values for the yatra june 2011

Post on 24-Mar-2015






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In this ISSUE

The Value of Starting Afresh


Twelve Diamond Values


12 Diamond Values : Summary


12 Diamond Values: Project


12 Diamond Values: Evalua-


Way Forward 10

Diamond Competitions


THE VALUE OF STARTING AFRESH “ There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth…not going all the way, and not starting afresh ” Buddha “ Y our mind, this globe of awareness, is a starry universe. When you push off with your foot anew, a thousand new roads become clear. ” Rumi

“ Don ’ t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful. ” Mark Victor Hansen The new scholastic year 2011-12 has just begun. Holidays and moments of relaxa-tion have now been relegated to a folder called ‘ memory’ . The race to knowledge has begun again… syllabi to be completed, deadlines for homework and assignments, tests and exams, discipline and demands, competitions and extra curricular activities. From management to teachers to friends… there is no alternative, but to start afresh once more!!! The educative journey ahead can be a joyful or joyless one. Starting afresh with joy and optimism triggers passion, commitment and smarter performance. A joyless person dwells in routine and pessimism that triggers boredom, lack of commitment and account-ability and declines in poor performance. We too, at the Archdiocesan Value Education Centre ( AVEC ) , would like to START AFRESH with new Hope, Vision and Purpose to be a hub of Value Resources for the schools and colleges affiliated to the ABE. To promote Values in a unique way, we propose the 12 DIAMOND VALUES. Through the “ DIAMOND VALUES: DEFINING LIVES ” competitions and our monthly E-letter ‘ Values for the Yatra ’ the AVEC will provide various resources to enable the teachers and students to imbibe the Twelve Diamond Values. We wish you a DIAMOND VALUED YEAR ahead and assure you of our constant support in this endeavor. May God bless you all Fr. Glenford Lowe sdb

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

ValuesValuesValues for the for the for the Yatra Yatra Yatra


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

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Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC) Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI Tel: 24154477 E-mail:


12 DIAMOND VALUES: Vision & Purpose

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

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12 DIAMOND VALUES: A SUMMARY Nurturing Students...Values like Diamonds ‘Adamas’ are Invincible • Every School/College is a Diamond mine. They need to be discovered and valued.

Diamonds glitter when their ‘Interior’ is made manifest. Diamonds are so prized because of the light they absorb is reflected directly back outward.

• The word DIAMOND itself stems from the Greek term adamas which means "invincible", "unconquerable”, "proper", "unalterable", "unbreakable”, “untamed" or "I overpower”.

• Diamonds have the following TWELVE characteristics: Brilliance, Clarity, Color, Cut, Crown, Dispersion, Flawlessness, Inclusions, Shape, Sparkle, Strength and Scintillation.

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

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• Values are like DIAMONDS, they have the same characteristics…our Educative Environ-ments are Diamond mines...Like diamonds, our students can become INVINCIBLE with a return to Values.

• The Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC) invites every Educative Institution af-filiated to the ABE to join hands in promoting lasting Values. Academic Excellence devoid of Values is no excellence at all. Values, like Diamonds, are Invincible…. It is hoped that the AVEC will be able to motivate schools to become more ‘Educational Living Environ-ments’ in which Values must be seen to lie not only at the heart of the educational content, the “what” of Education, but also at the heart of the educational process, the “how”, the way in which education is conducted.

• Value Education, more than just seen as another subject within the curriculum, must be owned by all as the guiding ethos of education: an ethos that emphasis the importance of creating Educative Living Environments that are characterized by Values that are deeply Personal, Social, Cultural, Moral, Aesthetic, Ethical and Spiritual.

• In order to promote the Twelve Diamond Value Culture in our Educative Institutions, AVEC proposes the following DIAMOND VALUE AWARDS among students in each respective class. A novel way to build a Value based assessment of students!!! Join us and be together on the Diamond Valued Path ...Building a New Valued Humanity

• ~ Lowe Glenford sdb

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ~Alvin Toffler

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. ~ John Dewey

Education is not the filling of a pail,but the lighting of a fire.~ William Butler Yeats

Instruction ends in the school-room, but education ends only with life. ~ Frederick W. Robert

“If you know what your values are – If you know what your standards are – If you know what is important to you –

If you have a point of view – Then you have a sense of direction.

Then you know where you are going.” ~ Mildred Newman

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter April 2011

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12 DIAMOND VALUES: The Overall Project

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

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Value of Modeling Good Example and Character

To realize the value of Role Models and the importance of Modeling.

To discover that my life

and example can inspire someone else.

To strive for Mastery

rather than medioc-rity

Encourage Role Models and Peer Energy.

Create space for

Students who inspire others.

Recognize stu-

dent’s overall performance.

Propose Good role models

Being an

Inspiration to students

Promote and reward Character formation

It is not enough to be good; oth-ers must become good because of me.

