vegetable ipm€¦ · spray對 when leaves are dry. apply thoroughly to all leaf surfaces. try to...

Post on 20-Apr-2020






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Vegetable IPM Subtitle

Jon Traunfeld-

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Vegetable IPM

What’s going on in our gardens? • Many insecticides and fungicides are no

longer available to home gardeners. • The way you garden and manage pests can

affect my garden. • We need an ecosystem approach that

emphasizes non-chemical strategies for pest management.

IPM philosophy

• IPM is a knowledge-based, wholistic approach to managing pests at an acceptable level.

• Gardens, and landscapes are complex ecosystems; IPM seeks balance between pests and beneficials.

• Emphasizes biological, cultural, and physical methods to prevent and manage problems. Least toxic pesticides may be warranted as a last resort.

IPM: simple steps and common sense “Study”

– “right plant in the right place”; give them what they need.

– know the important pest problems and how to prevent them.

– learn the habits, life-cycle, and weaknesses of key pests.

“Spy” – monitor plants closely for signs and symptoms of

problems. Are symptoms getting worse? – strive for correct diagnosis of problem. “Squish” – take “least toxic” action. – did the action work? Continue to monitor.

Cultural and Environmental Problems • Abiotic = “without life”

• Less than ½ of plant problems are caused by insects, disease, and other critters

•Blossom-end rot (nutritional disorder)

2,4-D herbicide injury Plants burned with

pyrethrum and soap insecticide

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Two more abiotic problems. 2,4-D injury produces epinasty because this herbicide is a growth regulator. The top of the leaf overgrows the bottom causing very noticeable twisting, curling, and distortion. Very common in spring when this material is being sprayed everywhere. Tomato and grape are very sensitive. Phyto image on the right is classic. Burn occurs where droplets hit and stuck to leaf. Also leaf margins are browning. This was caused by an organic pyrethrum/soap insecticide.

Guilt by Association

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Holes in leaves on left made by insects with chewing mouthparts- i.e. caterpillars. There are several pest species that attack members of the cabbage family. Aphids have sucking mouthparts, so, while we observe cabbage aphids on the leaf (in large numbers) they did not chew the holes. Imported cabbageworm on right.

Brown and Green Stink Bug and Fruit Injury

Emerging Pests: squash beetle

Mexican Bean Beetle- “Skeletonizer”

Knowledge: hornworm lifecycle

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Hornworm adult (sphinx moth); larva; damage to fruits from tobacco hornworm feeding; pupal case found in top 2 inches of soil next to tomato plant. Important to know the ecology of our insects, both pests and beneficials. This knowledge enables you to take the appropriate actions.

Biological Control • Attracting natural, native predators and parasites.

Plant beds of flowering annuals and perennials in these families: – Mint (anise hyssop, thyme – Carrot (dill, yarrow) – Aster (tansy, marigold, zinnia) – Brassica (alyssum, dames rocket, Asian greens)

• Buying and releasing predators and parasites – not generally recommended because they tend to

disperse; effectiveness varies – ok for severe spider mites infestations

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Plants with very small flowers are perfect for supplying nectar and pollen to small beneficial insects. Predators and parasites need this sustenance at some point during their lifecycle. The plantings of flowers also provide good habitat- high humidity and protection from predators. We have plenty of effective beneficial insects to keep down pest populations. Your job is to attract and conserve them. View your garden as an eco-system. Think about all the different levels of relationships. You may want to create habitat for toads, birds, snakes as well.

Hornworm parasitized by tiny Braconid wasps

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People freak when they see these cocoons of the Braconid wasp. The tiny female wasp laid her eggs on the hornworm. The larvae hatched and fed on the hornworm’s innards. They spun the white cocoons in preparation for emerging as adults. They cut the tops out and fly to mate and complete their lifecycle. Parasitized hornworms should be left alone of placed in a protected area.

Bio-control of aphids

All Hail to the Predators

Lady bird beetles chow down on aphids

Physical control strategies

• Hand-pick pest insects and their egg masses. • Remove badly diseased leaves or plants. • Exclude insects and other pests with a floating

row cover, fence, etc. • Apply a barrier dust or spray- wood ash, lime,

flour, kaolin clay to prevent insect feeding.

