text. Writing involves

complex thinking that must integrate all of the components such as the

topic or theme, word choices, organization, purpose, audience, clarity,

sequence, cohesion, and transcription.

Graham and Perin (2007: 3) explain that writing well is not just an

option for young people-it is a necessity. Writing skill is predictor of academic

success and a basic requirement for participation in civic life in the global

economy, while Writing is not a simple language skill to perform because of it

is large areas that must be involved. In producing a piece of writing, linguistic

competence and extra linguistic competence are always involved. The fact is

that writing is not only a means of expression, but it is also an essential

criterion of competence in any field. This means that to write is to seek


expression or to have something to say through the application of linguistic


2. Some Basics of Writing

According to Mouri (2016: 23) teacher should know some basics of

writing. The teacher needs to know some basics of writing. Through these

basic beliefs of writing, they may help their students to become a spontaneous

writer, there are strong links between teachers basic beliefs and their classroom

practice. In what follows they share some basics of writing with their reader.

she suggest four basics of writing for the classroom

a. Writing is a language act

In Classroom teachers should give time for talking and listening

before, during and after writing. Students need to talk about their topics

before they start to write. Talking and listening, before writing helps

students to focus on and get initial idea for their writing. During writing,

listening and speaking can help students clarify and check for meaning

which helpful for their revising and rewriting. There is a link between

writing and reading. Teacher takes every opportunity to make link between

reading and writing. This might be during modeled writing lessons or when

we read to students.

b. Writing is worth learning

Effective writers need to be confident writers. They need to

understand that writing is life empowering and therefore worthy of

learning. In classroom this means, teachers give the opportunity to


write everyday in a supportive and risk-free environment. Teachers

value students‟ writing explicitly through sharing and meaningful feedback.

Teachers should provide many opportunities for students to reflect on their

writing and to share their writing with peers.

c. Writers need to understand the roles of audience and purpose

Teacher should read aloud to students (at all grade levels) as

often as possible. When appropriate, teachers discuss the author‟s

perceived purpose for writing and its intended audience. Teachers

should always give opportunity to talk about the purpose of their writing

before they begin writing.

d. Writers need to understand the writing process

Teachers should use modeling and teacher talk to demonstrate to

students all the processes of writing, including focusing, composing, editing,

and proofreading. Teacher modeling is not just about the surface features of

writing but is concerned with control of the process, even with beginning

writers. Engagement in all the processes requires a range of skills, so teacher

modeling and instruction are important to ensure the development of these

skills. Teachers should remind these processes of writing regularly and they

can display an outline chart in the class regularly.

3. Function of writing

Dombey (2013: 23) however, writing is not just one, undifferentiated

kind of activity: different purposes require different kinds of writing. The

writer can use writing to:


a. Record events, through log books, diaries etc.;

b. Work out ideas and shape emerging thoughts, through jottings, drawings

and notes and wikis;

c. Order and extend thinking, as in planning for action or developing

an argument;

d. Reflect on experiences, ideas or learning, through journals, logs and


e. Create aesthetically satisfying works, such as stories, poems and plays;

f. Communicate with others, both known and unknown, in a range of

formal and informal ways, through texting, e-mails, letters, work reports


These purposes are not all mutually exclusive: some writing may be

for the writer alone, but most writing has a communicative function, an

audience in mind. In addition, engaging in the act of writing builds a cultural

identity for the writer, an authorial persona. To write is to extend one‟s

relationship with the world and one‟s role in it.

4. Component of Writing

Jacobs, G. (2008: 22) points out five kinds of components in writing.

They are content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics.

a. Content

Content of writing should be understandable. Therefore, the

readers can understand the message in the text and got information from it.

There is a thinking that can be measure in connecting with component. The


composition should contain one central purpose, should have unit, should

have coherence and continuity, and should be adequately develop.

b. Unity

Rijlaarsdam. (2015: 17) defines Unity means that text content

and structure both relate to the writing assignment. The text deals with the

topic, it is oriented to the writing-goal and the audience and it reflects the

essential features of an informative text. Since participant‟s assignment

analysis is controlled by the researcher, this criterion will not play an

important role

The writing regards to have good unity, if it has some main ideas

and the sentences contained in it develop that idea. The main idea is stated

in the topic sentences and each or every supported sentences and related to

that idea of the topic sentences. If a writer wants his writing is unified, he or

she should not include the sentences that do not support the main idea of the

topic sentences.

c. Completeness

Completeness, a complete paragraph provides information well

enough and it develops the truth for the reader. In complete paragraph, the

writers provide the readers with restricted topic sentences and sufficient

information to clarify analyze and support the main idea that which is stated

in the topic.

Writing is said to have completeness if the main idea have been

explained and developed fully completeness. The controlling idea with


develop thoroughly by these of particular information. It is relative to know

how complex or general the topic sentences by having a complete writing. It

is expected that the content of writing will be clear and understandable for


d. Organization

Organization is the overall structure of piece of writing. The most

workable method to organized essay is to state the main idea of the paper in

an opening paragraph and the devote a separate paragraph in the body to

each major division of thought.

Organization concerns with the way of how the writer arranges and

organize their idea and their massage in writing from which consist of same

partial order. In writing, the writer should know about what kinds of

paragraph that they want to writer and what topic that they want to tell to the

readers. It must be supported by cohesion.

e. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the list of word and sometimes plus usually arranged

in alphabetical order that expired at distally, grouchy. Vocabulary is an area

which gives the students various kinds of learning problems, including

spelling. It is also an area where it can be useful for them to have reference

lists, in the form of lexical sets, such as clothes, furniture, food, etc.

f. Mechanics

The use of mechanics is due to capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling appropriately. These aspects are very important, it leads the readers


to understand, to recognize immediately. The use of favorable mechanic in

writing will make readers easy to group the conveying ideas or the message

to the written materials.

5. Writing Process

Based on Bompiani & Smith (2015: 23) the Writing Process is start

from once you select a topic and complete enough research to commit yourself

at least tentatively to your stance toward that topic, you are ready to begin

writing. Or are you? Stop for a moment to consider the writing process we


a. Prewriting: Analyzing your audience, determining your purpose in

writing, limiting the scope of what you will cover, and generating

potential content.

b. Drafting: Making a case and structuring your evidence for that case.

c. Revising: Putting yourself in the place of the reader, rethinking your

approach, and making changes that will improve your case.

d. Polishing: Editing and proofreading to eliminate errors and improve the

coherence and readability of your presentation.

