using yql sensibly - yuiconf 2010

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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YQL is an amazing tool to use and offer APIs to the world. As you can do the lot in JavaScript it is pretty simple to get started. There is however also the option that you do things wrong and make your end users and yourself unhappy. This talk works around some of the issues you might face.


Caching, collating and filtering data

Using YQL sensibly

What is the web?

Was ist das Web?

Data + Interfaces

Lots of yummy, yummy data.

Everybody benefits from APIs.

Companies get their data into environments they could never reach.

Developers can build products without buying data or writing code.

Let’s play with two examples.

Build a system to calculate the distance between two places on Earth.

Use a map service?

Raw data and info about the places would be better to have.

Simple Plan:1. Find the location of the two places

on Earth

2. Calculate the distance.

Earth Data = Yahoo GeoPlanet

Yahoo GeoPlanet is a data set that has information about the location of places on Earth.

= Latitude+Longitude


Putting it all together...

Putting it all together...

A few annoyances1. Multiple script generation (order?

what if one breaks?)

2. Access keys readable in source.

Building a system to translate foreign tweets.

Twitter is multilingual but doesn’t translate.

Google has a translation service though.

A simple plan:1. Investigate Twitter’s search API and

Google’s translation API and if needed, get keys.

2. Get the results from Twitter for a certain search.

3. Loop over the results, see which ones are not in English, and then translate them with the Google Translation API.

Really not that much difference in code.

It also suffers from the same issues.

1. Asynchronous lookups with generated script nodes are a pain to get right - what if one breaks?

2. Depending on how many Tweets are not in English, you have to hammer Google’s translation API which slows down your overall app.

YUI fixes a few of those issues.1. Using JSONP you can have success

and failure events.

2. You can also provide timeouts






Still, it would be nice to have one request, right?

Simplifying access.



select {what} from {where} where {conditions}

Foreign Tweets?

select text from where q=”ft2010” and iso_language_code=”pl”

select * from google.translate where q in (select text from where q=”ft2010” and iso_language_code=”pl”) and target=”en”

Re-using cool data on the web?

Instead of going crazy filtering and sorting in JS...

...use the YQL server and then have a very simple JS for displaying.

Using web services with YQL in JS.

YQL is a web service endpoint on its own...{uri-encoded-query}&format={xml|json}&diagnostics={true|false}&callback={function}&

Special case: Scraping

HTML as JSON is not fun.

JSON-P-X = HTML as a string in a JSON-P container!

Using YQL re-use of web content is very easy indeed.

YUI3’s YQL-Query makes it even better!

Be safe, be good...

Don’t rely on data arriving - test for it!



Using JSON is easy with libraries.

$.getJSON(url+'&callback=?', function(data){});

JSON-P and jQuery:

$.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'callback', jsonpCallback: 'ohyeah'});function ohyeah(data){}

JSON-P and jQuery:

Which one to use?

getJSON() is dangerous with other people’s data.

Cachebreaking is not a good idea.

Local caching is a good idea.

Cookies suck, though.

Would be good to have a better solution for that.

localStorage = cookies on steroids.

if(('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null){localStorage.setItem( 'cake', 'much better than cookies')}

if(('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null){var what = localStorage.getItem( 'cake')// what -> 'much better than cookies'}

localStorage only stores Strings - use JSON to work around that.

if(('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null){localStorage.setItem( 'cake', JSON.stringify( {yummy:‘yes’,candles:5} ));}

if(('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null){var what = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem('cake'));// what -> Object{...} // and not [Object object]}

Let’s wrap this up in a function.

yql - the queryid - storage key namecacheage - how long to cachecallback - obvious, isn’t it?

Browsers supporting localStorage fetch the data every hour.

Others still work, but load the data every time.

callback gets an object with two properties:

data - guess what?type - cached|live|freshcache

Libraries offer storage fallbacks for legacy browers via Flash - YUI is of course one of them.

Offering your own API.

To get your own API into YQL all you need to do is write an XML schema and put it on GitHub.

YQL allows you to write “executable tables”...

...which means you can convert data with JavaScript that will be executed server-side.

Our earlier examples as YQL APIs are...

Twitter translate example:

Offering your own API.

Offering your own API.

SELECT * FROM twitter.translate WHERE language="en" and search="warszawa" and amount="20"

Distance example:

SELECT * FROM geo.distance WHERE place1=”london” and place2="warsaw"

Using your JS tables.

Write your schema, put it on the web...

use “” as distance; SELECT * FROM distance WHERE place1=”london” and place2="warsaw"

use USE to use it!

Both problems solved and released as an API - in JS!

In summaryUse YQL instead of wasting time reading API docs for a simple taskFilter data in the service and get the info back in formats you need.Use the fast YQL server instead of doing lots of requests.Write your own JS APIs using execute.Use local storage and don’t break caching.Go and use the web.Go easy on effects.

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