
Post on 14-Mar-2020






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Mis s Marie Elaine Neives. daugh -ter of Mr . and Mrs. Ernest Neivesol 117 Moulder Street. Ronkonko-ma. and Kob< rt Iloppe. son of Mr.and M i ^ . A l f r e d I loppe <d " Rouls tonA \ e n u e , West Sayvi l le . we re mar-l ied Sunday a f ternoon in EmanuelL u t h e r a n Church in Patchogue bvt h e Ke\ . Daniel 0. Fiehler. Thedouble r ; ng ceremony was per-t o i n i e l h eloi -e t h e a h a r decoratedw i t h w h i t e ch rysan themums , glad-ioli and pa lm*-.

The bi ide . who was given innru r i ane by her f a t h e r , wore as t r e e t - l e n u t h yown of w h i t e sat in;-nd brocade . The sk i r t was boul-l an t and the f i t t ed bodice had alun 'i neck me and three-quar te lh m c t h sleeves. Her three-t ieredvei l of French i l lu s ion fel l f rom:i c i ow n of c rys t a l . She carried abouquet of w h i t e orchids .

M i - > s Joanne LoGuorcio of Say-v i l l e w a s ma id -o f -honor . She worea st r ee t - l eng th gown of champagnes a t i n . The sheath sk i r t had a panelon each side and the bodice hadt h i e e - q u a t t e r l en g t h sleeves. Shewore a small m a t c h i n g hat andv e i l and carr ied a bouquet of cym-

3>bidium orchids.Joseph I loppe of West Sayville,

a b i o t h e r of the bridegroom , wasbest man.

F o l l o w i n g the ceremom- , a re-ception was held in the bride 'shome.

A f t e r a w edding t r ip to CapeCod . Mr. and Mrs. Iloppe wil lmake thei r home in North port.

Mrs. I loppe is a graduate ofSayvil le High School and is em-plovod as a secretary for the law

j f 'rm of Brow n & Ryan in Eas.I Nor thpor t .1 Mr. I loppe is also a graduatei of Sayvi l le High School and is em-

ployed in a ntirserv in Commack.


Miss Diane C y n t h i a Jones , daugh-ter of Mr . and Mrs . Stanley Jonesof 86 Montauk Highway, BluePoint , became the bi ide of Wi l l i amGorman , son of Mr. and Mrs .George Gorman of 20 Jane Street ,Selden , at 1 p. m. September 23in St. Margaret of Scotland R. C.Churc h . Selden. The Rev. AndrewGoida off iciated in the presence ofabout 50 guests.

Given in marriage by her fa ther ,the bride wore a f loor - l eng th gownof whi te lace over s a t i n wi th aturn . The fit ted bodice was t r im-med w i t h sequins a round the neck-l ine and had long sleeves . Hershouhh r - l ength veil was held bya c rown of seed pearls and shecarried a colonial bouquet of whi tel OsCS. *

Mr s . Frances De Maio of Oak-dale wa.s matron-of-honor . Shewore a knee-length salmon chiffongown fashioned wi th a scoop neck-l ine. Her headpiece was a match-

ing band with a short veil. Hercolonial bouquet was of white car-nations.

Miss Shirley Gorman of Seldenand Mrs. Robert Gorman of Cen-tereach were the bridesmaids. TheirK n e e - l e n g t h gowns were of p inklace and they carried colonial bou-quets of w h i t e ca rna t ions . The ,\wore pink headbands with shortveils.

Ivolx rt Gorman of Centereachwas best man. The ushers wereHenry Caluchy of S^ 'den amiThomas Angly of Centra l Islip.

A reception was held at 115Newman Street , Pa tchogue , foi.oout I 'O guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Gorman left for ashor t w e d d i n g t r i p to New Y o i kCity. They are now residing at 115Newman Street. Patchogue.

The bride attended Bayport HighSchool and is employed at Yiewlex ,Inc. . in Holbrook.

The bridegroom at tended Cen-tereach High School and is aroofer.