The recursive, rather than linear, nature of the writing process

helps writers produce stronger, more focused work because it highlights

connections and allows for movement between research and the phases of

writing. Writing doesn't have to be a one way path.


C. Concept of Picture and Picture Method

1. Definition of Picture and Picture Method

As Hill (1990) pointed out, “the standard classroom” is usually

not a very suitable environment for learning languages. That is why

teachers search for various aids and stimuli to improve this situation. Pictures

are one of these valuable aids. They bring “images of reality into the

unnatural world of the language classroom.” (Hill 1990: 1) Pictures bring

not only images of reality, but can also function as a fun element in the class.

Sometimes it is surprising, how pictures may change a lesson, even if only

employed in additional exercises or just to create the atmosphere.

Many research has been done in use of pictures in area of

second language learning. Underwood (1989) has concluded that an ordinary

principle and opinions for human learning is visual memory and Koren (1999)

points out those learning foreign words with associated of words alone can be

easier than words without these associations. Photo dictionaries are widely

used to increase the vocabulary and speaking skills of learners.

Mcwan (2015: 93) Pictures are the simplest and commonly used.

Pictures are very effective. Pictures provide associations for the learning of

new words. The more concrete a word is, the easier it is to find and uses a

picture for its illustration. Pictures, These aids serve basically the same purpose

as physical models. The photographs must be quite large for ease of viewing

by the entire audience. They are not practical for use in large groups.


A picture can give some description of something for instance, the

teacher show the picture of animal being at zoo to the students. They may think

that there are many animal (domestic and wild animal) like lions, monkeys,

elephants, etc. in addition, it can motivate them to mention or say what they see

in the pictures to each other or to the teacher during learning process.

Zarei & Salimi (2012: 45) Picture is an easy way for simultaneous

attention to the building blocks of second language learning. Using picture

for presenting new vocabulary has been a fundamental principle in many

methods and the using of picture activities form a mental link at the early

stages of second language learning, especially if it is created by the

students themselves.

2. Procedure of Pictures and Picture Method

Marzano‟s (2003) Six Step Process Teaching Academic Vocabulary

a. Provide a description, explanation, or example of the new term.

b. Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their

own words.

c. Ask students to construct a picture and representing the word.

d. Engage students periodically in activities that help them add to their

knowledge of the terms in their notebooks.

e. Periodically ask students to discuss the terms with one another.

f. Involve students periodically in games that allow them to play with



Iruio (2000: 98) In order to teach students to guess at the meaning of

phrases to knowing all of the words and structures of the sentences by using


a. Use pictures as a media.

b. Modify your speech to emphasize key words, simplify vocabulary and

grammar, use related ideas and talk out of context.

c. Students will use English when they are ready. They sometimes

experience a “silent period” which cans last days or weeks.

d. Focus Attention on Key Vocabulary.

3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Picture Used

According to Vernon, Gerlach and Donald (2008: 277): The

Advantages of Picture Used:

a. They are inexpensive and widely available.

b. They provide common experiences for an entire group.

c. The visual detail make it possible to study subject, which would turn

back to be impossible.

d. They can help you to prevent and correct disconcertion.

e. They offer a stimulus to further study, reading and research visual

evidence is power tool.

f. They help to focus attention and to develop critical judgment.

g. They are easily manipulated.


There are some disadvantages of pictures used in teaching and

learning process, such as:

a. Students pay attention on the picture more than on learned material.

b. It takes time and costs much to provide attractive pictures.

c. Small and unclear pictures may arouse problems in the teaching learning

process since the students may misunderstand about the pictures.

4. Kinds of Picture and Picture Method

Bowen (1991) writes about different types of pictures. She gives us

definitions of four types and describes their sources, selection and display,

classroom used:

a. Wall picture and wall charts:

Most wall charts consist of combination of visual and verbal

material. Their aim is to give information on topic. A wall picture, on

other hand, is simply a large illustration of a scene or event, or a set of

scenes or events. The criteria for choosing or making good wall picture

are relevance, recognition, size, and clarity. The best of storing wall

pictures and wall charts is to display on the classroom wall.

b. Sequence pictures:

Sequence pictures are series of pictures on a single subject. They reveal

their story or theme, like a strip cartoon, in a connected set of

illustrations for good selection and display the teacher must:

1) Make the titles and captions large enough to read, or omit

them all together and do the describing orally;


2) Link pictures. There should be continuity of characterization,

setting and subject from picture to picture, with figures of uniform

size and recurring landmarks;

3) If book or magazine illustrations are copied, they should be

simplified and parts not essential to teaching aims should be left


4) The pictures themselves should all be the same size and

similarly mounted in order to make a set.

c. Flash cards:

Flash cards are word flash cards and picture flash cards. Picture flash

cards are teacher‟s accompanying guide. The picture collections are built

up and used by number of teachers‟. Picture flashcards are most suitable

for representation of a single concept, such as an object or an action.

Teachers` representation of a single concept, such as an object or

an action. Teachers can use flashcards for presentation new item,

for practice of previously taught language and revision.

d. Drawings on the board:

Drawings on the board catch the students‟ attention, change the pace of

lessons, and variety and cause enjoyment, amusement and encourage

naturals of response. The teacher can organize different activities

through drawing on the board – He/she ca n teach vocabulary,

spelling, pronunciation, drills and so on.


D. Conceptual Framework (CF)


PICTURE AND PICTURE METHOD: 1. Provide a description, explanation, or example of the new

term. 2. Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or

example in their own words 3. Ask students to construct a picture and representing the word. 4. Engage students periodically in activities that help them add

to their knowledge of the terms in their notebooks. 5. Periodically ask students to discuss the terms with one

another. 6. Involve students periodically in games that allow them to

play with terms.

The students writing achievement in terms of Content and Organization

Improving the students’ writing

skill at the second grade of SMP Mts Muhammadiyah Tallo


1. Input refers to teaching materilas of writing skill that will give to the


2. Process refers to teaching process through picture and picture method

3. Output refers to the students‟ writing skill and it focuses in content and


E. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research is formulated as follows:

1. Alternative Hypothesis (H1)

Teaching Writing through Picture and Picture Method can improve the

students‟ Writing skill at the second grade students of Mts Muhammadiyah


2. Null Hypothesis (H0)

Teaching Writing through Picture and Picture Method can not improve the

students‟ Writing skill at the second grade students of Mts Muhammadiyah





A. Research Design

This study was conducted in pre-experimental design using quantitative

approach with one group pretest-posttest design. This study used pre-experimental

because it does not have random assignment of subject to group or other strategy

to control extraneous variable.

