veritas issue 1 2013

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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Term 1 events at Siena College 2013





1. Articles From Your Peers

2. Death By Chocolate


3. Artworks

4. Photo Competition


5. Captain's Corner

6. What Siena Has Been Up

To So Far

7. House Captain’s Report

8. Interhouse Swimming



from Your


7 innovative and easy ways to procrastinate on your iPad (Inspired by the lovely, dedicated young ladies of

Siena College)

Photo Booth. IPads increase selfie opportunities by like 5738919587 times. And

don't lie, you know you send them to your friends for a little Monday pick-me-up. The only really good effects (according to a source) are twirl, squeeze and stretch, but non-users/outsiders/the enemy can never understand the infinite possibilities and sheer beauty those three effects can offer to the enlightened. The pride one feels over the perfect Photo Booth picture is immense. And it solves the dilemma of what to use for your educational app avatars! You're welcome; I knew that was keeping you up at night.

Sims Free Play. They're like children, or a dog. For the first couple of days it just

breaks your heart to see them zombie trudging around the veggie patch in a pool of their urine, but after a while they just become SO ANNOYING AND HIGH MAINTENANCE Y R U STILL HERE JIMBOB AND TRUDY WEINER. But it's kind of cute how they wake up and go to bed at the same time as you, and they yell at you in Simmish; and giving your friends house tours in Religion is quite a good way to pass the time.

My Script Calculator. Math’s is actually fun. Actually. Fun. The only criticism is

how stressful it is to try and finish writing your expression in the time before the figures start to turn into real number symbol things. And how much longer simple equations take because you just like to write them on your modern new iPad instead of typing them into your ancient calculator with buttons.

Installing and re-installing the planner app. Self explanatory. Physical

planners will live on forever in our hearts. It's just not the same not having the weekly well being tips and the Siena College uniform guidelines so easily accessible. And who could forget Anon's genius?

4 Pics 1 Word. This app totally takes priority over morning bus cramming. It is

absolutely essential that you get those coins. Your ability to concentrate on your methods test depends upon it. Late night study sessions have been replaced by those evil four pictures that SO DO NOT REPRESENT THAT WORD.

Organizing everything. Somehow sorting all your Pages and Notability files into

class folders feels like it counts as homework. Reward yourself with a little free time; deciding how you're going to organize everything can be sooooo exhausting. Anyway, now you're practically sorted for exams. You clever person!

Plants vs Zombies. You're saving up for that aquatic Zen garden. Desperately

waiting on that battling pea to load in survival endless. And when that gargantuan zombie comes and crushes your spike weed right when the bell for home room sounds... don't even begin to try and offer some solace to a PvZ addict.

By 2 amazing girls who would like to remain anonymous

Who are the homeless? Well they are now my beloved pets who my family have

acquired over the years. Don't worry, we don't kidnap them, we find each

other and fall in love.

Pet 1- Buffy

I was in Grade 3 and one day my mum came to my

sister and me asking if we wanted a cat as she had one

growing up that she loved. It was a rag-doll cat and she

ALWAYS tells us that she used to mop the floors while

it was wrapped around her neck. That’s cute mum, but

not after hearing the same story for the 20th time

(literally). Anyway, my sister and I were like “Hell yes!!!”,

but there is always someone who likes to rain on our

parade. This storm cloud was my Dad whose exact words were, “absolutely no more pets” (after

several gold fish which didn't last long). I was like “Com'on Dad, I know the horses were a bit of

a stretch to ask for, but a cat?”. His answer was still no.

About 2 weeks later Mum tells us that she was going to pick us up from school that day,

which was a very rare thing. Little did we know that she was going to take us to the RSPCA to

adopt a kitten (without my dad knowing). WIN!!!! By the time we got there, there were only 5

kittens left, 4 white and 1 black (long haired, tortoise shell, domestic cat). We were about to

leave empty handed, but decided that we would go for the odd one out, the black beauty. My

sister and I were told to guard this cat so that our mum could go and get the box to put her in.

