ux leanux 5 mvp incl cycle 2019 - hs augsburg€¦ · declare your assumptions build design an...

Post on 21-May-2020






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Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Lean UXMinimal viable product

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project determination

How to decide, which features to put in?

You start a new project.


Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project determinationProject Start


Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project determination

• What the project should do • What people would do with it

Collecting Assumptions

Project Start

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project determination

• What the project should do • What people would do with it

Collecting Assumptions


How would you do that?

• do it as a team• all disciplines (design, software, concept, marketing, etc.) should have a voice

• do analytic research before beginning(analysis of previous versions, analysis of competitors)

2 minutes

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project determination

• What the project should do • What people would do with it

Collecting Assumptions

Determine: • What goals wants the provider (business stakeholders)achieve with the product/system?

• What are the target groups of the product / system?

• Why would the target groups use the system? (user goal)

• What do they gain by using the system?

Agree on your assumptionsand prioritize it

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project determination Collecting Assumptions

Assumptions are not Facts! It’s just your assumptions!

• What the project should do • What people would do with it

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project determination Collecting Assumptions

Assumptions are not Facts! It’s just your assumptions!

Richard Phillips Feynman

American theoretical physicistNobel Price Winner 1965

How we would look for a new law?

reference: http://youtu.be/b240PGCMwV0

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project determination Collecting Assumptions

Assumptions are not Facts! It’s just your assumptions!

Only when you confront your project with real users,it will show if your assumptions are right. Therefore: User Testing as early as possible,as regularly as possible throughoutthe whole development cycle

• What the project should do • What people would do with it

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Users as constant Referenceat all stages of the project(in reverse order):

general work flow in a project development cycle:

Project determination

• User test the final project • User test before Release in Beta Version of the project • User test parts of the project in Prototype • User test individual features while developing and even

• User test the concept

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP (minimal viable product)

Already existing

• Personas • Context of Use • Hypothesis


Goalto validate your hypothesis to validate concepts, functionalities, design

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP (minimal viable product)

Goalto validate your hypothesis to validate concepts, functionalities, design

How?produce a minimal viable product and test it!

Lean UX

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle

© Graphic out of the presentation by Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden at Interaction14 (Amsterdam/Hilversum)

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle

© Graphic out of the presentation by Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden at Interaction14 (Amsterdam/Hilversum)

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle

Idea Assumptions

State your desired OutcomesDeclare your Assumptions


Design an ExperimentWrite a test case (first)


Build a Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

MeasureUser Test

Test with real Users




Team Synthesis Determination of next steps

Lean UX

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle


Repeat this cycle constantly

with small chunks of the Product

in short periods of time (every 1-2 weeks)

with manageable effort

Goal: Constant feed back from the Userthroughout the entire development process Optimization of the development processQuicker, Cheaper, more Successful Better results!

The idea of Lean UX:

Reference: Gothelf/Seiden: Lean UX, O’Reilly 2013

Lean UX

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Some Key Insights

Product development is an iterative process.

Focusing on iteration and learning will help to develop better products.

Design is the process of gradually applying constraints until an elegant solution remains.Learning what those constraints are is a process of observation.

Luke Wroblewski Twitter@lukew Oct 10 2015

Project Development Cycle Lean UX

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Some Key Insights

Don’t just add features to your product.

Treat every idea as a question that needs an experiment.

Know what features to say no to.Don’t get stuck in the mentality that you’re just one feature away from the awesome product.

Luke Wroblewski Twitter@lukew Oct 10 2015

Project Development Cycle Lean UX

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle


Working in short cycles 

take small steps, try something new and see how it works.

If it fails, you’ve invested very little. If it succeeds, keep doing it and improving on it.


Reference: Jeff Gothelf https://medium.com/@jboogie/agile-vs-lean-vs-design-thinking-2329df8ab53c#.kp906jbus

Lean UX

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle


Hold regular retrospectives

at the end of each cycle, review what went well, what didn’t go well and vow to improve one or two key things.


Reference: Jeff Gothelf https://medium.com/@jboogie/agile-vs-lean-vs-design-thinking-2329df8ab53c#.kp906jbus

Lean UX

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle


Put the user at the center of everything


Reference: Jeff Gothelf https://medium.com/@jboogie/agile-vs-lean-vs-design-thinking-2329df8ab53c#.kp906jbus

Lean UX

Frequently ask: How do we know we’re shipping something users care about? How do we find out? How does that affect what we prioritize?

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle

Goal: Constant User feed back

But what can I testat early stages of the development?

Lean UX

Lean UX Development Cycle

KP Ludwig John

Project Development Cycle

But what can I testat early stages of the development?

Constantly createMinimal Viable Products

and design focussed experimentsto test new features, ideas, parts of the product

Reference: Gothelf/Seiden: Lean UX, O’Reilly 2013

Learn and Repeat

Lean UX

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Test functionality and ideas quickly and very focused

Decide (first), which Function / Concept / Idea to test.Design an experiment exactly focused on this.


MVP (minimal viable product)

Create a prototype, which allows users to experience the new function / idea.

