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Booked Solid

T W O MACKS This Week (Sept. 29), American and Lincoln Square, New York


Ask Jules Delmar

A. R. Shepard, representing the Brennan-pUlier agency of Australia, la In Chicago look­ing for acta. He has had his headquarters In San Francisco for some time, but It la possible that he will remove to Chicago.

Hamberger. the building manager, la at it again, this time at 78th and Halsted. the house seating a thousand at 10-10, playing the usual Hamberger split week show. His next new theatre will be announced in an early issue.

"One Woman's Way," a play by Will Jossey, played to big business a t the National laat week. The new Englewood burlesque house has been cutting business down a little at the National, but the tide is turning back once more.

"The Trolley Car Girls" have been secured for McVicker's for the week of Oct. IS. The act employee two dozen people. The Inter­national Polo Team and a new English Pony ballet are among the other Important book­ings for this theatre.

Thomas Whipple, who haa been with "Rock a Bye Baby," will resume the role in Boyle Woolfolk's tabloid "Three Twins." which he played for John W. Gal tea, when the letter had the piece out in legitimate houses. Ber­nard Rlgga will take the role relinquished by Whipple in "Rock a Bye Baby."

E. P. Churchill, promoter of the Garden Hip In Kansae City, haa been In Denver in an attempt to promote a hippodrome there. Hs reports that there Is no opening for such a concern in that town. Mr. Churchill is said to have come out very well fixed after the dlapoaml of the Garden to Talbot.

Joe Gertapacher, press agent for the Tal­bot houses In St. Louis and Kansas City has discovered that Tillle Zlck. the dancer, ia the daughter of a banker in Independence, Mo. Miss Zlck Is playing the St. Louis Hip­podrome thlii week. She Is under the man­agement of P. J. Schaefer. She will play the Keefe time later.

The sequel of Walter Perclval'a recent do­mestic wrangle will be shortly aired in a Chicago court when the vaudevllllan will pray for an absolute decree of divorce on desertion grounds, before one of the several circuit judges. Mrs. Perclval. a few short weeks ago. vamped from New York, leaving nothing but her best wishes for Walter's future.

A surprising exception to the general com­plaint anent the vaudeville situation here­abouts comes with the wall of Edgar Foreman, a sketchist who has worked one solid and un­broken year for the W. V. II. A. and haa a packet of contracts calling for consecutive frolics over the same circuit until the early part of next year. This for the benefit of the •keptics who claim a dozen Interrupted split weeks are about all a good act can gather out of Chicago.

Johnnie Fogarty, who acquired a Chicago reputation while an Inmate of the La Salle theatre, where he created numerous comedy roles, recently quit the cast of "The Mirth Makers." the Hatch-Beatty production that represented the Progressive franchise from this town. Fogarty claims the necessity of pronouncing 72.348 words each day had a troublesome effect on his voice. Vaudeville again for Fogarty. who looks considerable like Frank of the same name, but ia no relation.

Maurice Raymond, otherwise known aa the Great Raymond, who has been playing at White City, was haled Into court this week to snswer to the charge of striking George Hod are. a barker In front of his stand at the resort. The case came up and Hodge's tes­timony was taken In Judge Sabath's court. It appears that Hodge Is suffering from gal­loping consumption and had to leave at once for Phenlx. Aria. Raymond will tell his side of the story next week. Ralph T. Kettering was a witness for Hodge.

"The FIJI Girls." a vaudeville act spon­sored by W. C. Hagerdorn. manager of the National. Detroit, was recently lifted from the J, L ft 8 time by Its booking manager, Frank Queen Doyle, who apparently estab­lished a precedent for frankness by the move. Inasmuch as the National. Detroit. Is booked from the same office. Now, If Doyle would produce a little girl act and book It Into Hagerdorn's house, would Hagerdorn use the hot coal method of kindness or simply erase It after rehearsal? Maybe!