By the time she had return not only had the black cat escaped into a box with a very small

opening, but another family were trying to get her it out. Forcefully, my mother told them that

we were taking that cat. Another win for us.

On the way home we put the cat in a

box in the boot. Somehow mid-trip the

kitten got out of her box, climbed through

the tiny gap between the back seat and

the boot, and onto my sisters lap where

she stayed for the rest of the trip. She

obviously loved to look out the window

and see what was around her. The worst

part of our brilliant plan for adopting this

kitten was trying to sneak it past my dad

which failed miserably as he was waiting

for the three of us to return home. It

wasn't a surprise that he was angry, but majority rules in my house and we couldn't just drive

back to the RSPCA and say "We'd like to return this kitten."

Three days later we finally found a name for our black beauty, Buffy, and yes, at the time we

girls did have an obsession for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We got her everything, the scratching

post, the tunnel and a cat bed yet she would rather use a piece of wood outside for a scratching

post, sheets hanging over chairs as a hiding place and our washing basket as her bed. In other

words she is easy to please...until it comes to food.

It's Buffy's 10th birthday this year and she is best described as a princess, although some

may call her evil. Just because a cat bites and attacks you doesn't mean that they're evil, it just

means that they have temper issues. She's a very playful cat, but because she regularly sharpens

her claws you have to be careful as her nails can go through two layers of blankets. She has way

too much pride in grooming herself, but it only means that her coat is immaculate. If (big if, very

big if) Buffy sleeps with you she will either sleep on you (mainly feet or legs, but sometimes

chest and one time on my dad's head) or right next to you otherwise she will sleep where she

knows she will not be disturbed.

The funniest thing about this whole story is that my dad, who never wanted a cat, now cares

more about the cats (yes plural) than the human members of our family.

Here's some instructions to make your own:

Or visit:

Jessica Dimond, Resource Centre Captain, 2013

Sadako Sasaki was a Japanese

girl who was two year old

when the atomic bomb was

dropped on August the 6th,

1945 near her home by

Misasa bridge in Hiroshima,

Japan Sadako is remembered

though her story of folding

one thousand orgami cranes

before her death (she only

folded 644, but her friends

completed the rest), and to

this day a symbol of peace

around the world. She

believes that folding paper

cranes would help her

recover, she fold them to the

very end. Her death triggered

a campaign to build a

monument to pray for world

peace and the peaceful repose

of the many children killed

by the atomic bomb. Later

this story is spread around

the world and now,

approximately10 million

cranes are offered each year

before the Children's Peace


Death by




250g good-quality dark chocolate, broken into pieces

200g butter, chopped

6 eggs

1/3 cup caster sugar

200g mini chocolate Easter eggs (or speckled eggs), for decoration

cocoa powder, to serve

Sweet short-crust pastry 1 2/3 cups plain flour

3/4 cup pure icing sugar

125g butter, chilled, chopped

1 egg yolk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 tablespoon chilled water


1. Make short-crust pastry: Combine flour, icing sugar and butter in a food processor. Process until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add egg yolk, vanilla and chilled water. Process until pastry just comes together. Turn onto a floured surface and knead until smooth. Pat into a 10cm disc. Wrap in greaseproof paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes or until firm enough to roll out.

2. Preheat oven and a large flat baking tray to 190°C. Roll pastry out between 2 sheets baking paper to a 34cm round. Use round to line base and sides of a 2.5cm-deep, 26cm (base) fluted loose-based tart pan. Trim excess pastry. Freeze pastry case for 15 minutes or until firm.

3. Line pastry case with baking paper. Three-quarters fill with dried beans or uncooked rice. Place on hot tray. Bake for 10 minutes or until firm to touch. Remove paper and beans. Bake for a further 8 to 10 minutes or until pastry base is light golden. Remove from oven. Reduce oven to 180°C and return baking tray to oven.

4. Meanwhile, place chocolate and butter in a heatproof, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring every minute with a metal spoon, or until melted and smooth. Using hand beaters, beat eggs and sugar in a large bowl for 4 minutes or until pale and thick. Pour in chocolate mixture. Beat until well combined.

