victoria. victoria, for 1 9 2 1, ... tht> trust

Post on 26-Jun-2018






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FOR 1 9 2 1,



~~ ~uthudtt};


No. 9 -[la.)--57\lil

n11; '1'1\liSUES 0~' 'I'Hffi PUilLlli L!BRA!t¥, MU~EUMS A.Nb

NA'l'lONAL 6ALJ,ERY 0~' VlU'l'ORlA.


AI.EXA)IUJ.:1t LLEPl£R, EsQ., J.f.A"' J,!,.D,, l'UI!:Sl nEST.

SJU. BALDWIN SPlmCt::R, K.G.3Ui., D.Sc., F.!L">., VlCE·l'JU~SlDK\''1'.

'£RH HON. SilL JOITN J:>lAXt:.E,J. .\lACKEY, JL.'.", r.T,,D., .\l.L.J .. , TRF.ztSUlU.'U


THE REV. WILLU .. M HE.;\RY J'HCU'CTT, li .. \., LL,H.

t ROTIEtU' MtJlllL\Y s:Ul'fll, Est!., C.3U;., .\LL

1'B.I!: ll.EY, EDW~-\lW IlVJ,D::!\YOltTll lsCGHI~!\. LlTT.U .. ll,Sc.


l'HB liON. UBORGE S\\'1!\UURNJ::.



W lLLfAU !>ION'l'GO)lEttY, li"').

HIS IfOXOUlt Slit Lb:O (US&"GN.


t SUt l'ltA:N.K ~1ADDEN.

'l'Hf!. HON. liR.\NK Cf,AlU\E, JrLL.C.

THE HO:\. G. M. l'REXD}]JtOA:-.T, .\LL. \,

J. 1'. t:OLLif'"l,, EsQ., K.C.


A. A. I•'AltTi!C.Sii, B;-,Q., li.L.A.

t .DiBJ during the rear,






SIR DALDWlN Sl'ENClUt, K.C.:~UL )LA., I<'.ll.S.





Report of the Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria.

To the Honorable the Chief Secretary. Public Library,

l\IelbourncJ .'March, 1H22.

I lutY(' t,Jtv hmwur to fmhmit, in :H:conlan(·t• with tl~<· t\~rm~ uf thf· Librarit'5 Act, the 1\pport. of tile rrrns.t(;'('f:) of t.1ll' I)ublie Lihrar;·. Jht.'iPUJHr<l and Xatiomd G!l!Jer~- (If Victoria.

I.~ THJ:; l'unuc J .. tnHARY.

1'hc total number of volnmt:>s in t!.le Rr.ff'It:l1('\' LibrarY and Lt:>nding Branches oli tht:" 31st Dl'\ecm her ·was 366,527, '

The Chief Lilmu1an repotts that, rwtwith.stanrling t-he iucrerrsed grant that tb: Govcrmn>.>nt was good enough to make h:u:;t year, it was impossible to pur<·hase as many works as in somE> Jii';:>vious yeat'f.:, and ran• flJld r·-n~<tJr works, which lt is often advisable to obtain for a great LilH'<H:_,-, had to l;z· pas~·wd iJV<'r. The Trustt~~·~ n•fp.r to thls n:att!"l' only to slJOw thnt tiwy are tloin?! all in tlu•i1 ;J\JWt'r to ussi-;t tlw Guvernment iH f(•gard to n•strietillg l'XJJ('ndltun' as far as post:ible tu pm"t·l!:tS\'t: t·R;.;I·Htinl for vdm·a,rjmtal purposes.

ln ilo' l~r·!Hlim; Rra.nd.;rs of the hi:stitut:on 1hPU' i6 t~ ~11Wl1 d~~o'!.• in tlw number of holTOW('l'f.; and also itl the numlwr of lHm].;,'\ issued, I Jut ill both caSPB t lu• diff(_•renc•~ i~-< t"DlUJHll'atixrl:· !riflin~. TitHe i,:; lt digl1t]y gr;•nt\'f di'lnaw! [ill' work;-;; of fiction aml a f:lil.!hth· ..;malll'f tlt->!Haml for works in tlw .. l!:o;t•ful arh3 · ur t'v(·llllirnl H't:tion. In othPI' lwRnches t!w fll'r•·rutHgP of boob hmToWI•rl \·:~riPK \'l't~· littlf' from t.ftt> ]Jrcvious .n·a.r.

The Trnstt'(·;.; n·.-'•-·ivt•tl as a l<>gacy front th(• laic Hi'lll'Y Uyl('~- Tm'lH'T, wfw was h•r uumy _Hill'S P1·1•sident of the Board, ~Ulll\' Ynlnnbl(' hooh anrl n vr-l'}' b.;:g1• number of histori('.a] prnnphletc; and new~pa1wr ~·utting ... , a~ ·wvll Hi' l hi' MiJ.!inal J:wnu<;('ript uf hi':' liisto1'!J of Vr'cton·a n.nd otlwr wurb \nit.t('Ji Jn~ him.


The Director point,:.; out that. 1~early £10,000 wus Pxpemh·d on works of art obtained under the "Ft~lton Bequ;·st, and that haH of thi~; :-:nm \\'aF spr-nt in Australia.

Tht> Trust<~W2 ,He entin·ly in agJ'('Nlh'nt with tih: vi;•\vs 0xpn:ssetl hy l\h'. Hall in_ l'f'£'l1Td to the wunt of l'xhihit.iou sp<Wf' for tlw 0Hllt•ry. rt'lwy desin: to nrge again on tfw Oon•rnnwnt tl~t• lH'I"PRSity of uwking snitnhl~' l!!'n\·isinn for the nurmal increaRe in t·ll(• t·olll'f•tions, tlw l'O-'lt of whif'h i~ almost enttr(•lv )Jrovidt•d bv tbe. magnifi<·ent hNIUf'R(, uf the lah' :\Jfn·d Fclton, and t!1l'\' fe<'l that. fi,0:· wonltl be lac.king in tlwir Unty H thf'y did not. eontinu~ to lll'i'Rh for <i('t·ontmod.:<tioll to l'Hahlt> llH'lllhr>rs of the public tn •)htain the fulh··H 1Hhant.age froPI l hf '\York& of art provid1·d f(,r th<'if' hi'ndit h:v so puhlie spirit.:rl a <·itizeu <LS th{~ late 1h. F<-'!toH.

1\fnu,\' \'l'l'.\' fi~l<' <·X;Hupfps or ('Jtim•S\' ll!id Jd)l1!Ui'KI' f!'!'<U!lk W<U'i' \\'efi• added to tht• Oailer~· from • !w E1'd!' :-:ah• in f-'~.-dm·,\·, altd !,,,. pJ·h·ilf•' pun·ha~w from thP collPction of 1\lr. P('l'('\' \Yilkin~ul!. pf :\l,·lbounw.

·'l'lw Tnu;t,•r;R J,_•sire tll l'XJ!l'f•,c;.:s tlu-ir u1Jiig·ntiow-, 1o Sir- .Joh~< .:\lvna"h~ tlw ~le.'">~t·s, (\till~ l\lr;;;. ~\lad .. nMhlin, Mikh Dora OhlfAr·n, awl lh. Nonmm ( 1 l,~rk l'or valued gifts tn tht< Gallr:rr, <l.lHl tlw:-; al8o desiri' to expn.'GS tlJ,•ir appr(•riat!on of a lw·q~1e-st by the late Dr. U. E. '!\lonison of u. rollertiou uJ Chint•:w CNamie wart;>, bl·onz(•i'. t:mhn;itleTif'R, &c.

1'o Ludy Stnulhroke th(• Trustees an· indPbted for thP lnan of a fiw ("Xamplr of pottraiturt' by Jl. A. Luzlo df' Lombof', and their thanks are also due to the Hon. 1Y. M. 1\I(·Pht'rl:lou for ]t'JJtling t·ilf'm a ~tatue uf .Joau oi Arr hv Rn:ffa;·Jlo Roma.nC'lii

7 and to Mr.

