uvo lwethu express 31 07 2014

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Uvo lwethu express 31 07 2014



20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Port St Johns | Mbizana | Flagstaff | Lusikisiki | Mt Ayliff | Ntabankulu | Mount Frere

THURSDAY July 31, 2014 | 0 039 251 0834 | www.uvoexpress | uvoexpress.mobi | greg.nota@media24.com or express@media24.com | Previously known as the Uvo Lwethu Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE


SOME Chiefs of the AbaThembu are furiouswith President Jacob Zuma, since they be-lieve the President is overstepping hisboundaries.

The AbaThembu chiefs’ issued a state-ment following the revelation lastweek, thatthe AbaThembu King, BuyelekhayaDalindyebo, would be dethroned.According to the chiefs, AbaThembu is-

sues needed to be addressed by theAbaThembu and not by the president.They described Zuma’s reaction towards

the issue of the AbaThembu kingship, asoverstepping which could divide theAbaThembu nation.The King had received a letter from Presi-

dent Zuma, giving Dalindyebo 30 days to ex-plain why he should be al-lowed to keep his throne.This letter followed the ac-tion of other Dlomos whohad lodged a grievance, de-manding the dethroning ofDalindyebo.They thought the king’s

behaviour to be “unbeara-ble” and further believedthat the king was allegedlyinvolved in crime.Dalindyebo was convicted

on 10 charges of culpablehomicide, arson andkidnap-ping in 2009. He appealedagainst the convictions.But a pro-Dalindyebo grouping disputed

this and said not all the Dlomos were com-plaining about the King andthat the decision was neverdiscussed or taken to Bum-bane Great place, where theDlomos and the Thembus de-cided over their matters.The chiefs said Zuma was

not a court that can give theking an ultimatum demand-ing a response within 30days. “Only a court can dothat, not the president.”They said the president

should institute a commis-sion of enquiry if he thoughtthere was something wrongwith the kingship of the

AbaThembu. The king’s right hand man,

‘Zuma is overstepping his boundaries’ – AbaThembuChiefs

King Buyelekhaya Dalindye­bo.

Nkosi Jonas Ndzambule – who was alsopresent when the king handed a petition toZuma in his office – said theywere surprisedto have received a letter from the presidentdemanding an answer within 30 days.According to him, Zuma had never re-

sponded to their petition when they wereasking the president to steer clear of Them-bu nation matters.He said the AbaThembu nation was not

having problems in solving their matters.“So, presently the president must stay awayfrom the Thembus and if they fail to solvetheir own problems, then only would theycall on the president.” Ndzambule said theThembu nation is expected tomeet this com-ing weekend.Attempts to reach the office of the presi-

dent for comment were fruitless.


MTHATHA’S ill repute as thecrime capital of the province,brought the mayor of KingSabata Dalindyebo (KSD) Mu-nicipality, Nonkoliso

Ngqongwa, Pastors and residents to theirknees last week at the Munitata FreedomSquare.

The KSDMunicipality, in conjunctionwithPastors of different churches, took hands in

CrimebringsMthatha to itsknees

Members of different faith organizations during a march aganist crime in Mthatha last week. PHOTO:SANELE JAMES

an Interdenominational Prayer Walk, pray-ing for what they regarded as “Rededicationof Mthatha City to God”.Political parties, churches and residents

put their individual ideologies aside to unitein prayer.Two prayer groups covered different parts

of town.Posters displaying prayers and slogans

like, “MayGod bemerciful and blessMthatha. . . Mthatha for Jesus . . . Restore us, O Lordand bring us back to you again.”According to Pastor Nozuko Joyi of the Ap-

ostolic Faith Mission of South Africa andChairperson of the InterdenominationalWomen in Leadership Forum, the purpose ofthe prayer march was to put a stop to the in-creasing number of murders, rapes, elderlyabuse, prostitution and all other crimes in theMthatha CBD and surrounding areas.“Today we are gathered here to pray to the

living God in an attempt to put an end to allthe illicit deeds inour communities,” she said.Pastor Joyi further said they were no longersafe in the places which are supposed to betheir sanctuary – referring to North Crest.

The two groups met at Munitata FreedomSquare where the prayers continued.

