video marketing for insane web traffic

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Explode your web traffic by using the power of video marketing. This handy little guide will reveal video marketing secrets to start pulling in mass traffic to your website today.


Video Marketing For Insane Web Traffic

By Paul Barnett

Why Video Marketing Is Good for Your Business

Video has become an essential tool in the internet marketing world. At one point all we had on a website were the dry sales letter or pages upon

pages of rambling text. That has all changed with the explosion of video sites.

When looking for video we all tend to gravitate to one site in particular - YouTube. This has become the world's most popular video site and

thousands of new videos are uploaded each day. You really can learn so many different things from YouTube and in some ways it has replaced the

television. There seems to be more interesting content to watch on YouTube than on the standard channels of national television.

Why YouTube is good for your business

Studies have shown people tend to prefer to watch video than read a long page of text. This is especially true when it comes to learning. If your

business is promoting a particular product then you could showcase this by making a video. You would explain in detail every little feature of the

product and because it is visual it engages people more.

Imagine how your audience are going to feel when they can see what you

have to offer. You are not simply telling them, but are giving them a visual experience. This can only be good for your business and sales.

The days of salesmen knocking on doors trying to sell products could be

coming to an end. All you would need to do is create a video explaining your product and then upload it to YouTube. Another great feature of

video hosting sites is that they allow you to add a description of your video along with a link back to your website. Think of all the traffic you

will be getting as a result of this. It can only be a win, win situation for your business.

As you may already know, a web business needs traffic because without it there really is not a business. Video marketing can help to drive that

traffic to your website 24 hours a day. Remember sites like YouTube are universal which means when you are sleeping someone in a different part

of the world could be watching your video. Imagine waking up to sale upon sale as a result of your video marketing.

You do not have to load just one video to a video site. Why not send many? The more ways you have of promoting yourself the better. You

may have more than one product or service you need to promote and this platform provides you with an ideal opportunity to do so.

Video really does take your marketing forward and is without doubt the

future. Experiment with this new way of marketing and see how your business changes. The great thing is that it is a low cost way of

marketing. You could even do it for free in many cases. Ensure that your video is of a good standard and the audio is clear. Give the viewer a great

experience and you will both benefit.

9 Video Sites to Upload Video

Video is great for getting your message across, whether it is a sales message, a tutorial, a movie trailer etc. The new media revolution has

seen online video take centre stage.

Here are 9 great video sites for hosting your video content.

1) YouTube

The world's premier video site - untouchable in terms of traffic and

popularity. Recognised globally as the video site of choice. Millions of videos are uploaded each week onto the site and there is no sign of this

slowing down. Expect massive traffic from YouTube if you host a video that has valuable content.

2) Flickr

You may be thinking this site is just for photos, well think again. You can now post video to the site also, although only 90 seconds worth. This

could be enough for a sales message as people don't always want to watch a video that goes on and on. As a basic member you can post 2

videos a month. Pro members get to post unlimited videos each month. The beauty of this site is that it has a huge subscriber base and you will

be able to take advantage of all that potential traffic.

3) Vimeo

Vimeo tends to house more creative style videos and can be seen as a

kind of arty video site. You won't find many wedding, baby or dog type videos on here. Vimeo allows you to share your video to groups or

channels. Another great feature is a video school that helps you to create better videos. A basic member has a weekly upload capacity set at

500mbs, but a pro account will be higher at 5gbs and unlimited HD



This site tends to prefer video in episode type format and encourages

people to post regularly. Content must be of a high standard. Blip distributes through the major video platforms such as YouTube so you will

have little trouble maximizing exposure. The site will support uploads of 1gb and a pro account will offer even more features. You are also able to

sign up for an advertising account and the revenue is split 50/50. You can use the dashboard to plan out your web series as well as use analytics.

5) Veoh

What's great about this site is that the video you upload can be of any size. Short clips as well as full length movies are common here. Because

of the unrestricted video size, this site has attracted many great quality films and clips. The interface is also clever enough to make uploading a

video a joy. If you don't want video size restrictions then Veoh could be the video site for you.

6) DailyMotion

Videos of different lengths, organised by category are popular here. You will find a lot of amateur material, but the site generally is heavy on the

promotion of professional quality video. The site is community based and you are encouraged to add others to your contacts and supply feedback.

Video storage capacity is limited to less than 150 mb and clips should be

less than 20 mins each. High definition video is only available to pro accounts.

7) Viddler

This site is more suited to business and companies. There is not so much

in the way of amateur looking content here. You are allowed to distribute

videos to iTunes, use analytics, customize the video player as well as add comments to videos. There is even an ad network that enables you to

monetize your video.