Roginald l)urbri<:k for-lending varion& Objrts d'art. .


The staff of the ;\iuseuut is so reduced that it. i8 with rJillicultv Uw. Hon. Uircci1JI' and his few assistants arc ahle to rarry on the c-urrent work The (iovennuent, lwv;evcr, has promised the most favor11ble eonsidr:ration to the recomml'lldatious of the Trustt·es for necePI%try appointm{'nts, and it is hoped that Sir Balclwin Spenc-C'l' and Mr. Kcrshaw will shortly get the assistam~e that is •~ssential fnr so important. a brancl1 of t!1e 1nt!titntion.

Mr. H. L. ·white continues hl8 q:ry gen!.~rou~ gifts to the i\Iuseum, and DL (;\•.orgina Sweet presented t.he valuable <:(lller·tion ol zonlogi._·al, pala'C•ntological and otlwnloiicn1 speein!fmB formed by ltm fathf'f. tlw 1?J.t(• JlL Heor;..!;P S\\'(•F1. To :\In;.(', .\L Drake tll'· Trust{'€"5 are also indchteil ior u, iiJH; t>ollt•dion o[ Au~tralian 1cpi1lupU·ea m<Hl(· lJy th1· ]ate Dr. '", Elliott Drake, a.nd th;:y desiT(\ Lo r•xpress t}H,lr tlJanks to nlflous donor;:: i11r valued additions to the Ji~thnulogicall'oUnet.ion.


The Cura.tur reports many donations1 and states that tl!e ovcn·ro\vded eundition f;{ the )]u.,eum t:t•ccssitatc:'i the withdra\va1 of (•xhibit.:;; to n:mkc room fur the mo8t rnc.>c~nt additions. Tho future housing of the 'l.'eehnologleal !htseum was 11gain brought bdore your Governmr:nt, and it is the earnest hope of the 1'rnstc<:,s that a site \Vill he ddinit.P!y mserved for a Museum budding- when the Melbourne Gaol is removed fmm its f1Tt~~cnt posiUon. The gaol site is exceptionall.v suitable f<;r t,he crt>etion of a '1\~<·lmnl'-'f.iC'al :J.fueeum on account of itR proximity to the Working l\ien'i> ('ollrge and the Publi(' T,ibmr~•.

V.- G~::NERAL,

The Trustef).S ha.v<~ given much cOHHidt•ratii!JJ to th(• que.stion m' appointing gttitl(' lecturerl:l for various departments of the Iustitutiou, <lttd to toot the demand tht:~· obt.aitwd the assista.nce of several voluntary lect.urcrs to SJwnk in the Llbrar;.-, t!w ::"fational Ualler:-; and t.he. Xatioual Museum. ln caBl~ th<:> l,;d.ur{'S ~>I' infonua.i .. talkr:,; '' werP illuat.I·n.teU by examples in the sections in whidt iltE' addrl'r;;R~s were tleli\'Nt:d, and wen· evid(onti:v murh appredttt!d 1;y tLose J_Jrivileg1:d to hear 1-hHu. Tire at.t(mdann'< '.\'ab genE'ra.lly limited t1J about thirty, but in t110 Xational Haller,Y it was found lmpos;;ible to restrict the audi~~nce, and seores of visitors listened to the infonnative 1;omnwnts of Mr. \cr. 2\fontgomery and l\h, ~'lcGeorgr wht;n speaking in the GaHory- on Saturday :dt('rnoow:~. 1\fr. Shirl(JW also had a full attrndance at his ketm·r• on '· Et.ching and Etchtl'S1'. thonllh the numbers were lirnited by the siz(~ uf t lh' room iu \Yhic~h h(•; spob·, Dr. l.eeper, thE' R~Jv_ Dr. Sugden, and Mr. E. IL C. OlipbaHt :lad ,,_x_('ellent ;;tttendaBe.t''1 wlw.H ;;peakin;,! -in the Library, aml Sir BnJd·win dpem·t:r u.nd l\Ir. K(·r~hu\v werr unablt> to Ulel't the d('twmds of those wislling to hcu.r them iu t.he- 3-Iu!::!emn. l'n,18r thm;e cin umstanc1'f:'. tlw 'Trustt•1•;.;: feel justified in rtsking ·hn thr finane.ial assishm('(\ UPc·,~sH;Hy to lnstit.utn i1 rt>gnl:u system of guide lectures ::;imilar t(t tlto:-:>\· giv!m with murkc~d ;.;ucc'·~ in ;;twl :\ 'hHri1·a.

The Trustee~ h< to n:!port \\ very d('(;p regH·t t.hat fonr :nemb:r:-; of t.he Hoard dind during the ynar, viz.: -hSlr l'ntn !.; ~laddt\tl, Sir HP my \\'vPdon, 1\lr. Erlward (', Oftict•r, and Mr. U. JJurra.v :::hnit,h. Tlw last~J.<:Hned mt•mlJt:r hud lwi'n a 'JrustN: }(irH'(' 18H7, and had aC'tl'J for so.!l~c th1w in thv office of Hon. Tr,·ai-HU'n', an ulflf'l:" whid1 wa.s also I ,.::;d In· 8ir Hi•nrY \Yeedou Ht Uw tim(· of his (hmtiL .

· The folJ;J\Ying rnemlwrs of t.ho Board WNe nppointt'd b;,· th·~ UOVI'l'HIH<·flt, dur!m.! tla• vear, viz · ·The Hon . .b'rank ('l:t.rke, M.L.l.'., tlw Hon, t~. 'I. Prl'1td•:.rgast, M.l •. A., :\Ir. J. T. Collins, K.t'., Mr. J. T. 1rweddle, and :Jfr. A. A. J'a.-r~.aing, M.T •. A.

30th March, I 922.

I }tave the honour to bP, •


Your obedient servant, ALEX. LEEPER,




,, 0 4 ,;

Snb­D\1 i~it"t

I ~('m

~11t1Hie~-L'rof"lisional Div:sion ('lerit':tl :Hvl.;;imt iXeucml Divi:.ion Exempt

Ordin:1ry ExpenditUI'<'

~alarle:.-PrnfPl'!'ionai Dhision

2 \'lerlcal !Ji<ision

4 5


llmwral J)it•i:.don J;;~empt.

Ordimtry ExpeuJitun~ ...

d!tl:trie"'-l"rofessional Divisiou Clt·rknJ Divishm liencml Division Exenrpt

Ordimu-y Ex-rendihm-

J, K MACKEY, Treasurer, Public Libmry, &c,


£ '· d,

£ ,,, rl.

1!5 8 5 9 12 7

282 16 3 12U (I 0

Amount Voto:d,

£ '· •L

6,698 0 0 1,941.} " ()

~.609 I) (I

1,098 " 0 IZ1i20 (I 0

Amounl Expend('<J,

L ' d. 6,58:.:! ll 7 l,fl36 ; 5 .S,326 ~ >J

978 0 0 1~,677 0 0

,)27 jj :1 -J.3 () (I

31,071 0 0



Chief l .. ihrarliw and s~crt>tar_v.

PUBL[C LIB RAttY, m;:>F:ln!H, A>ID :,iATlO:,iAL il.\L[,Efl.Y OJ? VICTORIA


Stalemenl rj( Rrf'-ript.5 uwl Expenlit•ucfor the Yew ended 30th J;m,e, 192L


To Halam:e from 1919~20 Fees, Drawing Sdwol Feet~, Painting &!wo.l

Receipt!!, L~~ntling Lihr!try Fine-!-! Damages W l~ooks Sale of Poatcardts

Rent of Refretibmt',nt Ho<JrU9 fnsuran('e o1 !Jietures on loan lli:lfund of cost of bookts lost frlet>Sl'S. Cain Hro<'l. (addltion;tl} SaleS! in Galk•rie!>-

National Gallery Cnhdogut•s Guides to In'ititutinn Photographs "'Letters from Piontlern"

Interest <Jn War Bonds

Bv Insmance of Picturee on loa.n ~ &la.rv of ~umiemati.sL

Painting, purchased from Cain bequ~t Attendant's WageB, Refreshment Rooms T. S. Gill, Show ~ascs T. Duff and Sena, Cabinet Bates, Pooblcf!, and Smart, Architects• foos Ma.lleaon, Stew art, and Co,, Law Costs C(Lrds, mounts for: Coh1 Collec-tion Gratuity for spcc:ial servicrs rend('I'f'-d Guides for sale in Institution .. Poot C'..anls for sale in Lending Library Miscellaneous and petty expenditure Balance

£ '· d.