It should be small, quick produced, but functional for the aspects in focus


Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Example IMS.UX 2017smart watch App Campus; Team Invisible Monkeys


Provides Function of the CampusCardas App on a smart watch

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP character IMS.UX 2017smart watch App Campus; Team Invisible Monkeys


Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP ExampleResult

IMS.UX 2017smart watch App Campus; Team Invisible Monkeys

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John


Clickable Wireframes, Paper, Wizard of Oz

depends on Test Goals and stage of project development

some Tools

Mid- and High Fidelity:

more detailed, Test Designs Simulation of final experience

Character of Prototype

Coded Prototypes

for native environments parts of code can potentially be reused for production time consuming

Reference: Jeff Gothelf; Lean UX, O’Reilly 2013

MVP (minimal viable product)

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Adobe XD adobe.com

Screenshot: https://medium.com/toptal-publications/adobe-xd-vs-sketch-which-ux-tool-is-right-for-you-903e6744b282

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Axure • professional tool• lots of functionality

axure.com• difficult to learn• expensive, 30 days free trial

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John


• Wireframe sketches• simple to use, quick


• low interactivity• rather expensive

• installed at UX-Lab

DEMO Video: https://balsamiq.com/

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John


• Hi-Fidelity Prototypes• animations, transitions, interactivity


• prototype feels close to the product • free version available

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John


• Hi-Fidelity Prototypes• animations, transitions, interactivity

• prototype feels close to the product • trial version, subscription model

Ad Video: https://proto.io/

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John


• Prototypes + Reviews• collaborative work• statistics + metrics of Reviews


• free version available / subscription model • Apple Watch + Android• import from Sketch + Photoshop

Ad Video: https://www.invisionapp.com/

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Sketch sketch.comDesign Tool by/for InVision

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Protopie protopie.io

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Protopie protopie.io

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Example


IMS.UX 2017smart watch App Campus; Team Tedpish

bad design, difficult to read, fuzzy user goals and measurement; better use this format:

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

IMS.UX 2017smart watch App Campus; Team Tedpish

Paper based Test

MVP Example

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing

Test your Hypothesis

Prioritize your list of of Hypothesis

In general you would prioritize your assumptions by the risk they represent What are the consequences of this being badly wrong? The more severe the consequence the higher the priority.

and the level of understanding of the issue at hand (the less you know, the higher the priority)

Reference: https://www.interaction-design.org/ux-daily/628/a-simple-introduction-to-lean-ux

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing

Test your Hypothesis

• create the smallest thing to determine the validity of each hypothesis statement (this is MVP)

• run experiment with this MVP

• result: Evaluation whether your hypothesis was correct, should be pursued, refined or abandoned

Reference: Jeff Gothelf; Lean UX, O’Reilly 2013

Prioritized list of of Hypothesis results in several paths to explore

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing

Test your Hypothesis

Decide, what you're trying to learn from the MVP

• Is there a need for the solution I'm designing? • Is there value in the solution and features I'm offering? • Is my solution usable?

Basic questions:

Reference: Jeff Gothelf; Lean UX, O’Reilly 2013

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing

Test your Hypothesis

• Prototype an experience

• Simulate, what's like to use your product or service

• Expend as little effort as possible for the prototype


Reference: Jeff Gothelf; Lean UX, O’Reilly 2013

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Reference: https://www.interaction-design.org/ux-daily/628/a-simple-introduction-to-lean-ux

MVP character


Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

Reference: https://www.interaction-design.org/ux-daily/628/a-simple-introduction-to-lean-ux

MVP character

Test it and if there are no valuable results, abandon it. The MVPs which show promise can then be incorporated into further design and development rounds without too much hassle.

Build the most basic version of the concept as possible.

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing

Reference: https://www.interaction-design.org/ux-daily/628/a-simple-introduction-to-lean-ux

User research and testing, by the very nature of Lean UX, are based on the same principles as used in traditional UX environments. However, the approach tends to be “quick and dirty” – results need to be delivered before the next Agile Sprint starts. So there’s much less focus on heavy-duty document outputs and more focus on raw data.

Test methods

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing

Test methodsSame principles as used in traditional UX

Discuss and collect2 minutes?


Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing

Test methodsSame principles as used in traditional UX


Approach tends to be “quick and dirty”

• Steve Krug’s Trunk Test • Screen Recording • Thinking aloud • Video observation • Eye tracking • Writing along (remote)

• A/B Testing • Card sorting • Diary Studies • Field studies

(Interviews, Observations) • Expert Review

Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing


Lean UX Minimal Viable Product

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing

Prioritize your Hypothesis

Sketch Experiments for the FIRST THREE of it


30 minutesTeamwork


• What you trying to learn • Character of MVP • Method of test • rough test scenario

Lean UX Hypothesis Writing

KP Ludwig John


Clear research questionWhat do you want to learn?

Clearly related to the needs and goalsof one or more of your Personas

Simplicity of the MVP Focussed on research question / hypothesis

Traceable Measurement of the MVP / Hypothesis

Lean UX Hypothesis Writing

KP Ludwig John

Create a Minimal Viable Product

Prioritize your Hypothesis



Design a simple experimentfor the first three of it

Reference: Josh Seiden, Jeff Gothelf; work shop Hypothesis writing; Interaction 14, Amsterdam 5. Feb. 2014


PDF containingHypothesis (prioritized)Sketch / Description of MVP and Test plan

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