5. Pour chocolate mixture into pastry case. Place on hot tray and bake for 15 to 18 minutes or until just set.

Cool to room temperature.

6. Arrange mini Easter eggs on tart. Dust with cocoa powder and serve.


To Prep


To Cook






If your friends are anything like mine there's bound to be an occasion when it's the night before 'Barbara's' birthday. So yeah, everyone, 'IT'S 'BARBARA'S BIRTHDAY!' Now, quite often this is good thing, no it's a GREAT thing, but this time that girl who organizes everyone's birthdays is sick. You send a text to ya bestie, 'Susan, what on earth are we going to do for Barbara's birthday!! It's tomorrow!!' Mind you, it's about 9:27pm. You super quickly make a group inbox, but as if anyone is going to remember, let's be honest. You ask mum why there isn't any chips. 'Hey Muuuuum, can you drive me to the supermarket? Pleeeasee?' We all know how that ends. So you decide, TIME TO UNLEASH MY INNER CHEF. Now the problem is what to make... CHOCOLATE FUDGE! Ooh yeah What you need: 200g milk chocolate 200g dark chocolate 1x395g can of condensed milk (don't worry, it's actually a 395g tin) 3 tsp of vanilla extract What to do: Use baking paper to line a baking tray that is 20x20 cm. Break up the chocolate into pieces and place in a heatproof bowl (either glass or stainless steel) with the condensed milk over a pot of just simmering water. MAKE SURE THE BOWL DOESN'T TOUCH THE WATER. Stir occasionally until all the chocolate is melted. Take off the heat and beat in the vanilla. Pour into the lined tray and smooth out the fudge. Resist the temptation and put it in the fridge. You can eat it tomorrow. Once it's set, take out the fudge and cut it into small pieces. On the off chance it doesn't all get eaten straight away, it would keep in the fridge in an air tight container for 2 weeks. Barbara would be thankful. But everyone else especially thankful. Just make sure they all know that this WON'T become a habit.



150 g of butter 1 cup of brown sugar 2 eggs ½ cup of plain flour ½ cup of cocoa

METHOD: 1) Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy 2) Add eggs one at a time on a low speed 3) Mix through flour and cocoa 4) Bake at 160 degrees for 25-35 minutes 5) Serve warm with cream or ice-cream

Mary Constantini 2013 Collage Captain

Digital Design by Cristina Parry

VisCom Folio

Year 12 Student

Art Folio Year 12 Student

Art Folio Year 12 Student


Natalie Tynan

Year 10

Congratulations, you have

won your winning photo on a

high quality 11"x14" canvas

at the value over $80. To all

other girls who entered, as a

thank-you gift, you'll also be

receiving a little something at

the next school assembly.

Kristin Bato

Sabina Kesuma Year 8

Molly Burmeister Year 8

Jada Chung Year 7



Term 1 saw many exciting things happen in terms of sport at Siena!

Throughout the term girls were involved in week GSV games. Term 1’s sports

were softball indoor cricket and tennis. The Junior A indoor cricket team

were able to not only reach the finals, but win the grand final securing

Siena’s first GSV pennant of the year. This marks the 12th pennant Siena has

received in just two years and one term of GSV sport- A magnificent feat!

Also, a big congratulation to Emily Crashaw and Morgan Khan

on being medalists at the GSV Swim and Dive finals night. Emily took out

the gold medal for the second time in three years and Morgan was a silver

medalist. A tremendous result as the night brings together the best of the

best from all GSV schools.

Throughout term 1, we ran a lunchtime netball competition for the

new year 7’s to help smooth the transition from busy, active primary school

lunchtimes to the less physically active high school lunchtimes. It was great

to see the girls participating in their houses with over 80 girls getting


Ashleigh Farrell and Abbey Tanner 2013 Sport


Term 1, as always, was

extremely exciting for the

music department with girls

rehearsing in their new bands

and ensembles, playing lots of

new music and generally having

a great time. Wind Orchestra

was hard at work, rehearsing

for their main performance of

the term-the Year 7 Music

Information Night. The junior

girls really enjoyed their

performances, both in home

room and on the night itself

and an incredible number of

them signed up to play an

instrument. We look forward to

hearing how their musical

skills develop and grow in the


Senior Choir was also

hard at work, preparing for

their first competitive

performance in a few years-The

Boorondura Choir Estedford.