Ngqongwana urged residents to work to-gether with the police in fighting crime andother deeds that painted a bad picture of Mt-hatha.“Police are human like you and me; they

cannot do it alone. Let us assist them in mak-ing sure that we restore Mthatha’s reputa-tion. Parents please guard your children,”said the mayor.Another prayer session in Mthatha is

planned for August 21.



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2 NewsJuly 31, 2014Uvolwethu Express

In accordance with the editorial policy ofthe Express, we invite readers tocomment on mistakes in the newspaperand shall correct significant errors assoon as possible. Send info to theOmbudsman of Media24’s Local Press,George Claassen, at george.claas-sen@media24.com or call him at0 021 851 3232. Readers can alsocontact the SA Press Ombudsman at0 011 484 3612/8 or e-mail ombuds-man@presscouncil.org.za.






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THE Deputy Minister of Communica-tion, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, vowedthat her department would strengthenits relations with the community mediasector, because it reaches people on theground.

Ndabeni-Abrahams made this pledgeduring a recent visit toMthatha. Her vis-it followed a racket from the local mediawhich raised concerns over the lack ofsupport from government departmentsin the Eastern Cape.

Ndabeni to support communitymedia

DeputyMinister StellaNdabeni­Ab­rahamsaddressingcommunitymediamembers inMthatha.PHOTO:SIMMDLEDLE


ULONWABO lwasetywaleni luphele kakubikumadoda amathandathu emva kwengxaba-no nebengunobangela wokubanjwa kwawongezityholo zokuhlaba abulale igatyanalomfana kwilali yaseBhongweni, eMthatha.Esi sehlo senzeke ngoMvulo weveki epheli-leyo kwindawo yentselo ekuhlaleni. Ngo-kwesithethi samapolisa eMthatha, uWa-rrant Officer Dineo Koena, umfi lo, onemi-nyaka eyi17, uthe wanamanxebaokugwazwa kwaye waswelekela kwindawoyexhwayelo. Esi sithandathu kulindelekeukuba sivele kwinkundla yamatyalayaseMthatha kungekudala.

Babanjiwe kwityalalokubulala

Ndabeni agreed that they didn’t sup-port local media, forgetting that commu-nity media is a powerful tool to conveyinformation to the people.“Bynot using localmedia,we overlook

the people who put us where we are to-day.Most of the peoplewho read or listento the local media are those who are onthe ground, particularly in deep remoteareas. If we don’t reach them, we willhave a problem, since they put us intopower,” said Ndabeni.She called on municipalities to utilise

the local media, because they formedpart of local economic development. “It

is true that we don’t support the local me-dia. Our focus is on big newspapers or elec-tronic media. As government and local me-dia we need to come together and under-stand the importance of working together.Thatwould indeedneed continuous engage-ment.”She called on local media houses to work

together and to rather complement one an-other than compete against each another.She said her department was willing to

help community media and would also tryto assist with skills development. Shepromised to return to engage again with lo-cal media and to plan the way forward.

FROM the people who brought you CitizenJournalist, now comes the new and excitinginitiative for our young writers – YouthJourno.

Youth Journo is a programme presentedbyMedia24’sLocalNewspapers,ofwhichOPKoerante formspartof, thatgiveshighschoolstudents the opportunity to share theirschools’newswith therestof thecommunityonline. But it is not only restricted to schoolnews–anythingthat isof importanceto teen-agers could be submitted under YouthJourno on our website, whether it be datingtips, book or CD reviews or more seriousmatters likedrugabuseamong teenagers.Tolaunch this exciting project, OP Koerantewill be giving away a laptop to a school thatsubmits the most Youth Journo entries on-line.

BecomeourYouth Journo todayTo enter for this competition, learners – or

rather Youth Journo’s – would have to go toour website to tell us why their school is thebest (only online entries will be accepted).

How to enterGo to www.mthathaexpress.co.za. The Youth Journo(or his/her parent) must register as a user on the

website and then click on “Tell Your Story”.The online form you need to fill in is as easy to

use as Facebook. The Youth Journo mustremember to fill in his/her name and surname,upload a photo of himself or herself and alsomention the school’s name somewhere in thestory. Stories should be at least 250 words.

What the school does with the laptop, is totallyup to them.

For further information, contact the Online Editor,Tanya van Zyl at 0 041 503 6059 or send an

e-mail to tanya.vanzyl@media24.com.

POLICE officers from Kei Bridge PoliceStation are looking for Jostina NofezileNomaweza Khwelinamba (84) from KeiBridge, who went missing on June 26 atMaqulo Village.