On September 30 at 3:30 p. m..Miss Joanne Ennesser, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ennesserof 182 Monroe Drive , Mastic Beach ,became the bride of John Rosso ,son of Mr . and Mrs. Joseph Rossoof Piin Road , Mastic Beach , in adouble r ing ceremony in St. Jude 'sR. C. Church , Mastic Beach. The

Mr. and Mrs. John Rosso

Rev . William Reil ly officiated be-fore the altar banked with basketsof whi te flowers. The church pewswere adorned with white satinbows and horns of plent y.

Given in marr iage by her fa ther,the bride wore a floor-length gownof peau de sole and imported Chan-t i l ly lace. The fi t ted bodice wasof Chantill y lace fashioned with asabrina neckl ine and embroideredwith seed pearls , and the longsleeves w ere buttoned at the wrist.The bouf fant skirt featured inver-ted pleats and the center panel ofthe skirt was a cascade of impor-ted hand-cli pped Chant i l ly lace,sweeping around in back to endin a chapel train with inserts ofChant i l l y lace which later wascaught up into a bustle and at-tached to a Chant i l ly lace potif.She wore a stephanotis and seedpearl Grecian drop crown whichheld in place her fingerti p four-tiered veil of pure silk i l lusionwhich had a scalloped hemline .She carried a prayer book and aspray of white orchids and step-hanotis .

Miss Idamae Ennesser of Mas-tic Beach, a sister of the bride,was maid-of-honor. She wore asheath gown of peacock blue silkorganza with a Chantilly laceoverskirt , a small matching crownheadpiece and carried a cascadebouquet of white gardenias witha white orchid centerp iece .

Bridesmaids were Miss AdrienntSiriani , Miss Ann Soderlund andMiss Lillian Grosso of Mastic-Beach , Mrs. Eileen Ennesser ofW^appinger Falls , a sister-in-lawof the bride , and Mrs. EtheldaSabol of Shirley. They w.nesheaths of shrimp-colored silk or-ganza with a Chantilly lace over-skirt identical in style to that ofthe maid-of-honor. and smallmatching crown headpieces. Theycarried cascade bouquets of whitegardenias.

Joseph Ennesser of WappingerFalls was best man. Raymond Sa-bol of Shirley, Ernest Jackson ofMastic , Eugene Gall of Patchogue,Richard Lucchese of Sayville andAnthony Goltzos of Mastic Bead-were the ushers.

Miss Cathie Rosato of Masticwas flower girl and wore a floor-length gown of peacock blue silkorganza fashioned with a roundedneckline and small puffed sleeves.She carried a floral basket. JosephEnnesser of Wappinger Falls, anephew of the bride , was ringbearer and carried the matchingrings upon a small white satinpillow.

Later a reception for ovf>r 200guests was held at the Sunrise Inn ,Eastport. Music for dancing wassupplied by Peter Mezzapelle andhis Mello-Dees.

Following a two-week weddingddingtri p by jet to Miami Beach , Fla.,the couple will take up residencein their new home on MochanLane Mastic Beach.

The bride is a graduate of theCenter Moriches High School andwas graduated from the Glen CoveCommuni ty School of PracticalNursing in 1960. She is presentlyemployed as a nurse at the Bav-

view General Hospital , MasticBeach.

The bridegroom is a graduate ofthe Centf r Moriches Hi gh Schooland af te r serving in the Navy heis now in partnership with .JosephFortuna , of Fortuna and Rosso,real estate and insurance , of Whit-tier Drive , Mastic Beach.

MAGADINI—FEIILINGERMr. and Mrs. John N. Fehlinger

of Mounta in Lakes , N. J., announcethe marr iage of tin ir d a u g h t e r .Miss Carol Ann Fehlinger . to JohnA n t h o n y Magadini , son of Mr. ui.lMrs . A." J. Magadini of 20 LincolnRoad , Patchogue , at 1:30 p. .n.,Sep tember 30 in the Churc h of.he Transii gura t on (The Litt leChurch Around the Corner) , NewYoi k City.

The brule was attended by hersister . Miss Jane E. Fehl inger ofMountain Lakes. Peter Magadin i ofTexas Christian Universi ty at FortWorth , Tex., was best man for bisbrother.