13< 8 0 63 0 0


306 ll 3 I 25 14 2 &10 4!

12 [f) 0 21 5 0 z 12 6 0 5 0


£ .,-, d. 1,501 ~ 3

197 8 0

338 15 9j, 28 3 4 17 I 2

I 18 2 50 0 0

38 12 8 105 0 0

2~276 8 2}

£ 8, d. 16 18 4

245 0 0 550 0 0

23 10 0 270 6 6 120 0 0

19 10 3 11 5 0 15 2 8 50 0 Q 29 0 0 6 5 0

28 IQ 4 891 0 1!:


Treasurer~ Public LibrMY, &c. Chief Libraria.n and Secretary.




D•. Rece-ipts and E.Tp<mditure during !he Year 1920-21,

£ .. To Balance from 1919~20 722 7

" Interest one year on Victorian Government. Dcbl:'ntures, £4,000 at 3lt)er cent. 13.3 0

., Interest, one year; War Bonds, £0,500 a.t 4j: per cent,

, Interest oue year, War Bonds, 292 10

£2,000 at 5 per cent. lOO 0 , Jn1erest one voor~ War Stoek,

£200 at 5 p'er cent·, .. 10 0

£1,259 17

d. 7






Bv Remittances to Miss ~furion .Jont.-s • C>OOt of Drafts

, Advance f,o Miss Addaide Perry Students• Prizt,s

, Balance


£ $, rJ. 112 w 0

I I! 6 70 0 0

l03 5 0 972 11 I

£1,259 17 7


1920, 1921. .July 1 Commonwealth War Bonds, June 30 By Bala.nco .. 14,800 () 0

4:f per cent. 6,500 0 0 Commonwealth War Bonds,

5 per eent. • • • , Commonwealth War Bonds,

4,100 0 0

Spereent. (Ramsnyprize) 200 0 0 Victorian Government De~

lmntures. at 3! per eent. , . 4,000 0 0

14,900 0 0 14,800 0 0

. J. E. l!AOKEY, E. LA T. ARMil'l;RONG . Tl't~urert PubUe Library, &c. Chief Librarhm and Secretary.

Melbourne. 27th Mv.reh, 1922,

I t-ertify that the foregoing statements of ~>eounts of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Vidoria, for the year 1920-21, have been examined and found comx-t.

I have taken e)(ecption to a payment. of £60 out of the Truatees' G<;nPral Acconnt to Mr, TA>igh Scott, an officer of the Pnbllc Serviee, for wh:ieh a. ttrtifieate was not obtained aa dir&:tt:td by Soctiona 192 and 161 of the Public SPt"Vice Act.

The Ma .. nager of the Royal Bank of Au;..tralia. rettifies that Victorian Government D+lhenturea to the face value of £4,000 and Commonwealth Treasury Bonds for £10,800 wore h<"ld hy the Bank on 2i)th March, 1921.

I know of no reason why the acco-unts sho-uld not. be ;:ubmittcd for audit on a dart: ee:rlier than Jws been the practice in the past. The account~> ~>hould be examined as early as poat~iblc nfter the clooo of tho finn.ncia.l year.

The Chief Libre.rian, Melbourne.

J. A. NORRIS, Audi.tot-Gener$1.


Public Library Report, 1921.

To the Chairman of the Library Committee.

Tbe Chid Lihrn,rian ha.s t.he honour t.o .submit the following Report for the year 192l >···-


The number of volumt-s added to the l .. iln·ary during the y{·ar was 7,247. The numltcr f•f volumes in the Library at the end of th{· yeur was 282,10:3. Notwithstanding dw additional imTea~e for the purchase of books granted by the

GovermtH•nt after a special interview ,,-ith the TrusV·es, the greatest care has been essential to kc1•p within the grantj nnd this nC'rounh; Jor the derrcase inste-ad of an lnC'rPasr­in the number of vnhmws added during the ~·par under rf'vip;w.

The nr!C'essity for N~Oil()lny also m:.Ml;: it impDBf'-lble w pm·chasc an.Y ve~· rar<· o:· cnst,Jy works> and thNt' is nothing ~vorth,>.· nf ;;;pecial not0 in tl:is \'onnexiou,

A donation of 129 volum0s: nnd some tOO }Htmphl(•t>< and othH d0eumcntf; w~:ts ma,de l1y ~Ir. G~'~orgn ('hiruside, Iormerly of \Verriht•-e.

::\lr, Victor Cnbb presented an et,ehinp: h~" him.seH uf an old house in Bourke-stre;,t, onr>: occupiOO hy81r H~lmond Barr_v, ftwl still stanllin7 hehind thr J\Ietropolitan,.ion building 1 nt>ar GolJshorough';, \'Wol stme. Tlw ekhiu;r--a nocturne---was deseribt>d <lS. rf'JH'C.t:.~'nting ;, The First :PubHe Llbmt·y ~- Ju .Jlelboume. H \Vas pointt'd out to :\lL flolll> that this \YaH searrcly r'orrf·ct, and hf· t:;,rn:Nl to tlw rlimimttion of HH• des0ription from tlH~ L!btary C'OJ),\'. Hir Ht•t_hn<JJHI BatTy fr;•l'ly ~<Wl' worktttt•n and others aeens;;; to his own collection of books, hut th<' lrf!:<'Ttd that tl:i:: hoH3e \nu:; ln an:· otlwr St'llS\' t·hPc "First Public Lilm:uv-" of 31elbournc i~ not. correct,

N ot,wit,hstanding ~rneful wat,;:•hint:: therE" are still TP-ported some t5ases of petty thieYi ng, and the thieves are so cunning tl:ai tho.1· ha Vt~ been sur1·r•ss!ul in stealing: ln all fHj volumes from the shelve~. Of the hooks ~tu!cn~ nono was valuable from a mouefary point of view. rrhe thefts, ns in pnrv1ou,; :';rar.s, W01'El Jl1oSTI_\- lrom til•"" division _, Fsefui Arts," hut. no st~ction of the Lilmuy esc~tpril •"·r>l;·, f.;!1V'Cl· d·wntcd t.o '" Rdigion ., anrl '· Oeneral works of referenrr,."

Anangem0nts have lHi(:ll madtl hy the ('nnunon-...n•alth UoYf'nuncnt to recoiip thE' State Govcnnnent for expenses in Nnmcxion \Yith international exchangc..s., and th(' work in {'Onncxiun with those ex(·hangoH is ~;till lwing rf:U'Ji(~d out by the Library staff.

The following ScheJult\K Rhosr in tlH: growdl of the L-ibraxy :-


lfoilt- 0f AO<'l"<IIO\Ol\, YolUlll('$. P«mphlct3.

--------------------··· ·- - ... ... ... .. . 4-,646 2';2 DQna.tiQns ... . .. . .. 2,489 646 ... ,, ... 297 !26 Pa.mph ets bomul into vohmte::; ... ... iO ...

~-~-· --· Total ... ... . .. 7,501 1,044

Withdrawals ... ... 254 10 -

1fotal ... ... .. . 7.247 1,034:

----- ---~-

!\laps. .Miscelh· ne<HIS,


I 3 . .. 119

" 8 . ..

19 I:JO


Approxhnate Value.