Table 3.1 the design of this research can be seen at the table below:

Pre-test Independent Variable Post-test Y1 X Y2


Y1 = Pre-test

X = Treatment

Y2= Post-test

(Gay, 1981,225)

B. Research Variable

1. Independent Variable

The independent variable is the variable that affect or cause changes

X. In this research, the independent variable is picture and picture method. It is

so called because sequence of picture used to teach writing text at the second

grade students of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo


2. Dependent variable

The dependent variable is a variable that is affected or not free is

bound is called the dependent variable Y. In this research, the dependent

variable is teaching writing. It is so called because teaching writing is affected

by picture and picture method at the second grade students of MTS

Muhammadiyah Tallo

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population as an aggregate or totality of all the objects, subjects

or members that conform to a set of specifications. In this study the population

is the second grade students of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo and there were 23

students‟ consisting of 13 male students‟ and 10 fimale students‟

2. Sample

The writer took only one class at the sample and respondents of this

research. The nmber of sample is 23 students‟ were chosen VIII. The

researcher applied purposive sampling technique

D. Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher applies pre-test and post-test. Pre-test will

given before teaching by using picture and picture method, in this pre-test students

will give task and giving treatment to the students. The next, in this Post-test

which will give after teaching by picture and picture method, in this post-test the

students will given the task by using picture and picture method. In this research

the researcher use test and observation as a instrument.


1. Observation

The observation conduct to monitor the teaching-learning process

before, during, and after the actions were implemented. By using this kind

of technique, the researcher observe the teaching-learning process directly.

The instrument to collect the data by using this techniques is observation


2. Test

This technique provides two kinds of test which are pre-test and

post-test. Pre-test conducts before the implementation of the actions and the

post-test onducts after the implementation of the actions. The pre-test and the

post-test were in the form of performance tests. They use to measure the

students‟ writing skills on the topics taught. Then the researcher and the

raters assess the students speaking performances using writing rubric. The data

of the pre-test and the post-test collected in the form of students‟ score.

The result of the post-test calculated and compared with the result of the pre-


E. Data Collection

Before implementing a research, the writer makes a research design and

that cover as follows:

1. Giving Pre-test

Before giving treatments, the purpose is to know the students score

writing ability before applying picture in criteria and clasification score writing

dealing with content and organization.


2. Giving Treatments

All giving pretest the sample by teaching writing through picture for

four meetings. Each meeting, the teacher give a material to the students

according to materials was given.

Below is the teaching procedures use in the treatment:

a. The teacher gives materials to students.

b. Ask to students to Write text and decide adjectives or verbs, and then

search the meaning of the words.

c. The students make a list of word

d. The students make sentences from the list.

3. Giving a Post-test

After given treatments; the purpose is to know the student‟s

achievement score in writing after applying picture media in dealing with

criteria and clasification score of content and organization.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data derived from the test were analyzed quantitatively

that employs statistical calculation. The steps of analyzing data are as follows:

1. Scoring the students’ answer by using the following formula:

Score =


2. Scoring students’ writing skills

Table 3.2 The assessment of students‟ writing skills competence for the


Criteria Score Writing is extremely limited in communicating knowledge, with no central theme.


Writing is limited in communicating knowledge. Length is not adequate for development.


Writing does not clearly communicate knowledge. The reader is left with questions.


Writes related, quality paragraphs, with little or no details. 4 Writing is purposeful and focused. Piece contains some details. 5 Writing is confident and clearly focused. It holds the reader‟s

attention. Relevant details enrich writing. 6

Table 3.3 the assessment of students‟ writing skills competence for the


Criteria Score Careless or inaccurate word choice, which obscures meaning. 1 Language is trite, vague or flat. 2 Shows some use of varied word choice. 3 Uses a variety of word choice to make writing interesting. 4 Purposeful use of word choice. 5 Effective and engaging use of word choice. 6

Bram (2005:1)

3. Classifying the students’ scores into seven levels:

In this clasification the researchers uses the seven levels of

clasification score there are Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fairly Good, Fair,

Poor, Very Poor


Table 3.4 Score Classification

Classification Scores Excellent 96 - 100 Very good 86 - 95

Good 76 - 85 Fairly good 66 - 75

Fair 56 - 65 Poor 36 - 55

Very poor 0 - 35

Depdikbud (1994 : 6)

4. Calculating the mean score by using the following formula:


Where: = Mean

= Total raw score

N = the total number of the student

(Gay, 1981: 298)

5. To Calculate the percentage of the students’ response, the formula

which was used as follows:


Notation: P : Rate Percentage

Fq : Frequency of questionnaire

N : The total number of students

(Sudjana, 1999)


6. To know the significant difference between the score of the pre-test and

post-test, the writer calculated the value of the test by using the

following formula:

Where: t : Test of significance differences

: The mean of the difference score

D : The sum of all score

N : The total number of score

(Gay, 1981: 298)

7. To find out the mean score differences by using the formula:



: The mean of the differences score

: The sum of the differences score

N : The total number of students

(Gay, 1981: 298)

22 ( )

( 1)












This chapter particularly presents the findings of the research and

discussion. The findings of the research consist of the description of the result of

data collected through writing test and the discussion covers the detail of the

findings at the the second grade students of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo using

Picture and Picture Method

A. Findings

In the first section of the chapter IV the researcher presented about the

result of the pre test and post test at the the second grade students of MTS

Muhammadiyah Tallo that consist of 23 students using Picture and Picture

Method. The students‟ content and organization ability means the component of

writing that assessed by the researcher in this research. The researcher presents the

result of the students‟ content and organization ability through the distribution of

pre-test and post-test score in writing by using Picture and Picture Method.

The percentage frequency distribution of students‟ content and

organization ability means a display of data that specifies the percentage of

students‟ writing score in terms of content and organization that exist for each

classification score in pre-test and post-test. The process of creating a percentage

frequency distribution of students‟ content and organization ability involves;

identifying the total number of students; counting the total number of students

within each classification score; then dividing the total number of students within

each classification score by the total number of students in pre-test and post-test.


