vibe contents page analysis

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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Vibe Contents Page Analysis


The layout of this page is sort of like the Vibe front cover. This is because the picture is the middle of the page and is the main focus. Moreover the word ‘contents’ is in bold white letters which stands out on the red background. This will make the reader aware of what the page is about. However the way the word ‘contents’ sits does not look very appealing, and is quite confusing I think and does not fit in well with the page. Also the white text for the contents makes it look more appealing. The font is easy to read and understandable.



The man is posing like he is superior. Moreover he is topless which shows that he is comfortable with the way that he looks. It also looks as if he is trying to show off his muscles, The chains that he is holding makes it look as if he has a lot of money, also he has gold teeth which conveys to the reader that he has money if that’s what he is trying to show off.


He is holding his chains with his mouth open. His pose is like he is flexing his muscles along with all of the chains that he is holding up in the air.


We think that the layout of this page is like this because they are making the model the main focus of the page. Moreover although the masthead of the word contents is in the corner, because the colour of the writing is so white it stands out a lot against the deep red background. I think that although they have put the contents in the corner, it still stands out because of the way that the word ‘contents’ sits. I think this gives an edgy look and looks unique to how other magazines may organise their pages. They have also put the big V in the back of text and image. They have does this as their magazine is called Vibe, and the V represents the title. This also supports the edgy look of this page.


I feel as if this contents page is a prime example of dominant ideology. This is because I think that it people associate rappers to wear caps, gold chains and baggy trousers. The rapper that is posing in this image is wearing a cap backwards, along with big gold and silver chains, and gold teeth. By him wearing what he is wearing he supports the belief that rappers have the same attitude, and wear similar types of clothing and accessories.

Here are some examples of other rappers that follow this dominant ideology:

Audience Theory

I think that the audience for this is mainly people who listen to rap type music. I think this because as I previously stated, most rappers wear the same sort of things and have the same type of attitude. The rapper on this contents page appears to have the same attitude as the other rappers that I included pictures on. In addition I think that the age range of this magazine is 18-30. I think this because young children would not want to read a magazine where there was a half naked man holding a load of chains as the contents page. Moreover at the bottom you can read that there are articles about fashion. Fashion is a very modern thing that people who have money are mainly interested in, because they want to keep up with the trends. People that are under the age of 18 do not have a lot of money to be able to afford high fashion clothing.

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