values for the yatra july 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra JULY 2011


    In this ISSUE

    The Value ofBRILLIANCE




    My BrilliancePoster


    Brilliant Teacher 4

    Brilliance 5Brilliant 6

    Competitions 8

    THE VALUE OF BRILLIANCEA Diamond is valued for its BRILLIANCE. In moving towards being a DIAMON

    VALUED STUDENT, one has to discover the Value of Brilliance. Brilliance, in simp

    words, means the quality of being magnificent or splendid or illustrious or grand. Whi

    Brilliance is often associated with unusual mental ability, we would like to go beyond mer

    mental associations. Life is a BODY-MIND-HEART-SOUL balance and the fullness of B

    ing is to attain this balance. BRILLIANCE, then, is this quality of being in balance.

    Our Educational Environments must enable our young students to see the bigger pic

    ture of Life. Life is more than just an expansion of ones mind or intellect. Education to Va

    ues is an Education to Becoming. Becoming is a life long project. In becoming I must als

    enable others to become - to blossom and live a balanced life.

    In proposing the first Diamond ValueBRILLIANCE, we invite educational inst

    tutes to help students understand BRILLIANCE, not just from the intellectual aspect, but a

    an opportunity to be more proactive. Brilliance must never be a selfish possession. A

    Brilliant Professor is not one with a sharp intellect, but one who in having a sharp intellec

    makes his/her students also sharp. Similarly, a brilliant sportsperson is one who attrac

    other youngsters to walk in his/her footsteps.

    In simple words, the Value of Brilliance is just this: If I am brilliant, others must be

    come brilliant because of me. Being Good is not enough. Others must become good becausof me. Brilliance is setting high standards for myself, and in doing so, others too are able t

    stretch their own standards of excellence. If he/she can, why not I? Mediocrity alway

    likes company. Mastery has few followers.

    The Value of Brilliance invites students to understand the importance of havinGood Role Models and also being a Good Role Model to others. Mark Twain warns uKeep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do thabut the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. Tyron Edwards addPeople never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher and bettethan themselves.

    Can we recognize and reward students even on the basis of their good character. Cawe challenge our students towards Education to Becoming? Can we move fromPeer Pressure dynamics and propose a new Peer Energy project wherein students modone another on what is good and valuable rather than on what is negative and mediocre.

    As a young student at St. Dominic Savio, Andheri we were often remindeof the words of Henry W. Longfellow, Lives of great men all remind uthat we too can make our lives sublime, and departing leave behind fooprints on the sands of time. May this scholastic year be a NEW FOOTPRINT on the sands of time. Fr. Glenford Lowe sdb

    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter JULY 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra JULY 2011


    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter JULY 2011

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatra


    T here is a Brilliant Child locked inside every student Marva Collins

    E very Child is Unique Dr. Abdul Kalam

    In a country like India, there is no one who has really inspired and

    challenged Young minds, like former President, Space Scientist,

    Educator and Visionary Dr. Abdul Kalam

    In a talk given to over 600 teachers in UAE, early this year, on CREATIVE LEARNING,Dr. Kalam said, Every youth wants to be unique but the world around is doing itsbest, day and night, to make them like everybody else. He added, T eachers should

    make an effort to make them unique in their own way.

    Stressing on Value Education, Dr. Kalam said, Schools need a dynamic environment

    and education should be designed in such a way that it empowers a value system

    in young minds

    Focusing on the important role played by teachers, he added, W hile most teacherscategorize students based on their academic performance, the need for betterment in

    primary education calls for a complete overhaul of the teaching system.

    Normally people evaluate the success of a school based on its pass percentage. There is

    need for a paradigm shift in thinking and evaluation process

    C hildren see theirteachers as role models. There should be a learning environ-

    ment where there is nothing like a good student, average student or a poor student. The

    whole school and teacher system should be involved in creating students who perform

    their best. This is discovering personal brilliance!!!

    The 12 Diamond Values as proposed by AVEC, is an

    effort in this paradigm shift direction to unlock the Brilliance in

    every child, to create Value based Educational Environments,

    where teachers as Role Models will enable students to be

    Models too.

  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra JULY 2011



    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter JULY 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra JULY 2011


    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter JULY 2011

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    As an educator of the young, it is important to check out what is the impact you make

    daily on the minds and hearts of your students. Here is an opportunity for self

    evaluation and an opportunity to see yourself through the eyes of your students.

    How does your Personality and the Values you stand forimpact your students?

    Teachers Personality and Values









    Commitment to Vision, Goals and Mission of the

    Educational Institute

    Love for my Vocation as a Teacher

    Care for the Overall Excellence of my Students

    Exercise of Authority, & Classroom Management

    Personal Attention, Fairness to each Student

    Knowledge of Class Content and Syllabus

    Methodology in Teaching and Follow up

    Motivate and Challenge Students for Life

    Integrate Values with Teaching Syllabus

    Political Views and Cause Consciousness

    Appreciation, Sense of Humor, and Patience

    Relationships and Interaction with Parents and Students

    Peace, Serenity and Stress Management

    Creativity and Extra Curricular Activities

    Personal Etiquette and Moral Character

    Punctuality and Time Management

    Compassion and Love for Service

    Team Work, Student Participation and Delegation

    God Fearing and Religious Tolerance

  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra JULY 2011


    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter JULY 2011

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    WHAT is BRILLIANCE?Brilliance is being able to say the right thing at the right time.

