video 249: the antediluvian aryan race and the world beneath … · 2021. 3. 23. · authors...

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Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 1

Video 249: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath Part 5

by Wes Penre, March 24, 2021

The video to this transcript can be found on our Video channel:


The Vril and Thule Societies

The Vril Society in Germany was officially founded in 19211 by a young woman named

Maria Orsic, born on October 31, 1885 in Zagreb, Croatia2. Some say that the idea behind

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Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 2

this secret society was based upon the teachings of the Order of the Black Stone, founded

in 12213, while others say it was inspired by the Rosicrucian author, Edward Bulwer-

Lytton’s book, The Coming Race4 from 1871, which is about a race of humanlike creatures

living underground in a vast subterranean world.

These beings were called vril-ya, and they were survivors of a great catastrophe, which

makes us think of the Great Deluge. They survived in their subterranean world by utilizing

an energy force they called vril. My research leads me to the conclusion that the Vril

Society was probably based on both Bulwer-Lytton’s book and the Order of the Black

Stone. The latter was based on old Babylonian and Sumerian theologies. Both the Order

3 4 Ibid.

Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 3

of the Black Stone and the Vril Society claimed to be in contact with beings from

Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus (the Pleiades)5.

Maria Orsic was also a self-proclaimed medium—what we today would refer to as a

channeler. She formed the Vril Society together with a group of like-minded women, who

grew their hair very long in an era where women usually cut their hair short. The Vril

group believed that their long hair worked as an antenna, making it easier to contact the

metaphysical realm.

5 Ibid.

Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 4

The Vril ladies believed that whoever becomes master of the Vril energy will be master of

themselves, others around them, and of the world. This is particularly interesting if we

think back on the Wes Penre Papers (WPP) and the nanoworld. One of my sources said

that “whoever is in charge of the nanoworld is in charge of the Universe,” and that’s

where the cosmic war comes into play between Orion and Yaldabaoth/ and his

Archons. To me, it seems like Vril, i.e., the Universal Energy is equivalent to what my

source talked about. The Vril Society’s belief was that the world will change “and the

‘Lords’ will emerge from the center of the Earth6.” The idea was that we humans need to

become ‘Lords’ (gods) ourselves, or we will be the slaves of the original Lords.

In 1919, two years before she founded the Vril Society, Maria Orsic allegedly met with the

Thule Society, which later became infamous for sponsoring Nazi Germany and helping


Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 5

Hitler to power. The meeting took place in a hunting lodge near Berchtesgarden in

Germany. The Thule Society was interested in the messages Maria had received during

her channelings. Maria brough two big piles of paper, showing to be transcripts of her

channeling sessions. She said the messages came from the Aldebaran star system. One

series of messages was written in a language Maria didn’t understand and couldn’t

decipher, but the Thule Society could help her with the translations—at least to some

degree—and it turned out to be in ancient Sumerian. The messages explained how to

build circular-shaped flying machines, operating off a mysterious energy force7—vril,

which is free energy.


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This is interesting because free energy and zero-point energy is a big discussion today—

Dr. Steven Greer being a forceful advocate for this. And where did he get the idea? Well,

he is connected to Carol Rosin, who was Dr. Wernher von Braun’s assistant. Von Braun

himself was a rocket engineer, brought over from Nazi Germany to the United States in

the so-called Operation Paperclip. It turns out that the Vril Society worked on developing

free energy; Nazi Germany did the same, von Braun and his team did the same, and now

Steven Greer is on the team since a few decades back. The question is, whom are they all

working for? Something to ponder and to connect the dots.

There were those who wondered why the Aldebarans would assist the Vril Society with

advanced technology such as the Vril machines. The answer was that “the Aldebarans saw

an economic disparity in Earth cultures that fueled perpetual conflict between the various

countries scattered around the planet. Free transportation, such as the Vril flying

machine, would provide easy movement between the countries that could alleviate the

division between the various nations8.” However, as the story goes, revealing this to the

Thule Society was putting this technology in the wrong hands. Then, it's debatable who

these channeled beings were, and if their intentions were really that good in the first

place, or if Nazi Germany was actually meant to get this technology from the beginning.