1. The Students’ Pre Test and Post Test Score

In this research the researcher give the students test before applying the

Picture and Picture Method to find out the students score in writing ability dealing

with content and organization. After the researcher give the students pretest and

posttest the researcher found the result as follows:

a. The Students’ Pre Test and Post Test Score for the Content

To continue the result of the content and organization of writing ability the

searcher presented the frequency percentage distribution of students‟ content as


Table 4.1 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students’ Content in Pre Test and Post Test Score

To see clearly about the frequency percentage distribution of students‟ content in

pretest and posttest score we can see the following chart:



Score Classificatio

n F % Score Classification F %

96-100 Excellent 0 0.00% 96-100 Excellent 2 8.70%

86-95 Very Good 0 0.00% 86-95 Very Good 4 17.39%

76-85 Good 2 8.70% 76-85 Good 12 52.17%

66-75 Fairly Good 5 21.74% 66-75 Fairly Good 5 21.74%

56-65 Fairly 8 34.78% 56-65 Fairly 0 0.00%

46-55 Poor 7 30.43% 46-55 Poor 0 0.00%

0-45 Very Poor 1 4.35% 0-45 Very Poor 0 0.00%

23 100% 23 100%


Chart 4.1 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students’ Content in Pre Test and Post Test Score

The students result of the pre test in content where 61.96 with fairly

category, total score 1425, maximal score 80 and minimum score was 45. The

table 4.1 above showed the students frequency percentage distribution of students‟

content where there no students got excellent and very god category while 2

students (8.70%) got good category, 5 students (21.74%) got fairly good category,

8 students (34.78%) got fairly, 7 students (30.43%) got poor category and one

students (4.35%) got very poor.









0% 0%



34.78% 30.43%


Min Score = 45

Max Score = 80

Avg Score = 61.96

Total Score = 1425








9% 17%



0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Min Score = 70

Max Score = 100

Avg Score = 83.70

Total Score = 1925


Based on the table above the frequency percentage distribution of

students‟ content score was 2 students (8.70%) got excellent category, 4 students

(17.39%) got very good category, 12 students (52.17%) got good category, 5

students (21.74%) got fairly good category and no students got fairly, poor and

very poor category, with Minimum score was 70, maximum score was 100,

average score was 83.70 and total score was 1925.

b. The Students’ Pre Test and Post Test Score for the Organization

In finding of the pretest and posttest score of writing ability of

organization there organization got poor category with maximal score in very

good category and minimum score was very poor category. The details of the

students score in organization can be seen in the following table:

To see clearly about the frequency percentage distribution of students‟

organization in pretest and posttest score we can see the following chart:

Chart 4.2 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students’ Organization in Pre Test and Post Test Score









0% 0% 4.35%





Min Score = 35

Max Score = 80

Avg Score = 55

Total Score = 1265


Based on the table above the researcher found the frequency percentage

distribution of students‟ organization score was there no students got excellent

and very good category, 1 student (4.35%) got good category, 2 students (8.70%)

got fairly good category, 8 students (34.78%) got fairly category, 5 students

(21.74%) got poor category and 7 students (30.4.%) got very poor category, where

average score 55 with poor category, total score 1265, maximal score 80 and

minimum score was 35.

The frequency percentage distribution of students‟ score in organization was one

student (4.35%) got excellent, fairly, poor category while 5 students (21.74%) got

very good category, 6 students got good category and 9 students (39.13%) got

fairly good category. Where minimum score was 55, maximum score was 100,

average score was 79.35 and total score was 18.25.











22% 26.09%


4.35% 4.35% 0.00%

Min Score = 55

Max Score = 100

Avg Score = 79.35

Total Score = 1825


c. The Students’ Score of Pre Test and Post Test in Writing

Mean score of students‟ content and organization ability means sum of all

the values in the data set to determine the average score of students‟ writing

ability in terms of content and organization of pretest and posttest. The data was

collected from the result of students‟ pretest and posttest. The result of students‟

content and organization in pretest and posttest were presented in the table:

Table 4.3 Frequency Percentage Distribution of Students’ Score Pre Test and Post Test in Writing

To see clearly about the frequency percentage distribution of students‟ score in pretest and posttest writing score we can see the following chart:

Chart 4.3 The Students’ Score of Pre Test and Post Test in Writing


Score Classification F % Score Classification F % 96-100 Excellent 0 0.00% 96-100 Excellent 0 4.35% 86-95 Very Good 0 0.00% 86-95 Very Good 4 21.74% 76-85 Good 0 0.00% 76-85 Good 12 26.09% 66-75 Fairly Good 5 21.74% 66-75 Fairly Good 7 39.13% 56-65 Fairly 6 26.09% 56-65 Fairly 0 4.35% 46-55 Poor 9 39.13% 46-55 Poor 0 4.35% 0-45 Very Poor 3 13.04% 0-45 Very Poor 0 0.00%

23 100% 23 100%










0% 0% 0.00%

21.74% 26.09%



Min Score = 40

Max Score = 75

Avg Score = 58.48

Total Score = 1345


The students writing score in pre test was 54.48 in Fairly category with

total score 1345, maximal 75 and minimum score was 40 and the frequency

percentage distribution of students‟ organization score on the table above was no

students got excellent, very good and good category while 5 students (21.74%)

got fairly good category, 6 students (26.09%) got fairly category, 9 students

(39.13%) got poor category and 3 students (13.04%) got very poor category.

The frequency percentage distribution of students‟ writing ability was there is no

students got excellent, fairly, poor and very poor category, while 4 students

(17.39%) got very good category, 12 students (52.17%) got good category and 7

students (30.34%) got fairly good category. With maximum score was95,

minimum score was 70, total score was 1875 and the average score was 81.52.

2. The Students’ Writing Ability in Using Picture and Picture Method

After the researcher give pretest, treatment and posttest to the students at

the second grade students of Mts Muhammadiyah Tallo by using picture and

picture method the final calculation between students‟ content and organization in












0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Min Score = 70

Max Score = 95

Avg Score = 81.52

Total Score = 1875


pre-test and post-test is a main topic in this section to find out the effectiveness of

this method to solving the students problem in teaching writing ability.

