veritas no 14, 11 november 2017 - san clemente high school€¦ · learning growth leader this...

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Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 Dear Parent/Carer, Students & Friends of San Clemente

Veritas 9, 29 June 2018

Last week the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese held its annual DioSounds event at Newcastle’s Civic Theatre. This year St Dominic’s Centre, Mayfield, performed for the first time in an inclusive choir with some of our Year 10 Student Leaders. The Director of Schools, Dr Michael Slattery, said “DioSounds has become an opportunity for music students to be crea-tive and work closely with their teachers to explore their performing arts talents”. We are very proud of all our students who were able to demonstrate such strengths and shine on the stage.

Both Years 9 and 10 will have completed their Semester One Examinations at the end of this week. Details will be sent to all families regarding the arrival of their child’s report and I encourage you to use this as a vital opportunity to en-gage in discussion about both their learning and progress. Next term, Staff Mentors will also be printing reports and meeting with students. Student reflection, identifying strengths and goals for improvement, are essential for ongoing progress and the pursuit of personal excellence.

Next week our Year 10 Retreat will be held at The Collaroy Centre in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. The theme of this year’s retreat is “With Open Eyes” and ties in with the School’s 2018 theme of “Take Notice”. This is a wonderful venue for a truly special and significant event in the lives of these students. Year 10 Coordinator, Mr Marsh, has spent many hours preparing and his words to staff recently suitably articulated the aim of this retreat. He wrote:

“With Open Eyes” will allow students to explore the concepts of reflection, contemplation, clarity and direction. My hope is that Year 10 will consider the importance of deep life experiences and connections, to help make meaning in their lives. Students will continue to develop their personal identity (strengths, characteristics) and social identity (faith, com-munity) throughout the retreat experience.

With this being the final edition of Veritas for Term 2, I would like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to the hard working teaching and support staff at San Clemente. A national survey conducted a couple of years ago by the ABC found that “nearly a third of Australians under-estimate the number of hours teachers work each week.” Our staff work well beyond the hours of a typical school day in the pursuit of providing the best possible education and opportunities for their students. Next week’s Year 10 Retreat, supported by a large number of staff, is one example of this.

I would like to wish two such dedicated staff mem-bers, Mr Jason Stuart and Mrs Jane Ayerst, all the very best in the next stage of their lives as they leave us to relocate overseas. Mr Stuart is currently Teaching & Learning Coordinator (Science) and Mrs Ayerst teaches Mathematics, fulfilling the role of Learning Growth Leader this year. On behalf of our community, I thank both staff members for their contributions during their time at the School.

I wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday period. May St Dominic continue to watch over our stu-dents and their families during this mid-year break. I thank all parents and carers for their support this term and look forward to what our school communi-ty can continue to achieve together next semester.

Scott Donohoe, Principal

Emma Tierney, Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)


Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning

When this Newsletter goes to print, the Examinations for Stage 5 students (Years 9 & 10), will almost be completed. I

have been very impressed with the way in which the vast majority of our students have applied themselves in preparation

for this type of summative assessment and conducted themselves in the examinations. At San Clemente, we believe in

every child and that every child can be a successful learner. Together we can empower your children to achieve their

best that is a result of application, commitment and hard work.


Student Reports for Semester 1 will be posted home at the end of this term for Years 7, 8 and 10. Due to exams being

moved back for Year 9, Student Reports for Year 9 will be posted home early Term 3. Although there is not a formal

Parent/Teacher/Student interviewing block allocated this term, you are still welcome to contact your child’s class teacher

and arrange a meeting time. The best outcomes for students are achieved when school and home work together and we

thank you for your ongoing support.

HSC Minimum Standard Tests (Year 10)

A key component of the current NSW Education Agenda is a commitment to requiring students to demonstrate a Mini-

mum Standard of literacy and numeracy in order to receive the HSC from 2020. The 2020 HSC students will need to

meet the HSC Minimum Standard in three areas – Reading, Writing and Numeracy. The standard is set at Level 3 of the

Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), which means students will have the basic reading, writing and numeracy skills

needed for everyday tasks and future learning after school.

During Term 2, students in Year 10 had the opportunity to sit the HSC Minimum Standard Tests for any area in which

they did not achieve the standard in their 2017 Year 9 NAPLAN tests (Band 8 or higher).