She was last seen on June 26 sittingnext to thehomesteadofher late brother.Police spokesperson, Captain JacksonManatha, said she was wearing a brownjacket, blue Vodacom t-shirt, blue wraparound apron, printed green skirt andblack shoes.“She is slender, dark in complexion,

1,5 metres tall with grey hair. Anyonewho sees her is asked to contact the KeiBridge Police at 0 043 831 2005,” saidManatha.

Police seekmissingperson

3NewsJuly 31, 2014

Uvolwethu Express


RESIDENTS have called on newly inaugurat-ed Chief Sikhokhele Nota of AmaHlubi TribalAuthority to organize a meeting with the Liq-uor Board in an attempt to shut down a localtavern.

When residents were given a chance to askquestions and to voice their concerns at a re-centmeeting, their dissatisfaction over the socalled ‘Tavern of Death” was raised.The elders said they didn’t want the tavern

in the area, since it was situated next to thechurch and school.According to them, children were getting

mugged by patrons when they walk to andfrom the nearby shops.“More than 10 people had been killed out-

side the tavern since it first opened in 2009and as a community we want this tavern tobe closed down. It is time to act now and takethe tavern away. Our children are dying andthe owner is doing nothing to assist the fami-lies of the people killed outside the tavern,”said one of the elders who wanted to remainanonymous.The communitymembers asked the chief to

organize a meeting with the Liquor Board sothat the issue of the tavern could be discussedand they wanted the board to explain to themwhy the tavern was given a license to operate

next to a church and a school.Chief Sikhokhele Nota thanked the people

for attending the meeting and urged them totell those who were not present what was dis-cussed in the meeting.He told the meeting that he was going to se-

cure a date tomeet with the Liquor Board andthat he would keep them informed about hisprogress. Chairperson of the AmaHlubi Trib-al Board, Mkhuseli ‘Zanenzolo’ Nota, also aheadman for Ndakeni and Madadiyela, ad-dressed communitymembers and introducedthe headmen for the different areas of AmaHl-ubi who were elected by the tribal board andwere going to work hand in hand with thecommunities in their areas.

According to the chairperson of the board,communitymemberswould have to report alltheir problems to the headman before goingto the board and the chief.“If you need a letter to take to the bank from

the tribal authority, you will have to go toyour headman. Even should youneed a stampin case you are transporting your cattle to an-other place, he would be able to assist,” saidNota.Chief Nota also handed out diplomas to the

peoplewhowere trained inBusinessManage-ment by the Evangelical Lutheran Church ofSouth Africa as part of bringing developmentto the area. He also handed over soccer kit tothe Madadiyela Soccer Club.

Residentswant ‘tavernofdeath’ closeddown


THE Department of Social Development andSpecial Programmes hosted a Gala Awardsceremony at the Maluti Development Centre,to honour the Maluti office’s achievements.

The ceremony was held on July 17, a daybefore theworld and SouthAfricans observed67 minutes in honour of the late Nelson Man-dela.It all started as a dream from the late Dis-

trict Manager of Alfred Nzo, Mrs NPMayeza,when she made a promise that one day shewould slaughter a cow for theMatatiele officefor its good performance throughout many fi-nancial years.The Maluti Office’s achievements include:• During Service Awards of Excellence

which was held on 30 October 2013 at the In-ternational Convention Centre in East Lon-

don, the Ikaheng Protea Project won bestPoultry Project in the Eastern Cape underthe leadership ofMrTankisoMoso andNapoParkies.• At the sameServiceAwards ceremonyMr

TMosowas also awardedas the bestManagerand Project Supervisor for the 2012/13 finan-cial year.• During the National Music festival held

at ICC, the Maluti Choir, under Mr KhotsoNyokana who serves as a Child Youth CareCentre Supervisor, scooped second positionandwere only narrowly beaten by ProvincialOffice which took the first position.• During this year’s Wellness Games, the

Maluti Netball Team won a trophy and fullnetball kit.“Colleagues, I amvery proud to be associat-

ed with this area and its successes. Thesethings didn’t come about through miracles,but throughhardwork, support and respect,”

said Mr G Mphoyi, Matatiele Area Manager.The guest speaker for the day, Mrs S Setla-

ba, the District Manager from South AfricanSocial Services Agency (Sassa), gavewords ofencouragement.