A reception for the immedia t efami l ies was held at the WestonHotel in New York City .

Mr. and Mrs. M a g a d i n i wil l re-side at 414 East 83rd Street , NewYoik City.

The bride was graduated fromMount Ida Junior College , in Bos-ton. Mass ., m 1959.

The bridegroom , who is a f i i s tl i eu tenant in the Mar ine CorpsReserve , is a graduate engineer ofRensselaer Polytechnic I n st i t u t e inTroy, lie is emp loyed wi th the ad-ve r t i s ing ag( ncy of O g i l v y , Bensonand M a t h e r in New York City.

DAVIS—TRAVISMrs. Mar ion II. Travis of South

Count ry Road. Bellport , and New-York City and C u i t i s J. Davis ofAtlantic Avenue , Blue Point , weremarr ied at 5 p. m. S a t u r d a y at St .Peter 's Luthei.,11 Church in N e wYork Ci t y.

The re cep t i o n was held at th"Savoy-Hilton Hotel in New YorkCity. The couple le f t for a honey-moon t r i p to Europe. Upon the irre turn , they wi l l reside on A t l an t i cAvenue , Blue Point.

JOHNSON— ..EARNSThe marr iage ot Mrs. Agnes

Reams, d a u g h t e r of Mrs. V.Klokocov of Center Moriches , andRichard G. Johnson of Yaphanktook place at St. John 's R. 0.Church. Center Moriches , at 5\ i . m. October 1. The Rev. AndrewF. Kla rmann o f f i c i a t ed , assisted bvthe Rev. John P. Skellv of St.Michael ' s R. C. Church . F lushing.

The bride , g iven in m a n' a g e byher nephew , Frank J. Tlapa ofOakdale . wore a del p h i n i u m bluech i f fon dress wi th accessories tomatch. She carried a pi ayer bookwith blue and whi te orchids.

The mat ron-of -honor wa«s Mrs.Alan Tlapa and the best man wasJohn Galli of Port Joffe i- s > n.

A wedd ing recept ion followed atthe Colonial A r m s Res tau ran t ,Center Moriches. About 70 peopleattended.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are resi-ding at 8 Wesley Street , CenterMoriches.



DEMOCR V1TC CLUB HOUSELong Island Ave., Medford


October 12 and 13l)4H»i >•«_»< 4Wi><^-_H'«_w>n _»-( «_»o«_»n _»-o«-»-0'«_M»«_»

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I GERTRUDE BURNS 1I NEW SHOP II SAYVILLE CENTER 61 RAILROAD AVE. II Est. 1933 SAYVILLE LT 9-0992 Iliuii iHniniiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii ffl

' ' , 1 1p wmmmmmmmmmmmm —___M_M——___M—a—n_—¦¦—¦¦————¦—«¦¦¦—_i———v

®ljr ffinng laitmb Aduatto

Women and their Worldmwmmm~mmmmtmmm **mlmmmwmm*»**mammmmamn—^,'maB

Page Two — Section Two Thursday, October 12, 1961


Mrs. Ethel Smith , JU 8-8752

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runyon of121 Noel Drive are parents ofthei r first son , Robert Porter Run-yon , weighing 7 pounds , 11 ounces ,born October 1 at Smithtown Gen-eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs . Runyon have two daughters, Chi i s t ineand Laurie.

Kathleen Hag/an , daught°i ofMr. and Mrs. W'lliam llagzan of1:.0 Noel Drive, celebrated herthird bi r thday with a party onOctober 4. Her guests were hersister , Donna , friends , Jimmy andGeorge Donnelly, Christine andLaurie Runyon , Lynn Ann Sher-man , P a t r i c i a McKenna , andGlenn Schroedcr.

A double birthday celebrationwas held at the home of Mr. andMrs. John Maher , Jr., of 209 TreeRoad Saturday in honor of theirdaughter , Patricia 's second birth-day and the fourth bir.hc 'ay ofthe i r son. Patdick. Guests wereMr . and Mrs. Robert Maher andson , Christopher of Smithtown,Mr. and Mrs. John Corrigan andRaymond Schlect of the Bronx.