£ '· 3,572 I 670 10 177 :J

16 2

4,435 18

61 16 -~--~

4,374 1

' I. 9 I 9 0




6 -~t~~ .. ··----~----



CLAS!:tl!ICA'TION oF THE Boo1c5, PAMPHI.-F;Ts, wrc., n&CRIV.En nuRJNG

'I'HF. YEAR 1921.

\"olmue£. P..tmphkt~. :\lap.~. :m~'·e1l:tlll'o't".

U. General \Ym·ks of H.dcrP.ncc l, Philost•phy :! Heligioa 3. 8ooiology 4. PhilologY .l. ~atmn.l ~":ieie:~ev 6. U:>efnl Art-s I· Jt'iJ1e Ar:; H. LHemtun· 9. 11 !Fl'nry

490 122 320

1,781 76

1,000 1,2!.:6

3Hl lHl6

1,471 -------·


47 4 015 J 0[ l!i

:~09 G 11 2 65 I

1{1:) 2 55 12 Ill .12 217 19 as

1,044 19 130

······--------- -- -----·-

fJlAnt.J: sHOIVTXn 'l'fTF. 1'\o::.n>J>JH oF ( 1AS¥.:-< x~n PAHc~~Lii PROM SomETIEH AND

lNST1T11TJO~K 1~ VIcTORIA, D;HTHtrHJTED 'fHROL'GH THE Punr.rc LmiLUtY neRJ:NG- 1921. ... .,-

11lrongh HmithAOnian Institution By PQ.'lf· By ha.nfi


No of C;~F('~.





nmmm 1921 .

No. of i No. of Parr.els. 1 Pub!icJJtit•ll~

413 429 21)8 277

G " HS7 I 712



.. ·--·--- ~-~-- ....... ---··~---,~·~~--~ ----~ ........

Smithsouia.u l!lflt.itntion .. lnt<JrrHI.tionrd Exchange Kerviq~, Holla.nrl

, Frr:mcv .• " .. Bt<lt;imn

Agent-General for Victoria . . • • Public Library of New Sonth Wa.lf.<s ..

Tota.l . ,



1!734 210 376 154

1 3





0. Genera.l Work>< of RoiO"renc;: I. Philosophy 2. &hgion 3. Sociology 4. Philology 5. Natural Science 6. Ur<eful Arts 7. Fine Arts S. Literature 9. History and Biography


1'ota.l ..

Total Circulation •• Average Da.ily CiNula..tion

~umber of Da.ys Lending Libra.ry was open ~umber of Borrowen on Rogister


Xo. of Yolumc, Jli)!'fO>H"tl.

133 3,;)(}0

3,141 H,:$."iti

.12H S,J06

13,439 7,264

l3,8(Hi ' 21,486







.09 2.49 2.2± ;).9\l

• ;J!j J.7i 9 .• )8 13.18 9.89

lti, 33 +3.0\1




294 9,·164

The number of borrower.'! for 1921 was 9,162, compat·ed with 9,-!64 for 1920.

The number of issues was 140,277 al'! against 1 +I, B36 for 1920.

There wa,':l a decrease in the borrowing of books on Useful Arts and History, tl.nd

an incre~.-;e in the numbf'r of books borrowed from the Fict.inn S!~ct.ion. Tl1e figures from the other sedions were almo.'J! the iiurne RS for hv':!t ~'eat·.

Till' annual stock-taking showed <'1 Ius':! of 110 YO~Utnt:'-..:.


TAnLl-: sHowr:•H, Aou1 no~s TO THE LKNDJN<>: LnHtAIW numxG THE

YEAH l9Zl.

Mode of Aeq_uh!ltion, I :<o. <>l Yolum"·



• Include• 281 ooplfla kl:repla.ot worn-out 1'oiume•,

£ 8. d. 629 12 9

0 15 0


TAHI.E SHOWING THE ~e:\tHEU (IF BOOKS IN THE LK!iOING LIBRARY ON TUB 31!1' DECI<:~m~>~r.., 1921: ANI• THE. ~U:.fllKit RonHOWED DU!!lNG 1921.


•1. GPncrl\l w1wks 0f rpt'erPnCe L Philo&Ofo'ny :!. Re:if!ion :t HociOtogy 4, Philol•1gy , . !'i. Natural Sciom:e 6. lJaehJ Arti'i •.. , , Finfl Arts S. J,i tf>ra.ture 9. History ;~nd H\f,paphy


I So. oi "\'olnmts No. of Yolumc4 P<;coentRge of

r~~ho~~~,y~·--Ho~::~-- -- llook<;nt .....

I J,l/94 a,soo ;:-.19


2, 600 :u -11 ~ ·24 4,Sl6 8.356 tdft) ~02 528 ·as

·!. i5l 8. !06 iVi7 .t:Mti U,4-;i9 9·58 L'i6S 7:264- 5·18 .:>,09'1 l:UH36 9·S9 10,55~ 2l,4A6 t?i·33 \54J I)I}.H'i!) 43•(}9:

39,1117 110.277

Eight,y-or<•~ \'nhmh'."\. ~~-,.1 .. 11 .r;,dm wn from th1\ Lr·nd-b1g Library, but not rcplated. 2!JG \'Oln1w•:< \\<'f\' :,·,tt· by l'~J'~t tu 41 horrowers reNiding i1l t.he cnnnnv. :~,>111 volume~ were ient frn1n th~· Tcdx1•Hing Liim;.1·\t·:o~ ;o 01 1\It'('h,tnif's· In'!dtutcs

and !-'rot' Lit.~rari<1s.

22nd lt'ebrnary, 1922.


Chief Librt~riatL


National Gallery.

To the President of the Trustees. SIR,

I have the honont: to 1mbmit, t,hl' following R(\port on the W<1rk of the Nat.ional G-alh;r5· for the year 1921 :-

During the year the. sum of £:9,719 10s, was expe~uh'd on paintings, ,Jrawin,&!:~, print;; a.nd works o[ art, i\ll of which, with the eXDPptlon of £111 15s., \Va~ .-lnrived from Felton Beqlwst funds. Of this bst-IlllmPd sum a1! hut 30s. waR derived ftom the Gilbet• lkquest. Of thr total amomli., T may say, f-1,750 13s. Gd. was PXpt<nded in Australia.

T have to report. that. thr' spat:c at our dispo:;;al is heinp: r.-;pidly us0d up, mul th•1 J!fedieament. of not IJeing able to ~how propN1y what is b0ing purclJasrd is immin0Ht i£ lt is not alro:.ady nt hautl. The enlargem•.'llt of Ol\1' ('(Jl1C<·tinor, it/ n£s ,i!Cal (d(}}!C, lol•rls :)88 pi~>ce,; -21 paintings, 8 wat0r coloun<, On prints, 3 picrN; of ~culpture and 2W; ohj<•t·;;, of art. The displacTin('.nt of older work tempomril;·· .\'icltlR a. certaill tunnma of Rpaee on t!Hl walls and in the case~ of th..s Art }fuseum, but tlw 1~ece.s:-;ity for furthf·r provisio:1 being tn.ade \\'ill very siHH't1.r have to h{; {flCccL llfl in tlw nature of thing~ th•• numlH'r of works we are rni.tbled to purchase and otlwrwJS(~ acqulr(· outruns 01~r capllt:it.~· +.o absorb and ("Xhibit to adv.ant,nge>, Mon;ovN, all thi.-: Jnf'HH3 thf' need or <Hldition;tl t:..aHo::-:, 1'CYo1vinrt ;h,;reens, nnd, ocr;asionalh·, mountR nnd fntnWR, &r., fundr;; fnr whiel1 lnr continnonsl~; lacking. J ntfl_\7 say, t.he inereitsPd prire we hav(' to pa.Y to ohbin models for tlH' chtSS(';s uses up 1nost of onr m:dntn1an<·e gmnt an<1 lPttHF; n,'<: tlw shn:'h'r to fulfil thP ahoVi' rrquiremcnts.