Each student will receive their test results and their current status once we have received all test results. Congratulations

to the students who have now achieved the Minimum Standard based on their performance in the recent testing. For stu-

dents who are listed as still needing to sit the online test to achieve the Minimum Standard in one or more areas listed,

another opportunity will be offered in Term 3 for students to sit the relevant online test. Please do not hesitate to make

contact if you have any further questions regarding the HSC Minimum Standards.

Stage 5 & Elective Information Evening (Year 8 students & families)

San Clemente will be conducting an Information Evening for Year 8 students progressing to Stage 5 (Year 9 in 2019 and

Year 10 in 2020). It is expected that both parents / carers and students attend this meeting. The purpose of the evening is

to provide families with the opportunity to be informed about the courses offered for the next stage of their child ’s educa-


The date and venue for the meeting is: TUESDAY JULY 31at 7pm, at San Clemente.

The program for the night will be as follows:

General overview of the process for course selection; Record of School Achievement (formerly School Certificate) requirements and information; Choosing Electives; Individual course information sessions conducted by teachers and coordinators.

To make appropriate decisions about their Stage 5 courses, students need to be advised and assisted in as many ways

as possible. Course teachers and Teaching and Learning Coordinators will be able to assist students.

A Stage 5 Course Information Handbook will be sent home at the beginning of Term 3 and letter outlining the details of

the evening.

Assistant Principal - Wellbeing

Nathan Beckett, Assistant Principal (Wellbeing)

Year 10 Retreat: 2—4 July

Year 7 Home Study—Monday 2 July

Year 8 Home Study—Tuesday 3 July

Year 9 Home Study—Wednesday 4 July

6 July Staff Compass Training

Pupil Free Day

Adolescent: (of a young person) in the process of developing from a child into an adult

Adolescence is obviously a significant stage in a person’s growth and development. As defined, it is the period of time it takes a person to move from being a child to an adult. Puberty is the physical stage but adolescence is defined as the social, behavioural and emotional changes that also occur. Hence, this is always a stage in life that is difficult to navigate: for young people, parents and teachers.

Recently I have held a few meetings with students and families of students who are having difficulty when communi-cating with adults. At San Clemente we are always striving to promote individual strengths, confidence, assertiveness and spirit. Students who have their own thoughts and opinions are valued at San Clemente but it is also important that these strengths are used in combination with social intelligence, self-control, fairness and kindness. In saying this, argu-ments in adolescence are a healthy and natural part of development. The young person is testing his or her power of disagreement with parents (or teachers) by contesting their power of authority. Argument takes assertiveness, some-thing adolescents need more of to handle the rigours of peer relationships, work place relationships and moving toward being confident young adults. Here in, again, lies difficulties for all sides when young people are testing the boundaries, often unknowingly, with significant adults in their lives. Arguments, or debates, become like “sparring sessions” for young people, sharpening their skills for the real world, whilst leaving the adult “sparring partner” left perhaps upset, offended or even exhausted. It also just happens that the most difficult age that these “sparring sessions” can occur are in mid-adolescence age 14, 15, 16 years (Or Year 8, 9 &10) and at San Clemente that makes up most of our student pop-ulation. Fortunately in our community, relationships are a priority with forgiveness and understanding at the core of what we do. My last word on this is a technique I have promoted and practiced in my time as an educator. Three key words for adolescents, parents and teachers that may turn an argument into a healthy, robust, intelligent discussion:

TIME – Is this conversation occurring at the correct time? Is one member of the discussion distracted or too busy? Can I find a better time?

MANNER – Am I speaking calmly and respectfully? Do I need to take a break and come back to the discussion when I am in a better headspace?

While Year 10 are on Retreat 2-4 July 2018

Due to the onerous insurance and liability regulations, in regards to su-

pervision and duty of care, a large number of teachers are required to

staff the Year 10 Retreat. As a result, a repeat of last year’s arrange-

ments is necessary to allow the Retreat to proceed. Students on a Home

Study Day will be provided with a work program for the day. We intend

to continue this arrangement in future years and we are asking students

in years 7, 8 and 9 to assist Year 10 this year in the knowledge that they

in turn will benefit when they reach Year 10.