Table 4. 4 the Improvement of the Students Score in Pre Test and Post Test

Indicators Pre Test Post Test Improvement

Score Category Score Category Score

Content 61.96 Fairly 83.70 Good 35.09%

Organization 55.00 Poor 79.35 Good 44.27%

Writing 58.48 Fairly 81.52 Good 39.41%

To see clearly about the frequency percentage distribution of students‟

writing in post test score we can see the following chart

Chart 4. 4 the Improvement of the Students Score in Pre Test and Post Test

In the table above we can see the students details of improvement the

students score at the students of second grade students of MTS Muhammadiyah

Tallo by using picture and picture method, the score of content in pre test 61.96

(fairly category) be 83.70 (good category) with improvement 35.09%, the score of












61.96 83.7









post test was 55.00 (poor category) be 79.35 (good category) with improvement

44.27% and in writing ability was 58.48 (fairly category) be 81.52 (good

category) with improvement 39.41%

B. Discussion

The data was collected in pre-test and post-test. The case of the students‟

content and organization in writing skill was show significant different. It was

supported by the rate percentage and score frequency in the result of the students‟

before and after using Picture and Picture Method in teaching Writing skill. The

explanation was described below :

a. The students’ writing skill before using Picture and Picture Method in

teaching writing.

Based on the pre-test data, the score frequency and rate percentage of the

students‟ before using Picture and Picture Method, the students‟ writing skill

particularly in descriptive text was no one of the students‟ got excellent and very

good. The classification of the students‟ writing skill before using Picture and

Picture Method were good, fairly good, fair, and poor. There were 5 students or

(21.74%) classified as fairly good, 6 students or (26.09%) got fairly, 9 students or

(39.13%) got poor, and the very poor category was gotten by 3 students or



b. The students’ writing skill after using Picture and Picture in teaching


Based on the post-test data, the score frequency and rate percentage of the

students‟ writing skill after using Picture and Picture Method, the students‟

writing skill was improved especially in descriptive text. Eventhough, the

researcher found that there was no students got excellent but some students got

improvement in their writing skill. None of the students got fairly good score

category in the post test. There were 4 (17.39%) of 23 students who got very good

score, 12 (52.17%) of 23 students got good score, and 7 (30.34%) of the students

got fairly good score. Thus, the researcher concluded that the use of Top-Down

Strategy (TDS) improved on the students‟ writing ability especially in content and

organization levels.

c. The Difference of the students’ writing skill before and after using Picture

and Picture Method.

Under the previous consideration, there was a significance difference

between the students‟ writing skill before and after using Picture and Picture

Method. The mean score of the students‟writing skill before using Picture and

Picture Method was 58.48 and then mean score of the students‟ writing skill after

using Picture and Picture Method was 81.52. It showed that the mean score of the

students‟ writing skill after using Picture and Picture Method was higher than the

mean score of the students‟ writing skill before and after using Picture and Picture



In this part, the discussion presented the use of Picture and Picture Method

which was applied in teaching writing skill. The application of Picture and Picture

Method in teaching writing skill at at the second grade at MTS Muhammadiyah

Tallo can improve the students‟ score and their ability to understand the materials

of writing skill in post test. This can be proved by the result of findings about the

students‟ content and organization of writing skill.

Based on the previous chapter above, this research has line with Maharani,

M. M. (2009) found that using Animal Cartoon Pictures, which is one of the

various teaching methods in which the students are active and are guided by the

teacher, is considered to increase students‟ success and inquiry learning skills

more than the traditional teaching methods. It could improve the students‟ writing

narrative texts through using pictures.

Putriani, M. (2016) found that the improvement of students‟ progress

during teaching and learning process using Picture Series was good. It was proved

by data results. It showed that the students became active in joining the teaching

and learning process. They were actively involved in classroom discussion and

voluntarily answered the questions addressed by the researcher. From the result of

the pre-test and post-tests, it can be seen that there are significant improvement of

students‟ writing skills.

According to the two researchers above, this research have the similarity

with them because this research also used Picture and Picture Method. It was

made the students more active, interesting and get positive response during


teaching n learning process. While The differences with the three researchers

above and the researcher„s are the subject and the research focus.

By the explanation above, the researcher concluded that the use of Picture

and Picture method was able to make the students being active, critic and creative

thinking. Besides, they could explore what they know into the new knowledge

which is needed by them. They also have new ideas are that the use of Picture and

Picture method is requiring a longer learning time and not all students easily to do

the build their ideas by looking at the pictures.




A. Conclusion

The researcher used the pre experimental design in applying this research

about the using of picture and picture method to improve students‟ ability in

writing at the at the second grade of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo. The researcher

found that the score of pre test 58.48 (fairly category) be 81.52 (good category) in

post test with improvement 39.41%, the researcher also conclude that the using of

picture and picture method at the second grade of MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo can

improve the students writing ability. The most workable method to organized

essay is to state the main idea of the paper in an opening paragraph and the devote

a separate paragraph in the body to each major division of thought.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the study, the researcher would like to give

suggestion to the teachers and students of second grade of MTS Muhammadiyah

Tallo, for the further researchers and also the institution. The suggestions are

presented as follows:

1. For the teacher, it is suggested to teach any types of topic in teaching writing

by fun. picture and picture method is one of many ways to make the

teaching learning process interesting and fun. The most important think is

the teacher must be friendly and sensitively to the students‟ situation and


2. always be a good motivator for them. Therefore, by doing the things above

the students will enjoy and interest to learn English subject

3. For the students, it is suggested that they should motivate themselves to learn

English more thoughtfully not only in the classroom but outside

classroom too. They should have more practice in writing, especially

writing through picture and picture method because more practice will

increase their achievement in writing. The students could be creative and

active in learning English and students also could be motivated by

giving an appropriate technique and strategy in teaching learning process.

4. For the further research, it is hoped that other researchers will do better

research related to picture and picture method can be applied not only for

teaching writing but also for teaching other skills.



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SMP/MTS : SMP Negeri 1 Mattiro Sompe

Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) / 1

Standar Kompetensi : 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei

pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive, dan recount untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar : 6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional

pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar

Jenis teks : tulis fungsional

Tema : Home Life dan Narrating Past Events

Aspek/Skill : Menulis

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit ( 2x pertemuan )

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat merespon makna dalam:

a. Melengkapi tabel makanan dan minuman yang disukai

b. Menulis kalimat dengan menggunakan bentuk Present Continuous

c. Melengkapi kalimat dengan ragam bahasa yang tepat berdasarkan keterangan

pada gambar

d. Menulis kalimat dengan menggunakan kata keterangan waktu seperti always,

often, usually, etc.

e. Menulis surat dengan format surat yang ditentukan

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

2. Materi Pembelajaran

a. Communiacation Practice

Tabel daftar makanan dan minuman yang disukai

Gambar dan daftar kegiatan

b. Developing skills

Kalimat rumpang

c. Grammar Practice

Penjelasan penggunaan bentuk Present continuous

Penjelasan penggunaan bentuk kata keterangan waktu I (always, usually,

often, etc.)