The opportunity to perform and

compete against other schools

who are of a very high calibre

has really challenged the

girls and therefore allowed

them to develop new skills and

a better understanding of what

it is to work together as a


Rehearsals for the Siena-

Whitefriars Musical are well

underway. The choice of

production this year-'Oliver'

allows for a whole host of

Siena girls to take to the

stage and spotlight,

showcasing their incredible

talents and abilities.

Congratulations to those girls

who have been cast in a role,

along with the ensemble and

those performing in the

orchestra pit. We wish you all

luck and look forward to

seeing the final product!!

We encourage as many

girls as possible to get out

there and enjoy their music,

support their friends and have

a great time. Looking forward

to what term 2 will bring!!

Bridget Black 2013 Music Captain









Stay tuned for more details. Catherine Dent &

Georgia Margaris

The 2013 DAV Debating Season is now well and truly underway, with all 6 Siena teams participating in Round 1, held at Camberwell Grammar School. All the debaters are to be congratulated on their superb efforts in Round 1, including our B-Grade, C-Grade and D-Grade teams who came out with a win. The results for the debates are as follows:


A GRADE - Johanna Gogos - Claire McNaughtan - Georgie Kent

Unfortunately lost by 3 points to Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School

B GRADE 1 - Georgia Margaris - Julia Ventura - Hannah James-Crisp

Won the debate by 3 points against Camberwell Grammar School, with Hannah James-Crisp winning Best Speaker

B GRADE 2 - Jordyn Bethune - Cassie Bethune - Emily Poynton

Won the debate by 5 points against Carey Baptist Grammar School, with Emily Poynton winning Best Speaker

C GRADE 1 - Shenika Fernando - Felicity Smith - Taylor Kennedy

Won the debate by 3 points against Trinity Grammar School, with Felicity Smith winning Best Speaker

C GRADE 2 - Kelsi Bermingham - Konstance Vassiliadis - Annabelle Gild

Won the debate by 4 points against Alia College, with Annabelle Gild winning Best Speaker

D GRADE - Niamh O'Farrell - Laura Butler - Caitlin Moloney

Won the debate by 1 point against Fintona Girls' School

Congratulations to all the Siena teams, Best Speakers and most of all, Team Coaches for their fantastic efforts and support in Round 1. Keep up the great work! A big thanks to the parents, families and friends who attended this first round of debates - your support is greatly appreciated by all the debaters and steam Coaches. If you would like to attend the Round 2 DAV Debates to show your support for our teams, the next round will be held on Monday, April 29th at Camberwell Grammar School, 55 Mont Albert Rd, Canterbury. Hope to see you there!

Your 2013 captains, Catherine Dent & Georgia Margaris!

To Kill a

Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Pride and

Prejudice by Jane Austin

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvery

Harry Potter

Series by J.K Rowling

The Twilight

Series by Stephanie Meyer

The Host by Stephanie Meyer

Looking for

Alaska by John Green

Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta

Looking for

Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

On the Jeillicoe

Road by Melina Marchetta

By Jessica Dimond, Resource Centre Captain,2013

On the 24th of April, Siena was represented at the

Boorondara City Council Environment Awards. We heard

from the Mayor of Boorondara as well as Costa

Georgiadis from Gardening Australia who spoke very

passionately about how easy it is to change the world

through simple changes in our daily thinking. Siena was

nominated in the 'Waste' category for our work in the

recycling of fabrics in the textiles room, our egg raffles

and our recycling of food scraps for the chickens. We

were nominated along with ten other schools in this

category, but were beaten by Chatham Primary School

who showed incredible commitment in their

biodiversity, waste and water programs. Solway Primary

School was the big winner of the day, taking home the

'Sustainable School of the Year' award. It was a great

opportunity to learn about other schools' projects for

saving our precious resources, and provided us with

much inspiration and ideas for the future.

