using the right word accept, except david will _____________ the trophy for the whole team. everyone...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Using the Right Word

Accept, Except

David will _____________ the trophy for the whole team.

Everyone in the class will attend the presentation _________ Miranda.

Accept, Except

Accept: is a verb and means ‘to receive’

Except: is a preposition and means ‘other than’

Using the Right Word

Affect, Effect

What is the __________ of the sun on our skin?

How does the sun __________ our daily activities?

Affect, Effect

Affect: is almost always a verb; it means ‘to influence’

Effect: is most often used as a noun and means “the result”

Using the Right Word

Allowed, Aloud

Dana was _________ to attend the dance.

Mrs. Romano read _________ to the class from the novel Stargirl.

Using the Right Word

A lot is always two words!!!

Allowed, Aloud

Allowed: is a verb and means ‘permitted” or “let happen”

Aloud: is an adverb and means “in a normal voice”

Using the Right Word

All right is two words- it is a phrase meaning ‘okay’ or ‘satisfactory’.

Using the Right Word

• Bare, bear• Bare: adjective, means ‘naked’

• Bear: noun, large animal• Bear: Verb, means ‘to put up with’ or ‘to carry’

Using the Right Word

The_______ trees in the forest made the winter scene look harsh and cold.

Diane couldn’t _______ another D on her report card.

Using the Right Word

brake, break

A brake (noun) is a device used to stop a vehicle.

Break as a verb: means to destroy, crack, splitBreak as a noun: interruption or gap

Using the Right Word

I needed to fix the ________ on my car.

After the test, you may take a _____ and read.

I might ______ the vase if move it on the shelf.

Using the Right Word

Capital, capitolCapital: as a noun, refers to a city or money : as an adj, means important

Capitol- can only mean a building

Using the Right Word

The newly painted ________ building looks beautiful in the _________ city of Washington, D.C.

Using the Right Word

chose, choose

Chose: the past tense of choose, a verb

Sam ________ the wrong of red to repair a scratch on his car.

Please _______ a song for the wedding.

Using the Right Word

coarse, course

Coarse, and adjective: means rough or ill- mannered

Course, a noun, means a path or a class

Using the Right Word

The ________grass was not comfortable to sit on.

In our final ______ in history, we will study the fall of the Roman Empire.

Using the Right Word

Heard, herd

Heard is the past tense of the verb “to hear’

Herd, noun, is a group of animals

Using the Right Word

Knew, new

Knew is the past tense of the verb ‘to know’

New, adj., means ‘recent or modern’

Using the Right Word

Know, no

Know, verb, present tense, means ‘to recognize or understand’

No means the opposite of yes

Using the Right Word

Lead, ledLead (long e sound) is a present tense verb

meaning ‘to guide’Led (short e sound) is the past tense of the verb

to lead

Lead (short e sound) is a metal

Using the Right Word

Loose, lose, loss

Loose can be used as an adj., adv, or verb. Means ‘free, untied’.

Lose, a verb, means ‘to misplace or fail to win’.

Loss, a noun, means something lost

Using the Right Word

The _________ of my grandmother was overwhelming.

Did you _______ the game?

The helmet felt _________ on his head.

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