Year 7 Home Study – Monday 2 July | Year 8 Home Study – Tuesday 3 July

Year 9 Home Study – Wednesday 4 July

Year 10 News

I would like to congratulate Year 10 on their mature approach to last week’s examinations. With results and feedback

returned to students this week, I encourage all students to use this as an opportunity to set goals for Semester Two. This,

combined with the Semester One report, provides a snapshot of your progress at this moment in time. Continue to chal-

lenge yourself and strive for excellence – there is always room for improvement!

Nose rings and studs are currently a popular accessory for young people. I ask parents to support the school’s uniform

policy, ensuring that only a clear stud is worn at school. During the examination period, students were asked to wear Aca-

demic Uniform. Students are reminded that black, leather, polishable shoes are to be worn with this uniform. These

standards will be expected and enforced up to including Year 10’s last day of school at San Clemente.


Congratulations to all students who performed in the Dio Sounds production last week.

A reminder to all parents/ carers, if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s wellbeing, please don’t hesi-

tate in contacting me on 4014 7300 or at

Nicholas Marsh – Year 10 Coordinator Wellbeing

As Term Two draws to a close, this week marks the half way stage for Year 10 students in their final year at San

Clemente. The Year 10 Retreat is now also just days away. With Retreat preparations in full swing, a number of

students and parents have asked, “What is Retreat all about?”. For the San Clemente context, “Retreat” is an

opportunity to step back from the full schedule of everyday life and to build community. It is also a chance for

students to reflect on themselves and their lives, through prayer and contemplation. In between all this

“seriousness”, there is lots of fun.

The placement of this Retreat is significant as students now begin to consider their options beyond 2018. Our

Retreat is always a highly valued occasion on the calendar. Past students still remember their time at Retreat

and staff are ALWAYS willing to give up their time to assist. This year we will be taking over 25 staff.

Year 9 News

As I sit here to write this article for the newsletter, I cannot believe that Year 9 is almost at the half way mark of 2018. I do

not know where the time has gone, but I can only predict that the second half of the year will fly by equally as quick.

Earlier in the year I stated in the newsletter that it is a very difficult transition from Year 8 to Year 9. Workload increases,

teacher expectations are higher; assessment tasks are more difficult plus the addition of a formal examination period.

With Year 9 having successfully navigated Semester One, I am confident that they are ready and better prepared for the

challenges that they will continue to confront in Semester Two. The key survival tools Year 9 requires for success in Se-

mester Two are commitment, focus, the right attitude and being organised.

I am sure that Year 9 is ready for a two week break. It has been an emotional and academically challenging term. A few

sleep ins and an escape from the cool mornings should refresh minds and spirits for Semester Two. Don’t forget Year 9,

during your break the six best doctors in the world are;




Healthy Eating

Self Confidence and


Ensure you get your dose of each.

A final thought Year 9,

“Take time to do what makes your soul happy.”

Patrick Doyle, Year 9 Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Finally I would like to wish Year 9 and their families a safe break. I

look forward to the challenges that lie ahead for Year 9 and working

closely with the entire year group and parents.

A reminder to Year 9 parents, if you have any concerns at all please

contact me at school on 4014 7300 or on the following email ad-



Year 8 News

Wow hasn't term 2 flown!

Year 8 can be for some teenagers a very difficult year socially. Parents play a vital role in the growth of their son or daugh-

ter through the teenage years. Lots of research indicates positive relationships between parents and their teenager are a

significant factor in assisting teenagers deal with the challenges of adolescence. Sometimes our children just want to be

listened to and not receive advice from their parent. Acknowledging that your child is angry or upset tells your child that

you are listening and that you care. Some-times as parents we feel like any advice we give is dismissed or looked upon as

although we grew up on a different planet. I'm not sure how to get around that one, but I would certainly accept any ad-


Teenagers need boundaries that are consistently implemented. I came across these tips the other day from and I felt that they apply to teaching and also parenting:

make your values and position clear

say clearly what you want, and what you find unacceptable

give good reasons for your rules

insist on some of them being observed in your own home

Year 8, remember the world is a wonderful place because we are ALL different!

It takes courage to grow up!