“Let us take note that oneman can be a cru-cial ingredient of a team, but one man cannotmake up a whole team,” said Mr KhotsoNyokana, choir conductorwhowas also givena farewell party on the day.

Gala dinner honours service delivery

Maluti Choirunder MrKhotsoNyokanarepresentedthe AlfredNzo Districtand scoopedthe secondposition.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

4 School NewsJuly 31, 2014Uvolwethu Express


MBIZANA, a small Eastern Cape rural townknown for producing the lowest matric passrate in the country, had a successful winterschool career motivation with the hope of im-proving the matric pass rate this year.

One of the major issues that hinder thegrowth of the pass rate was the lack of motiva-tion that learners had to pass matric becauseof the financial situation at home and also notknowing how to go about applying to institu-tions of higher learning.

To try and assist the community in increas-

ing the pass rate in this province, seven uni-versity students from Mbizana had started anorganization called “I Can Student Support”with the motto “Go for it, Live with it and Livefor it”.

This organization seeks to assist studentsfrom the Mbizana community by giving themdreams and helping them realise them bymaking resources available to learners. Itseeks to help motivate and encourage youngMbizana pupils to want to do more and notto give up on their dreams irrespective oftheir current circumstances and back-grounds.

The organization seeks to achieve their ob-

jectives by having academic seminars in asmany schools as they could visit in andaround Mbizana.

The organization planned career guidanceworkshops for grade 12 learners in Mbizana.They were able to visit 4 winter school centresand Mpondombini Senior Secondary School.They visited the centres over a period of 2weeks. They worked with the Department ofEducation officials who gave them slots topresent their workshops in all the winterschool centres.

The project was a huge success because ofMrs Gabada and Mr Ncamani who were veryexcited about the project and took it upon

themselves to transport the team to the vari-ous winter school centres.

During the first week the I Can Student Sup-port team covered career guidance (how tochoose a field of study), how to calculate uni-versity entry points, documents needed whenapplying, funding opportunities for theirstudies (scholarships, NSFAS, bursaries,study loans from banks), teached study meth-ods, and helped develop their communicationskills.

The second week concentrated on supply-ing application forms and addresses, and ad-dressed further questions that the learnershad.

Winter school careermotivationasuccess

Members of the I Can team who had been conducting workshops at the different winter schoolcentres around Mbizana. PHOTO: SUPPLIED Learners who attended the winter school at the Bizana Village centre. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Learners seen showing the registration forms for Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University that weresupplied by members of the I Can team. PHOTO: SUPPLIEDLearners who were at the Nongeke winter school centre. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


BALENI Senior Secondary School (SSS)former learner Mfumaneko Nontanga-na, in partnership with Love Life andthe Wild Coast Sun Mbizana Municipal-ity Development Trust, hosted a careerguidance initiative at the school in Mbi-zana last Friday, aimed at empoweringgrade 12 leaners to choose the right ca-reers when applying to study at the uni-versity.

Nontangana said he saw a need to helpthe learners in making choices beforethey go to university or college and togive them all the resources and informa-tion they could possibly need.

“I chose this school for career guid-ance because I know the challenges

faced by these leaners, since I was alsoa learner living in this area. I wantthem to be motivated so they can getgood final year matric results,” saidNontangana.

Mbizana Love Life representative,Zandile Somadlangathe, encouragedthe learners to have a positive attitudeand vision. She also stressed that learn-ers should stay away from substanceabuse and avoid teenage pregnancy andsaid they had to focus on the fruitfulthings in life.

General Manager of the Wild CoastSun Mbizana Municipality Develop-ment Trust, Lubabalo Bulala, encour-aged the learners to value educationand use every chance to excel in theirstudies. “You will never understand thevalue of education, until it’s too late.”

Baleni SSS former learner empowers current learners

The General Manager of the Wild Coast Sun Mbizana Municipality Development Trust, Lubabalo Bulala, withLove Life representatives Zandile Somadlangathe and Nontangana Mfumaneko. PHOTO: PHINDILE GQELE

Students listening attentively to the speakers during the career guidance initiative. PHOTOS: PHINDILE GQELE

July 31, 2014 Uvolwethu Express Advertisement 5

6 EntertainmentJuly 31, 2014Uvolwethu Express

THE UMGOSI team recently found out whysome teachers of today were not getting anydeserved respect from their learners.

