victorian fantasy - literature

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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By: Fábio Castellan

Victorian Fantasy:


Reality Fantasy

During the Victorian Age, most part of the children had to labour,St of the time under brutal conditions and long schedules, in order to help financially their families.

The interest for their view of the world and for their lost of innocence were the theme of many books produced at that time,creating a new genre of literature: the fantasy stories – also refered as nonsense literature for many authors and critics.

Tom Sawyer,by Mark Twain

David Copperfield,by Charles Dickens

Lewis Carroll: ( 1832-1898 )

His real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, but he is mostly none forhis pseudonym.

He was born in Chesire, a small Village in England.

Lewis went to Oxford, as his father did previously.

He was very good in mathematics and logic.

He then got a master’s degree and started teaching at Oxford.

Besides his mathematic skills, Lewis became famous for his both Alice’s stories: “Alice in Wonderland” and the sequel “Through the Looking-Glass”.

Lewis is suffers many critics for hiscontrovesive relationship with children; one phrase he said was:“I like children – except boys”.

He liked to draw and sometimesphotograph children naked, alwayswith the permission of their parents.

Alice’s photograph by Lewis.

Alice Pleasance Liddell:

She was the daughter of the dean,Henry George.

When they moved to Oxford, she met Lewis Carroll.

They had a very close relationship.

During a trip boat, she asked him totell her a story, wich was the basisof the book he would later write.

Tough Lewis denied, Alce Liddell is believed to have been theinspiration for Alice.

The book is the sequel of theprior Alice’s book: “The Adventures on Wonderland”

It tells about a dream Alide had:she wondered what was beneaththe mirror and she accidentalyfalls inside it, finding a world totallydifferent than the real.

The story is full of puzzles and“nonsense logic challenges”.

Nonsense literature book, “Jabberwocky”, wich can only be read with the aid of a mirror.

The garden of the speaking flowerswho mistake her as another flower.

The Chess Board in the Garden

“Faster, faster...”

Looking-Glass Insect

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

The Walrus and the Carpenter

The Lion and the Unicorn

Humpty Dumpty

Nursery Rhyme


The Red King Sleeping

Alce becomes “Queen Alice”and wins the game.

Alice wakes up from her dream.

She blames the blackKitty, not the

white one.

A boat beneath a sunny sky,Lingering onward dreamilyIn an evening of July--

Children three that nestle near,Eager eye and willing ear,Pleased a simple tale to hear--

Long has paled that sunny sky:Echoes fade and memories die.Autumn frosts have slain July.

Still she haunts me, phantomwise,Alice moving under skiesNever seen by waking eyes.

Children yet, the tale to hear,Eager eye and willing ear,Lovingly shall nestle near.

In a Wonderland they lie,Dreaming as the days go by,Dreaming as the summers die:

Ever drifting down the stream--Lingering in the golden gleam--Life, what is it but a dream?

Who Dreamed It?

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