Take care

Kate Tolfree Year 8 Coordinator Wellbeing

Year 7 Students

Congratulations Year 7, we have only one week to go and we have then reached the end of Semester One and half way through your first year at San Clemente!

With the holidays fast approaching, I believe it is important for students to take some time out to concentrate on their health. In relation to mental health I was reading some very interesting information on the headspace website and I would like to pass some of their very good advice on.

Good mental health allows you to deal with the changes and challenges life throws at you and live your life in a positive and meaningful way. It includes things like being able to work and study, deal with day-to-day life stresses, feel connected to others, be involved in activities in your community and ‘bounce back’ when things go wrong.

Just like physical fitness, mental fitness takes regular effort. Here are some ways you can build your mental fitness every day:

Getting enough sleep is good for your brain and body, and helps you feel energised, stay focused and protect your men-tal health.

Eating well can improve your mood, energy levels and general health and wellbeing. Fill up on good food (like veg-gies, fruit and whole grains) and drink plenty of water to give your body and brain all the power it needs to function well.

Keep learning - Setting goals and learning new things can be a fun way to boost your confidence.

Keeping fit and staying active can help you to sleep better, manage stress and boost your mood. Walk or take the stairs when you can, start doing some morning stretches or find a sport or physical activity that you enjoy and make a plan to do it regularly.

Connect - Feeling connected to others is an essential part of being human. So spending time with friends and family (including pets) and people in your community can really strengthen your mental health and wellbeing.

Upon reading the advice given by headspace I couldn’t help but make the connection with our own five ways of wellbeing. Throughout their day to day activities at San Clemente I have been very proud of the way our students have recognised their strengths and continue to use them inside and outside the classroom. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first semester with year 7 and I look forward to the next semester.

A reminder to please contact me at the school if you have any queries. I wish all the students and families a restful and safe winter break.

Bronwyn Denham, Year 7 Student Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability

Our school is participating in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on School Students with a Disability or Learning Difficulty.

This ongoing Data Collection is taking place in Catholic, Government, and Independent schools across Australia, and will provide valuable information about supports required for a broad group of students. This will enable Australian and State governments to better target support and resources in schools. This in turn will help schools give students with disability the support they need.

The Data Collection is not limited to students with diagnosed disabilities. It uses a very broad definition of disability, taken from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, which describe a broad range of health and learning conditions for which schools are required to provide ‘reasonable adjustments’ to support students to participate on the same basis as other students.

The Data Collection will take place every year and will commence during Term 2. We are in the process of identifying students for whom we make adjustments. No personal information about any student will be included in the data collection.

Importantly, no in-school identification takes place whereby your child is identified to his/her peers. It remains highly confidential information shared between teachers only.

Should your child be identified within this group, the school and will be in contact with you to discuss the adjust-ments we are making for your child. You will then have the opportunity to opt IN or opt OUT of the NCCD registra-tion process.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Sarah Howard (Learning Support Teacher/NCCD Coordinator) at should you require further information.


It's the little things that count. We often have to remind students about the "little things" at school. Things like arriving to class on time, putting rubbish in the bin, using manners, bringing the right things to school and punctuation! A sen-tence needs a correct ending - full stop, exclamation mark or a question mark - little but essential!


Our Stewardship Portfolio Student Team have been working steadily on litter reduction strategies. We have made some displays around the school to bring awareness about where our litter ends up. We have been working with an Environmental Education team from Newcastle, called ELASMO. Hollie and Lisa from ELASMO will be speaking at our Year Meetings next term to once again bring awareness about how our litter pollutes the ocean and kills marine life. We are deeply appreciative of their time and energy in supporting our school. Have a look at their website

Coffee Morning for Parents of Children with Additional Needs

Our next meeting is Wednesday 8th August at 9am in the Feldt Centre. Please email if you can make it.

Gay McDonell, EALD (English as an Additional Language / Dialect) Teacher, Learning Support Teacher


Over thirty girls from years 7-8 have participated in Friday rep netball held at National Park during term two. San Clemente entered three teams into the competition. The two Year 7 teams, who previously had not played together before, gained confidence and momentum throughout the term.The Year 8 team demonstrated an im-provement in performance and won many of their matches.