A fami ly party was held Thurs-day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Cl i f ford MUler of 00 Tree Roadin celebration of the second birth-day of the i r daimhtcr , Laura.

James IToclan, eighteen-year-oldson of Mr. and Mrs. Jame . IToclanof .*> Picket Lane , is receivingeight weeks of advanced indiv idualt ra in ing at the Armor Center atFort Knox. Ky. He is also receiv-ing instructions on how to operatethe !) 0-milli meter tank gun andhow to drive the Army 's mediumtank . Pvt. IToclan , who is a gradu-ate of New -field High School l ' JGO .wi l l comple t e his t r a in ing by Oct-ober 11.

Reading The Advance advertise-ments simplifies shopping.—Adv.

31 r. anr 3Irs. Erwin Dankbergof 140 West Court Drive on Oct-ober 2 celebrated the first b h l h -riay of the i r son , Gordan , wi th af a m i l y party. Helping wv^-e hisi^ t e r , Cindy, and brother , Mark

and Je f f r ey .Nancy O'Connor , daughter of

31 r. and Mrs. Eugene O'Connor of15*) Dawn Drive , celebrated herf i r s t b i r thday wi th a f ami ly par-ty Thursday. Joining in tho cele-bra t ion were sisters , Mary Ann ,3Iaureen and Kathleen , and bro-thers , Eugene and A r t h u r .

A d r i e n n e Edwards , daugh te r of31 r. and 3Irs. James E-h'ards of.'io' Flow er Lane , celebrated her ele-venth b i r thday Friday nig hr, w i t ha pajama party. Her overn ign tg u e ^ t N were Arleen Borelli , Peg-gy I lacke t t s , J e n n i f e r Boylan , Pat-ricia Hardwick , Gwen Wa 'sh andSusan Micotra ; also A d r i e n n e 'ssister, Michelle. The u i r k s enfovedRock and Roll records and re-f reshments included a b e a u t i f u l ,three tiered b i r thday cake.

Mrs. John Hildebrand of G Bo-doin Road , whose husband is aTWA pilot at LaGuardia Airport ,attended the TWA Pilots ' W i v e sClub fashion show and luncheonat the Hunt ington Town House re-cently. The show was put on byMarie Heasley of Smithtown withall proceeds donated to the Salva-tion Army 's Wayside Homo forGirls , Valley Stream. Also attend-ing from the area were Mesclan.e*Margaret Oliva , Winnie Potts , LeeGiaccone , Kath y Castello and Ag-nes 31cSweenev.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgeraldof 28 Flower Lane celebrated theirtenth wedding annivei'sai y Fridaynight by dining at a local rest-aurant with their neighbor ., Mr.and 3Irs. Henry Daniels of 24Flower Lane.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barney of210 Eastwood Boulevard are spend-ing this week on a vacation toVirginia , where they will visitfriends and see points of interest.

degrees. (Let them get a littlebrown on top.)

A variation of this recipe is toadd caraway seeds—makes it a lit-tle different.




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Colonel Josiah Smi th Chap te r ,National S c c i e t y of the DatiLi li-ters oi the American [.evolut ion,was represented at t he s ixth-f i lMiNew Yoik State conference inRochester dm ing October 4 , 5 ando by the regent , Miss Laura G.Ebeil , and delegate , 3Irs . Edi thCarter.

Due to the present crisis greatemphasis was placed on NationalDefense. Among the many speak-ers , Di. Charles Lowry of Wash-ington . D. C. and Dani'd B r i u h a mof the New York Journa l Ameri -can , discussed the problem fromdifferent viewpoints.

Mi-s. Ann Hawkes Hutton , dis-tinguished cit izen of Pennsylvania ,guest speaker at the banquet ,:- poke on the theme , "You Are Mak-ing History."

A new slate of New York Stateofficers was elected. The officerswill be inducted at the Continental Congress in A pril . Mrs. LyhIlow'and is New York State re-gent-elect.

