vbs at homedigital...jesus prayed in the garden (matthew 26:36-46) jesus and his disciples walked to...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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DAY 2 SAFETY RELAY RACE Prep: Two sets of safety gear: hard hat, gloves, safety vest, goggles, boots. Place a set of safety gear at each end of the play area. Bleach wipes should be used to sanitize the hard hats after each use.

Play: Form two teams. Instruct each team to line up at one end of the play area. The first player from each team runs to the pile of safety gear and puts it on, then runs back to the team. When the first player gets back, he removes all the safety gear. The next player puts the gear on and runs to the other end of the play area, takes off the equipment, and runs back. The first team to have all players complete the relay is the winner. If you don’t have any of the safety gear, then find five things to put on instead.

DAY 2 CONSTRUCTION CONE RING TOSS Prep: Make several rings with stiff rope and duct tape. Secure a piece of caution tape on the ground to designate the throwing line. Set up several construction cones a few feet from the line.

Play: Encourage kids to take turns tossing the rings onto the cones. Place the cones at various distances from the line and add point values that increase as the cones are further away. Form teams and the team with the most points wins.


DAY 2 ROLL THE STONE AWAY Prep: Sidewalk chalk to draw a large circle. One heavier ball to use as the shooter. Place several beach balls in the circle. Play: Challenge the kids to take turns rolling the shooter ball to try to knock the beach balls out of the circle. Kids will receive one point for each beach ball the shooter ball knocks out without the shooter leaving the circle. A player may continue the turn until no ball is knocked out or until the shooter ball rolls out of the circle. Replace all the balls after each turn. Option: Make a circle with a long rope if you are playing on grass. DAY 2 FOREMAN SAYS Prep: Beanbag for each kid or put a scoop of playground sand in a sock and tie it off to make beanbags. Place a line of cones several feet from where the kids will be standing. Play: Explain that on a construction job, the person in charge is called the foreman. Place a beanbag on each kid’s head and explain that they may not touch the beanbag with their hands. Challenge the kids to pantomime each action the foreman calls without losing their beanbag. (Actions could include push an imaginary wheelbarrow, use a shovel to dig a hole, use a jackhammer, hammer a nail.)

Vacation Bible School Pre-K – Kindergarten

TUESDAYKey Bible Verse: I know that God started a good work in

me and He will complete it. Philippians 1:6

Jesus Prayed in the Garden (Matthew 26:36-46)Jesus and His disciples walked to a place called Gethsemane. It was a garden near the bottom of a mountain. Jesus said to the men, “Sit here while I go pray.” Then Jesus told Peter and two other disciples, James and John, to go with Him. Jesus became quiet. He began to think about the plan God had for Him and the things that would happen soon. Jesus told His disciples He was sad and wanted them to stay near Him. While Peter, James, and John waited, Jesus walked a little farther away. He fell down on the ground and prayed. Jesus asked God to help Him.“Whatever You want, God, I will do,” Jesus said. Jesus walked back to the disciples. He found them sleeping. “Stay awake and pray,” Jesus said to the men. Jesus walked away again to pray some more. When He finished, He went back to the disciples. They were still sleeping!So Jesus went to pray again. He asked God to help Him be ready to do God’s plan. When Jesus finished praying, He returned to His disciples. He told them to get up and leave the garden with Him.

Jesus Made a Promise (Matthew 28:1-10,16-20)After Jesus died and was placed in a tomb, a stone was rolled in front of the tomb to seal it. His friends Mary Magedalene and another woman named Mary went to visit the place where Jesus’ body had been taken. There was an earthquake, and an angel of the Lord came down from heaven. The angel, who was dressed in white, rolled back the stone that had been placed in front of the tomb and sat on it. The angel told them Jesus is alive! Jesus was going to Galilee to see His disciples. This was wonderful news. The women were so happy. They hurried to find Jesus’ disciples to tell them the good news.Then Jesus met the women and said, “Good morning! Go tell My disciples to leave for Galilee. They will see me there.” The women looked for the disciples and told them the news. When the disciples heard the women’s message, they traveled to the mountain in Galilee where Jesus told them to go. When the disciples saw Jesus, they worshiped Him. When Jesus spoke to the men, He said, “Go and tell everyone about me. Teach people to do everything I have told you.” Jesus told the disciples that they should tell people everywhere that Jesus is alive. “And remember, I am with you always,” Jesus said.