I must also point ·out that, \vft.h tJw many calls nu my tinH' Jn <:<tll!wxion v .. ·ith thf• sehoo)s a.nd the g1·cat of >v<•rk in the t-iallt'l'Y awl .J.fns,'mn, I o11nnot, not\\ithM standing my grc<lt intere;;,t in print>; rmd the p1easuTt· it has hN'll to organize the Ram~~ into the nuelcm; of a print mrnn, givtJ the attenticm to this cnl!ection it should have. There is a great deal to be domdv~rP, SHJwriutendfonre lwing reqnired in wonnting, franrinf!, airing, and shQwing the large> numhn of valuable prints and drawings wP now possess, I strongly adv.icle, in th·~ intcr('St-s of the eoH<'etion~ t.hat. ;;.;omc OYH', tW•-"'n if only for half time, be appoiuted to assist in this, as well as to t.akc charge of the Htoeh: hooks !lnd attend to t.he labelling of objcrts in my department.

Amongst t,he gifts made t.o the Gallery were ;t of thmeral :;\! by J\fr. Isaac Coht"H, a form0r Gallery htm1C'nt ; a bronze heat!, hy :\HrPd Gilbert, R.A., presented hy Urs. )lanLoghlin, and a ]a.rgc collection of Chiw':-.~; ccm.mlc.~, \nn·ks in nwt<t.l, la.cquvr and embroideries bequeathed by the lat(; Dr. H. E. Morrison, hut not yf't :>hown for want of space.

The number of the students in thB Paintihg Class vms 23 in the first term and 20 in the second. In the Drawing Class there were ~H in tht>: fir::>t tH'JU and 8:) in the E>-econd.

I enclose a list. of awardf'l matle by the gentlemen appointell to ad. as judges at the Annual Exhibition of students work and schedui0s giving full particuhtr8 of the additions and loans made to the eollect.ion during the yr;ar.

1 have the honour to b(~, Sir~

Your obedient servnnt.

L. BERNARD HAT,L. 20th February, 1922.

lh•a.,\-illl-!' H:t!Jd or Fv;! tinnring Hr,td D!':t\di1!f; Full l·J,.;•'l Drawing~ .\iw l:•Jni;-a!


RTl'DI"'i'fS' l<JXH!BITION, I\J21. l'ltlZE LIST.

"bTiql'E ;-!c;t(HJI .•

\Jr. H. If St. Eb'll \JiC>" ld«., KL.'>X ~;j,.,_, :\LA. E. BoiH' 'd i::,,_; , \. ~f'Hffr

Drn.wm,:.t-- Full Fig1m·-~PduUn:r "'I LidNtl"

unly 7111. n .w. Ltn·l

J.!1". K J.L ~i>'lwll \lis".f. B. Tm·n•·r .:\k .\. E. Kn,tpt•;~: )Ir. \. L,mndPr .'lr. A. T. Uibuu

Druwinu-H<~-ndi' ami Fed Dr{lwini--Hvad from T~ifl' PainLin~ ·Hettd from Lif( PnintiuP,--.Monot'hrmw­P0.inting-Sti!l Lif•· Dra11·in!X-- Fnll ll'igw'<', nmh•

i ieur;,w l'mv l'h

I r0ltrge ( ·(,;tt(--4

Hora )Jt•(':<Nt pl! ..... tl, c .. n.t\1il/ .L F. )lilkt ,Jm>qJlJ Hi;:lmvJl,.

W. ltoth;;-n,tvin ,1. 11. Lorirnd' HcorZL' \Y. Lam bcrt Goor~e '\V. Larr lx-rt H. 8epbimu'> 1-'owc-r Edwar-d Culvert Edwu.rd Calvt'rt

~o exhibit M i'!.'l w. li'rttlWh' !\Jr .. ·'i. T. (}ilium )lr. R H. Lux\ll(Jh' :\li,.:.s D. 0. . .JloMF M il'B E. Phillip

Mr. ('. S.

Mr. \'. ~I Griffen .JlirJA l!J. Phillfp :.\Jr. l';, Ruf'kmastt'r JiiS# D. Po.nsford Mr. V. M. Gt'i!l'r·n llon. mention

U. ·w LAMHJ:~RT, (]IWIWE J. 00.·\'fi~S. m<:om;g BELL,

I hr. P.~i:!-<TI.:-:.o . .;.

Early n~ lol'i;.;,ns Purt;·ait r;t' h. Hu~< Lviy Barge.~- r..l I!:L_V."~ \Y:Hll'± . ~ns.:n:na and ~ lw El tiNs 1\:ur illu~tr{lltnn;; tu !Er·hanh.un';.,

l'u-n!da "

An ~-'.t·tbt in Fnt.niY. J917~l"i l.ultu.Lvc A Ht>l'g~·:tnt ,,f Light HoriiP The Oltl,·i;;.l (Self portrait) Anza0s 'l'he 8onl f\·os.Ylng the Kt_yx A }JeirDry of f'laud<1 \


210 0 !I 2(i2 lO 0

,)7 };') p

.t,:llO 0 0 .)PO 0 U

H-1:1 li'i I)

30 18 I)

:!7,) 12 I; :27;) 12 " ,)~G I) I)

73 lO 0

{}('ol'f...'<: P. Cha.lmer::>, RS,A. Btr William 0t1~<::n. RA. (;;;orgP f'lnll<wn, RA Gl,vn Plnljlot, A,R.A. H, SrpUmus Power Frank R Crozkt ..

\'filliaw Uil•l) l\'illia,m Gibb

D. ~. :.'IIc('oll }), S. lHoColl PetPr de \Yint Edwin AlPxan;IN TbomJ:tH Girtin aolm R CO?,(~UH

H. van Haaltc H. va.n Haab" \V. Hnlman Hunt

U. B. Pi!'anc;;i \V. HnlJsr'n _.;., Legro>'

JeAn L. }'omln

,Jean L I<'omin ,Jean L. Fondn Geo!'j:;(' W. Lo.m tiC'rt ,John khil'low ,John Shirlow ,John ~hirlow Liont'l Limbay Livn{'l Unrl:;ay

· lJiom•l Lindsn.\' Li<md Lh;;J;;fl~­t.iont'l f ,hvlsa;v Lillm•l Lind,.:a-v ,L F, :\fillet . )lax Benbnl!m

s,:hw;· Lou~ l'•i''\'dnt•'v Lnn.: ; .. (ydrw\' L•'ni.r s'vdn!•;,- LOll" {)live ('nul\',._ F. Kmc~t ,fa,•k}olon Thea Prott(lr Sydney Ut·o Srnit.h


Scrumur.E J., contimted.

Tit!e or Dcscrlp!IO!I of 'Work, How A<>tUif"'L

OIL .PAINrtxus-confinud.

(ium1ermn.._<;1Pr i 'null FPiton Bec,up:;t SporL'>man in itidln~ ( "o>~tmrw Frn~-.t,- .\1orn.inu. Lo1;dun Hc>fl.d.' of 1\i<'lwJa."l t .. Pctpr ··~ f'rwnan { ';~\ ulry { 'hru·g{· u£ ('~m hrai I ~il:JL·e B'-'t!IH">t lu dw 8:-.ow, FtiliW\'. !017

":_ur-;H ('or,nr_'H 11Jt.\Wl:"~:W:.:.

