
Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Utilitarianism-Emily Jeong

The idea of Utilitarianism is to maximize happiness and pleasure and minimize pain in a society.

When it comes to the pursuit of happiness and pleasure, I believe there is no limit to it. Everyone in society deserves to feel happiness. However this unlimited happiness must be honorable, truthful and should exist from the heart rather than materialistic items. For example, my family and friends make me happy and they are what I consider to be real happiness. I should not have to put a limit upon how happy they make me. When it comes to materialistic items, my television makes me happy and brings me the pleasure of entertainment. I don’t consider this real happiness but I rather see it as a temporary pleasure and overtime I may want a better television. Television does not bring me real happiness. I strongly fell that there is no limit to pursuing happiness and pleasure as long as it’s honorable and real.

If we were to live in a society where the government encouraged the idea of Utilitarianism, there would need to be laws for the citizens to maximize their happiness and minimize their pain. I believe one of the laws should be that when it comes to an individual’s happiness, they shall have no limits as long as it is not harming someone else or minimizing others pleasure. Another law that would exist it paying taxes. Although there will always be arguments about paying taxes, I personally believe that taxes have to exist in order for a society to function in a happy and smooth manner. The most common argument is that when one makes their own money, they should be able to spend it however they like. I agree with this statement to an extent. Yes, it’s your own money but when your paying taxes, these taxes go towards your community such as building of roads. In my opinion, paying taxes in the end is beneficial and keeps society running smoothly.

When it comes to pursuing happiness and pleasure, you sometimes have to go through the exact opposite. For an example, working can be a pain at times but in the end it’s worth it for you are employed and getting paid for what you do. Another example would be school. As a student myself, I admit that going to school is not the most pleasurable activity I do. It can be a pain and it is definitely stressful at times. However if you work hard in school and endure these stressful times, you will receive a high education that opens many doors for future careers. Going to school and working hard will definitely be worth the happiness and pleasure you will get at the end of it.

Personally I’m a fan of Utilitarianism. Who wouldn’t want to live a life filled with happiness and pleasure? Everyone should live their life in the best way they can. I believe that everyone is deserving of happiness and we should all pursue it as long as it doesn’t interfere with another individual’s happiness. I also believe that people

should be able to make sacrifices as well when it comes to happiness as a whole society.

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