3. Metode Pembelajaran: Picture

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

Pertemuan pertama dan kedua.

A.Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Apersepsi :

Tanya jawab tentag bacaan yang akan dibaca

Menulis hal-hal yang ingin diketahui tentang bacaan

Motivasi :

Menulis lima hal tentang apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang

berada di luar ruangan: What is the headmaster doing out there?, what is

your mother doing at this moment?

Menulis jawaban tentang kebiasaan apa saja yang sering dilakukan: What do

you usually do in the morning? Do you usually write a letter to your friends?


B. Kegiatan Inti


Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

Melengkapi surat yang rumpang dengan membaca keterangan yang tersedia

Melengkapi kalimat dengan ragam bahasa yang tepat berdasarkan

keterangan pada gambar

Melengkapi tabel makanan dan minuman yang disukai


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru menggunakan metode :

Memberikan deskripsi, penjelasan, atau contoh istilah baru dari gambar.

Meminta siswa untuk mengemukakan kembali deskripsi, penjelasan, atau

contohnya dengan kata-kata mereka sendiri.

Memberi kesempatan kepada siswa memahami gambar dan membuat atau

mengumpulkan kosa kata.

Libatkan siswa secara berkala dalam kegiatan yang membantu mereka

menambahkan pengetahuan mereka tentang istilah di buku catatan mereka.

Secara berkala mintalah siswa membahas satu sama lain.

Libatkan siswa secara berkala dalam permainan yang memungkinkan

mereka bermain dengan persyaratan mnggunakan gambar.


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

Guru bertanya jawab tentang hal-hal yang belum diktahui siswa

Guru bersama siswa bertanya jawab meluruskan kesalahan pemahaman,

memberikan penguatan dan penyimpulan

C. Kegiatan Penutup

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:

bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat

rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran;

melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah

dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram;

memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;

merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pembelajaran remedi,

program pengayaan, layanan konseling dan/atau memberikan tugas baik

tugas individual maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hasil belajar peserta didik;

menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

5. Sumber belajar

a. Buku teks yang relevan..

b. Gambar-gambar yang relevan

6. Penilaian

Indikator Pencapaian





Instrumen Instrumen/ Soal

1. Melengkapi rumpang

teks fungsional pendek

2. Meyusun kata menjadi

teks fungsional yang


3. Menulis teks fungsional


Tes tulis




kata acak


1. Complete the following senten-ce

/ text using suitable word / words

2. Arrange the word into good


3. Write simple sen-tences based on

the situation given

4. Write an invita-tion/ an announ-

cement / messa-ge based on the

situation given

a. Instrumen:

Complete the letter below based on the clues given.

b. Pedoman Penilaian

1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 3

2. Jumlah skor maksimal x 3 = 15

3. Nilai maksimal = 10

4. Nilai Siswa = 10xalSkorMaksim


c. Rubrik Penilaian

Uraian Skor

Isi benar, tata bahasa benar

Isi benar, tata bahasa kurang tepat

Isi dan tata bahasa kurang tepat

Tidak menjawab






Dear ___________ (write your friend’s name here),

Maria T. Sanamase, S. Pd.(say how you are)

Maria T. Sanamase, S. Pd.(say you are listening to the music)

Maria T. Sanamase, S. Pd. (say your family’s doing at the time you are writing)


Kepala Sekolah

( )


........., ....................20.....

Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,

( )




SMP/MTS : SMP Negeri 1 Mattiro Sompe

Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) / 1

Standar Kompetensi : 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan

esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive, dan

recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar : 6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei

pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks

berbentuk descriptive dan recount

Jenis teks : monolog descriptive/recount

Tema : Home Life dan Narrating Past Events

Aspek/Skill : Menulis

Alokasi Waktu :4 x 40 menit ( 2x pertemuan )

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat merespon makna dalam:

a. Meringkas suatu bacaan.

b. Menyusun karangan berdasarkan pernyataan-pernyataan yang tersedia.

c. Menulis kembali kalimat-kalimat dengan apostrof s untuk menghilangkan kata


d. Menulis akhir suatu cerita dalam bentuk paragraph.

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

2. Materi Pembelajaran

a. Developing skills

Bacaan dan daftar kegiatan

b. Grammar Practice

Penjelasan penggunaan bentuk Simple Past Tense, latihan soal

3. Metode Pembelajaran: Picture

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

Pertemuan pertama, dan dua.

A.Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Apersepsi :

Menulis hal-hal yang ingin diketahui tentang bacaan yang akan dibaca,

misal: what do you want to know about pet after reading the passage

entitled Pets?

Menulis lima hal yang tak bisa dilupakan dalam hidup, misal: I lost my pet in


Motivasi :

Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari berikut kompetensi yang

harus dikuasi siswa

B. Kegiatan Inti


Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas dan dalam tentang

topik/tema materi yang akan dipelajari dengan menerapkan prinsip alam

takambang jadi guru dan belajar dari aneka sumber;

Membaca bacaan Pets

Menulis nama-nama hewan yang dipelaihara oleh orang Inggris berdasarkan

gambar dan bacaan

Meringkas karangan tersebut dalam lembar porto folio

Membaca karangan ‘What the British Eat’

Menyusun karangan berdasarkan pernyataan-pernyataan yang tersedia

Menulis kembali kalimat-kalimat dengan menggunakan petunjuk yang


Menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran, media pembelajaran,

dan sumber belajar lain;

Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antarpeserta didik serta antara peserta

didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya;

Melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran;


Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan percobaan di laboratorium, studio,

atau lapangan.


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:

Mengingatkan kembali pelajaran dipertemuan sebelumnya

Memberikan deskripsi, penjelasan, atau contoh istilah baru dari gambar.

Meminta siswa untuk mengemukakan kembali deskripsi, penjelasan, atau

contohnya dengan kata-kata mereka sendiri.

Memberi kesempatan kepada siswa memahami gambar dan membuat atau

mengumpulkan kosa kata.

Libatkan siswa secara berkala dalam kegiatan yang membantu mereka

menambahkan pengetahuan mereka tentang istilah di buku catatan mereka.

Secara berkala mintalah siswa membahas satu sama lain.