By the 2013 Environment Captain Brianna Reaney

So obviously we know that you're all studying hard for your tests,

outcomes, SACs etc etc etc, but there comes a time in your life when you just

need to have a break (and a kitkat) and what better way to spend that then

sitting in the same position for hours, staring at a tiny screen? Well, lots

of things... But still, who could deny the free and not to mention, brilliant

entertainment found on YouTube? This website is no longer just a website to

convert lyric videos made by 10-year olds on Windows Movie Maker into mp3

files and dancing animal videos, but a fantastic source of procrastination in

the form of vlogs and well, dancing animal videos.

'But I don't know what videos/YouTubers to watch!' -Siena College student,

2013. Never fear! Here at Veritas, we understand the eternal struggle, so we

have grabbed a few fabulous youtubers to drench that Internet drought! (I

tried) HERE WE GO!



Ella Grace

This English girl is relatively new to the whole

YouTube thing, but has made an impact! We

highly recommend 'How To Put Thing Into

Perspective' and 'Home Alone?!' Guaranteed


The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Year 11 Literature girls - this is for you!

LBD is a modern day adaption of Jane Austen's novel,

Pride and Prejudice, where Lizzie Bennet, a grad-

student vlogs about her life. If you don't ship Lizzie

and Darcy more than everything you know and love

by then end of the series, then you need to re-evaluate


Llamas With Hats

*theatrical voice* "From the YouTubers who brought

you Charlie The Unicorn, comes a hilarious animation

about Llamas With Hats."

Starring two charming llamas, who wear hats, laughs

are guaranteed and if you don't quote this series on a

weekly basis, you're doing it wrong. Yeah, the truth


Cheyann de Jong IT Captain (surprise, surprise)

The International Women's Day Breakfast for Victorian girls, representing

their schools, was held at Parliament House on Monday 4th, March. It was

a thoroughly enjoyable experience for 9 of Siena's captains (Julia Pecoraro,

Madeline Toohey, Catherine Dent, Grace Holland, Lauren Smith, Natalie

Angus, Alessandra Maiolo, Jessica Diamond, and Emma Gelsumini) and

Ms. Salinger, listening to the speakers views on Women's Rights gave us a

greater appreciation for the world around us. A young women spoke about

her knowledge being in the lawyer area of the government. She provided

great insight as she compared her life to many women around the world

that don't have the same opportunities we have. Overall, the morning

made us proud to be young women in Australia and alerted us to the fact

that because we are fortunate we have a responsibility to help those

women who aren't. Be proud! At the same, time be aware that not all

women are as lucky as we! Catherine Dent, Debating and Public Speaking Captain 2013

The big sister little sister program is a fun

and beneficial program that is great to be a part

of! As a part of this great program we have had a

big sister little sister pajama party which was a

great way to get to know each other. Later in the

year we have had many other activities such as

the Easter egg hunt! It is great to have a year 12

to help us and be a role model. It has been a great

experience so far and I am sure there will be

many more good times to come!

Grace Powers Year 7

Term one started off with a bang for the first house

event of the year was the swimming carnival and

realising that this wasn't our strongest sport, I knew

we would have to work hard to keep up with the

other houses. I was extremely proud of my house and

the effort and enthusiasm given by each and every

Cassian was amazing. Although we didn't win, we

won the enthusiasm award!

Natalie Angus

Cassia House Captain 2013

The swimming carnival was a very enjoyable

day, the Dianella house were constantly

cheering for their peers and supporting one

another no matter what the results were. I was

very proud of our house as I think we showed

true team spirit and companionship.

Alessandra Maiolo

Dianella House Captain 2013

Term One felt like a breeze!

Now, let's not just say that

this breeze was entirely rosy

and refreshing (although it's

fair to say for the most part

it was!