A memorial service was heldSunday and was attended by mem-bers of Colonel Johiah SmithChapter in the Bellport cemeteryand a DAR marker was dedicatedby Miss Ebell , regent , to the lateMiss Ella Hawkins of Brookhaven.


The American Legion Auxil iary,Patchogue Uni t , held its ins ta l -lation of officers October 3, atth Legion House on Baker Street,Patchogue.

New officer are as fol lows: 3lrs.Margueri te Mirabe 'li , pres ident ;Mrs. Ella Mae Cos.ello. f ir s t vicepresident; Mrs. Helen Li_ , h thal l .second vice p res iden t ; 31 rs. Doro-thy Trueit, secretary ; Mrs. 3IaeRuff t r ea su ie r ; Mr 1- . E m m aManuo , chap lain; 31 rs. BerthaFontane t ta , sergeant - at - arms;Mesdames Dorothy Truei t , EmmaMango , Mae Ruf f , Helen Ligh t -hall and M a i u u e i i t e Mi rabe l l i ,county commit tei 'women; 31 r s.Edna Bigg s, h i s to r i an ; 31 e-.dan. esMargaret Leas , Margare t Hardenand Ber tha Fontanet ta , execut ivecommit ter ; 3Ie-,dame- A m u Kear-ney. Maigare t Barden and Berth aFontanetta , executive committee;Mesdames A ma K earney , Mar-garet Barden and Bertha Fon-tane t t a, f inance commit tee; Mrs3Iarie Riaone and 3 I i s . Adela ideCas .sitto, color bearers.

Present at the meeting to instal lthe new officers were 31 rs . A n n i r3Loskwa , count y cha i rman , andher staff which included 31 rs . Ella.Mao Coste 'lo , c o u n t y color beareiand Gir l s State ch a i r m a n ; 31 r- .Alice Maty .jasik , count y coloibearer; Mrs . June F le ischmanncounty executive c o m m i 11 e e-woman; 3Irs . M a r t h a Wells , coun-ty Gold Star 3Iother c h a i r m a n ;

?fr s . Irene Cooper , past countyc h a i r m a n , c o u n t y chap la in andTenth Dist r ic t sei gean t -a t - a rm- :A i r s . R u t h Parsons , past c o u n t vchai i man; Mrs. Jean Ardito ,t u u u u t r easu rer ; Mrs . EdnaBigg- , past count y c h a i i m a n ; 31 r- .i ;o : i s 31acCormack , county vici -cha i rman ; 3Irs . A l b i n a Vandei -b t c k , coun ty f n -st vice c h a i r m a n ;Mr s . Ol iver A ur i n g e r , cn t in i jp ian i s t .

Commander Edward Costello oft h e Pa tchogue Post and -otherL eg i o n n a i i e rs were present.

31 rs . Vanderbeck presented 31rs.Bigg's w i t h a pin and g i f t foi

< b t a i n i n g her membersh ip quota.3Irs. Biggs is pa'-t county and pastd i s t r i c t cha i rman and was co-c h a i r m a n in the county of Gir lsState.

3Lrs. 3Ioskwa and her staff con-

gratulated the ney/ officers. Mrs.Li g h t h a l l , outgoing president and3Irs. 3Iaiabel l i , new l y electedpre sident , spoke to the men.b"rs.The a u x i ' i a r y p iesen ted 3h-s.L i g h t h a l l w i t h a gol 1 cha rm of theA m e r i c a n Le g ic n a u x i l i a r y emb-lem. 31 is . L< as , p u b b c i t \ chair-man , p iesonted 3 !r- . L i g h t h a l lw i t h a scran book of newspapern u h ' i c i t y c l i p p i n g s g a t l i e i e d dur-u iL her t e rm . The po- t p i e sen tedboi iMi i e t s to 31r- . L i g h t h a l l and31:s, 3I i rabcl l i . C o m m a n d e r Cos-tel lo made a br ie f speech.

R e f r e s h m e n t s were served b\th e past p ies iden t s .