All girls are to be congratulated for their outstanding behaviour and level of sportsmanship throughout the term. It was a pleasure to spend Friday afternoons with a group of such committed and enthusiastic girls.

Thank you to Krystal Chislett and Erin Pugh who helped to manage the Year 7 teams and the many girls who volunteered to umpire over the term.

Outstanding players from Year 7 included: Lucy Walden, Jordan Wise, Estelle Nicholas, Annika McGill and Ru-by Gardner.

Outstanding players from Year 8 included: Imani Welsh, Georgia Sloane, Oriana Leupolu, Ellie Hibbert, Hayley Endresz, Macey Watson, Charlotte Vanderlinde, Zali Lawson, Elisha Petherbridge, Sharon Bijou and Bethany Schumacher

Preparations are now underway for Dio Netball and the Hunter Netball Cup to be held at National Park during Week 2, Term 3.

Gillian Rutherford and Bronwyn Denham (Coaches)

SPORT NEWS FRIDAY REP SPORT The Senior Girls Oz Tag team had an enjoyable term playing St Pius and St Paul's. We are a new team and have improved over the last few weeks. St Pius were very strong in the competition but we had some close games with St Pauls's through-out the competition. We are looking forward to the upcoming gala day in August to play other schools from around the region. Loretta Browne, Coach Senior Girls Basketball: For the first year in many years, San Clemente have fielded a team in the Senior Girls Basketball round robin competition. It was the first time that these girls have played together, with only three of the girls having prior experience playing basketball. The girls have demonstrated tremendous spirit and have improved their skills and team work every week. The team consists of Delani Baker, Sarah Curry, Tara Denzin, Finlay Doyle, Phoebe Knight, Febe Kuku, Michelle Maricic, Yasmin Popovic, Laura Robinson and Audrey Waugh. Congratulations girls I am looking forward to coach-ing you for the Representative Diocesan Day in term three. Julie Ware, Coach CONGRATULATIONS Several students have displayed their talents during the semester by being selected into NSWCCC Teams. Once again these were: Eireann Hurley, Egan Roberts, Percy Sinclair for CCC Swimming; Yasmin Popovic, Tino Mureverwi for Soccer. Today we congratulate Macauley Aoake-Tiamu who has been selected into two sports at this level: 15 Years Touch Football and Rugby League. Macauley is a very polite and humble young man who could do well in any type of sport. The San Clemente community wishes him well in his future matches. SPORT SELECTION FOR TERM 3 Selection is underway for Term Three on the MOODLE website. A copy of the choices is always posted on the school web-site for parents and students to read. The Friday rep sports for next term are: GIRLS: 7/8 Oz Tag, 7/8 Basketball, 9 Netball, 10 Netball, Open Soccer BOYS: 7/8 Oz Tag, 7/8 Basketball, 9/10 Soccer, 9/10 Dodgeball ATHLETICS CARNIVAL T The carnival will take place next term on Friday 27 July at Glendale – the first Friday of term. A notice with details was is-sued to students today (Thursday). The Sport Portfolio team will help the staff, however if any other students would like to help, they need to contact Mrs Daly. Families are most welcome to attend. The date of the Diocesan Carnival is August 22. Students who win the event in each age group will form the team. SPORT STAR CORNER: Tinotenda Mureverwi, Year 10: SOCCER 1 When did you first become interested in your sport? I started playing soccer at the age of 8. 2 What is your training schedule? Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri. 3 Where have you travelled to compete? Canberra, Coffs Harbor, South Korea, Sydney 4 How often do you compete? Every weekend 5 Do you have a sponsor? No 6 What role do your parents/family play? They pay for everything—playing at my level isn’t cheap - and drive me to games and training. 7 How do you juggle schoolwork & your sport schedule? Make a timetable and do school work whenever I can, in order to keep up. 8 What is your biggest accomplishment/highlight? My biggest accomplishment would be making an Australian National Team Camp. 9 Have you had any “nail biting” experiences? Probably attending the National Team Camp. 10 Who do you look up to as your hero? Lionel Messi. 11 What is your greatest strength? Handling stress 12 What challenges are you looking for? Playing against fully grown adults 13 What is your dream? To one day play for the Australian National team at a world cup. 14 What words of advice do you have to share with young people? Work hard and follow your dreams.