As the Kurrajong House Captain it was time to get

crackin' on Fiesta - writing the script, auditioning girls,

beginning singing rehearsals, dances and music - I thought

that it was going to be absolutely insane. At some stages,

however, I felt a little crazy but what I was surprised to

discover was the amount of girls - my personal friends and

Kurra girls who I hardly knew - who I was approached by or

who came up to one of the other Kurra Captains to say that

they were willing to help with Fiesta! I was shocked at the

level of support shown by the Kurra girls! Left, right and

centre when there was a spot to be filled, a Kurrajongian

rose to the challenge which is probably one of the most

rewarding things for a captain to see. As well as this, my

fellow captains and I were able to begin our first

collaborative project and from the first moment we clicked! I

am proud to say I have such an amazing group of girls as

captains who back me up, help me even without being asked and

go beyond anything that I could've imagined!

In recognition of this, Kurrajong headed into the Swim

Carnival with a new chant in our heads, green in our hearts

and willingness to conquer the pool! It was great to see all

the new students, especially the Year Sevens really embrace

the atmosphere of the day!

From swimming to cheering and the diving (with the

occasional belly flop) Kurrajong stayed as a tight-knit unit

winning the Diving Aggregate Award AND coming SECOND OVERALL!

What a great achievement to all our lovely Kurrajongians! We

rocked it!

Personally, one of my favourite non-house events of term

one was the Big Sister - Little Sister disco where my dancing

shoes' durability was tested to the max! My sanity was

probably at stake two as Year Sevens watched in admiration

(possibly fear but mainly admiration) at my versatility on

the D-floor. All the same I got to dance to some classics

e.g. 1D with my beautiful buddy Catherine, and slam the mic

to Nicky Minaj with my other buddy Emma. What a great night

for buddies and their Big Sisters alike!

So as you can guess, term one was an absolutely brilliant

start to my captaincy and made me forever optimistic about

Kurrajong in Term 2! Bring on the Aths Carnival and Fiesta!!

Love Mads

Kurrajong House Captain 2013

Term 1 couldn’t have been a better start to the year for Waratah. We won

the swimming carnival with the hard work and house spirit of Waratah's best

swimmers and all the other girls who put up their hand to help. Not only did we

take out the junior and senior Iron Woman race, but also numerous year level

champions. Not only the swimming contributed to HOTY points, the debating did

too. We had 6 teams competing, all with bright minded, witty girls who came out

of the first round with huge smiles, keen for the next round. Fiesta, week 2 of

term 2 was approaching fast so we dived straight in to auditions and rehearsals in

the final few weeks of term, again showing commitment and house spirit, a

talented group of gals were casted as the Waratah Fiesta cast of 2013, giving up

their lunchtimes to come to B5 and rehearse for something we wazza captains will

be an amazing success. Around the school, Waratah girls continued to set an

example to the younger students. Thanks to all the girls who got involved this

term and I look forward to what will hopefully be another raging success of a term

in term 2.

Grace Holland, Waratah House Captain 2013

House spirit was the order of

the day in the past fortnight with

the conducting of the first of our

major house carnivals the

Swimming and Diving carnivals at

Boroondara on Friday.

Under blazing sunshine the day

presented the girls with the best

opportunity to get into the pool

and cool off. The action in the

pool and outside of it was just as

hot as the early Autumn

Melbourne weather.

The house spirit was as present

as we had ever seen it. The

amount of colour and enthusiasm

was there for all to see and the

House Captains had much to be

proud of for their leadership in

driving this passion.

In the pool it was all red!

Waratah dominated the day

winning the vast majority of the

major individual and team awards

on offer, including all divisions of

the swimming team awards.

I would like to acknowledge

Morgan Khan for taking out her

third Michele Timms Open 50m

Freestyle award for the fastest

swimmer at the College. The race

again proved a highlight of the


Isabel Marsh should be

congratulated for her impressive

display in the Inter House diving

competition, easily scoring the

highest score in all divisions.

I would like to thank all staff and

students for making the day a

success, roll on House Athletics

early in term 2.