Presentation Notes
“Surround”- kaolin clay May suppress flea beetle and cucumber beetle feeding Rate: 1 cup/1 qt. Water Instructions: Fill spray bottle with 1 pint of water; add Surround; add second pint of water while stirring; shake sprayer prior to application. Spray when leaves are dry. Apply thoroughly to all leaf surfaces. Try to spray undersides of leaves as well. Maintain white film coating on leaves; may take 2-3 applications. Re-apply if rainfall washes off white coating. Can be used up to the date of harvest. Wash coating off fruits prior to eating. Bread flour or wood ash can be dusted on leaves using a strainer or flour sifter. Inexpensive ($1 per lb.) if purched from Peaceful Valley in CA but shipping is very expensive. Expensive per lb. if purchased from Gardens Alive in IN.

Your mission: locate and destroy egg masses

Colorado potato beetle

Squash bug

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You have to train clientele to look at leaf undersides to find egg masses.

Floating row cover • Spun-bonded polyester;

gauzy material. Draped over crop, is secured to ground; leave slack to allow crop growth.

• Excludes pests, and increases crop growth in spring and fall by raising temp. and humidity.

• Can be re-used; must be removed before flowering of cross-pollinated crops (cukes, squash, etc.)

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like interfacing

Flea Beetles

Eggplant Leaves Coated with Surround

Cultural control strategies • Grow resistant varieties • Clean up and compost plant debris at end

of season • Time your crops to avoid expected pests • Bag up badly infested plants • Plant lots of flowering plants to attract

beneficial insects

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Bullet 4- if Mexican bean beetles are feeding heavily on a row of early snap beans I may want to let the population build and then cut off all plants and put them into a sealed black plastic bag to roast this little nemesis. That breaks the lifecycle and I may be able to plant subsequent crops with fewer beetles to contend with.

Wilted squash- what could be wrong?

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What’s first possible cause to consider with a wilted plant? Drought, lack of water.

Squash vine borer

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Most gardeners don’t see the female flying low around squash plants. Larvae can feed for up to 2 weeks inside. You’ve got to monitor for the injury- small holes on lower stems with frass kicked out.

Squash vine borer

• Very common lethal pest; attacks squashes and pumpkin.

• Pupae over-winter below soil; moths emerge in spring and inconspicuous eggs are laid singly on stems.

• Cream colored larva with brown head; 1 inch long when mature.

• 1-2 generations/year.

Organic management: before signs of injury

• Set out 3-4 week old transplants after danger of frost to get a jump on this pest.

• Cover plants with floating row cover until flowering to prevent egg-laying.

• Dust lower stems with rotenone or pyrethrum or wrap them with aluminum foil.

• Till soil at season’s end to kill/expose svb cocoons. • Butternut and cushaw are resistant; yellow

crookneck less susceptible than zucchini.

Organic management: after signs of injury

• Locate active borers by slitting the vine vertically where frass is kicked out. Kill borer. Mound soil over the wound or wrap with duct tape.

• Seal up infested vines in plastic bag before larvae pupate (break life cycle.)

Early blight (fungal disease)- tomato

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Most common leaf spot disease and defoliator of tomato plants east of the Mississippi. Most people don’t know what hit them. Symptoms are pretty obvious if you take the time to look closely.

Advanced symptoms of early blight

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Too late now! The fruit spotting is from infected leaves sticking to fruit and infecting fruit. Sunburn is a result of defoliation.

Early blight- Alternaria solani • Principal foliar disease of tomato; also attacks

potato, eggplant. • Splashes up to lower leaves and progresses up

plant; often appears with another disease- Septoria leaf spot.

• First symptom is irregular brown lesions with bulls-eye pattern and yellow halo.

• Can spread rapidly with warm, humid weather and defoliate plants.

• Over-winters in crop debris, wooden stakes, and in soil.

Organic management • Cultivars vary somewhat in susceptibility;

but none with good resistance. • Thick organic mulch can slow upward

splashing of fungal spores. • Give plants more space; improved air

circulation. • Remove badly infected lower leaves. • Spray with fixed copper fungicide; other

organic sprays have not proven effective .

Presentation Notes
UM research showed no benefit from using compost tea, hydrogen dioxide, or Bacillus subtillus. Copper was the only fungicide that worked to control the infection.

Key points to remember…

• It’s easier to prevent a problem than cure one.

• Look under leaves for pest problems. • Insect pests are more vulnerable to

pesticides in their larval stage. • Never spray insecticides during bloom


IPM web resources

• HGIC’s Plant Diagnostic Section-

• U. of MD’s IPM Web Site-

• Cornell’s Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic- • National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)-

Resources • Home and Garden Information Center (HGIC)

– 800-342-2507 –

• Grow-It-Eat-It website –

• Master Gardener state website –

This program was brought to you by Maryland Master Gardener Program

Howard County University of Maryland Extension

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Remember to put in the correct county!

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