What is the story my boys?You know maan; we travel a lot especiallyin this land of Express.Ja, we were at Club 40 in Cala the entirenight last Saturday, bekumnandi ziphendukaabantwana belahlile amajita etiphile ngelixaamanye esenziwa amadada.There was a guy who was in the companyof young ladies.We paid attention because the guy wasalone in the company of three beautiful youngwomen who were drinking as if there was notomorrow.You know maan, we are always curious toknow things in order to convey it to you asthey are.Ngubani kanti lo unkalela abantwana, ko-na into yakhe ithini because akude kucaceukuba yeyiphi eyakhe intombi kwezi kati za-khe?Namajita ancwasile kuba ngabo ebengathibatsala umdla ngenxa yenkangeleko nokunx-iba kwabo.Kanti bebenxibe ntoni?Mini-skirts boetie that expose those impres-sive thighs. Mawwuuu!!!.We asked the chaps who knew the guy whohe is.That’s when we heard that the man is a

teacher and he teaches these girls at school,meaning that now he was giving them the les-sons of club and alcohol.Ibe phi ke intlonipho xa bede babakhuphebayosela nabo kona uzakumtitsha njani phayaesgera kuba udla ngokukubona utiphile ulahlaetywaleni.Niphindenithiumgosiuthetha izinto zomqa-la wakhe.Kuthi thina booGeshwawungayenzi nje intoyokumokola notitsha wakho even udibananaye endleleni wawubaleka okanye uyokum-phathisa lo nto ayiphetheyo.Mara ngoku these teachers asks for a skeifkubo if not a hair spray.Meaning that the respectwas therekuthi andalso the teachers liked to be respected by theirlearners.But ngoku OWWW!! Kunzima.

Shame, she turned out to be a drunkard

If you remember at the beginning of theyearwe advised the newcomers to the tertiarylevel to be strong and concentrate on theirstudies as there were many challenges in thislevel.We also made them aware of bad buddies.But it seemed as if there were somewho nev-er considered our advice kanti once you fail tofollow the guidance of Gossip team, uyakupha-lala nje ngamanzi, akutsho thina kutsho iculolokholo.

Like ayounggirlwho is atWSUright now,where she is doing her first year but we arenot sure about the course. If you look at herface, the professional phuza face is writtenon that then pretty face because she is allover UTA in the mnandi places.We never visited any club in UTAwithouther presence. From ladies’ night, on Thurs-day, up until Sunday morning.Uyakuthanda ukukhulula ahambe ze enjalonje, xa sebanjwe ngamambawu.Oh! Shame.You know what my girl, this is UTA, andsoze ubugqibe ubumnandi bala mara busebugqibe wena as you can see now.Just take a mirror and look at yourpresent face and take your first photo whenyou arrived at UTA, there is a big difference.Once you commit if not dedicate yourselfto alcohol or abuse any drug you end up use-less and futureless whereas your parents ifnot your relativeswere trying tomouldyourfuture to become a better person when theyare no longer on this land.You must remember your parents whosent you here to get a decent education in-stead wena uvele ngomqala etywaleni.Tell her gossip team.Nibokuze nike nimjongemajita lomntwa-na sithetha ngaye, soze ningamboni koo-Stilleto if not So What Lounge nakwezinyewethu.Hoping that sibe qatha enough.

Take a note of this: whenwe are going therethis coming weekend you shouldn’t be there,neh?Imfundo ibalulekile

Bafethu siyazi ukuba nani nina ningafun-danga bakhona abantu ababenikhuthazaukubaninyamezele iskolo kubabeqondauku-ba kukhona okuzayo okunzima.Mara ke nina nabona ukuba ingene ngaphaiyophuma kwelinye icala loo nto, kodwa kun-goku nje niyazisola. Asithethi ngabazangabaya okanye bafeze iminqweno yabo yemfun-do ngenxa yokuswela emakhaya.Besibukele omnye umfowethu edlala int-wana yolunye uhlanga oluqhuba i-businessapha eUTA emthuka ngayo yonke into eyakeyakhona apha emhlabeni qha umfethu akevakwaba kuthiwa usetyenziswa kuhleokwedonki ithutha inkuni.Akakwazi nokuphendula kuba akazi no-lwathwethwa uthatha nje ngokuncumaethukwa. Kube khona ke abanye kweli xeshalangokusebebonaukubayonke into ifuna im-fundo kodwa badlale ngamathuba.Akusiphathanga kakuhle oku side sakukhu-za kulo mfo wase-Ndiya kuba nokubaabafethu abafundanga mabangaphathiswaokwezinja emisebenzini. Fundani bantrwa-bam kungenjalo nakulicula elanincamisayo.Khawusiyeke thina safundayo sihambe siy-oqokelela ezinye indaba sifuna nifunde kolushicilelo luzayo.