ART AND CRAFTS*Jesus in the Garden *Jesus and the Tomb *Build a Mirror * Bible Story Color Sheets

Pre-K and Kindergarten Additional Resources

Day 2

Bible Story #1: Jesus Prayed in the Garden (Matthew 26:36-46)

The Point: Jesus chose to die for me.

Bonus Verse: No one has greater love than this; to lay down his life for his friends. John


Art/Craft: Make a prayer placemat. Trace the hands of your family onto a piece of

construction paper. Ask your child what they would like to pray for. Write it

on the construction paper. Ex. food, family, health, friends

Home Living: Facetime a family member or friend. Let your child tell the story about

Jesus praying. Have your child pray with the family member or friend.

Snack: Jello Parfait

Supplies: Jello, cool whip

Make Jello to instructions on the box. Allow your child to pour small

amounts of Jello into parfait glasses. Refrigerate. Pull out of the fridge and

add a layer of cool whip. Refrigerate. Pull out of the fridge and add another

layer of Jello. Allow to completely set. Add a layer of cool whip and enjoy!

Bible Story #2: Jesus’ Resurrection and Promise (Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20)

The Point: Jesus will always love me.

Bonus Verse: And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew


Art/Craft: Texture Craft

Supplies needed: cardboard, glue, rice, beans, salt, noodles, etc.

Provide your child with a paper plate or a piece of cardboard. Ask your child

if they want you to draw a picture on the cardboard with the glue.

(Example: heart, cross, etc.) Cover the glue with different textured items.

Use whatever is available from the house or pantry.

Home Living: Allow your child to help you make macaroni and cheese, or another simple

sidh. They can help you stir the butter, milk, and cheese into the noodles.

Your child is such a big helper.

Snack: Graham Cracker with Icing

Supplies needed: Graham crackers, ready made cake icing, plastic knife

Provide each child with a graham cracker and some icing. Allow them to

spread icing onto the graham cracker. For extra fun, add sprinkles and


Jesus Prayed in the Garden (Matthew 26:36-46)

Jesus Made a Promise (Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20)

Building Boxes


❑6 large boxes, any shape or size

❑Copy paper



1. Attach a piece of paper to each box and secure it with tape. Write each of the following letters on the white paper, one per box, in large, bold letters: A, L, W, A, Y, S.

2. Ask kids to listen carefully to the statements you’ll read and then decide how they will respond. Demonstrate how to cross your arms to represent the word never, hold your hands out to your sides to represent sometimes and put your hands up high in the air for always.

3. Read the following statements and allow time for responses: “I am nice to my friends. I listen and do everything my parents tell me to do. I turn in all my schoolwork on time. I treat people nicely who don’t treat me nicely.”

4. Display the prepared letter boxes and ask kids to help you put the letters in order to spell a word. Congratulate kids when they discover the word is always. Invite groups of kids to take turns rebuilding the word as time allows.

5. Ask: “How many of you were able to respond with always to each of the statements I read earlier? Probably no one, right?”

6. Say: “Jesus will always love you. It’s not sometimes, and it’s definitely not never. Jesus made a promise, and He will keep His promise forever. You will always be loved no matter what.”

Additional Activity Options

Safety Vest Review


❑ Option: 2 construction/safety vests

grocery bags Brown paper ❑ 2

notes❑ Sticky

❑ Marker

❑ Option: Create and a safety vest for each child sticky notes with books of the Bible multiple and

challenge kids to walk around placing sticky which on their vests according to notes label

they were assigned, Old or New.

1. Prepare two paper bags to create safety vests. the bag flat then cut a collapse First, neck hole

line the bag. Cut a straight up in the bottom of the front of the bag to create the vest. Cut arm holes on either side of the neck hole. Label one vest Old Testament and the other vest New Testament.

2. names Write the of several Old Testament books and New Testament books on sticky notes.

3. the Ask: “What are the titles of the two parts of Bible?” and (Old New Testament) Ask kids to

testament Jesus lived identify in which on earth is (New) and in which Testament Jesus talked

about as the coming Messiah (Old).

4. willing to Choose two volunteers who are the vests. Call attention to the label on wear

each vest.

5. notes to Distribute the kids prepared sticky and ask them place the books on the to appropriately titled vest.

6. Review sure the the vests and make books have been sorted correctly. Remind kids the books of the Bible are also sorted into divisions.

7. Choose two new volunteers to wear the vests and repeat the activity as time allows. Remind

Old kids the importance of recognizing the was born, before Jesus Testament includes life

and the New Testament includes Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection.


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