F;l.rnilh- ~·,irv \'arw (•',J1,.n B{·t1rrf',_( The 'l'PIIl(•tllti<Hl of ('hri~>t ,,n tlll-

Jintlllt Hu·-n nud (j,]d ~otn· l lnnH·. 1\tri" J,fw·,,:n ('atlwl:t·al u,.,; Adr11irt~l on a P"p!J,'.>ht·n•l On the E.\!' nPM' E:\etn· The ( loat-]:;_·nl

ETt'Hf?\(.s, 'Pnl:-;TN. T.!TnomtA'f'H>l, t;Tc

l<'n•moHtJ,. Bridw.· 1;·khing) Ft·lton lictpw-n Bank• awl Bol•·s 1<'~' hiuv.) Lml~- of N!vtlv!l \pen .Uld i~>k dnq1~

in;::; Prison,.: l·:tchin:J', :Jo !*I'; lit»~ )Tutl':-'- E·kltiu;.:!-, :-JCVt·n print..: Portm:t of Err_,.,t H1·mtn (i'h l!:n;.;; Portrrjt <•f ( ';;rditud \tanning (lillwM

, .. :r•~pl!; LC' r,·tou,· de l'c·nfMtt prmlig11..'

(l"t('hing) L';n'UI'Ht par hni t ~11 prt•\ Pll u { v! Pllill;!) La fmdiron du pnin (ddlinu) .. 'fh(• { 'f,sh•r 1-kllt· { t•''ll('il · drav. ing-/ Hro)!<\.Jt',-.; Lnw (Pkhing) Kong )-ll'f'_g:"" DoU~"\1ll-Y kt,•hinF;i GatP\IaV at (~.1'.0. (t·ldlin~r) ()}d i_.;., • ."Jrgl~!-:rcd .\laJ•k..-~~< (;:-:dlin~i Tht· Oi!'":V D11n1 P (>'h hin,u:) Tlw !lhl Ltrrlaf!;•" \\'n.,\ (eldnng) lii·!Ty Larw (t-t<"l!l!li!) G-on·nwr llomh· HotPl (etdlitlfi ThP San"t·tl fl!'ow (ltr;uatint) du Bt't:':pi/·, (et'a:n)n dnndng) .\1'1. Lyt!on Htntdl",\" {jwll lH:i•l .tnk

drn '>Yihf:) E:ihn ,;Srnd.~ \.\Jr. .\r:hur BaJf,q;l')

(pt'n aud 1nl~ dr·nlin;t) l'a"'l_;•ral {,oft gro!ll:d) tln 1lu· \\'an:lf,. :(·tr·hinu) Old J>ardP'H·n( .\11:1 (1\i.jHF.tinl) 'J'Iw I l!ol 11ill i,iil";\- p11int) Hu,h! {pt·n and ink dr;n\(llg) Portrait (,f .\1. Lih inn if (lithogl'ltj>h) Before lklii':HH<Ll (lithn;:,:-J• J\·t. ftont ('rcmorne



£ '· d

~.-;1 ; 0 HI 'J (\

l.JH " (\

220 0 0 7K lJ (l

31 10 "

~ iU 0 0

l~ lK H lS 1S 0

!30 0 il 4-l IS 0

21.'\ fJ () 150 0 0

;; ,) 0 H tt H

(iO !! \I

Ll:-1 1.1 0 11 11 {)

2H7 l~l ti "i 0 u

130 n o

4k K 0 3..i (J 0 :_u 10 t)

" ,, 0

2 i (I

:! IS I> 1 18 fi 2 ~ H 2 I li :2 7 0 •• lil u

H;l 0 !! 25 -1 !j

] k 1.'1 (I

1i hi q (I J;} (i

.( 12 tl 3 l'i H 1\ 6 H (\ j) 0 :"J ;) 0 ~ l4 u

Harold Parker· Augu<:.t(' Ho\lin Augustc Hmlin

\ViU DyMon T;;:aae Colwn Ahl'illll de Y ,.Jn .. AlfrNlliil.berL R -\.. ; Dova Ohlf!(l'h . . i


,"i1ATI:"'-HY. I3JW);Z!;;,<.:, l~TL

AdadnP (nl<>l'bll') L,• l';•n,;(·ut· (hrulW.P) Bnh(':, Kiot'<ill;! (hnw:"d

J.h:--<_'E:3A>• 1::0\ ·"·

.)25 H Q 9;)0 0 !l :i:30 0 0

Fitv llaek {hmnz.<·), uld Fn·twl: Ft•ltou Ht'(iUVr.l 21 () 0 ~tuuwd Ghs~ 13th lo 17th (\•nturicf<

F!n;.;lish \Jxmt·ll Hunting Born, Carn·d h(lry ~i~t>l'-

•:la.n ,"\ilvt•!' t'np. two h,wdlP<.I • , ."'b. Fans- Fn·nd1. lJHteh. nnrl

ChiflL">'L' Thre,· Kni\<''5--Kandytm Cl1it•f:-'

t':&HAMIC \VAJll::, f:1T.

150 {l u

2.) 0 ()

''<) 0 ,, 112 7 "

0 11 (I

l 10 0

~j t>:-.:atnph-'" of f'idn<->k' POI'Ueluill, .Felt-On l:kq ttt>t~l B;};-) (I ()

PottNV &('.. n·n;t·M>nring the He.n. ':-=ung, ~tin:.:: C'hin1 L"J.n;J, Kang Hsi, and Yung Clwni-( dyna-;t[e,:; 1\l'OmW Mirror fl.nd \'tli'le, l'nn{•d Aaah•. ,Ju.LlL' and .la.-; per, and one· Hla-~k L>~• qm·r TPr~ t 'addy- F:•.•lll l-lw ('a Fedv ( •q;Jedion

14 t•xa'mple:l of ChitWMI' (';>.tamk Wbre A coHPdion of .lapaUP!lD {'eranlie

Wal't•, Hrom:.f'8 (nwlndintr 1.3-i­t<~nbns. (ilword-~ua.nls) laPQIIPr, KodzuKH- ha.utll;~.'l, r;word, Kak('­mono, &e., from the P\'rcv Willdn-Hnn Colle-e lion ~

,'WcllWD.J·: 11.

Duxxno);s 1Lua; t>Ftll:.:G J:12L

Hlu~tl'n,t~nl\11 t1f tlw (b:·~~- \\':tr, :3:2 litlwgt'aph;; Portrait ni Sir ,h)hn :\{pna-;h (nil pilinting) l1orln<il ;>f H lh;tr·:\ !f,·nikuw'l (oil p~tin:in!!:• Bmm>· Bu<Jt ;)h>'. E\iz;1 .\htd,o;.!hhn) Am.;v· MNiullinn (hnmzP) t\tt•p <'UI'\'f'J 1n W(>Od -i'hineiv t 'lock, JttHa.nn~!e .. i_'ollt>rtiott of Chln;~,w ('N:~mi•· \\"a!'<:', Hr,Juz:.,o.;,

Bras& t'o.-ning~. LaC'qner, EmbruidE'J'ius, Hrocadus, and lh.rmenls

U..'tJ u n 722 0 I)

('(lllllll<II1Wl.(dth t;o\"l'fll!H('llt

.'-;ir .lol1n )lonush

.\kl"'>PL ('ain Bn'"· :\!r.-;. ?l1~.u·IA•l!:h1in Tho Arhi..:t · :-;,wm~tn li. 1 lal'k Xommn U. ('larl.: 'l'lw lat(' Dt·. U. E. \lo1Ti"on



Fourteen ;,pe(•imen'l of La.litpc Oh\11~, F!'\'nth. JH0(JPrn

Glo:::<unn6 Enamf'l Br,Hk--( 'hinc,;t• H-ed Ln.rq_ uN .'St'I'DC!i, earw,l--Korn1n Two ,J u.pan;~!K'- Drew; Swurdr; lvm·y ~ip;;y DttU('('r, XVfL \'eut Chine;;e Vase. Sa.n~·dl·-bocwf Chineso Vase. Hou'ge fla-mhc;tu ,Juan of Arc~~::\Iarblo Stabli' bv Homant>lli Lady StnLdbrokB~Purtmlt in" Oi!a, l1,v P . .'L


J Tit(' !ton. W. )f. :\kPltet1-Uil lA1.dy :->ttadlwohe

Industrial and Technological Museum.