The nex t m e e t i n g of the auxi l -ia ry wi l l be held at 8:15 p. m.Tuesday at the Legion House.Mrs. Ei ' een B i ggs and Mrs . A n n -ette Behme w i l l be in charge ofl e f r o s hm e n t s . There will be re-velat ion of Secret Pals a tid a l l a i -lc ween p a r t y wi l l fol low the btis-iivss mee t i ng .

Brookhaven ¦South Haven

Mrs, Barton A. Bolton ol Glen-brook , ' Conn., spent the weekendwith Mrs. Mark R. Briney.

The children f rom the fou rth ,f i f th and sixth grades in the SouthHaven School went on an interes-ting class trip October 4 whenJames Butler , their teac her , tool:them on a tour of Mac ArtirtuAirport. 3Irs. Fred Gerhard and3frs. Joseph Von der Grinten pro-vided the transportation.

Mv. and Mrs. Wil l iam E. Bellof Clover Lane attended an A' u m n 'reunion given Saturday m thegrounds at Baker Field , Col urn IdaUniversi ty, New York City. Theyhad as their guests, Mr. and 3Irs.Robinson Roe of Patchogue andtheir children , Georg-e and Dan ielThe reunion was followed by afootball game between Columbiaand Princeton. 3Tr. Bell is an ai "nt-nus of Columbia and 3Ir. Roe isan alumnus of Princeton. A ftr .the game the Bells and tlieirguests attended a reunion coekradparty in tre Boat House at BakerField given in honor of 3Ir . Bell ' ;class.

There will be a meeting of theBoy Scout Troop 9 at the Brook-haven Firehouse at 7:30 p. m. Fr iday.

Mrs. Ralph Maust and son ,Hank , of South Country R >ad hadas a guest at their home this week-end , Ronald Ryan of Garden City.Hank has returned to A del phi Col-lege in Garden City to strat hisjunior year.

c_______ ^_*^_________ __.

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DANCING EVERY NIGHT TIL CLOSINGto Music of the World's Best Bands




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Everything for the BabyCLOSED SUNDAYS

Frances Johnson

Haven 't you been thrilled to seethe fields alive and glowing withbeautiful goldenrod , its gay radi-ance turning the landscape intoshin ing gold ?

Yes, we've heard it's not goodfor hay fever sufferers, so prob-ably they won 't vote with us.Then , too, we've heard that it'sreally the ragweed that's thereal culprit , not the goldenrod.

Coming in the late Summer andFall it's one of our favorites.

And speaking of favorites andin honor of the yellow of the gol-den rod , here 's a favorite recipe.How about making cheese savoriesto serve as an ors d'oeurve forthat tea you are going to give ?

Cheese Savories1 package snappy cheese% pound butter or margarine1 cup flourdash of cayenne pepperBlend—bake in very small balls

for about 15 or 20 minutes at 400

A Pinch of Thisand

A Pinch of That

Announcement has been made ofthe engagement of Mi^ i>o _ i , E.Arch , daughter of Mrs. Carr ieArch and the late Walker O. Ar. hof Quogue , to Ronald P. J ;iei ;>c > , i <son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J _ick-,oi > ,Jr.. of Selden.

Miss Arch is a graduate of West-hampton Beach High School endis employed at the A & P SuperMarket in Riverhead.

Mr. Jackson was graduated fromNewfield High School , Cente-reach , and is employed at North-port Veterans Hospital.

A June wedding is planned.


St. F i anc i s de Sales ParentsA u x i l i a r y wi l l meet at 8:_ 0 p. m.Tuesday in St. Francis de SalesHal l . South Ocean Avenue, Pat-chogue.

Following the meeting, therewi l l be a "Question Box" program.Parents have been urged to sub-mit questions and insert them inthe "Question Box " as they enteithe hall for the meeting. Questionswill relate only to matters concer-n i n g children, problems at homeoi at school and will be answeredby a panel comprised of the pas-lor , the Rev. F. Leo Cunningham ,together with seveial qual i f iedparishioners.

Mrs. Margaret Fleming is pres-ident of the a u x i l i a r y and theRev. Father C un n i n g h a m is mod-erator.

St. Francis ParentsAuxiliary to HaveQ-A Session Tuesday

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