using un/cefact's modelling methodology in e-health projects

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Using UN/CEFACTs Modelling Methodology in e-health projects

Pablo García Sánchez, J. González, P.A. Castillo and A. Prieto

Dept. of Computer Architecture and Computer Technology University of Granada

IWANN 2009

2IWANN - 0909/06/09


Introduction and state of the art Introduction to UMM How to use it in a big e-health project? Conclusions

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Simply WS

• Simply interaction

• Consumer oriented

• “Light” processes

• Not business collaboration

• Not partner profile

• Not secure, not reliable

• Non-repudiation unsopported

• Not repository support

• Service approach

• Bottom-up modelling

B2B collaboration (ebXML)

• Complex interaction

• Business oriented

• “Heavy” processes

• Business collaboration

• Partner profile

• Secure, reliable

• Non-repudiation support

• Registry and repository

• Contract-based approach

• Top-down modelling

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BCM (Business-Centric Methodology)• Developed by OASIS (creators of BPEL or UDDI)• It is a set of model layers, a step-guide process,

and an information pyramid to align the semantic information of partners.

• It has a very large learning curve and it is not very extended yet.

SOMA• Proposed by IBM• It lets the identification, specification and

implementation of services inside the SOA paradigm.

• Top-down modelling oriented to intra-enterprise services (service-oriented instead of business-oriented).

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• UN/CEFACTs Modelling Methodology(UMM) models the business services that each partner must provide in order to perform a B2B collaboration.

• Developed by the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business

• Independent of the underlying implementation technology (ebXML, Web Services, CORBA or EDI).

• Extends UML: more easily adaptable, due to the high development, acceptance and maturity of UML.

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Using UMM in a big e-health project (AmIVital)

• Objective: develop a new generation of technology and information tools to model, design and implement an Ambient Intelligence (AmI) platform to support the independent life, welfare and health of its users.

• Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Commerce, inside the CENIT program, with a grant of more than 20 million euro.

• Several institutions creates functional services that have to be choreographed, and many different technologies must be integrated, so UMM is proposed.

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UMM Views

• Business Domain View: discover collaborative business processes using interviews and worksheets

• Business Requirements View: identify the workflow of the business processes, business entities and their lifecycles and transactions.

• Business Transaction View: describes the whole choreography, the interactions and the exchanged information between business partners.

• Business Service View: details the composed services, the agents, and the necessary data interchange in the language and technical concepts of the software developers (i.e. BPEL or BPSS).

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Business Requirements View (Business Process View)

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Business Requirements View (II)

Entity view

Transaction requirements view

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Business Transaction View (I)

Business Choreograpy View

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Business Transaction View (II)

Business Interaction View

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Conclusions and future work

• A common modelling methodology is mandatory within a wide inter-organizational research project.

• As a proof of concept, UMM has been used to model a simple e-health business process, where several systems collaborate in an intelligent way with the user.

• We have used UMM due to: – Its growing usage in the development of B2B

applications– Its learning curve is not very large– There exist completely functional tools to create

and validate the models.• UMM is not only diagrams!• Future work:

– Addapt to the new UMM 2.0 specification...– ... and extending its usage to other e-health

services, as telecare, medication management and domotic services among others.

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Thank you!

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