Report of the Curator,

Sm, I beg t.n !-iUbmit the following Rt>port for tlw ,Y~'llf HJ21 :-

PI'Og.Tess for the ,"[Pa.r hm; !weu i-lati:.;faclory, although no tlott~wor\.ll.\· ac1ditlons {\.Lil

b~ T(~porte(L )lany €'Xhihits in tht'll)!oll~lv.:>H nrt> perhapn of li1:tiP inh•rt•KL hut in fi!linJ.! g<:~.pH in a twrit>s, and for the' purpo:c;:r· of i~luwtratin~ el•rtain important f(•atur00. tlwy are o[ con;.;irl,•ra.ble tl'clmieal \"rtln('. fn rv:..:ard tu the prrp<:lf,ltion uf ~·xhihih; r~lhny of thnn ktse to he correctk ldemiH~·rl awl prnvi(t(•tl wirl1 trn:)tworrhy informatioll bclore they C'aU he publiclY fli~playNl. rl'l!i;.; w_•(·(~;;:.:ihth·~ a great d<"al.of tiwf", not onl,\· in Kf'arching litt.:'Tl:Ulll'~', bnt ah;o in l'OJ1;-)Hitiu~ lo•~u.l <-Httlwriii,,s who m:1!' 11;:)>{:<0:-j:-J the d••FJiT<'d knowledge·.

Amon:,t: the exhihits pltiC\'(l on ex hi bit ion wn '> <t piN'L' of tLll oal;:: purlin from \Y c.-;t.minst\'J' Hall! prc;.;fmted h}' thi· Rriti;;h Dovt:rnnh'JJL and ret···in•d in lll20, 'l'his i.'l pil!'t of OlW of tht> ongimd timber)l io tll..: ii11w of Edwa;d IL whith had hePn rem.on;d owing tu thn dcRtructiun cau:;et! by boring, hPetle;;. Tw•) odH·r rlona.tiow; of historicv.lj Ul'l w+>ll a~ o{ tet·.]wit:,d intel'e:-!t, WC'r(' added to the co!lcdion-;. On(; of tlw:w \YJUI a Hull

fnd(•x .. typewritN obtain,•(l fo:: the Mu:-.t•um by :\Ir. U. ,1. flitehri:>t. Thi:. nHH:hine wft:<; ptitentP;1 in 1881, and wa~ tlw fir-;t kind of t.vrwwdh'l' «;-~ed conunereirt11y in Au::;tralla. Tlw otlwr ''a" an t'xbiLit illu:-.t·atit:,!£ tfw tir . .;r mah·l.~·s Jll< in Attstralia, and was pn·Kentt•'l t,,Y .:\lr. E. L, BdL

Th•: ~Ni••s of i'Hl.mph~K Khowi:i)!. tlw uHtHHflh;ture of soap au .. l (·:lndks, :c,Hppllt:tt hy J. Kih.:ht•nnnd Sons, and tiH• i1•on nr.d :-;t\'1"1 exhilnt frot~l tlw Brok+>n fhll Pro1)ridac·.\" Com.pany '"'e-n; platxd on vkm. Tlw eoHeetiou oi l'u!JlH~r mn.nuraetures, prc:wnh·d hy the Duniop Ruhl>er Company of Au;;:.tru.lia, WlM considerably augnwnt•_•.d during_ the y!'Hl', whir:h reude1'Nl it neCJ:'SBllP<" to devote t.o it th(; whole of n standa.Td floor s1ww ca:;e. A nr_:w wall case W<"1s .-.~onatrUt:ted for the small anus se~t.ion, in order to ac~ommodate accumulated


new materiaL A.U the space thus provided is already fully occupied. Exhibits of some interest in connexion with this section are two Borchardt~Leuger automatic pistols, lent by Lieutenant-Colonel Law, which were used by the Germans in the Great War.

It. is to be regretted that a contemplated section dealing with the heating and ventila~ tion of buildings could not be proceeded with, as nobody with the requisite knowledge and akill could be obtainod to prepare the variouo exhibits for it. This is a subject of the greateA'>t importance, and is receiving much attention at the presrnt time, so that such a section would aervto a Yery Yaluable purpose.

:Mr. "W. E. Bassctt, who left for England at the f'!ld of the year to purchase aeroplane material for the )fdbournc Universlty, very kindly undertook to aet for us also in securing some desirl?'d types of aeroplane engines. F-or t,his purpose the Agent-General for Victoria was authorized by the Trustees t,o advance an amount Ull to £200 to 1\h. Bassett, as cash payments would ban~ to be .

Durin~ the fruit sr-ason our Mr. "\Vilson continued the work of making photographs of section!l. of npples and pearC~~ and he also devoted a largB part of his time to the verifica~ tion of the stored models of these fruits, which number about 250. A great deal of confusion exists in regard to the identity of many varieties, some of which ar<> now no longer f:.,trown, and it ia desirable that information knol\'Tl to old growers only shoulrl be recorded before it is too late. To he of value for reference purpos('s, as far as poss1ble the i.dentilication of each variety should he thoroughly trustworthy, and a note of its history and other pa:rticuhtrs should be l'rovided. \Vc have to thank the Director of the Burnley Horticultural Gardens for the servicPs of Mr. S. Nell:wn, the 1H.>st of authorities_, for hclpin:4 in this work.

A standard machine~ printed label for indiv--idual specimens, suitable for most of the botanical collections, was adopted, and a few were printed in the year. Prneticaliy the whole of the lahcls of these colleetions urgently require l'eplacing, but ;;s thf'y nearly aJl first need revision, it \\ill be a work entailing much tlmP.

A number of ore-dressing imd rnetaUurgica1 models, all ohsolctc, bad to be :r<'moYed to the ,-;tort~ to 1nake room for hesh Pxhibits, Very little additional spfH~e can novo" be provided by this means for future demands, and an experimental case is heing made to fit round one of the eolumns, in ordt'r to find out if this style of case vdll bE' suitable for general application.

Be~<;idi'M this n-as€', and the one above r(lfcned to for smaH arms, a new sta-ndard floor case; and one for the accommodation of the sectionizi~d De Laval cr1•am sf:'parator; presented hy J. Bart.ram and Sons, in lH~O, were constructed. Glass was provided for the wall cases mentioned in last year·s report.

The whole of the roof lights were frosted at the end of November. ln connexion with the roof I would again point out its very unsatisfactory condition. Scarcely any rain falls without a leak showing somewhere. ln one iDBtance the water found its way into the case containing the model of the s.s. Ballara.t, but fortunately missed the model, otherwise it i~ certain irn•parablc harm would have been caused. This defective roof ia A

cona.tant source of trouble and anxiety, besides -at times entailing udditional work in going through the. ca-ses into which the water has penetrated. I strongly urge that some steps be taken immediately to have the necessary repairs efiected.

Mr. (Johb delivered his usual course of lectures to candidates for the certifieates of the Boo.rd of Ilca.lth.


I have the honour t,o be, Sir, Your obedient servant,



National Museum.

Report of the Curator.

To the Director, National !1 tt8PHM.

SrR, I have tln: honour to :mb~Lit the followi11p; r~.:port 1h~aiing "·ith th•· work of th\' Mmwum

for the past year : ·~· In view of the ;zyeatty rc.duced staff; tlH' work of thr: Museum has b('('U considf'rttbly

reatrict~d, and devOted l~rgely to the supel'visiou and care of tl1e SfH'cimens f'Xl:ibited ln the public gaH<:'ries and in the refer<'nce roomi>. lt has not }_,(;en possible to undertake' the preparation of any largr· mammals, and, cousC'lllH:ntly, some \'aluable specimens, including u full~gt•own Am.:rican Bison, not r<'jlr~;;wutl'd ln the MuKeum, offered by the Zoological and Acclimatizath)Il Sor.iety, w.'re unfortunately lmt t.o the institution.

