vctc dec 2016 quarterly

Post on 31-Jan-2022






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QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Decem ber 2016 Issue 4


visit : www.valleycent er t

Happy Holidays Everyone!It has been a great year for t he Valley Cent er Tennis Club

The Tennis Club membership is at an all time high with 110 members! We had two successful socials this year, and we will continue to improve and offer more fun in 2017. Thanks to your support progress continued; new shade awnings, additional benches, a new tennis shack roof, and a much improved shack to host league and social events too. For 2017, we are hoping for additional monies from the County to help with court resurfacing and improved lighting. We will prioritize future facility improvements and budget accordingly. We have discussed raising dues at some point, if needed. We want to improve and maintain the facility and of course, keep expenses low. We hope you will continue to support the Club by sending in your dues in January.

VCTC's Calendar List s all Event s! You can

f ind it on our Websit e and Facebook page.

The Club has a num ber of act ive leagues:

Tuesday, 8:30a ? Competitors Division A Blue, captain: Josie Hendrix.

Wednesday, 8:30a ? Leah?s League; women?s doubles, captain: Josie.

Thurs.., 8:30a ? Competitors Div. BB Red, 3.5 wmn/dbles; capt., Tanya.

Saturday USTA - mixed doubles, 8.0; captain: Josie.

Saturday USTA - mixed doubles; 7.0, captain is Lyn Scribner.

Sunday, 8:30a ... USTA men's 4.0 doubles, the captain: Kenny Hawkins

Scheduled 2017 League Act ivit ies

More good news! The Valley Center High School Girls' Varsity Tennis Team finished second in their division this year. They competed in CIF and Brooke Clark made two rounds! Mandi Malich and Serra Sisler made three rounds and were beaten by the eventual doubles CIF champions. Good work Jaguars!

Kenny Hawkins has played some great tennis this year and is now ranked 22 out of 159 players in the San Diego 4.0 NTPP. And Tommy Pelletier began the year competing at the 3.5 level --- due to his success USTA has moved him to a 4.0 ranking! Good work and great tennis guys!

The high school boys and girls are playing in a World Team Tennis league! Coach Seth is in charge. The league runs thru January. Best of luck to all!

The Ladies? Wednesday Play-Day continues to be a viable and popular success! Doubles at 8:30am on Wednesday is a tradition at Adams Park. Players from Fallbrook, RB, Encinitas, Escondido, San Marcos, Vista, and Temecula gather to socialize and play tennis. All are members of the VCTC and most play at a 3.5 level ? , with a few higher and a few lower skilled. This is a very lively, positive and welcoming group. For these reasons, the group continues to grow in popularity. There are about 26 players on the roster that play regularly.

New Play-Day Opt ion Added! A new, additional Play-Day for the ladies is planned for Monday mornings at 8:30am. It will have the same rotation format as Wednesday. Ladies may choose to add Monday as an additional day to play or elect to just play on Monday. Michele Glemser has volunteered to schedule Mondays just as she schedules Wednesdays now. The new additional day may reduce the times that players need to step down, and theoretically, it should assure the possibility of weekly play for everyone, and perhaps reduce the necessity of playing on consecutive days, which sometimes occurs with various league involvements.

In January - March t he VCTC w il l be suppor t ing a Ladies A Team (4.0) that is scheduled to play on Wednesday mornings. Typically, they play about 4 home matches and thus we want to make sure they have three courts available for league. This may nudge some of our current Wednesday ladies to elect to play on the Monday Play-Day. This option ensures everyone has an opportunity to play each week.

Ladies Open Monday & Wednesday Play-Days

Oh t he Coin Toss at t he Social ...

Michele w il l need t o know who plans to play when, with the addition of the new Monday play-day. The hope is that more play will happen with the additional flexibility of playing Monday and/or Wednesday. Michele may contact you. Know that the new Play-Day does not begin until January 2nd. Michele should be able to answer any questions you might have. Thanks to all members for your continued support. It is going to be another great new year for tennis!

Monday & Wednesday Play-Days Cont inued

REMINDER! Club dues should be sent t o Linda Fox for your annual m em bership. Linda w il l be m ail ing invoices soon.

If you are interested in forming a league please contact Barbara Rohrer, and for members in the Temecula area, contact Josie Hendrix. Barbara and Josie are working together to make sure schedules are in line. For Monday and Wednesday play-day information contact Michele Glemser. For membership and rosters contact Linda Fox our club treasurer. Lyn Scribner schedules a mixed group for Saturday morning play. Contact Lyn if you want to be added to the Sat., list. For specific league play contact the captain. Refer to our club calendar for schedules and additional contact information. Marla Helms and Nancy Deano add events and league information to the calendar.

CLUB Cont act s

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Next Board Meet ing is scheduled for January 16, 2017, at t he Library at 6:30pm .


Van Lynch, President

Marla Helms, VP

Linda Fox, Treasurer

Ellie Campbell, Co-Treasurer

Lyn Scribner, Secretary

Barbara Rohrer, Co-Secretary

Event s of Int erest

January 6-7 Fallbrook Wint er Junior Tournam ent

Jan. 7t h, 41st Mar t in Lut her King Tourney at Mount ain View Spor t s & Racket Club

Jan. 27, USTA Wom ens PRO Circuit Wild Card at Morgan Run in Rancho Sant a Fe

Feburary 24, La Cost a Open

March 9t h, BNP Par ibas Open, Indian Wells

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