8) Metacafe

Founded in 2002 in Tel Aviv, this site focuses on short form entertainment

and gets more than 40 million unique viewers each month. It has exclusive technology that helps it expose the most entertaining content.

Also it rewards the creators of video for their best work.

9) yFrog

You may be familiar with this site for its photo sharing facilities for

Twitter, but did you know it also supports video? It allows you to upload a

video and post to Twitter all from the same place. yFrog is really a site

that blends well with social media so your video stands a good chance of mass exposure.

The Growth of YouTube

YouTube has become the number one site for video content. People are familiar with it world over and new content is added to it each day. The

phenomenal growth of YouTube means you can watch music videos, movie trailers, how to videos etc. You are bound to find something of

interest on the site.

2011 saw the site turn in its eleventh year. It's been an incredible success

story and it keeps on growing every year. It's incredible to think that 48 hours of video is posted to YouTube every single minute. The number of

videos uploaded has doubled over the last year also, making it the best site out there for quality video content.

The highest numbers of YouTube views were recorded on the weekend of

21st May 2011. They hit a massive figure of over 3 billion views per day. This is a 50% increase on the amount of videos viewed during the same

period in 2010. For anyone who has a business, product or service they

want to promote, this is quite simply phenomenal traffic.

It is now possible to upload a video directly from a mobile phone. The advances in Smartphone technology in recent years has made this

possible. In fact the recent events in countries such as Syria, Libya and Egypt have prompted many people to upload videos in order to share

their experience. This is of great value to others who are not present in these countries to experience these events.

What can video do for your product or service?

Just think for a moment how a video sharing site can benefit your business. Are you struggling to get clients? Perhaps you would like to gain

even more clients and are looking to expand globally. Whether you are promoting a service or a product you will find videos will really propel

your business forward. Imagine being able to convey to an audience every little feature of your product or service. If they find what you are

offering to be of interest to them they will be flocking to your website.

Now you can watch on YouTube, full length movies and some TV shows

for a small fee. This has helped increase the audience of YouTube. Music festivals and live events have also partnered with YouTube to have their

content streamed into homes. The recent royal wedding in London was

streamed all around the world to a massive audience. This is of great benefit to people who do not have access to a television set at the time of

the event.

YouTube pretty much has no competition at the present time. More and more people are uploading videos to their service. Even some still and

video cameras have a facility to upload videos to the site. Smartphones also have a button for uploading videos quickly and easily. See how you

or your business can benefit from the power of video.

Why Video Seeding Is Essential for Your Business

The rise of social media sites such as Facebook in recent years has helped shaped the way we communicate with each other. Now businesses are

seeing the potential of social media sites as a way to promote their products. One way of doing this is by using something called video


What is video seeding?

Video seeding is a way in which you can advertise your company, product

or service using the power of blogs, video and social media sites. It relies on word of mouth, digital PR and on site marketing to get the video

viewed on high competition sites such as YouTube.

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube give you the

ability to share a video that you like. This makes the video into what is known as a viral video. The more people that share it the more it spreads,

rather like a virus. Obviously the more people that see the video can only be good for your business. If they like what they are seeing then they will

want to come to your website to investigate further.

If you host a video on YouTube you are given some embed code, which

you can then use to embed your video onto a blog or another social media site. It really is as simple as that. Think of the power that will give

you for spreading your message right across the World Wide Web. Think of what it could do for your conversions. If you are not using online video

then you really ought to look into it right now.

Of course not all videos can be treated equal. Just because one video gets

viewed by many people, it does not mean yours will also. In order to have a successful video seeding campaign and get views, you need to engage

your viewer somehow. Perhaps add some humour to the video or even an unusual hook. If you look at some of the best advertising campaigns on

TV over the years it is not difficult to see why those adverts were successful. The only branding you need to do is right at the end of the

video when you can embed your website link.

With one click of the mouse a user can send your video all over the internet. That kind of power is just not possible in traditional advertising

such as a magazine. How many times do people cut things out of

magazines and pass them on? The truth is not very often these days.

Social media allows you to comment on videos, share, tag etc, with just one mouse click. This is the modern way of marketing and advertisers

know they can reach a wider audience this way. Even some movies are advertised on Facebook during the production stage so that they drum up

enough interest.


The power of social media and video is an advertisers dream. They know

they have the chance to get their message across using a whole new paradigm. If you want to get new clients and improve your conversions,

then isn't it about time you looked into creating a good video and taking advantage of video seeding?

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