Several important don<1tion11 were rcCi'iVI'tl, ehief ;J.Jl!ong which iH a very <·xto:·nsivc collection of Zoological, Pa.heont.ological, and F.tlmologieal material forrned by the late Mr. Georgc Sweet, and presented by hl6 daughter, Al".'me. I>rof. Cemglna Sweet, D.Sc. This coltc<:tlon, which is eontaincd in tt RPrie8 of cahindfl and etuws, indude~ an important sf;'rieR of coralr;, Khe-lls, &c., ohttlinf'd hy Mr. ~:hvN·t dnriug- thf' Fnnafuti Expedition in 18!17, A few year!) ago }fr. S-..veet pre::;ented the bulk of hlH valual1le fossil typPs, and the present co!lt>ction n:till further enriche-s our se-rlv:-~ anrl atldf; a large uumbf'T xwt prcvion~ly repre:-\entPcL

An exce(•dingly inter0~ting; and valuable collection of Australian Lejlidoptcraj forme;l byt]w late Dr. "\Y, l~lllott Drake, )f.A., a.nd ('Ompri~<in;~L OYt'l' 5,000 :>peciml'nx, wa1) preReUt('d by Mrs, C, 1L Dmh,

"Ir. lL L. 1Vhlte ha;;; W'l'F'rously eontinu(•d to add to the '·H. L. \Vhite Volh•ction ·~ of Australian Bird!'!, nea.rly 1,300 additionnl sp('einF'lH having b'-;en rccei\·ed during the n:ar. The~e inelude the well·known .. Carter Collt'dion," and a htrQe sf'riP.:I from Groote 'Rylnndt, a locality not previom~l:v· imrestigatrd. ·.

A serieH of gul"dt' lecture;) on Australlan Mammals, Bird:1, aml Ethnology wne given during the year, and 1 in addition. demon;;,tmtions in Rthnolo;..,ry, General Zoology, and Pahcontology wf'rc given to me-m hers of the Austruiian "\l~dieal A:.::sm•iation and tlw FiP-ld XaturaJiHts' Clnh.

1. ···-ZOO LOG\.

The n·~istration and cataloguing and labelling of ~he refcrew.:e colleetionF! has bct>n •:onliuu~"od. Tlri"l work, particularly in rP-gard to the·· H. l,. \-Yhit0 Collection"' of biHlA, has entaiicd ll large amount of work A considerable amouut of time wa:-:. also occupied in the sort~ng anU arranging of the· '' George S\vect Collection." A clMsification of the I:"eferencc collPction of marim• and hmd mollusea was comnH·nce.::l carlv in rlw Vi'~u. })ut, owing to pn'ssure of other wu1·k, it l1Ml to he rclinquish('d. · ~

The Articulator, !\'Tr. Moorc, has prepared a.)l(l mounted au excellent. ::;eries of disarti~ cnlated ~1amma1s' flkulll"\ 1 wltieh hrlV(\ hen1 plact>d ou exhibitirm.

The Entomological colkc~ions, under the care of :J'lr. F. P. Spry, han• lwPn added to <.-"cry con~idcrably during the by dom:ttion atttl t•xchangl'. As alre~tdy pointed out, this PoiJectlon, which ls prDbably the mor:t cxtf'nsin' of its kind in Austnt-ha, ha.s long out12rown thP cabinet spM'f', alHi furtlH'r aC'commotln.tion Is badly r•'qllire(t

1 r .-~~ff-N£RALOGY A_); ll {;EOLOGY.

A consitlerable number of rot:ks and mln<'rals were received during the y<'ar, and, in 1·he abscn(;e: of a Petrologi~>t>, Apecimen~ forwardPcl for id(•ntifkation have>, wherP neL't~;mury, been determined hy 1\ir. H. TI. \Valeott.


.\.mong the numerous donations received in the Paheontological seetion ia a fine represeutat,ive eollcct.ion of New Zealand Tertiary Fossils from the Director of the New Zealand f:eological Survey; Vitto:rian and Tasmanian Tertiary Fossils from 1\<lr. 1?. A. Cudmor(': South AnRtralian Fossils from Sir Douglas Mawson; and Devonian Conodonts from l\lr, llaymond Hibbard, of New York.

The Pab:·ontologist, Mr. Chapnmu) deYoH'd considerable time in sorting aml arrangin~ the largo:: st'tie8 of fossils containt-d in ehe " Georgc Sweet Collection.') whiclt i& now available for referrncr, and1 in addition, has dotermin<'d a large number of fossils submilkd for id(•ntlfkation, many of t!H' morf:' important being donated.

Hepo.!'tr; wPre furnhd1etJ : l, To ~ir Doughti! }'1awson.~··On <t C'olkction oi Fotisils fror:1 the Aloorlands Lignite

Fii'ld. South A uqralla. ::!. Dt:uarhJ,~nt of :;iin<'A, YiNoria.---On ~iturian and othN FoRsils from various

'localitlt•s. 3. Geo!ogictll Surn•y of ~outh ~\Utitralia,--- On :b"o~~ih fro1n the 1\ullarbor Jllain;;;,

SorL\:.h _\u~tralia.

Tlw follo\\'iH;; pa :wrs, ilealinf: wit L JTu-{t:Um nw terial, werl:' pn hli8:wd by )1r _ th&JiflJall during th~; yenr 1 D:Zl

"~otw.' Sihuia.n Tabubtc Con~l;;l," with tLn·e ldcJteM. Proc.. Hoy. Soc. Vict., VoL XXX I IL, M"'··

"The SpPciilr:. K~tn~e of the Aust-raHa-rr Aturia and :ts Di~trihutiw1." (with text-Jig.) lJro<'. Hoy. Sm•. Yic.t., VoL XXXJV., Oct.

''The Au:c' of tl:::.e lJonstnne BNls of 1·ht:l\Iornin~ton Penin;:,ula a:~ adduced from the _Marinf' Fauna.'' Proc. Hoy. Soc. Viet., Vol. XXXIV,, Oct.

H(•port of an i'Xtuuiuu.tion of l\Iateri<l-1 obtained from a Bur(' at Tor•luay. ltce:ouh; (1,•ol. Smn·y. Vict,, Vol. JV,_, pari 3.

1 rT .-··-ErHxot.O()Y.

Tlw rvgi.'<tratiou an,l catalo~:,ruiug of thb-1 eollectiou, ·which JlOW nUJnhl'.r~ 2:7,54-0 ... pocinwns, has he~·n kPpt up to da.h•, Two hundred and seventy~eight apt:rimens were rccf'ived l1y donation nud pnrchast'1 :1-ome of wbir·h hnvt' beC'n added to the publlc eoHection.

Among t.he more important additions i'i n ~er it·~ of C(•rcmoniul objt'ets irom Groote Eylandt, recvin·tl irom 1\lr. H. T.. Vv1>ite. Thl"se Me entire-ly n<•w to the colkction, and a spr•cial case ic> being conatrueted for titeir ree(•ption.

Tlu; Tnt-;.tecl'! are ahw iadehtr:d to tll~>, HeY .L E'1g:lish, 2\lrs. Robert Harpl'T1 Franeis Symc, F.s(h Dr. F.. 1<'. O'Sutllyan, A. S. Kcm·on, Exq. 1 and othf'rR, for various 1~thnologieal objects. ,

Tlw Guid(' to the . ..\u~tralia11 Ethnological f'olledh)HS ha,.; lwen out. of p:rl11t fo:r some con~idcralJle time. ln order to JiH'i't the r·ontinw;d application for eopies, n Third gdition ha:fi now b1'C:-l p)'epared Pml>rfH:lng- rpeent additions, whid1, it i~ cxpecte(l, ,,.jll shortly be a Wt-ilablo for (li~tribution.

The usual donation~ aml exehangps of hook:-; aud periodirui..:; ha.\~f' 1•('<'ll recf>in:J and catalo).!:HNl"

Than-the llonourto he, Sir,

Y om· obedient Se-no/ant,



By AnthotiLy: At.nEJtT J. }tuLLETT, Government Printt:r, Melbourne.

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