Living a life of

mediocrity is no guarantee to meaningful



Value of Accountability, Integrity and Honesty

To be accountable and trustworthy even in small things.

To live in wholeness

and truth always. To cultivate honesty as

an antidote to cor-ruption.

Provide opportune sys-tems for ac-countability.

Facilitate Integral

development. School as

‘Corruption Free’ Zone.

Transparency in action

An integral

personality Honest and sincere

Being accountable and responsible in small things there will be one less dishonest person and to believe that cor-ruption can stop with me.


Value of Social Harmony and National Integration

To enable students to live in harmony and be Peacemakers.

To actively involve

students to active citizenship

Classroom as a second home.

School as a

microcosm of culture

Educator as Second Parent

Educator as a


No one is an island. Peace is our birthright and the Nation our motherland.


Value of Discipline and Right Choices

To recognize the power of Training in Disci-pline

To responsibly make

right choices with no regrets.

Proper awareness of school rules

An illumining

ethical environ-ment

Benevolent disciplinarian Counsellor and


Discipline liberates. Choices are never

consequence free.

~ Fr. Glenford Lowe sdb

12 DIAMOND VALUES: The Overall Project

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

ValuesValuesValues for the for the for the YatraYatraYatra


Value of Leadership and Purposefulness

To develop effective Leadership styles.

To promote tomor-

row’s Leaders to-day.

To create clarity of

Vision and purpose in one’s live.

Establishing Student Councils

Effective Teacher-

Student Teams See the big


Discover Leader-ship potential

Nurture seeds of

leadership to-day

Visionary Leader

Lead you life or someone else will lead it for you. Be the mas-ter of your own destiny. Think big to live big.


Value of Selfless Service and Making a Difference

To love being a person for others.

To start daily acts of

service. To leave a legacy for


Each one reach one

Voluntary clubs

for social and political action

School beyond boundaries

Walk the extra mile

Catalyst for reach

out programs Be a Difference


It is better to light a candle than to curse the dark-ness. Dare to be differ-ent and reach out to make this world a better place.


Value of Conscience, Renewal and Appreciation

To listen to one’s heart and make daily principled choices

To work on self for

daily renewal To focus on Apprecia-

tion of self and others

Defender of ethical values


student’s daily progress

Foster a culture of Appreciation

Example ‘Right Action’

Believe in change

of heart Language of Appreciation

We are all a ‘person-in-progress’. There is no such thing as a bad student.

Discover the good in the other and the vice will soon disappear.


Value of Equality, Respect and Human Rights

To believe that we are all equal.

To understand that all

are worthy of esteem

To know and defend

the human rights of all

Zero tolerance on favoritism

Promote healthy

esteem for all Teach and defend

human rights

As one among equals

Give respect to

gain respect Defender of Hu-

man rights

The time is always right to do what is right. All life is worthy of es-teem.

Defend every hu-

man right and celebrate it. eave no person out.


Value of Health, Care for Life and Environment

To care for a healthy ‘body-mind-heart-soul’

To celebrate a ‘culture

of life’ To be actively involved

in Care for Creation

‘Junk food free’ canteens

Drug free Zone

Go Green cam-


Wholesome per-sonality

Guide and help to

break bad hab-its

Think Green…

Live green

All life is connected. All life is sacred. We need to nour-ish our whole self.

Our world is bigger

than my world. Think Global

12 DIAMOND VALUES: The Overall Project

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

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Value of Silence, Peace and God Experience

To seek silence as a path to discover self and God

To find peace within

and without To be aware of the

Presence of God in one’s life and world

Moments for ‘Active Silence’

Non-violent Zones

Inter-faith prayer

celebrations and dialogue

Reflective and deep

Calm and serene Spiritual Guru

Noise defrag-ments, silence unites. Silence is the mother of reflec-tion and God ex-perience. Silence nurtures inner peace and leads to harmony


Value of Love, Pardon and Reconciliation

To promote a Civiliza-tion of sincere love

To be the first to be

agents of recon-ciliation

To build communion

of lives and hearts ‘

Feel loved and wanted


forgiveness Peace making

Loving Presence Purity of heart Reconciler

Love endures all things. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is to live the law of the jungle. Forgive-ness is never a weakness.


Value of Trust, Chastity and Friendship

To make oneself trust worthy

To grow in affective

maturity. To construct lasting


Gifting students with greater trust.

Education to love

Friendship clubs

Mentor and Guide Soul Friend Friendly presence

You friends are only an advertise-ment of who you are. Let your friends know the principles you stand for. Let your friendship be sin-cere and lasting.

I am going to be a DIAMOND VALUED student

Is there more to just studying…??? BOOKS & MORE BOOKS ...

School is so booooring…. Can I become a Diamond Valued Student too?