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan,

isyarat, maupun hadiah terhadap keberhasilan peserta didik,

Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil eksplorasi dan elaborasi peserta

didik melalui berbagai sumber,

Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh

pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan,

Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk memperoleh pengalaman yang bermakna

dalam mencapai kompetensi dasar:

Berfungsi sebagai narasumber dan fasilitator dalam menjawab

pertanyaan peserta didik yang menghadapi kesulitan, dengan

menggunakan bahasa yang baku dan benar;

Membantu menyelesaikan masalah;

Memberi acuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan pengecekan hasil


Memberi informasi untuk bereksplorasi lebih jauh;

Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum

berpartisipasi aktif.

Guru bertanya jawab tentang hal-hal yang belum diktahui siswa

Guru bersama siswa bertanya jawab meluruskan kesalahan pemahaman,

memberikan penguatan dan penyimpulan

C. Kegiatan Penutup

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:

bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat

rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran;

melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah

dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram;

memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;

merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pembelajaran remedi,

program pengayaan, layanan konseling dan/atau memberikan tugas baik

tugas individual maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hasil belajar peserta didik;

menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

5. Sumber belajar

a. Buku teks yang relevan.

b. Gambar-gambar yang relevan

6. Penilaian

Indikator Pencapaian





Instrumen Instrumen/ Soal

1. Melengkapi rumpang

teks essai pendek

berbentuk descriptive

2. Menyusun kalimat

menjadi teks yang

bermakna dalam bentuk

descriptivedan recount.

3. Menulis teks essai dalam


a. descriptive dan

recount .

Tes tulis


2. Jumbled


3. Essay

1. Complete the paragraph using

the suitable words.

2.Rearrange the Following

sentences correctly.

3.Write an essay

a. describing

something or a

certain place.

b. Telling what

you did last


a. Instrumen:

Make a paragraph about your last holiday (min 150 words)

b. Pedoman Penilaian

Nilai maksimal masing-masing elemen= 25

Nilai maksimal = 100

Nilai perolehan = 10xalSkorMaksim


c. Rubrik Penilaian

Uraian Skor

Isi benar, tata bahasa benar

Isi benar, tata bahasa kurang tepat

Isi dan tata bahasa kurang tepat

Tidak menjawab





Classification Score

Excellent 9.6 -10

Very good 8.6 - 9.5

Good 7.6 - 8.5

Fairly good 6.6 - 7.5

Fair 5.6 - 6.5

Poor 3.6 -5.5

Very poor 0.0 - 3.5


Kepala Sekolah

( )


........., ....................20.....

Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,

( )




A. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a paragraph which says what a person or a thing is like. It

aims to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

B. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Generic structures are the special characteristic of language in the

paragraph. The generic structures of descriptive paragraph are as follow:

1. Topic Sentence/Identification

a. The topic in a descriptive paragraph introduces the item that the writer

will describe.

b. It may also include the writer‟s general feeling or opinion about the item.

2. Supporting Sentences/Description

a. The supporting sentences give some background information about the


b. The supporting sentences also give descriptive details about the item.

These details describe how the item looks, smells, feels, or tastes.

c. The supporting sentences may also describe in more detail how the writer

feels about the item.

3. Concluding Sentence

The paragraph ends with a concluding sentence that restates the idea

in the topic sentence using different words.

C. Language Focus in Descriptive Text

1. Using Specific Language

Using specific language in descriptive writing gives the reader a clear

mental image of what something looks, feels, sounds, or smells like. Read the

following examples. Which set of sentences has a stronger effect?

General Sentences Sentences with Specific Language

a. He bought a vehicle.

b. We heard a noise.

a. He bought a 1965 Cadillac.

b. We heard the sound of breaking glass.

c. Suddenly, I smelled food. c. Suddenly, I smelled steak and onions.

In the first column, the words are general and could be used to describe a

variety of vehicles, noises, or food. In the second column, the writer has

replaced the general terms with more specific words for the topics being

described. By doing this, the writer has made the topic specific and clearer for

the reader.

2. Using Adjectives in Descriptive Writing

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Writers use adjectives to give

the reader a more complete picture of the people, place, and things they want to

describe. Compare the following pairs of phrases. Notice how the adjectives

help you visualize the object.

a bicycle a racing bicycle.

a desk a large, metal desk.

a. An adjective can come before a noun. If the noun is singular, use a/an or the

before the adjective.

I own an antique violin.

My mother gave me a big hug.

b. Adjective have only one form. Use the same adjective with singular and

plural nouns.

a lovely bracelet

twolovely bracelet

c. An adjective can come after be. When two adjectives come after be,

separate them with and.

These shoes are comfortable.

My father‟s expression is wise and serious.

d. Nouns can also function as adjectives. In the following examples, the first

noun describes the second noun.

a rose garden

a pocket knife

▲ When a noun functions as an adjective, it is always singular.

two kitchen tables

two kitchen tables (incorrect)

3. Using Be to Describe and Define

Use the verb be to describe the subject of a sentence by using either a

noun or an adjective after be.

a. You can use be + adjective to describe conditions, physical characteristics,

age, and personality.


Condition Characteristics Age Personality

He isready I amstrong My daughter




b. You can use be + noun (or noun phrase) to identify or define something, or

to describe occupations and relationship.

Identifying Describing Occupations Describing


It isa map He isa waiter We areclassmates

▲ In academic writing the contracted forms of the verb beare not acceptable.

Use the full forms of the verb in both affirmative and negative sentences.

The marmoset isa small mammal.

They are not responsible for the research.

1st Meeting

Theme : Descriptive Text

Subtheme : Describing People

The Example of Descriptive Text about Describing People

My Mother

My mother is a beautiful person. She is 47 years old. Her name's Anisa.

She is a doctor. She's oval faced and she's got long, blond hair. She is not tall but

not short and she has curly hair and brown. Her eyes color are like honey and her

color skin color light brown, and she has a beautiful smile. Her weight likes 120


She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mom, because she is a good example to me. She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean and organized. She a very organized person and all things in the house are in the right place.

2st Meeting

Theme : Descriptive Text

Subtheme : Describing People

The Example of Descriptive Text about Describing People

My Friend

Her name is NatasyaWilona, NatasyaWilona is my classmate, he has tall

body, he is 170 cm, he has straight black hair, he has oval face, he has small eyes,

he has sharp nose, he has thick lips, he dark brown skin, he has thin body, he

always wears black shirt, he is kind, he is smart, he is helpful, he is generous, and

he is diligent.

3st Meeting

Theme : Descriptive Text

Subtheme : Describing Animals

The Example of Descriptive Text about Describing Animals

My Cat

I have a cat. It is a female cat. She has a long tail. She likes to lick her tail.