That timely little topic of discussion about the Hippodrome In Kansas City and St. Louis. hoth under the guidance of Frank Talbot, is •till topping the vaudeville gossip hereabouts. the unanswered question being whether the Hips are booked by Walter Keefe or Jim Mat­thews. Right now It seems that both agen­cies are supplying acts for the houses and one hardly dares come out with a specific statement crediting either agency with the exclusive franchise. Anyhow both are pretty irood little agents and both are pretty good little Hips. Funny thing, though, how Jones. I'lntck and Schaeffer and the "Association" haven't made a claim for the credit. Until Christmas It's going to be a ease of "Hippy. Hippy, who books the Hipp?"

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Phone, Douglass Ml3

EMPRESS.—The bill maintained a pretty good balance all the way. The Seven Bracka. after their long stay In the eaat, proved a classy closer. Their routine was finely exe­cuted and they went over big. John P. Wade and Co. offered the quaint Southern skit. "Marse 8helby's Chicken Dinner," and scored. The Pour Society Girls were liked. Hurst, Watta and Hurst, with songs and com­edy, were entertaining. Charles Glbbs did well with his Imitations, but his comedy bits were poor. The La France Broa. were clever, while Lowe and Gerald, local, pleaaed in the opening position.

ORPHEUM.—Saharet gave an artistic danc­ing display. William J. Dooley and Co. were fairly well received. Dooley's acrobatics being a feature. Frank Milton and the De Long Sisters provided some bully comedy. Jean-nette Franseska, the Dutch vocalist, assisted by John M. Shouten at the piano, waa gen­erously applauded. Jack G. McLallen and May Carson had the closing spot, .but failed to make the best of it. The turn was medi­ocre. Froslnl got them at the Start and stopped the show with his popular pieces. William Burress and Co. repeated success­fully, while Carl Roslnl, another holdover, had the opening position again and was mod­erately successful. Mullen and Coogan, also retained a second week, scored. The boy? reeled off some new encore stuff that didn't land.

PANTACES.—Ray Largue and Sue Snee and "The Summer Girls" closed the show. The act got both the attention and the applause. King and Thornton were appreciated, the team giving an excellent Interpretation of their roles In a dramatic playlet entitled "The Counselor.'* Richardson's Animals acquitted themselves well. James Brockman got over nicely and was deservedly encored. The Mus-Art Trio waa entertaining with Its music. The DeVons were passable, while the Aerial Bartletts were applause winners.

COLUMBIA (Oottlob. Marx * Co. mgra ;

K. A E.).—Margaret Angiin Co. (second and last week).

CORT (Homer F. Curran. mgr.; Shuberts). —"The Lure" (second and last week.

ALCAZAR (Bclasco A Mayer, mgra.).— Ralph Hers, musical stock, "Our Wives" (ilfth week).

T1VOLI O. H. (W. H. Leahy, mgr.).—Comic opera stock ("The Mascot").

Fillmore street la the scene thla week of what la known aa the Golden Gate Valley car­nival. The event opened Sept. St and ia to last ten days.

Judging from present indications, there Is little If any likelihood of the proposed new California pop vaudeville theatre here on Mason street.

John Wilson has been succeeded recently in the box office of the Wigwam, this city. by Jack Currier, formerly treasurer of the Macdonough, Oakland.

The early retirement from the staff of the Snn Francisco Call of Dramatic Critic Wal­ter Anthony Is reported, but the name of his successor Is unannounced.

It Is understood the Initial stock bill at the Savoy wh^n reopened as the Oriental, will he "The Rlngmuster." a play presented here three years ago at the Valencia.

The date of the Mechanic's Fair In this city Is September 2€ to Oct. 6 Inclusive. The event Is being held In the old National thea­tre and in the Pavilion and Dreamland rinks

Henry Hadley, director of the 8an Fran­cisco Orchestra, has returned from an ex­tended tour of Europe and Is making prep­arations for an early opening of the concert season.