The Library will be open after school every Monday until 4pm with teachers available to assist with Assessment

Tasks and homework.

The Maths ASAP program also operates on Monday afternoons in D3 for Year 9 and 10 students.

Starting Monday 12th February, 2018. All students welcome!

For more information, please contact Mrs McDonell (02) 4014 7300

Permission to attend Homework Hub at San Clemente High School I give permission for:

Student Name: ________________________________

Year: ________ Mentor Group: _______________________ to attend Homework Hub in the Library at San Clemente High School every Monday afternoon until 4pm. This student will be travelling home from San Clemente by: ____________________


Parent Name: ___________________________ Contact Phone Number: ______________________

San Clemente Mayfield and the CSO Compass Project.

The Catholic Schools Office Maitland-Newcastle is connected to a number of Dioceses through the Catholic Education Network (CEnet). As part of this network, the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle will undertake a significant project called “Compass” as part of the renewal of core systems. San Clemente will begin their journey in utilising this product in 2018 with a launch in Term 3.

To prepare for the move to the Compass application, our staff are required to participate in 1 day of intensive train-ing. This will occur as a Pupil Free Day on Friday 6th July. We appreciate the understanding of parents as our staff in-crease their capacity and familarisation of the capabilities of Compass. If you wish to discuss this project, feel free to contact CSO Education Officer, Liz Stokes at

We look forward to this exciting venture and will continue to keep you up to date with the most relevant information.


Office Hours

Mon – Thu 8.00 am – 3.00 pm

Friday 8.00 am – 2.30 pm


All statements for Term 2 have been emailed /mailed.

If you have not received a copy of your statement, please con-tact the school asap.

Fees were due for payment by Friday 25 May.

Speak Up! Sport Selection for Term 3

A program for students interested in drama, debating, and/or leadership communication.

Active, skills-based sessions with a specific focus on developing confidence, voice,

improvisation strategies, devising and collaboration.

Developing strategies for critical thinking, formation of arguments,

rhetorical and persuasive devices and public speaking.


The intention is to raise the profile of debating and public speaking at San Clemente and to provide our potential lead-

ers with a strong foundation. With an aim to educate students in the skills of public speaking,

critical thinking, formation of arguments, persuasion, improvisation and decision-making.

During the term there will be various opportunities to develop a range of skills with competitions, training days and

engagement with the wider community.

Open to All: Years 7 to 10. Public speakers, debaters, leaders (current and prospective).

Team: students interested in helping with the preparation of speeches and debates

but not feeling ready to participate in a competition, yet.

Leadership: to develop public speaking skills including, but not limited to presentation, delivery, method, mode

and improvisation.

Debating: students interested in debating, arguing and competing in a team.

Select ‘Debating’ on the MOODLE sport selection for Term 3. For more information see Ms Hartshorne.

Canteen Roster



Memorabilia for Sale

GLASSES $10.00 MUGS $10.00

KEY RING $5.00

San Clemente High School—Uniform Shop Calendar Dates to note


29 June Brainstorm Yr 9

2–4 July Retreat Yr 10

2 July Yr 7 Study Day

3 July Yr 8 Study Day

4 July Yr 9 Study Day

5 July Last Day of Term 2

6 July Staff Compass Training—Pupil Free


23 July First Day Term 3

24 July P&F Meeting

27 July Athletics Carnival

30 July SFX Parent info night 7pm @ SFX

31 July Yr 8 Elective Info SCM 7pm

1-3 Aug ASPIRE 2018

2 Aug Dio Netball & Rugby 7’s

9 Aug Dio Debating St Marys Gateshead

10 Aug SFX Subject Close Date

15-17 Aug CAPA Immersion Tour

20 Aug Dio Debating Yr 9

21 Aug P & F Meeting

22 Aug Yr 7 2019 Info Evening 7pm St

Columban’s Hall

27-31 Aug Yr 9 Ski Trip

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 10 02-06-18

Jodie Gill Sue Hamilton Carmel Shara Priscilla Heigle Pupil Free

Week 9 23-07-18

Help Needed Deb Jarred N Tetevano Priscilla Heigle Athletic Carnival

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