My cat‟s fur is white and brown. So, I call her “sibelang” because she has two

colors. Belang like to eat fish. But sometime I also fed her tempe. She also likes

tempe. At the afternoon, at the sunset she likes to play outside the house. She will

be running, rolling, and then climbing the tree. She is so funny.

4st Meeting

Theme : Descriptive Text

Subtheme : Describing Animals

The Example of Descriptive Text about Describing Animals

My Rabbit

I have a rabbit, a cute rabbit. The fur is white and soft. I like to touch it. He

has two long ears. I like to play with them. He also has two beautiful eyes. My

rabbit like to eat carrot. He also likes to eat other vegetables. My rabbit cage was

broken last night. So, today I will make a now cage for him.

5st Meeting

Theme : Descriptive Text

Subtheme : Describing Things

The Example of Descriptive Text about Describing Animals

My Teddy Bear

I have a favorite doll. It is an original Teddy Bear from America. Aunt Lily gave it to me last year when she returned from her business trip in New York. I was very happy. I put it on a cabinet next to my bed. Sometimes I use it as a pillow.

My Teddy Bear is very big, and the color is brown. It is about 150 centimeters tall and the width is about 50 centimeters. When I put it on my bed it will occupy half of it. It is almost as big as my body. It is made of typical kind of fabric called rasfur. The head is round with the size of 25 centimeters. It has two ears which located on top of its head. The shape of the ear is half circle and the size is half of my palm. The color of its eye is dark brown. I think it is made of glass since I can see through it. It has a light brown ribbon encircling its neck. On the sole of each foot, there is a paw pattern made of smooth fabric.

6st Meeting

Theme : Descriptive Text

Subtheme : Describing Things

The Example of Descriptive Text about Describing Animals

My Dictionary

I have a dictionary. It is an English-Indonesian dictionary. It is big and

thick book. The cover is Blue. I bring it to my school every time I have an English

class. I also use it when do my English homework at home. There are so many

lists of words in my dictionary. They are listed based on the alphabet. It‟s started

from A to Z. My dictionaries help me a lot when I am learning English and do not

know the meaning of a word.


Name :

Reg. Number :

Class :


Write down the description of the picture below


Name :

Reg. Number :

Class :


Write down the description of the picture below :


Content Category Organization Category Score Mean

Score Category Content Category Organiz

ation Category Score Mean

score Categ


Student 1 70 Fairly Good

80 Good 75 75 Fairly Good

100 Excellent 90 Very Good

95 95 Very Good

student 2 65 Fairly 45 Very Poor 55 55 Poor 95 Very Good

75 Fairly Good

85 85 Good

Student 3 50 Poor 40 Very Poor 45 45 Very Poor 75 Fairly Good

65 Fairly 70 70 Fairly Good

Student 4 60 Fairly 40 Very Poor 50 50 Poor 80 Good 70 Fairly Good

75 75 Fairly Good

Student 5 75 Fairly Good

65 Fairly 70 70 Fairly Good

95 Very Good

95 Very Good

95 95 Very Good

Student 6 45 Very Poor 35 Very Poor 40 40 Very Poor 85 Good 85 Good 85 85 Good

Student 7 65 Fairly 55 Poor 60 60 Fairly 85 Good 75 Fairly Good

80 80 Good

Student 8 50 Poor 60 Fairly 55 55 Poor 90 Very Good

80 Good 85 85 Good

Student 9 50 Poor 40 Very Poor 45 45 Very Poor 80 Good 70 Fairly Good

75 75 Fairly Good

Student 10

80 Good 60 Fairly 70 70 Fairly Good

85 Good 75 Fairly Good

80 80 Good

Student 11

60 Fairly 50 Poor 55 55 Poor 70 Fairly Good

70 Fairly Good

70 70 Fairly Good

Student 12

75 Fairly Good

45 Very Poor 60 60 Fairly 75 Fairly Good

85 Good 80 80 Good

Student 13

60 Fairly 70 Fairly Good

65 65 Fairly 80 Good 90 Very Good

85 85 Good

Student 80 Good 60 Fairly 70 70 Fairly 100 Excellent 90 Very 95 95 Very

14 Good Good Good Student

15 60 Fairly 50 Poor 55 55 Poor 85 Good 75

Fairly Good

80 80 Good

Student 16

55 Poor 45 Very Poor 50 50 Poor 85 Good 85 Good 85 85 Good

Student 17

50 Poor 60 Fairly 55 55 Poor 85 Good 75 Fairly Good

80 80 Good

Student 18

55 Poor 65 Fairly 60 60 Fairly 70 Fairly Good

80 Good 75 75 Fairly Good

Student 19

60 Fairly 70 Fairly Good

65 65 Fairly 70 Fairly Good

70 Fairly Good

70 70 Fairly Good

Student 20

75 Fairly Good

65 Fairly 70 70 Fairly Good

90 Very Good

100 Excellent

95 95 Very Good

Student 21

70 Fairly Good

60 Fairly 65 65 Fairly 80 Good 90 Very Good

85 85 Good

Student 22

55 Poor 55 Poor 55 55 Poor 85 Good 55 Poor 70 70 Fairly Good

Student 23

60 Fairly 50 Poor 55 55 Poor 80 Good 80 Good 80 80 Good

TOTAL 1425 1265 1345 1345 1925 1825 1875 1875

AVERAGE 61.96 Fairly 55.00 Poor 58.48 58.48 Fairly 83.7

0 Good 79.35 Good 81.52 81.52 Good

Max Score 80 Good 80 75 75 100 100 95 95

Min Score 45.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 70.0

0 55.00 70.00 70.00



Risna was born on January 02th, 1995 in Pinrang regency.

She lives at Jl, Tallasalapang 4 Blok A1 No.24. She has 2

sisters and 1 brother. She is child from the couple of Abd.

Rahman and Rakiba. She started her education as a

student of elementary school at SDN 206 Pallameang, Pinrang regency in 2001

and graduated in 2007. In the same year, she registered as a student in SMP

Negeri 1 Mattiro Sompe and graduated in 2010. Then, she continued her

education in SMA Negeri 3 SMattiro Sompe and graduated in 2013. Next, the

researcher decided to continue her study at English Department of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis entitled “Using the Picture

and Picture Method to Improve the Students’ Writing Skill (An Experimental

Research at the second Grade at MTS Muhammadiyah Tallo)

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