Results for the day are as follows:


1st Waratah with 853 points

2nd Kurrajong with 737 points

3rd Dianella with 699 points

4th Cassia with 550 points


Award Name House Time/Points

Junior Ironwoman

1st: Hannah Mikleus Waratah

2nd:Gabriella Collins Waratah

3rd: Chelsea Velona Kurrajong

Senior Ironwoman

1st: Morgan Khan Waratah

2nd: Annika Worner Waratah

3rd:Abbey Tanner Dianella

Year 7 Champion

1st: Grace Mikleus Waratah 22

2nd:Ellie Dickinson Waratah 21

3rd:Natasha Tasios Kurrajong 19

Year 8 Champion 1st: Gabrielle Collins Waratah 29

2nd:Tess Nolan Waratah 27

3rd:Natascha Sharpe Dianella 20

Year 9 Champion 1st: Hannah Mikleus Waratah 24

2nd:Alessia Favaloro Waratah 21

3rd: Niamh O’Farrell Kurrajong 17

Year 10 Champion 1st: Claire McGibbon Kurrajong 30

2nd:Imogene Leeson Dianella 28

3rd: Annika Worner Waratah 25

Year 11 Champion 1st:Eliza Collins Waratah 23

2nd:Josephine Hesse Dianella 17

3rd: Kara White/Eleanor Fowler Kurra/Dian 15

Year 12 Champion 1st: Morgan Khan Waratah 32

2nd: Abbey Tanner/Jordan Vernes Dian/Kurra 25

House Relay Award

1st: Waratah


: Kurrajong


: Dianella

4th: Cassia








1st: Waratah 328


: Dianella 278


: Cassia 271

4th: Kurrajong 268




1st: Waratah 289


: Kurrajong 239


: Dianella 222

4th: Cassia 149



1st: Waratah 236


Kurrajong 230


: Dianella 199

4th Cassia 130


JUNIOR Bianca Grzegorczyn

Ella Frausing Emily Clarke

INTERMEDIATE Isabel Marsh Erin Mahoney Georgia


SENIOR Sinead Chaplin Madeline





Level House Time

1ST Morgan Khan 12 Waratah 31.38

2ND Claire McGibbon 10 Kurrajong 32.36

3RD Annika Worner 10 Waratah 32.56

4TH Imogene Leeson 10 Dianella 32.690

5TH Laura Croce 10 Kurrajong 33.65

6TH Jordan Vernes 12 Kurrajong 33.66

7TH Hannah Mikleus 9 Waratah 34.26

8TH Alessia Favaloro 9 Waratah 35.15




Second term full of school events that should keep you all nice and busy and participating in your school community feel free to look below and take note of any upcoming events which effect you Also for those of you who have iPads make sure you check your e-planners for more dates which effect you.

Term 2 - 2013

Monday 15 April - Commencement of Term 2 (For staff and students)

Thursday 25 April- ANZAC Day holiday

Tuesday 14 May – NAPLAN Testing

Thursday 16 – Year 10 social with Whitefairs

Tuesday 21 May – Year 7 camp/ Student leadership pillars

Monday 10 June- Queen’s Birthday holiday

Friday 28 June End of Term 2 (For staff and students)

Term 3 - 2013

Monday 15 July - Staff Day

Tuesday 16 July - Commencement of Term 3 for students

Friday 9 August- Staff Day

Friday 20 September End of Term 3 (For staff and students)

Term 4 - 2013

Monday 7 October- Commencement of Term 4 (For staff and students)

Tuesday 22 October- Last day of classes for Year 12 students

Wednesday 23 October- Graduation Mass

Monday 4 November- Non-teaching day

Tuesday 5 November- Melbourne Cup holiday

Thursday 21 November- Year 12 Graduation Dinner

Thursday 28 November- Last day for Year 11 students

Thursday 5 December- Last day for Year 10 students

Friday 6 December- Last day for Year 7 - 9 students

Thursday 12 December- Academic Awards Evening

Hi guys,

We hoped you enjoyed the first edition

of VERITAS 2013 for this year. This is

just a super short message to thank

all of the super amazing girls who sent

in articles and helped with the making

of VERITAS. We hope that you’re all

looking forward to the next issue

which should be out by the end of this

term. If anyone has any ideas or wants

to help out with the next issue that

would be great just email

Thanks again

Emma VERITAS Captain 2013 and Jenna Vice VERITAS Captain 2013

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