This iswhysome teachersarenot respected





THE Die-Wiel Bicycle DevelopmentClub based in Mthatha, is concernedover the lack of support for cyclingin the area.

They are now appealing to anyGood Samaritans to help supportthem to fulfill their dream of improv-ing the local economy through thesport of cycling.The club, which was established in

2008, intends to host a big cyclingrace inMthatha, but this vision is be-ing hindered by a lack of support andresources.They are now having to resort to

appealing to any Good Samaritan toprovide assistance with gettingmorebicycles, as well as a sponsor thatcould assist with transport for racesoutside the area.This year the club started a cam-

paign for the collectionof oldbicycleswith the intention to repair them.This is to accommodate all membersof the team during the training ses-sions, since they do not have enoughbicycles.Through the campaign they have-

managed to collect 18 bicycles. How-ever, since they have more than 30members, they still need more bicy-cles.“When we attended bicycle races

throughout SouthAfrica, we realisedthat the host towns are normally ben-efiting economically and that’s what

we want for our town and its econo-my. We are sick and tired of only at-tending races elsewhere. We need tohost races here and bring more peo-ple who would contribute in develop-

for cycling over the years.Team members are aged from 16.

He said they would appreciate anyhelp with bicycles, transport and kitfor the team.

Cyclists call for supportSipho Mnguni with trainees, Simthembile Hagu and Siphamandla Mpisane, repairing an old bicycle.


ing the local economy,” saidSiphoMnguni, co-founder ofthe club. He said that theywere battling due to not hav-ing a sponsor. “Everytimewhen we have to attend arace elsewhere, I have to digdeep into my pockets in or-der to repair the bicycles.He said the actual objec-

tive of the club was to devel-op youth in cycling and toteach them the value ofsport.“You know, people don’t

understand that cyclingcould offer an affordablemeans of transport. That’swhat we want to instil in theyouth of King SabathaDalindyebo and teach themhow to use bicycles on theroad safely. Peoplemust alsoknow that riding a bicyclecontributes to leading ahealthier life, since it offersexcellent exercise,” saidMn-guni.With his team, Mnguni

had competed in towns likePort Elizabeth, East Londonand Durban.He and his trainees have

received numerous medals

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8 SportJuly 31, 2014Uvolwethu Express


OR TAMBO table tennis players did the dis-trict proud when they raked in the medalsat the 2014 National Junior and Senior TableTennis Championship at the TempeMilitaryBase indoor sport centre in Bloemfonteinearlier this month.

Team coach, Mtira Ngqokoma, said theteam had shown character and zeal through-out the tournament.“We had players in the U12, U14, U17 and

senior divisions. We managed to win medalsin all these categories.”In the team event for U12 girls, Silokonya

Zinzi, Makaula Azikile and Makaula Emihlewon a bronze medal. Sisipho Mvunyiswa,who plays in the senior division for women,got a silver medal. Nogxotha Asavela won asilver medal in the U17 division.Silokonya also took part in the doubles

event with Liwani Namhla and they won abronze medal.Another U12 pair, Masondwana Sibulelo

and Mongameli Phelokazi, also managed towalk away with a bronze medal, while Ncit-

shane Zoliswa andGawulaAkhanya (U14) al-so received a bronze medal. Mvunyiswa andJackson Vivian were awarded sliver medalsfor their doubles performance.“The teammade us very proud. Their com-

mitment during training has really paid off,”said the coach.Accompanying the team to Bloemfontein

were dedicated coaches, Mojo Mzimkhulu,Andy Mazwana, Somdaka Khunjulwa andNgqokoma, secretary of the OR Tambo TableTennis Association.

District’s table tennisplayers shine

Coach MtiraNgqokoma, Silokon­ya Zinzi, MakaulaEmihle, MakaulaAzikile and teammanager, KunjulwaSomdaka, with theirmedals in Bloemfon­tein at the nationalgames.PHOTO: SUPPLIED


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