Regardless of how we look at it, it was an interference with a developing race (humans),

which is a cosmic no-no. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, this channel was not



Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 7

Authors Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels for their classic book, Mourning of the

Magician, were told by Dr. Willy Ley, who fled Germany in 1933, that the Vril Society

thought they could be equal to the Lords of the Underworld, and that they could be

transformed. These particular transformation theories were supposedly based on

Ignatius Loyola’s spiritual exercises—Loyola being a Jesuit. These Jesuit techniques of

concentration and visualization are very similar to other occult teachings, especially in

shamanic cults and Tibetan Buddhism. The Nazis took up these spiritual exercises,

believing they had been handed down from the master race of Atlantis. The correct use

of these techniques would reactivate the vril to dominate the rest of humanity9.

Some of Madame Helena Blavatsky’s work was also inspired by the occult writer, Edward

Bulwer-Lytton. From his work, much of the occult renaissance in the 19th Century had its

origin, spreading to the general public. Some Wild West outlaws, such as Bob Younger,

one of the Younger Brothers, read Madame Blavatsky in jail. She was very popular.

One website says, and I quote,

“In Lytton's The Coming Race, the subterranean people use the Vril Force to

operate and govern the world (a few children armed with vril-powered rods are

said capable of exterminating a race of over 22 million threatening barbarians).


Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 8

Served by robots and able to fly on vril-powered wings, the vegetarian Vril-ya are

— by their own reckoning — racially and culturally superior to everyone else on

Earth, above or below the ground. At one point the narrator concludes (from

linguistic evidence) that the Vril-ya are ‘descended from the same ancestors as the

great Aryan family, from which in varied streams has flowed the dominant

civilization of the world10.’"

This doesn’t mean that Lytton was correct, but it does mean that an entire movement

was apparently built upon his information, leading all the way from his narrative in 1871

to Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s and further into present time. These was the

intra-dimensional beings Hitler claimed to have met in a trance state. When he woke up

from this trance, which could have been induced by the Jesuit practices, he was terrified.

He told the officers of the Nazi Party that were present in his home at the time that they

were terrible, and he was shaking in fear11. Also compare these “Lords” from Inner Earth

with what is written in The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, where he describes these Lords in

detail. It’s easy to draw the connection between these Lords and the Archons in the

Gnostic texts, whereof Thoth (Athoth) is one of them.

The Thule Society shared the information they had been handed down from Maria Orsic’s

sessions, and they asked their most brilliant scientists if this information could be

accurate, and they replied that it was. Already in 1922, a blueprint and the first attempts

10 _Society.htm 11 The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft.

Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

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to create vril-driven flying saucers had been accomplished, although there was still much

to learn.

When Hitler came to power, he wanted these crafts as weapons in World War II, and

although his scientists seem to have been able to create some of these vehicles, they

didn’t have time to fully develop them before the end of the war. Some of them appeared

as the famous foo-fighters that were reported on by allied forces. There are those who

say that if Hitler would have been able to complete that mission, the war would have had

another outcome.

When Berlin was invaded in 1945, a great number of Nazis managed to flee Germany.

Some of them evidently landed in Argentina, who welcomed them, while others are said

to have fled to Antarctica, where they already had a large base, as discussed in an earlier

part in this series. Evidence points to that Hitler survived the war. Whether or not he first

went to Antarctica, I don’t know, but there is evidence enough that he eventually ended

up in Argentina and possibly ended his life there.

What happened to Maria Orsic and the Vril ladies, no one seems to know. They

disappeared at the end of the war. Some say they went to Antarctica with the rest of the

Video 249: The Vril and Thule Societies __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 10

Nazi crew, while others make claims that they fled to Aldebaran in an interstellar,

manmade ship, created from the technology they received while channeling.

As mentioned earlier, it doesn’t matter how much of this is true in essence. What matters

is that the Nazi government and others believed it and acted upon it.

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