Daisy Loverlng of the Alcaaar Stock Co. until she deserted the stage to become a reader in a local Christian Science church, waa wedded to Edwin A. Krauthoff, an attorney of this city, Sept. 26.

Chariea Oro, Lucy Templeton and Paul Brady have returned here from a musical comedy engagement in Eureka. Cal., and are understood to be framing up a comedy act for vaudeville.

The Gaiety Musical Comedy Co., with a cast of principals who Include Fred Weiss, Hebrew comedian, and Lord and Meek, opened Sept. 27 at the new Majestic. Fresno, Cal., for an indefinite period.

Louis Bernie has booked his Five Musical lass ies with A. R. Shepard for a tour of the Brt nnan-Fuller Circuit in Australia. The act is scheduled to sail from here Nov. 18 on the steamship Sonoma.

The executive staff of the Clunie, Sacra­mento, under the management of F. A. Gie-sea, haa lately been reinforced by Lester W. Manter, for four years connected with the Macdonough, Oakland.

Ed Armstrong and his "baby dolls" have succeeded Monte Carter and his pop bur-lesquers at the Garrick, Stockton, the latter organisation having sailed from here Sept. i t for a season In Honolulu.

G. M. Anderson (Broncho Billy) haa gone east to look over the Gaiety Jubilee Co., now eq route to the new Gaiety, this city, and may extend his trip through to Chicago and New York City before returning to the Coaat.

The latest revue to be offered here at the Portola-Louvre is entitled "A Night In Ha­waii." Besides the singing cornetlst. Lil­lian Sieger, the special features are Lucille Morrow, Pony and Leddy and the Tratsn Duo.

Upon returning to Tacoma. after a so­journ In this city. Manager Charles T, Rich­ards of the Princess Stock theatre In the Northland city, took with him Josephine Dil­lon, who succeeds Warda Howard aa his leading woman.

Frank J. Griffin's range show, a feature of the recent rodeo In 8allnas. Cal. will be on exhibition Oct. 4-12 at the Emeryville race track, this State. Over a hundred rough riders snd "cow girls" are promised In the Wild West exhibit.

Edna Loftus Rhelnstrom, wife of Harry Rhelnstrom of Cincinnati, scion of a wealthy family of brewers in that city. Is reported to have left here last week for the Ohio metrop­olis for the specific purpose of bringing suit against her husband for separate mainte­nance.

John W. Consldlne Is quoted for having an­nounced recently that arrangements have been completed whereby the Canadian Grand Opera Co.. represented by Arthur Priest, will play "split" weeks for the Sulllvan-Consldlne Circuit In the Orpheum theatres at Seattle. Portland and Vancouver the latter part of next February and early In March.

E. T. Southern Is the active manager of a pop vaudeville road show now touring through the Interior of this stste. M. Elssler Is as slntant manager; Wiley Block, treasurer: M. Ruth Macdonald. musical directress, and C. Blume. stage manager. The sneclslties In­clude the Four Nots, Tod and Jud, Trebe and Trebe. and Dolores Hal let t.

Leon A. Kutner and Walker C. Graves. Jr., the Impresarios responsible for the new dram­atic stock venture at the Oriental (formerlv Savoy) with the practical co-operation of their stage director. E. F. Bostwlck, are re­ported to be fostering the tdea of snd for­mulating plans for the construction of a Little Theatre In San Francisco. Five hun­dred has been suggested as the proposed ca­pacity with the major portion of the seats on thf main floor. A location for the proposed structure Is said to be under consideration.

With the final and complete abolition of the "Barbary Coast" In this city by the late de­cree of the Police Commissioners, a couple of local weekly sporting publications that have been thriving from the paid advertise­ments of the Pacific street resorts and en­tertainers employed therein, suddenly find their patronsge very materially reduced. In sporting circles, the "Coast" closing order was a severe blow, but the better element of the city snd a vast majority of the popula­tion are heartily In accord with the authori­ties and can ' see without any especial effort

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