    Even if that time is surrounded by sorrow, anger or fear.

    Brilliance is doing the right thing at the right time, even if that means sacrifice.

    Perhaps its even doing the right thing at the wrong time because

    one never knows what the right time is but we do know whats the right thing to do.

    Brilliance isnt the manipulation of people or

    gaining power playing on their insecurities or prejudices.

    It isnt one-ups manship or having the most people on your side in an argument.

    It certainly isnt name calling or being indifferent.Brilliance is listening to the breeze of thought, debates with ideas,

    disagreements with tolerance to opposing views.

    Its the reverberation of Life, the cacophony of cultures and

    the streams of consciousness that are a part of the human condition and experience.Brilliance is the sound of children laughing, a cats purr,

    a dog licking your face, your childs hand in yours, the ocean surf,

    the smell of home cooked food and music that lights your imagination or ignites your feet in

    dance. Art that feeds your soul any form of art. Living is an art.Brilliance is staring at the stars miles from civilization and marveling

    at all that is out there and inside of each of us.

    It is the quiet reflection each night before sleep and

    the wonderous revelations in the light of day.Brilliance isnt diamonds or gold.

    Its treasuring people, feelings and emotions more than things.Brilliance is

    silence in the dead of night on the beach. the first palette of colors that paint dawn

    the last hues as twilight ebbs, understanding another without words

    an indescribable kiss, a myriad of touches

    subtle, unexpected, unique in each of us

    the ripple effect of compassion, empathetic concern

    overwhelming when youre in its presence

    a mosaic of whispered words, tears in sympathy, tears of joy

    Tears are brilliant in their own right, So many kinds of them.:a deep laugh, sighs of contentment a lust for life; all its pleasures

    the loyalty of those around you

    ideas and actions that enrich and liberate

    a catalyst for change, nor matter how minute

    making a difference if just to yourself

    inspires, desires simplicity

    Brilliance is, knowing what song to sing to soothe a teething baby.

    Brilliance is, knowing the sound of an aching soul and being able to harmonize with it.

    (By Sudha Amit in
  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra JULY 2011



    1. Is your life a STAGNANT reservoir , a FLOWING river, a DRY desert or a SHINING RAINBOW?

    2. Do you study for the sake of EXAMS, to PLEASE your PARENTS, for a BRIGHT CAREER, or for LIFE?

    3. Do you channel your energy for Destruction or Construction, in PEER PRESSURE OR PEER ENERGY?

    4. As a Person, are you SELFISH or GENEROUS, ANGRY or LOVING?

    5. Are you an IMITATOR, or a SIGNIFICANT ROLE MODEL, a LEADER or a Mute Follower

    L ight a Candle, rather than Curse the Darkness

    W hen you are in a Hole, stop digging

    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter JULY 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra JULY 2011


    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter JULY 2011

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    Bosco's capability to attract numerous boys and adult helpers was connected to his

    "Preventive System of Education".

    He believed education to be a "matter of the heart" and said that the young must not

    only be loved, but know that they are loved. He also pointed to three components of the

    Preventive System: reason, religion and kindness. Music and games also went into the


    The Relics of St John Bosco currently on a five

    continent tour will arrive at Mumbai in August,


    Don Bosco BORIVILI - St. Josephs WADALA -

    DON BOSCO MATUNGA 9 -16th August, 2011


    to be part of this Great Pilgrim Movement...

    My School: A Value Diamond Environment

    # Rules: Poster Size A3

    # All entries must be signed by the Value Education Coordinator

    together with the School seal .

    # Send ONLY the BEST THREE in each category:` Seniors (std IX-X), Inters (Std VIIVIII), Juniors (IV-VI)

    # Last date: All entries to reach AVEC by 25th August 2011

    # WINNERS will be declared in the next Values for the Yatra.
  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra JULY 2011


    AVEC E-Letter Values for the Yatra is an initiative to provideAnimation Resources for Teachers involved in Value Education in the ABE

    schools/ Jr. Colleges .Values for the Yatra is published every month and is

    forprivate circulation. Your valuable suggestions are most welcome to as-sist us in making Values for the Yatra a useful tool of animation and bonding

    among the Management, teachers and students of the ABE schools in


    CONTACT:Fr. Glenford Lowe, SDB / Michelle DSouza / Rochwyn Fernandes / Margaret Dubey / Sr. Vera

    AVECDon Bosco Youth Services, Matunga 400019 , MUMBAI

    Ph: 24154477 e-mail: blog:

    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter JULY 2011

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    IN APPRECIATION AVEC wishes to thank Mrs. Loretta Xavier for all her

    valuable Voluntary services in judging the Care for Creation

    Competitions 2010-11. She is a retired teacher from Rosary

    High School, Dockyard. She taught English and Social Studies

    from std V X. She retired after 37 years of faithful and

    committed service. Thank you and God bless you always!

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