venae cavae and tributaries superior vena cava returns blood from body regions superior to the...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Venae Cavae and Tributaries

Superior vena cava returns blood from body regions superior to the


Inferior vena cava returns blood from body regions inferior to the


Superior and inferior vena cavajoin the right atrium

Abdominal Cavity Vasculature

Figure 19.18

Major Veins of the Systemic Circulation

Figure 19.20b

Veins of the Head and Neck

Dural Sinuses

Superior and inferior sagittal sinuses

Straight sinus

Transverse sinuses

Sigmoid sinus

Figure 19.20a

Veins of the Head and Neck

Venous drainage

Internal jugular veins

External jugular veins

Vertebral veins

Veins of the Upper Limbs

Deep Veins

- follow the paths of companion arteries

- have the same names as the companion arteries

Superficial veins - visible beneath the skin- Cephalic vein

- Basilic vein

- Median cubital vein

- Median vein of the forearm

Veins of the Right Limb

Figure 19.21a

Antecubital Fossa

Form anastomese frequently

Median cubital vein - used to obtain blood or administer IV fluids

Figure 19.22

Figure 19.21b

Veins of the Thorax

Azygos vein

Hemiazygos vein

Accessory hemiazygos vein

Tributaries of the Inferior Vena Cava

Figure 19.23

Veins of the Hepatic Portal System

Figure 19.25

Veins of the Pelvis & Lower Limbs

Deep veins Share the name of the accompanying artery

Superficial veins Great saphenous vein empties into the femoral vein

Small saphenous vein empties into the popliteal vein

Veins of the Right Lower Limb and Pelvis

Figure 19.26a

Veins of the Right Lower Limb

Figure 19.26b

Figure 19.27

Disorders of the Blood Vessels


Deep vein thrombosis of the lower limb

Venous disease

Microangiopathy of diabetes

Arteriovenous malformation

Blood Vessels Throughout Life

Fetal CirculationAll major vessels in place by month three

of development

Differences between fetal and postnatal circulation include:- fetus must supply blood to the placenta

- very little blood is sent through the pulmonary circuit

Vessels to and from the Placenta

Umbilical vessels run in the umbilical cord- paired umbilical arteries

- unpaired umbilical vein

Fetal vessels and structures- Ductus venosus

- Ligamentum teres

- Ligamentum venosum

- Medial umbilical ligaments

Figure 19.28a

Fetal Circulation

Shunts Away from the Pulmonary Circuit

- Foramen ovale

- Ductus arteriosus

Blood Vessels in Adulthood

Atherosclerosis begins in youth- consequences evident in middle to old age

Males- more atherosclerosis than females between ages 45 – 65


- experience heart disease and atherosclerosis later in life

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