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

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Diamond Values and Characteristics Living the Diamond Values 5 4 3 2 1

1. Brilliance: Value of Modeling Good example

and Character

Progress from Mediocrity to Mastery

Capacity to ‘Model’/influence others for Good

Overall Character that Radiates and Attracts

2. Clarity: Value of Accountability,

Integrity and Honesty

Sense of Accountability and Transparency

Truthfulness in Lifestyle

Honesty in Word and Sincerity of Action

3. Color: Value of Social Harmony and National Integration

Lives in Harmony with Others

Free from prejudice of Caste, Creed, Religion

National Integration and Active Citizenship

4. Cut: Value of Discipline and

Right Choices

Appreciates the Value behind every Rule

Capacity to Align with Self -Discipline

Ability to weigh Consequences and Choices

5. Crown: Values of Leadership and Purposefulness

Courage to stand out and Lead effectively

Ability to handle Decision Making

Sense of Leading one’s life with Purpose

6. Dispersion: Value of Selfless Service and Making a Difference

Sense of Generosity and Volunteerism

Ability to Sacrifice to Serve Others

Ready to Make a Difference in Society

7. Flawless: Value of Conscience, Renewal

and Appreciation

Attuned to listen to One’s Conscience

Open to Self-Renewal and Positive Change

Appreciates the Good in the Other

8. Inclusion: Value of Equality, Respect

and Human Rights

Treats all Classmates and Fellow Beings Equally

Gives Respect and shows Dignity to all

Defends Human Rights of Self and Others

9. Shape: Value of Health, Care for

Life and Creation

Cares for Personal Health and Cleanliness

Lives a Balanced Life in ‘Body-Mind-Heart-Soul’

Promotes Care for Creation and Environment

10. Sparkle: Value of Silence, Inner Peace

and God Experience

Takes Time for Personal Silence and Reflection

Shows an Inner Disposition of Calm and Peace

Prayerful and God-fearing

11. Strength: Value of Love, Pardon

and Reconciliation

A Person of Heart and Loving Compassion

Eager to Pardon and Seek Forgiveness in return

Ready to be a Peacemaker and Reconciler

12. Scintillation: Value of Trust, Chastity

and Friendship

Is Trustworthy and Reliable

Responsible and Virtuous in Character

Fosters True and Sincere Friendships

Evaluating Diamond Value Students

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

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12 DIAMOND VALUES: The Way Forward

The AVEC proposes the following way forward in order to promote the 12 Diamond Values in your institution this year.

Link up with the AVEC for all the activities and FORMATION

programs that promote the 12 Diamond Value Program

through the Values for the Yatra, the Lesson Plans, the Train-

ing Programs for Value Education Teachers and Students, etc

Look beyond Academic Excellence….Start a whole new

Value Revolution. Make your Educational Institution a Value

Based Environment… Decorate your walls with Value Post-

ers, schedule Value based extra curricular activities, etc

Award students on academic days for LIVING VALUE

BASED LIVES. Use the 12 Diamond Value Evaluation Form

to maintain progress. Award 12 Diamond Value Certificates

to students who make a ‘ Difference ’ in and out of school.

Recognize VALUE EDUCATION though meaningful VALUE

EDUCATION DAYS in your institution. Focus on Personal,

Social, Cultural, Moral, Aesthetic, Ethical, Spiritual Values

during the school assemblies and extra curricular activities.

AVEC is a ‘ H UB of Resources ’ . We invite you to share

your Value resources ( skits, prayer services, etc ) with

AVEC. Our monthly ‘ V alues for the Yatra ’ is full of

valuable resources for your use.

Invite the AVEC to animate your Teachers / students during

the course of the year…. We are here for you!!!!


AVEC will award 24 DIAMOND VALUE TROPHIES for 24 best Schools under the ABE that promote the

12 DIAMOND VALUE PROJECT during the scholastic year 2011-12 and participate in the various


CASH PRIZES will be awarded to Teachers who join the DIAMOND VALUE LESSON PLAN COMPETITIONS. Look out for details soon….

AVEC E-Letter ‘Values for the Yatra’ is an initiative to provide Animation Resources for Teachers involved in Value Education in the ABE schools/ Jr. Colleges .Values for the Yatra is published every month and is for private circulation. Your valuable suggestions are most welcome to as-sist us in making Values for the Yatra a useful tool of animation and bonding among the Management, teachers and students of the ABE schools in Mumbai. CONTACT: Fr. Glenford Lowe, SDB / Michelle D’Souza / Rochwyn Fernandes / Margaret Dubey / Sr. Vera AVEC—Don Bosco Youth Services, Matunga 400019 , MUMBAI Ph: 24154477 e-mail: blog:

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter JUNE 2011

ValuesValuesValues for the for the for the YatraYatraYatra


Mr. Rochwyn Fernandes

Sr. Vera D’Almeida

Ms. Michelle D’Souza

Mrs. Margaret Dubey

Fr. Glenford Lowe

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